2. I Almost Killed You

2. I Almost Killed You

A Chapter by Avangeline Lightwood

Alec Lightwood goes out by himself to Brooklyn on a demon hunt. While he's out, he runs into Magnus, nearly plunging his seraph blade through the Warlock's heart. Literally. (Narrator POV)


   Alec Lightwood left the Institute once it got dark and went demon hunting. He had received a report of a demon wandering the streets and that it was weak enough for a single Shadowhunter to take on. Alec walks through the streets of Brooklyn to the location of the demon. The streets were bare and the street lamps flickered. Alec turned down a back alley where the demon was. When Alec got to the back of a row of buildings, there was a demon already there, as if waiting for Alec to show up. Alec pulled out his seraph blade and the demon hissed, charging towards Alec.

    Alec took a fighting stance position. The demon lunged itself at Alec and his blade went right through the demon's 'heart', bursting into flames. Alec put the blade into his belt and stood there.

   " That was really easy..." He grumbled. Alec had hoped that it would have been more of a challenge.

   Behind Alec, a shadowy figured moved. As it got closer to him, Alec could begin to sense it's presence. A Downworlder. Alec thought. He carefully reached down to his belt, pulling out his seraph blade and whipping around quickly. He had the blade right up to the Downworlder's neck.  

   " Woe woe, calm down Blue Eyes." Magnus says with a sly smile.

   " Bane!" Alec gasps, sheathing his sword quickly, " I almost killed you!"

   Magnus grins and touches Alec's dark hair, twisting a strand of it in his hand. " Why do formal, Blue Eyes?"

   Alec glares at Magnus and pushes his hand away. " Why are you here?" Alec asks, ignoring Magnus' question.

   Magnus shrugs. " Just talking a late night walk is all." He replies

   Before Alec can say anything, there's a few rain drops and then the rain starts to pour down on them. The two are drenched within seconds. Magnus takes Alec's hand and starts leading him towards his house, surprisingly, Alec doesn't resist.

   " I hate the rain..." Alec mutter's when they get inside Magnus' house

   Magnus chuckles and tosses a pink towel on Alec's head. Alec takes the towel and begins drying his hair. A pool of water forms around Alec as his cloths drip from the rain. Magnus rifles through his closest and pulls out the plainest outfit he has and hands it to Alec.

   " Put this on." He says

   " But I-" Alec begins to protest but Magnus cuts him off

   " You'll catch a cold if you stay in those cloths." Magnus walks over to the kitchen, " Honestly, what were you thinking? Going out in the cool night without a sweater or jacket."

   Alec childishly glares at Magnus and begins to change. The Warlock is surprised he didn't request a place to change in private. Magnus watches Alec's every move from taking his shirt of to putting the new one on. Alec unclips his belt buckle when he notices Magnus watching.

   " Why are you watching me?" Alec hisses

   Magnus looks away. " Sorry sorry."

   Alec finished changing and walks cautiously into the kitchen where Magnus is making tea.

   " I should really get home now. Izzy will be worried about me." Alec says

   Magnus shakes his head. " It's raining way to much out there for me to allow you to go back. I don't want you getting in a car accident."

   Alec is getting annoyed by this point, " I don't need you to worry about me, and I don't want to impose on you anymore. I can get home perfectly fine-"

   " Alexander!" Magnus raises his voice and the lights flicker

   Alec sucks his breath in and steps back, being momentarily scared of the Warlock. Magnus relaxes and looks at Alec's blue eyes.

   " Just stay here until the storm lets up, okay?" Magnus asks calmly

   Alec leans back against the wall, crossing his arms. " Fine..." He grumbles

   Magnus turns towards Alec and steps closer to him. Poking him in between his eyes. " Stop frowning all the time Blue Eyes. You'll get wrinkles at a young age." Magnus comments with a smile

   Alec swats at Magnus' hand but the Warlock moves his hand away quickly. " I don't need your advice. It's nothing you need to fret about."

  Magnus puts the tea cups on a tray and sets them on the coffee table in the living room. He gestures to the couch and Alec sits down in the middle of the couch. Magnus sits next to him so Alec scooches down a little. He gingerly sips at the tea in silence, neither one of them says a single word for the longest time. Breaking the silence comes a loud clash of thunder and lightening. Alec cringes at the echoing the house makes out of the thunder. Magnus looks at Alec in shock. This brave Shadowhunter feared thunder?

   Another crash of thunder causes Alec to jump so much the tea cup tumbles out of this hand and crashing on the floor. Lightening strikes and the house is filtered with the light and making the power go out. Magnus could just make out the Shadowhunter in the dark room. Alec was cringing still, hands over his ears. The Warlock smiles with sympathy and moves down the couch to be sitting right next to Alec. Magnus puts a hand on Alec's shoulder and another on his knee. The Shadowhunter's eyes whip up to Magnus and stare at him intensely.

   The Warlock put his finger under Alec's chin and tilted the Shadowhunter's head up. Magnus hardly knew what he was doing, there was just something about the Shadowhunter that drove the Warlock crazy. He wanted to kiss Alec so much... Alec was frozen, he didn't understand what was happening, considering he had never ever kissed anyone in his life before. Magnus' heart was beating quickly, which never happened with anyone. His lips were inches from Alec's when another rumble of thunder clashed and brought Alec to his senses. The Shadowhunter pushed the Warlock away from him and stood up as fast the lightening outside.

   Magnus stared at Alec, had coming to his own senses too. Alec was unhappy and frankly ticked off. The Shadowhunter grabbed his twin knives and ran out of the house without collecting his other cloths. The rain dripped down Alec's face and soaked the outfit Magnus had lent him. His heart was racing so fast, and Alec didn't know why. I'm in love with Jace! Not that Warlock! He told himself. Alec got hold of a taxi and went back to the Institute. All the while his mind raced with thoughts of Magnus. I just met him a few days ago! There's no way I could fall for him like that! Maybe he used a spell on me? No, why would he? There wouldn't be any point in it... The thoughts ran around in his mind until he fell asleep that night.


© 2013 Avangeline Lightwood

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shadowhunters= awesomeness. I loved this chapter and look forward to reading more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 4, 2013
Last Updated on December 7, 2013


Avangeline Lightwood
Avangeline Lightwood

The Institute of New York

My name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help coming up with a story title or plot you can ask .. more..
