![]() 1. Party Short LivedA Chapter by Avangeline Lightwood![]() Magnus Bane invites the Lightwood siblings to his party again. Alec warns his sister Isabelle to be careful around a 'warlock like Magnus' but ALEC is the one who needs to be careful. (Alec POV)![]() I stood in my room at the Institute looking into the mirror. My sister, Isabelle, and I has been invited to one of Magnus Bane's famous parties. We got invitations often, but never went because we had demons to kill. So today we decided to give ourselves a night off. I shrugged on a black leather jacket over my black t-shirt.
" I've never actually met Magnus Bane, but I hear he throws the best parties." Isabelle says as she appears in the doorway.
I pull on my black buckled boots and stand up. " He's a warlock Isabelle, you know how the Clave warns us about them. Just be careful around him."
Isabelle rolls her eyes. "Alec, don't worry about me. Worry about yourself for once. There's going to be vampires their too," She tells me, pulling the collar of my jacket up, " Be cautious around them."
" Be cautious of who?" Asks a familiar voice
" Jace!" Isabelle exclaims, " Um, nothing, no one."
When I see Jace, I look around, fiddling with my jacket. My cheeks felt warm with him seeing me like this. I glanced in the mirror to make sure he wouldn't be able to notice. The room was to dimmed for him to see the pink in my cheeks.
Jace walks into the room. " Where are you two going, dressed like that?" He asks questionably
Isabelle fumbles around, " Magnus Bane invited us to another one of his parties, I thought it would be nice if Alec had a break from hunting, so I persuaded him to go with me." Isabelle tells Jace
He looks at Isabelle, to me, then back to her. He claps his hands together, " Well, then I am going with you." And that was that.
When Isabelle, Jace and I get to the party, it's loud and cramped. People are all over the dance floor, the sides, everywhere. Some vampires were even sitting on the ceiling ledges. Isabelle and I pushed our way through the underworlder's and made our way in a spot that wasn't crowded. Isabelle turns to the drink table and pours us drinks. Mine is a glowing purple blue colour.
" Thanks." I say and take a sip. It was surprisingly good. I never did like the thought of drinking.
I glance around the party. The people here were dancing like they couldn't careless about what anyone thought. I could never have that confidence. Never. Jace doesn't seem like he's enjoying this anymore than I am. He pushes his golden hair back from his face, showing his amber eyes. Jace is my Parabatai. A Parabatai are two shadowhunters who fight together, they are like brothers, but closer than that. He came to live with us Lightwood's when his father died. Isabelle was already out on the dance floor with a Downworlder. She looked like she was having fun, which made me happy.
" Well hello there," A female voice says, " Why are you boys standing alone?"
Jace and I turn around and see two vampire girls standing behind us, " Two good looking Shadowhunter's like yourselves shouldn't be denied. Why don't you come dance with us?" They asks in unison.
Jace and I exchange glances. I fiddle with my knife that's in my belt. " That won't be necessary." Jace says cooly
The dark haired vampire smiles, showing her fangs. " Oh come now. You know you want to. What kind if guys want to be alone without a girl at a party?" She says
Me. I think to myself
The red haired vampire reaches out to my and takes hold of my arm quickly, to quickly. As a instant reaction, I back hand her and knee her in the stomach. When she's doubled over, and hit her on the back and she falls to the floor. Her friend gasps and everyone stops dancing and stares at us. By the angels, what have I done? There were to many Downworlders to take on if they decided to have us as a late night snack. Isabelle rushes over to me and touches me arm to make sure I was okay.
" Well well well. Typical Lightwoods." A man says, emerging from the shadows, " Always causing a commotion."
"Magnus Bane." The Downworlder's whisper amongst one another.
This was Magnus Bane? He didn't look like a warlock at all. If anything, he looked like something a unicorn threw sparkles up on. Magnus stands in front of us. He has a black hood covering his face and the rest of his cloths are dark yet sparkly. Magnus pushes his hood down and my breath hitches in my throat. His hair was spiked up and dyed purple and blue with black tints, his eyes were green/gold cat eyes. Magnus looked at the three of us, stopping momentarily at me.
" The Lightwood siblings with an uninvited guest, Jace Wayland." Magnus says, " To what do I owe the pleasure?" When he says the last word, it sounds like venom.
We all just stood their, glancing at each other. " I didn't think it would be a big deal if I tagged along." Jace replies with confidence, " After all, I didn't expect we would have the joy of seeing you, Magnus."
There's tension in the air as the two stare each other down. Magnus is the first to break the stare, and turns it to me. " I know of the Lightwood siblings, I just don't know your first names." Magnus implies
" Isabelle Lightwood." Izzy tells Magnus with a nod of her head
Magnus turns back to me. " What is your name Blue Eyes?" He asks
I stare at him when he calls me 'Blue Eyes'. " Alec Lightwood." I finally manage to say.
Magnus smiles. " Alec." He whispers and I bite my tongue from doing anything stupid.
Jace and Isabelle both look at me. Their gazes ask me, What's going on? But I don't even know. " Well, enjoy yourselves at my party, just try and not cause anyone anymore trouble." Magnus tells us as he walks past us, when he does, he stops for a second and looks at my eyes, " Bye, Blue Eyes."
I stand there, staring after him, frozen. " What's his problem?" Jace spites
" You okay?" Isabelle asks me worriedly
I nod, " I'm going home." I tell them
" Then we'll leave too-"
I shake my head, " Stay and have fun. I'm just tired is all." I say and I leave them standing there. I didn't want me sister and best friend to have a ruined night because of me.
I'm almost to the front door when I pass by a room that catches my attention. The door is black wood with a glowing symbol on it. It was the love rune, but upside down. I walk over to the door and quickly look around. This part of the house was empty. I press my ear to the door and turn the door knob. It was unlocked, so I slipped inside. The room was full of bottles with coloured liquids and other magic things a warlock would use. I walk the aisles of the items, reading labels. I'd never seen anything like this before.
There was a noise just outside the door and I gasp. I shouldn't be in here! The door opens and Magnus walks in. He looks at me with surprise then smiles.
" Well, look at this. Violent and nosey." Magnus comments with a smirk, " What are you doing in here Blue Eyes?"
" I-I was just curious about this room, because of the rune on the door." I tell him
" Oh, you mean the upside down rune for love."
I nod quickly. " I'm sorry for intruding, I was actually just leaving." I say, rushing past him.
Magnus grabs the back of my jacket. " No need to rush so much." He intones
I stand their quietly. What was with this warlock? His clothing was so loud and bright. His make up so glittery is looked like he jumped into a pool of sparkles. I fidget in place, I didn't like there being so much silence. " Well say something, or I'm leaving." Alec declares
The Warlock grins and lets my jacket go. " Come back any time." He says
I glance at him, " Not likely..." I mutter
" Lightwoods..." Magnus sighs
© 2013 Avangeline Lightwood |
Added on December 3, 2013 Last Updated on December 3, 2013 Author![]() Avangeline LightwoodThe Institute of New YorkAboutMy name is Avangeline Delarosa I love writing, drawing manga, and reading. I usually get my inspirations for stories from music. If you ever need help coming up with a story title or plot you can ask .. more..Writing