My name is Jay Marine I was born and raised in the United States and I'm a sorcerer. I'm tall with cropped golden blond hair and I am 20. I have a family but only one of them knows about my second life. I left home and now live in different places. I never really questioned my amazing ability when I first found out about it, later a sanctuary officer told me about the other mages. I then started to help them out. I'm able to shape shift into any one or anything alive, I can also change the form of others for a limited amount of time. I was a natural so i needed little training, however my abilities were not combat based so i took up necromancy. Necromancy is death magic and follows a persons primal nature and is highly effective. I studied Necromancy for two years before ultimately leaving, necromancers are totally insane with there beliefs. i can control shadows with the ornate bracelet on my right arm. After my surge I could still shape shift as well as use necromancy so i'm what you might call magically ambidextrous. But enough about my magic and on to what I do. I, as I said, worked at the american sanctuary since I was 15 helping out when they had to send people places they couldn't be recognized. After I turned 17 however I started working full time going in undercover to do longer jobs. Someone always came with me who did this more often and I worked with them fine but then i was requested at another sanctuary in England to help out there. Naturally I went but right when I got finished I was requested somewhere else. I moved around a lot and never really had time to settle so I focused on work. Then when I was brought back to america I had very little time. I visited my family but had to leave pretty fast, they had changed a lot to. Lucky my sibling had moved to places that I tended to go a lot after that and my parents were always visiting them. Then when I turned 19 I met someone who would change my life for good. She then became my closest friend and then later like another sister to me. Ms. Vermillion Ch