If the language of love is UN-ending
then why am I so lost for words?
if there is reason and rhyme in poetry
then why can’t I simply be heard?
If the heart knows no boundaries in loving
and the soul nows how to find its own twin,
then how come my heart and my soul are alone
and I feel so much emptiness within?
If your eyes can seek out so much beauty
and your senses can evolve everyday,
then why are my eyes and my senses so weak
and why do they control me this way?
I try everyday to be strong Love
and I pray every night for your smile,
If I ache every moment that we are apart
then I wonder if this has all been worth while.
How much longer must I ache for your presence?
How many hours must I long for your touch?
And how many times must I whisper these words
“My Darling I miss you so much.”