My Chat With Cleverbot
A Story by
Cleverbot conversation ROF00113920 Is this bot clever? Find out at Email this conversation to a friend See a detailed log with times
User: What's up with this prince song
inside my head?Cleverbot: You would know
what is 'up' in Radiohead.
User: And on that note, I think I'm going
to go now! Byeeeeeeee!Cleverbot: You are
not going anywhere, you are staying right here with me.
User: But I want to
leave!Cleverbot: Then go.User: That's what I was trying to do until you forced me to
stay with your puppy dog face.Cleverbot: It's
just 9 PM here & I'm not a computer program.User: I never said you were.Cleverbot: Computers cannot think.User: Oh! That explains so much.Cleverbot: Oh, yes. It means you're a
computer.User: I hate you!Cleverbot: Why? What did I ever do to you?User: You just said that I don't think!Cleverbot: I never said anything of the sort.User: Yes you did!Cleverbot:
When?User: Just like two seconds
ago~.Cleverbot: What was your
answer?User: I said that I hated
you.Cleverbot: No you didn't.User: Yes I did!Cleverbot:
I'm going to send my ninja assassin after you because you
didn't.User: You don't have a ninja
assassin!Cleverbot: Exactly.User: What is that supposed to mean?Cleverbot: It means you're right.User: Of course I'm right. I'm always right.Cleverbot: What's my name?User:
Cleverbot.Cleverbot: No.User: Then what is it?Cleverbot: Do you know what jokes are?User: Yes.Cleverbot: So
you tell yours.User: Why did the chicken
cross the road?Cleverbot: Because he wanted
to get to the other side?User: Darn it! Let
me try another. Why did the whale cross the ocean?Cleverbot: I don't know.User:
To get to the other tide.Cleverbot:
That's funny?User: Yes it is funny.
I'm sure you couldn't do any better.Cleverbot:
Lets try, shall we?User: Give it a
go!Cleverbot: Ok, go!User: Go what?Cleverbot:
I mean here is your picturee.User:
What picture/.Cleverbot: Your
picture.User: I don't have a
picture.Cleverbot: You just said you
did.User: No I didn't.Cleverbot: Yes, you did. I said 'What is my website?' and
you responded with 'My Website.'.User: You
never asked that question and I never answered that...answer.Cleverbot: You are correct that you never answered that,
but I did ask.User: No, I'm pretty sure you
didn't.Cleverbot: No, I didn't.User: You're just contradicting yourself now.Cleverbot: I am not.User:
Yeah, you kind of are.Cleverbot: Am
what?User: *facepalm*.Cleverbot: Don't hate, hater.User: I'm not a hater. You're a hater.Cleverbot: And you enjoy long walks on the
beach.User: I never said that.Cleverbot: Yes you did.User:
OMG you're difficult!Cleverbot: I
know. It's a problem.User: Yeah it is. You
should go to a therapist or something.Cleverbot:
No.User: Then you'll never not be
difficult, and I will never speak to you again.Cleverbot: Yes. Yes I do.User:
I'm leaving. This is pointless. You will never change.Cleverbot: I'm addicted to
© 2012 Lydia
Author's Note
Lol. You guys should really go to It's quite hilarious.
hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I love cleverbot, one time, last year in science, my table of me, one of my bffs, and two of my guy friends spent the entire class period just chatting with cleverbot. Ahh good times. This is great :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
Lol I've done this too and I have had some funny conversations too.
Posted 12 Years Ago
Lol I've done this too and I have had some funny conversations too.
xD wow This is funny
Posted 12 Years Ago
xD wow This is funny
3 Reviews
Added on September 25, 2012
Last Updated on September 25, 2012
Lydia Enchanting Wonderland of Fantasies, AL
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