The Hijab

The Hijab

A Chapter by SmileBig :)

New poem: The Hijab

You talk, but no one hears what you say,
You cry and no one sees your pain.
You listen, but you don't say a word,
Because you're afraid; afraid of getting hurt.

You think people don't care about you,
You try to act like its ok.
You start to believe what the people say is true,
Because they tell you every single day.

You find yourself wanting to dissapear
But no matter what, you're "stuck" here.
People throw paper airplanes at your head,
Tell you "because of your kind, thousands are dead."

All this harrasment, and all this abuse,
It's because you wear a hijab to cover your hair.
Our generation looks at you as the accused,
But I don't, because I love you, because I care.


Old poem: The Person In The Scarf

You talk but no one hears you 
You cry but no one see's 
You listen but you don't respond, 
This is how you'll always be. 

People don't care about you, 
They don't care what you say, 
And when you're crying? 
They don't wipe the tears away. 

They pretend you don't exist, 
Because you're only trouble, 
They trip you while you're walking, 
So they can see you stumble. 

They laugh when you're screaming, 
Because they love to see your pain, 
They harass you with bad words 
 "Go back to where you came!" 

You wear a scarf around your head, 
To cover up your hair. 
This is the only reason, 
People bring you this dispair.

They don't bother to know why, 
You do the things you do, 
They just think its strange, 
So they make fun of you.  

But really, they're just jealous, 
Of the person that you are. 
To me atleast, you're not only, 
The person in the scarf. 

You are beautiful and smart, 
You don't care what people say, 
You're proud of who you are, 
Day after every single day. 

Perfect in every single way.

© 2013 SmileBig :)

Author's Note

SmileBig :)
Can you please give me an opinion? I really think the edited version is much better then the original, but I would love some other people's views.

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Original is better.
It is compact and its quite clear.
Thanks for sharing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I liked both poems of how misconception not only effects the one doing the looking but the one being looked at and if a person doesn't meant our social construct the Society ridicules a form of peer pressure. I like how you worded both poems from the point of view of the one being ridiculed and the pain that person feels. I like the meter,the feel, and the overall picture that both these poems make one picture.Nice.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like the original more, gives a more in depth description of this girl and what she faces. Also, If i may correct in stanza five you misspelled despair. Great read though :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like both, they are written well. They are both thought out and are sentimental. Both make you stop and think of how you treat others who are different.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Loved the original. Felt much more...sentimental. :)

Great message!


Posted 11 Years Ago

I like the original better.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 1, 2013
Last Updated on July 1, 2013


SmileBig :)
SmileBig :)

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