Mr. Skinny Jeans

Mr. Skinny Jeans

A Poem by SmileBig :)

Her eyes lower as a pair of skinny jeans struts into the room, faceless because she refuses to make eye contact, immediately walking towards her general vacinity, and it makes her cringe with delight and pain all at once. She stands there, solid as a stone but breaking like waves on the shoreline underneath her skin, she is cracking with no words to describe what she’s feeling as he continues walking in her direction and stops in front of her. Says hi like nothing ever happened, like their past didnt exist, gives her a hug like he doesn't know she still has feelings for Mr. Skinny Jeans. She doesn't want to play pretend but it might be the only way to keep her friend. She's lying, smiling while her heart is pounding, hugging back even when she wants to step away, because she's hoping that one day… the pain will subside, and her smile will stop being a lie, she’s hoping one day…the feelings for him will disappear…but will that day ever…be here? 



© 2017 SmileBig :)

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Break up and getting over it is devastating.
And this's what a lover from a broken relationship doing... That after love, not war.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 6, 2017
Last Updated on May 6, 2017


SmileBig :)
SmileBig :)

Hi! How are you all doing? Writing, teaching, and math are my passions, if you're curious. I have so much love for math. It makes me feel alive. more..
