I can SO relate to this!! Ha! I think this is one of your best works by far. Very raw, emotional and tragic. But being the dreamy-me, I would encourage a few ellipses here or there. But great job!
You asked me to read your words and comment, to help you improve your writing.
I can see your reverence for Edgar Allen Poe in these lines. He was clearly a master of his art, but his art is dated, less modern than when it appeared. Very few can write lines in rhyme and accomplish their goal. My own words don't come in metered, rhyming form, but fall straight down like the rain.
Possibly the best advice I could give you would be to write your heart, write what you know, don't over-inflate the dramatic, misery should be described scientifically, if it must be done.
By now, I've been asked by several young men just your age, the same question you asked me. I've been privileged to watch them learn and grow in the forum over the years. Like young trees that blossom and leave and spread strong branches.
Such a deep tragedy. A saddening and hurtful poem to read. lovely, and heartbreaking.
"It was her left eye that teared, but her heart that cried"
I loved this line. :)
The beginning made it seem like this was going to be a cliche break-up poem, but as I kept reading, this really dragged me in. The line "But this kitchen knife does and it can set me free" was impressive.
Omg, i think this is the most powerful peace of work i've ever read on writerscafe. I've had dreams like this :s everything's worded well, full of emotion and pain. The words suck you in and make you feel empty like your there yourself. But the scenes so horrific it numbs you inside. A brilliant read and overly well wrote :'3