4. Go for the Kill

4. Go for the Kill

A Chapter by Avangeline Lightwood

Magnus finds Alec after he is attacked by a demon that is strong enough to kill four men in one swipe. (Narrator POV)


   It was the third day since Magnus had seen Alec after the Shadowhunter told Magnus to leave him alone. Alec couldn't stop thinking about what he had said to Magnus, so he decided to go on a demon hunt to clear his mind. There weren't any hunts he was allowed to go on, so Alec decides to go on a forbidden hunt. There was said to be a demon roaming Brooklyn that had to be taken down by a group of elite Shadowhunter's, not just one. But honestly, since when did Alec care about that stuff?

  " Alec!" a female voice calls

  Alec turns around and lets out a sigh of relief. It was only Isabelle, his sister.

  " Yes Issy?" He asks, acting clueless

  Isabelle walks over to him and crosses her arms. " Where do you think you're going?"

  Alec forces a smile, " Just out for a walk. I need to clear my mind."

  Isabelle stares Alec down, " Is this about Magnus Bane?" She asks

  " What? Of course not." Alec tells her, " Why would it be? He has nothing to do with me."

  Alec's heart raced in his chest. He didn't know why, he didn't want to love the High Warlock of Brooklyn, but something about Magnus Bane just caught him.

  Isabelle nods slightly, not believing a word her brother said. " Alright then." She smiles, " Good night."

  Once Isabella is gone, Alec grabs his seraph blade and other throwing knives and hides them in his jacket and boots. Alec sneaks down the hallways of the Institute to the front door. He knows that if Jace catches him he wont be able to escape. When he's at the door Alec slips out easily and catches a cab to Brooklyn

   Once in Brooklyn, Alec makes his way to the park, where the sighting was. When he gets there he see's something rustling in the bushes. Alec pulls out his seraph blade and creeps quietly to the bushes. He stops when he see's the flick of the demons tail, the demon steps out of the bushes and towers over Alec, baring its pointed teeth. Alec tightens his grip on the seraph blade and gasps a little as the demon emerges completely from the bushes. The demon crouches down and growls lowly at the Shadowhunter as he backs up a few feet. The demon lashes its tail and jumps towards Alec.

  Alec stares up at the demon and quickly dashes out of the way. He had no idea the thing was this big. Alec runs and jumps onto the demons back, stabbing it in the neck. The demon roars and tosses Alec of his back, sending him flying across the park. Alec pushes himself up off the ground, blood dripping down his arm. He turns back to the demon who's barreling towards him. Alec runs towards the demon and jumps up into the air, his seraph blade cutting along the demons head. He stands on the demons back and digs the blade into its back. When that doesn't work, Alec pulls out a bunch of daggers and tosses them into the demons back. But it only makes the demon even more angry. The demon reaches back and grabs Alec by the ankle, pulling him off his back.

  Alec hangs upside down, face to face with the demon. The tail of the demon snakes around Alec's waist and tightens around him until he can hardly breath. His arms flail, scratching at the demon, trying to get it let go. Alec plunges the seraph blade into the demons tail and it screeches in pain, throwing Alec against a tree. The impact was so hard the tree snaps a little. Alec coughs and sputters up blood, he grips his side tightly. When he pulls his hand away it's covered with crimson blood. The demon growls at Alec and swats at him like a fly with his paw. Alec goes soaring through the air, landing hard on his back on the grass. The stars in the sky blurred together as Alec fights unconsciousness. He was going to die. He knew he was going to die. There was know way he would be able to get to his feet and kill the demon. It was stupid of him to have though he could have done this alone. Alec can hear the demon running towards him.

  " Stupid Magnus Bane..." Alec murmurs as black blotches fly in front of his eyes

  He closes his eyes, ready for the demon to kill him. But before it can there's a loud shrill scream and a large fizzing noise. There are soft foot steps that get a little loud as they approach Alec.

  " Who's the stupid one?" A deep voice asks

  Alec blinks, trying to clear his vision. He can see a looming shape over him, kneeling down beside him. A soft hand brushes his cheek and pulls him into their arms. Alec reaches up with a shaking hand and touches the mans face.

  " M-Magnus?" Alec whispers

  Magnus smiles and shakes his head at Alec. " You're so stupid Blue Eyes... You could've died..."

  Alec opens his mouth to retort but a wave of nausea and dizziness over takes him. His eyes flutter a little before he passes out. Magnus collects Alec into his arms and brings him to his house. He sets the Shadowhunter on a spare bed and collects some herbs and medicines from a cabinet. Magnus sets them on a table next to the bed and looks at Alec. His face had blood on it but he was still stunning. Magnus leans down and kisses the Shadowhunters forehead.  

   " Don't worry Blue Eyes," He says, " You'll be fine."

  Magnus examines the wounds and slowly undoes the buttons and zippers on Alec's jacket, pulling it off gently. Magnus traced his finger tips over Alec's runes, wondering what each one meant exactly. The Warlock grabs the medicines and starts applying them to the deep gashes in the Shadowhunters sides and arms. Sparks flew from Magnus' finger tips as he worked on healing the wounds. Alec, still unconscious, writhed in pain and sweat beaded down his forehead. Magnus chewed on his bottom lip, he hated to see Alec in so much pain. When the bleeding stopped, Magnus sighed and sat back. The damage had taken a toll on Alec's body, the demon has stuck him with poison but Magnus was able to get it out of his system.

  Alec had calmed down and laid still on the bed, breathing softly. The Warlock goes into the kitchen and fills a bowl with water and puts a cloth in it. He takes it over to Alec and sets it on the table, soaking the cloth. Magnus wrings the cloth out and dabs at Alec's forehead, cleaning the blood up. He watches the Shadowhunters lips taking in air slowly and letting it back out, watching his chest rise and fall. Magnus dips the cloth in the water and wrings it out again, moving it down Alec's neck. Alec moves slightly but remains asleep. Magnus smiles and cleans the blood off of Alec's stomach and sides. The sparkles in Magnus' hair flutter down and land in the Shadowhunters hair and face. Magnus rests his head on his arms, leaning against the bed he drifts off to sleep.

  It was two hours before Alec woke up. His eyes fluttered before opening completely, he turned his head side to side, trying to figure out where he was. Alec did a double take and looked back to his left where Magnus' head laid on the bed. Alec watches him sleep, taking in every little detail of Magnus' sleeping face. He turns on his side a little and runs his hand over Magnus' forearm. Magnus moves his head and Alec pulls his hand back quickly and sits up. Alec freezes and looks down at the bandages around all of his wounds. He smiles a little before realizing something... His shirt is gone and the blood was all cleaned up! A deep blush crosses the Shadowhunters face as he thinks about Magnus taking his shirt off and washing the blood from his body.

  There's a loud crash and Magnus wakes with a startle that nearly makes him fall on the floor. Alec had knocked over the medicine bottles as he tried to grab his cloths all in a jumble. He tried to run towards the door but slipped on one of the liquid medicines, but just before he hit the floor, Magnus caught him.

  " Why are you in such a rush?" He asks with a dashing smile, " It's not every day the High Warlock of Brooklyn tends to you."

  Alec glares at Magnus as his face reddens. He smacks Magnus' hands away from him and stands up.

  " I-I don't need your help." Alec stammers

  Magnus crosses his arms, " Oh really now? If I hadn't of found you that demon would have killed you. If I hadn't of healed you, the poison would have killed you slowly and painfully!"

  Alec bites his lip and looks at Magnus. " You healed me...?"

 The Warlock rolls his eyes, " Well of course I did. It's not like your wounds magically healed. Well... They did, but they wouldn't have without me!"

  The Shadowhunter sits on the pink couch and hugs his shirt to his chest. Magnus sighs and sits next to him and looks at him from the corner of his eye.

  " Blue Eyes... I-" Magnus starts but Alec cuts him off

  " I'm sorry Bane. I didn't mean to sound so cold or rude. I just have a hard time... Expressing my feelings..." Alec admits sheepishly

  Magnus' stares at Alec in a bit of shock, " Feelings? Ah.. W-What feelings are you talking about?"

  Alec's eyes widen and he gets all flustered. " I-I mean feelings of gratitude! Uhm, thankfulness? I-I didn't mean anything, um, like that or anything!?" Alec stumbles on each word he said, making it sound less and less like the truth.

  Magnus smiles and laughs a little, which makes Alec more embarrassed. " You know..." Magnus says when he finally stops laughing, " At the park, I think that was the first time you called me by my first name."

  " R-Really?" Alec looks at Magnus and his heart pounds against his chest.

  Alec's cheeks are flushed pink and Magnus' heart beat thuds loudly.  They both look at each other and their eyes connect. Alec plays with the shirt in his hand nervously as Magnus reaches over to him and places his hand on Alec's leg. Alec closes his eyes as a weird feeling shoots through his body, radiating off of Magnus' touch. He can feel the Warlocks other hand slip around his waist, pulling him closer. Alec feels the warm, sweet breath of Magnus on his cheek. He parts his lips slightly, waiting for the Warlock to kiss him. Their lips are inches apart when the phone rings, making the both jump in surprise. Magnus clears his throat and stands up, Alec quickly puts his shirt on and follows Magnus to the kitchen where the phone is.

  He picks the phone up and there's a blaring voice on the other end. " WHERE IS MY BROTHER MAGNUS BANE!?!?!?!" Isabelle yells

  Alec fiddles with his hands and looks down when Magnus looks over his shoulder at him.

  " So nice to hear from you Isabella Lightwood." Magnus says sweetly, " Why do you possibly assume I know where your dear brother is?"

  There's a moment of silence before Isabelle speaks, " He's been gone for much longer than a ' walk ' takes."

  The Warlock sighs and leans against the wall with the phone held between his shoulder and ear. " I saw Alec walking all alone so I decided to invite him to my house to warm up from the cold."

  " You better not have done anything to him Bane! I know what you're like!" Isabelle says

  Alec blushes madly at the thought of what those words could mean. What was Magnus about to do? Alec was wondering.

  " Don't worry your pretty little head over it. I didn't touch him. " Magnus says

  What a lie, Alec thinks.

  Isabella sighs, " Bring him home Bane. Jace and I are worried sick."

  Jace!? Oh no, this isn't going to go well.

 " Alright alright. I'll bring him back right now." Magnus hangs the phone up and watches Alec.

  The Shadowhunter looks up a little at Magnus.

  " Your sister demands I bring you back to the Institute." He says, walking over to Alec, " Though I would much rather keep you here with me."

  Alec tries to keep his cool and not blush or say anything rash. So he bites his tongue and stays quiet. Magnus takes Alec's hand and kisses his fingertips.

  " Come on." He says, pulling Alec close, " I'll take you home by magic." Magnus snaps his fingers and they disappear from his house, appearing just inside the Institute doors.

  When Alec opens his eyes, Magnus' arms are wrapped around his waist. He wiggles and frees himself just as Jace and Isabelle come running down the stairs.

  " Alec! We were so worried when you didn't come back!" Isabelle says, nearly in tears, " We thought you might have gone after that demon in Brooklyn!"

  Magnus smiles, " Why would he ever do that? It would be completely stupid." He emphasized the word stupid.

  Alec shakes his head and turns back to Isabelle. " I'm sorry I worried you Issy."

  Jace looks at Magnus with a stone cold expression then looks to Alec. " Yes, we were very worried. Who knows what could have happened to you out there." He says bluntly

  Alec gives Jace a weak, forced smile and looks away. Alec thought he was in love with Jace, but now that Magnus had almost kissed him he was no longer sure about how he felt towards either of them.

  " Come now Alec, I want to talk to you." Issy says and leads Alec up the stairs

  Magnus and Jace stand there, facing each other with blank expression. The Warlock nods slightly and turns to leave but Jace stops him.

  " I don't know what you have in mind for Alec, but don't even try. He's a Shadowhunter, a mortal. You, you're a Warlock, an immortal. I don't want Alec getting hurt." Jace says to Magnus

  " You think wrong Wayland. I have no motives for Alec Lightwood." Magnus says with a fake smile as he walks out the door.


  Alec and Isabelle sit upstairs in his room. Jace joins them a short while after talking to Magnus.

  " Why were you with Magnus Bane?" Jace asks

  Alec glances at him then shrugs. " It would've been rude to ignore him..."


  Isabelle's eyes go wide. " Rude? Since when were you one to care about being rude to people?" She asks

  Alec runs his through his hair and ignores the question. That was a stupid answer, because Alec was never courteous to anyone. Not even the Clave. He stands up and walks towards the door but Jace puts his arm out and stops him. Isabelle gets up and stands next to Alec.

  " Magnus Bane likes you." She says plainly

  Alec's heart thuds against his chest. " W-What are you talking about Issy? That's crazy."

  Jace shakes his head. " It's obvious. He may not act like it, but it's clear he has feelings for you. He isn't one to bother himself with just anyone."

  Alec trembles slightly and pushes past Jace and runs to his room, locking the door behind him. Magnus Bane couldn't possibly like him. Why would he? He's a High Warlock, he could have anyone he pleased, especially immortal. Alec turns the light out and gets into bed, closing his eyes. He didn't want to think about it but his heart kept racing in his chest, continually reminding him that Magnus had almost kissed him.

  " He doesn't like me..." Alec whispers to himself.




© 2014 Avangeline Lightwood

My Review

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The fight sequence was obscure for me (as I'm not much of a supernatural reader) but the middle half was good, description, language.. there's an air of haunting romance in evetything. The end (last coupleof lines) are kinda different from middle part, in the sense that they show a change in Alec's perception and that has kept me interestedin reading the next chapter right away.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nicely written, can't wait to read more

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 29, 2014
Last Updated on February 7, 2014


Avangeline Lightwood
Avangeline Lightwood

The Institute of New York

My name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help coming up with a story title or plot you can ask .. more..
