Chapter 15: An Unexpected Visit

Chapter 15: An Unexpected Visit

A Chapter by Lydia

    I was laying on my side, curled into a ball, on my bed. My covers strewn everywhere, and used tisses scattered the floor. A mascara stain was present on my pillow from crying through the night. I stared blankly out the window with memories of Lauren swirling through my mind. This was pretty much the first time I  was able to really grieve her death. Everything had been so crazy the past few weeks that I never really had a chance. But now I was alone, and had plenty of time to cry my eyes out. I hadn't talked to Ryan since the fight that we had, and I wasn't really sure where we stood at that moment.

     The only thing I knew was that I longed to talk to someone. I longed to get out of that bedroom where I had so many sleepovers with Lauren. I just wanted to talk to someone who understood how I felt. My parents were out of the question. They started freaking out whenever I cried in front of them, and went off on a lecture about how I needed to go to a therapist. I didn't need a therapist; I needed a friend. Ryan was out of the question too for obvious reasons. I didn't really have any other friends or family that I felt comfortable talking to, either. That left only one person. My absolute last resort whom I wasn't sure if I felt comefortable talking to, but at the moment I don't think I really had a choice.



  Before I knew it I was in my car turning the corner on Drew's street. He lived in a very expensive neighborhood, but I wasn't in the mood to admire the large mansions. Well, I guess they weren't really mansions, but they seemed like it to me compared to my small house.

    I drove slowly as I craned my neck to try and remember which house was his. After driving up and down the road almost three times one of the houses finally looked familiar. I pulled into a spanish style home that looked like it belonged in a magazine, or in Spain. Three car garage, three stories high, and a shiny, black Range Rover parked in the driveway. Man, did I feel out of place. I threw my keys in my bag, and hesitantly exited my car. I stood by it with my hand on the handle for what seemed like forever desperatley trying to make up my mind if I really wanted to knock on that door. In the end, I decided I'd give it a go.

    I made my way up the stone steps that led to the porch and front door. My heart was racing, and now that I think about it I realize how silly I was acting. It was just Drew; no one special and definitley not anyone worth getting nervous over. I'll stop there, though. We don't want any spoilers now do we?

    I knocked on the wooden door lightly. I looked down to see that I was holding onto my purse handle so tightly that my knuckles were turing white. As I was staring down at my hand the door flew open. My head shot up quickly to see a very exasperated Drew standing in the doorway. For a second we just stood there staring at each other. In that moment I was desperatley racking my brain trying to find something to say to explain the reason that I was standing on his doorstep.

  "Um, hi," was the measly thing that I came up with. I instantly wanted to kick myself.

    Drew raised his eyebrows. "Hi...," he replied. I guess he was pretty surprised to see me here. I can't really blame him, though. Heres a girl who he wouldn't exactly call a friend standing on his doorstep in wrinkled sweats, hair tied into a sloppy ponytail, and red, puffy eyes. I would probably be a little caught off guard too.

    "Do you mind if I come in?" I managed. As soon as I said that, though, a compilation of raised voices and slamming of doors came from somewhere in the house. Drew went stiff and sighed almost inaudably.

    "I would love for you to come in, but it's kind," he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck as I've found that a lot of guys do when they're nervous.

    I wasn't sure what all the noise was, but I was certain that Drew didn't want me to know. "It's okay," I assured him and gave him a look that meant that I understood.

      "Thanks. We can't sit out here, though. If you don't mind sitting in the cold," he suggested, gesturing to one of those wooden porch swings that hang from the...well they hang from the porch. I didn't mind. I just desperatley needed someone to talk to who was close to Lauren. Someone who had probably already went through the whole greiving process.

  "That's fine, Drew. I don't mind," I replied even though I wasn't really wearing clothes fit for sitting in the cool autumn weather.

    "So, why are you here?" he asked as we both lowered ourselves onto the swing that rocked a little when we sat down. I sat my purse down beside me and leaned back into the swing.

    "I needed someone to talk to...about Lauren," I stopped and looked over at him, "I'm really missing her right now. I feel so guilty, too. I just can't get out of my mind how I just left her. And then I think about how I was actually running late that night. Maybe if I had come earlier I would have been there when you all came. Maybe I could've stopped everything from happening," I explained quietly. I could feel the tears watering up in my eyes. I'm not even sure if it was possible to have anymore tears. My eyes shouldn't have any moisture left after all the crying I had already done.

    I wasn't the only one who noticed the tears. Drew did too, and the way he responded to them surprised me. Most people (especially teenaged boys) get kind of awkward around people who are crying, but Drew didn't seem even the least bit awkward. He reacted in a way I don't even think Ryan could. He wrapped one arm around me, but still kept his distance like a true gentleman. "I know exactly how you feel, Kelsey. I miss her too, and I beat myself up everyday for not stepping in. I should have never agreed to go over there. But ,Kelsey, you couldn't have done anything to stop them. Those guys were determined to kill that night, and if you were there they would have killed you, too," he soothed, and it wasn't until after he quit talking that I noticed the watery look in his eyes.

    In a way, we were a lot alike. Both of us had a chance to help, but we didn't. Both of were left with a deep regret, and both of us couldn't do a single thing to change it.

      I looked to my side and noticed that the sun had almost completely disappeared. A cool breeze blew through the air, and I shivered as it enveloped me.

       "Are you cold?" he asked, turing to look at me; huddled over with my arms wrapped around myself.

       "Well, a little bit, yeah," I answered as I brushed my bangs back with a shaky hand. I watched as he quickly peeled off his brown leather jacket, and I almost pulled away as he draped it over my shoulders.


    "Thanks. You really didn't have to." In all honesty I was really glad he had gave it to me because it was really warm, but on the other hand it was sort of awkward.

     "I wanted to," he replied and cast me a polite smile, perfect teeth and all. It was pretty easy to understand why Lauren was so attracted to him, and so heartbroken and shocked when he dumped her. I never realized it until now, but Drew was extremely caring and sweet. Not only that, he was by no means bad looking. If you know what I mean.

     We both went silent for a minute, and all I could hear was the distant chirps of crickets from the creek down the road. The silence was rudely interrupted by a loud growl of my stomach. Just like me to have random bodily noises at the worst possible times. I guess it's to be expected when you haven't eaten in two days. I haven't felt like eating, though.

  Drew cracked a smile and looked down at me. "Are you hungry?"

    I quickly shook my head. "No, I'm good."

   Drew chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Your little friend here seems to disagree." He reached out his hand and patted my stomach, making me giggle a little.

     "He tends to act up when he detects awkward silences. The crickets set off his radar," I joked, and raised my finger to my lips, pointing down at my stomach.

        "I'm so sure. Seriously, Kelsey, when was the last time you ate?"

    I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "A couple days ago, I guess," I mumbled.

    Drew shook his head and stood up from the swing. "That won't do, Kelsey. You've got to eat," he insisted, "C'mon, I think the ruckus in the house has settled down. Let's go find you something to eat." He offered me his hand just like the day we were in the alley.

     Once again I reluctantly placed my hand in his and let him pull me up. "Fine, Mr. Pushy." There was really no point in arguing. I had to eat at some time.

     He led me into the house, and as soon as I walked in I felt like I was in a different world. Everything was so pristine and clean. All white couches and tables furnished the living room, and the white tile floors sparkled. "Woah," I muttered as I walked slowly behind Drew. I sware the ceilings were ten feet tall. It was like something I'd never seen. I was so busy admiring the house that I didn't notice that Drew had stopped in the middle of the living room. I ran straight into him and he almost fell over. "Sorry," I exclaimed as I grabbed his arm to steady him. At that moment a loud clearing of a throat came from the other side of the room. I turned to see a tall middle-aged woman standing at the end of the staircase. Her hands rested on her hip, and she wore a beautiful dusty pink tea-length dress, and sky high, jewel encrusted heels. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a perfect chignon. I felt self-concious immediatley in my t-shirt and sweats.

    "Who is this?" the woman demanded, giving me a long once over. This woman whom I assumed was his mom scared the heck out of me.

      Drew placed a hand on my shoulder and gestured towards me. "Mom, this is my friend, Kelsey. Kelsey, this is my mom," he introduced. His voice was quiet, and his words were annunciated perfectly. His whole disposition changed in the presence of her.

     She grunted and raised her nosed at me. "Your father and I are going to a function at the country club. We'll be back around eleven or so." That's all she said before ushering out the door. A few seconds later a man in a suit whom I suppose was his father flew down the stairs and out the door without a single word. I watched as Drew flinched when the door slammed behind his father.

    "Sorry, my parents aren't very sociable," he apologized as he turned to head towards the kitchen.

     By the look on his face I could tell there was more to it than that. I wasn't going to question him, though. It didn't seem like any of my business.

        When we reached the kitchen Drew patted one of the chairs that was pushed into the huge dining room table. It had to be able to seat atleast fifteen people. "Sit, sit," he said, resuming the cheerfullness he had before his parents showed up. I laughed lightly and sat down.

    "Y'know, I'm really not that hungry," I tried again.

     "What about something light? Like some ramen noodles. Every teenager likes ramen noodles," he said, poking me in the arm and wiggling his eyebrows.

  I smiled and nodded. I do like ramen noodles, and he was very convincing.

       I watched silently as he grabbed a packet of noodles and a pot out of the cupboard, turned on the stove, poured some water in the pot and began to cook the noodles. He did little dance moves as he slid across the kitchen to grab a fork and a bowl.

     He presented me the noodles, and did a quick bow. "Would you like Chef Drew to get you anything else?" he asked in a mock italian accent.

       I laughed and shook my head as he took a seat on the chair beside me. We made casual small talk as I ate my noodles and for the first time ever I felt extremely comfortable around Drew. It was almost like we had been friends forever, and in a way it kind of made me miss Ryan.

     As I took my next bite I accidentally slurped the noodle. Not just a little bit, but very loud. This set Drew off into a fit of giggles which soon became contagious and made me laugh so hard I almost choked on the noodle.

   "You've got a little noodle juice on your chin," Drew pointed out after we had calmed down.

    I quickly grabbed the napkin he had gave me earlier and wiped my face. He cast me a grin that for some wierd reason gave me butterflies. What was I thinking? Drew coldn't give me butterflies. That was just...wrong.

   This night turned out a lot different than I expected. Pleansantly so.

© 2012 Lydia

Author's Note

So, this is my first chapter trying out the first person point of view. Tell me what you think! Do you prefer it this way or the way I was doing it before. I also tried to make it longer since a lot of people have been requesting that.

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You should make it to where Lauren faked her death.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I think the first person perspective works really well - you write in it very well. :)
Enjoying the story so far. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

hmmmm at first i didnt really like teh first person it seemed too personal but later on it seemed to fit, idk the feel changes with the switch of perspective not badly but yeah good job though i still vote for Kelsey and Ryan

Posted 12 Years Ago

this was the chapter I was waiting for. the wait was worth it. The first POV really gives a different perspective to the story. it seems that the character is really talking to the readers. hell! I love this! I also love the unexpected twist you presented here. :)))) i am rooting for Drew! :)))

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is the first chapter I've read out of this story, and I NEED to start from the beginning!!! I don't even know who any of these people are but all I know is Kelsey and Drew have to be together! :) They seem super cute :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I really liked the first person! The emotions are portrayed so much better! I also love the length! Great job! I can't wait to see the next twist with the murder :) I love it!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thanks! I'm glad I could make it better.

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6 Reviews
Added on August 2, 2012
Last Updated on August 2, 2012



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