In a moment of desperation I asked God to reveal his artistry in me. My heart was empty yet heavy, my eyes were closed and teeth clenched, doubted my maturity could comprehend what I was about to receive.
With the wind under a Robin’s wing, the latch released and the storm door whipped open. I wonder to this day where all of the documents I had piled on my desk blew away to like cigarette ashes in a car with the windows down. I fancy that they went to a wide waterway of eternal flow or a burn barrel balanced outside of Hades gates.
My addresses and personal contact information lace the grid on the information superhighway destined to only God knows where, but I will not retain the animosity I acquired while collecting the facts necessary to turn the judge’s eyes away from the weeping jurors. “Listen”, I told him, “if you’re careful, you’ll recognize that I’m not her enemy.”
One eye peeking upward waiting on my miracle. The past began to disappear like the dust of the milky way before morning. Old Farmer Brown in his tweed vest carrying bushels of fresh tomatoes into the Widows backyard -- Pastor Lyles and I alone in the sanctuary, helping me decide which bridges were better left uncrossed and which were necessary to burn. The leaves turned in Autumn right in front of me and Winter wind whipped straight and true. I longed for Spring but knew it wasn't time for that season.
The past at some point drowned in the eternal flow beneath a smoldering bridge.