![]() Blurbs!A Chapter by E. M. DuBois![]() Praise for The Pizza Deli! (… except not really, though.)![]() Satire - [sat-ahyuh r] n.: the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
Parody - [par-uh-dee] n.: a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing.
Subtlety - Definition Not Found
Praise for E. M. DuBois’ “The Pizza Deli”: “The most perfect work to ever grace the genre of political satire!”... said no one. Ever. “It’s good, right?” I asked my local neighborhood book club, receiving a few nods out of pity and a shrug of indifference. “You won’t ever need to read another political novel after this!” claimed a conspiracy theorist, who’d been banned from nearly all social media and other internet platforms, as he adjusted his well-crafted tinfoil hat. “Probably because the liberals are dumbing down Americans to the point they won’t know how to read anymore! Now, let me tell you how the government’s putting chemicals in the water that’s turning the freaking frogs--” (Anyone know how long it takes for a Restraining Order to take effect?) “This is the best thing I’ve read in my life!” said this one homeless guy living behind a Cig Shack after I’d paid *AHEM!* I mean “donated” twenty bucks to him. “How’d you get in my house?” praised my next-door neighbor. “Council, please advise Mr. DuBois that my courtroom is no place to beg for endorsements for his passion-projects,” came the glowing words of Her Honor. “Yeah, dude, it’s great! Really, I mean it! Now, please, just put the gun down! Seriously, I got a wife and kids, man!” Anonymous--I have the right to remain silent. Anything I say can and will be used against me in a Court of Law... “This is an arraignment, Mr. DuBois, so your Motion to ‘Request blurbs from the jurors’ is irrelevant. And if you enter a plea of ‘greatest satirical writer of the 21st Century’ one more time, so help me God, I’m going to throw you in a mental institution right now and throw away the key.” “You write books?” asked my old imaginary friend, Bob, from inside our padded cell. “Never heard of you.” © 2019 E. M. DuBoisAuthor's Note
Added on November 6, 2019 Last Updated on November 6, 2019 Tags: The Pizza Deli, Blurbs, political satire, teen Author![]() E. M. DuBoisFind Me, Earth, WIAboutWell, I am a former Marine (Infantryman to be exact,) though I try not to let that influence my writings too much, I LOVE the black and white theme of this place, and I feel right at home writing and .. more..Writing