point blank range

point blank range

A Poem by m.s.early

i found a point blank range between you and i
where the flag was heralded,
we decided to redraw the map;
we conceded.

and the great compromise was at our doorstep:
you would be the east - 
where the Sun first touched
the virgin day,
i would be the west - 
and at the edge lovers would kiss
the afternoon away and wish for more.
in settled lands caressed by golden shores
the majesty of kingdom would grace the hill.
we would write treaties and amnesties;
we would plant the seeds of justice in the hearts
of a united people 
and call it home.

at the first sign of gerrymandering
we questioned each other's patriotism,
garnished our wages until the homecomings ceased
(you can never satisfy the tumored heart;
its disease is insatiable once it tastes raw meat).

do you remember at point blank range
when the decision was considerless?
"a real no brainer", it said on the brochure,
and hands and hearts folded at the feast.
the preacher's name escapes me 
who blessed and broke the bread,
but the children's laughter will always be pleasant.

like the promise we signed at
the convention i hosted on the west bank,
you were just beginning to rise in the east;
you thought we should have paid the ushers more,
and the flowers could have been tilted towards the sun,
but i insisted it was perfect
just the way it was.

and so now we find ourselves again
face to face at point blank range;
the canons are mounted faithfully,
dutifully awaiting their charge
because the east is where the Sun will continue rising,
but it will never set on me again.
you are forcing me to surrender my sunsets
and a portion of my taxable earnings.
you are placing sanctions every morning
on my initiatives and my hopes.

After all, if you cut off the tail
the head will turn to bite,
but this time there will be no keynote speaker,
no grand foofaraw,
only poorhouses and baskets of day old bread.

point blank range and the barrel of a blue steel gun
aren't enough, but it will take a generation to prove to you
there will never be another living thing that fights for you.
this time you are unjustified
and the people spy inside your motives
and discover it was not the Sun you were ever after,
it was the darkness all along.

© 2014 m.s.early

My Review

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Marriage...sometimes war, sometimes peace.....the truest battle.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Not sure if you intended this, but I got some weird significances out of your use of cardinal directions. First, I'm assuming the "you" is female (although I could be wrong), so I like that she is the east because it's reminiscent of Shakespeare ("it is the East, and Juliet is the sun"). But then we move into the idea that she is the east and you are the west -- traditionally, Americans consider the west to be a more civilized idea than the east (i.e. Asia), although Americans also are enamored with the idea of the west as the rugged frontier, the last place left to explore. Further on, you describe yourself as the "west bank" -- going geopolitical?

Posted 11 Years Ago

really nicely expressed the deep differences, the aim for connection, coherence between man and woman, east - west - Sun rise, sunset - illusions -reality, light -darkness. We are always defending one side, while they exist always together, one thought another. I liked your point of view ...

::n.nour ::

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sounds like the boundaries between Isrsael and Palestine where there is a dubious peace; sounds like the moving of territorial lines to influence voting, sounds like a man loosing his family and the dividing up of posessions, not the least of which is the the love of his life....very profond

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you for that interpretation. I appreciate you taking the time to read.
we would write treaties and amnesties;
we would plant the seeds of justice in the hearts
of a united people
and call it home.
point blank range and the barrel of a blue steel gun
aren't enough, but it will take a generation to prove to you
A great write, splendid imagination, two peoples expectations towards each other, at beginning relations loaded with love and new beginnings where amnesties and kingdom may be built, later it changed and motives changed, ended up going through almost opposite of what went beautifully in the beginning, the grand ceremony with holy mass, taking vow for life from heart to a state other person finding no more sun but all the short comings of relationships and materialistic, poet found this extremely unpleasant but could not prove the point to the other person, but he believes fully other person is too wrong and unjustified to change, so amazed some one can write this brilliant, no wonder you are my favorite poet

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you Linda. You are too kind :)
Linda alexander

11 Years Ago

You welcome, my pleasure always, take care
/ we would write treaties and amnesties;
we would plant the seeds of justice in the hearts //

This is so unbelievably perfect, Xavier. You have so much talent.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you for your kind and gracious review, noodle :)
This poem is absolutely splendid. Amazing imagery. Great job!!!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

(: thank you so much Brittany :)
This is really awesome Xavier .Your abilities know no bounds .

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

(: thank you Vidya. You flatter me :)
Vidya Bacchus

11 Years Ago

Awww nice to know.You are welcome :)
sounds like a downward spiral. conceding to redraw the map feels like having been constrained by outside influences to change what was originally and mutually mapped out. compromise became begrudgingly necessary, but the journey would remain the same and the goal wouldn't change. it would have to be proven that it all led to the same place.

however, what had been built was being picked apart and questions of integrity ensued. the foundation was already laid down and cannot be broken. faith needed to be restored where there hadn't been doubt. you can't unsanctify what had already been.

i don't know what happened next but it seemed like she needs you to hold her hand even after everything. this is where it starts to go downhill for me. placing sanctions on your initiatives and hopes is remiss and casts a pall on these verses. the end sounds like you just gave up on the thing and left it forsaken. it's funny how one's state of mind can influence perceptions and interpretations. this poem is rife with complexity and metaphor i have no common frame of reference with you. but it is written with passion and conviction.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you mockingbird. i was trying to convey the emotion, the strife, and the legality of home brea.. read more

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11 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2014
Last Updated on February 27, 2014




"A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep." -Salman Rushdie more..


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