A Poem by NeiL ArandA

Sometimes love is like a rare elusive beautiful exotic bird



Don't know when it all began, not sure how it happened

But it was in my junior high when my world stopped turning

When my life grind into a halt and turned upside down

When my grades were failing and I'm falling behind

When the moon appears to have moved farther 

and Earth and Venus conspired to swap places.

And there was me, in my early teen. A young shoot

Naïve, timid and insecure; a neophyte if you prefer

Living my early life in obscurity then like a potted plant

exposed in the open for the first time, in everyone's

plain view, not knowing how to act after it had caught 

a glimpse of the blue sky, tasted the beads of

cool raindrops and felt the warm touch and light

of a real sun.

And there was you, with your cute adorable smile

and comely angelic face. Your boot cut blue jeans

goes along your black and white silky dress,

complimenting your petite figure well and you're all that !

How the wind sweetly stroke your straight dark brunette hair

as it dangles and brushes over your eased shoulder. How

it undulates smoothly like wet spaghetti, bathe in canola oil,

with your every bouncy stride and sway of your sculptured waist.

Taking my breath away and you stole the sunshine and the


There I stood, out of place, in the midst of your academic

excellence and acclaims. Surrounded by your charming

acolytes which you always cling. Hovering around you like

vigilant bees ever casting a suspicious eye on any potential

intruder coming near their exclusive hive and precious queen.

And so I put up a face, wore my pretentious mask.

Kept my distance from their picking tongue and prying eyes

Not showing my vulnerable side. Resolved to the comfort

and safety of my own protective clandestine shell.

Cowering behind the shadows of my self imposing doubt 

in fear of not measuring up, shoved in the corner of your heart

Put aside like an outdated or misplaced furniture.

And you remain elusive like a rare beautiful exotic bird

not wanting to be tamed or caged. Refusing to leave your

cozy nest, to fly and venture out into the open, into my world

Afraid to risk losing everything that defines and separates you

Everything but the one that you truly love, truly care

and truly matter.

And there was you, enigmatic, abstract, a paradox.

Beauty and brain. Simple and daunting. Shared same

classroom yet incognito. Near but beyond my reach.  Spoke the

same language but muted. Known each other yet estranged

and the gulf between us ever so widen with each passing years

until what seemed wonderfully began abruptly ended and the

song came to an end, the curtains were drawn and the stage


Nothing left but empty chairs, dusty desks, carved images of

hearts and names in trunk and branches of trees that never bloom

And all memories ebbed away as we both climbed down

the steps of our early deciduous years without applause,

without hurray, without holding hands. Not a word spoken nor

a kiss, not hug or embrace, even a casual hand shakes

And we both walk away in silence, without a glance,

without smile, without ever saying goodbye ...

by NeiL ArandA  04/16/2015

© 2024 NeiL ArandA

Author's Note

NeiL ArandA

" Some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too colorful. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice... "

" She's all that " - perfect and popular
" Closure " - a scar or a final step or phase in a grieving process or letting go.

My Review

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They say that most who excel in academics get secretly attracted to average guys (lol) and they would rather die than to admit it. You got me reminiscing those treasured high school days with this one, Neil. The phrase “Like wet spaghetti, bathe in canola oil” left a vivid image in mind because there’s something dramatic (at least to me) on how al dente spaghetti dances and bounces when tossed in oil.

Also, I love the style you used in this piece. It’s very personal-almost like a confession. Life is not always like a movie wherein a boy meets girl and they live happily ever after. But there are times that a boy meets girl, then parted ways and then suddenly the scriptwriters suffered extreme writer’s block (lol), which lead us to draw our own conclusion or ending. The last stanza is quite brilliant. It’s full of symbolism, of imagery and metaphor and subject to different conclusion depending on whether the reader is a lover of happy ending or romantic tragedy.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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A great poem with deep emotion. Some things, some feelings we never forget. I enjoyed this very much.

Posted 9 Years Ago

NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

Thanks for your visit Melinda ...Glad you like this one :)
Jesus said He was there not to brink peace , but to bring the sword. This sword is the sword of truth. Say the truth softly if you like but speak it. Don't hide what the RCC has done through the ages, the many thousands tortured and killed, even reading the bible w s a capital offence. You know the persecutions in your own country of birth.

Pray for your family, speak to them, but tell them there is a hell and no amount of works can save them from their impending doom. Tell them Mary cannot help them, tell them that God alone deserves worship, tell them that images are a blasphemous device and steal the glory and honour due to our Saviour. Tell them men should not be denied the comfort of a wife and children in this hardened age. Tell them of the work done on the cross, once and for all time and for all men but is effectual only for His sheep. Tell them walking on their knees to church cannot move them one inch from hell. Tell them there are only two places after death, with the Lord in Heaven or in hell, separated from love and kindness , peace and joy. By faith we are saved and not of ourselves, it is a gift of God. So much to say, I hope you will be the cause of their conversion because it will cover a multitude of sin.

God bless you brother in your great work.

Posted 9 Years Ago

NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

Thank you brother Frank for such encouraging exhortation. Thank you for your passion for the Great C.. read more
Hmnn...this sounds like your high school crush. They always say "first love never dies" which means the "memory" never dies. But actually, it was not love at all. It was just a crush or infatuation, or there's something in that person that you admire most.

"Not a word spoken nor
a kiss, not a hug or embrace, even a casual hand shakes
and we bade our last farewells without a glance, without a smile,
as we fade and walk away, in silence, without ever saying
goodbye ..."---when you say "bade our last farewell" you met and said goodbye to each other. Besides, you have already in the last line "as we fade and walk away, in silence, without ever saying
goodbye "

What if:
"No word spoken nor a kiss,
no hug or embrace, even a casual hand shake,
without a glance, without a smile,
we fade and walk away, in silence, without ever saying
goodbye ..."

BTW, why the title is "Falling For You" while the concept is parting without goodbye? lol

But in general, I like this piece. You have written this using a different style. Like what I was saying, you are getting better and better, Neil. Kudos!

Posted 9 Years Ago

NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

Dhaye I trimmed down some of the lines on the last stanza. I think it look and sounds much better th.. read more
NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

I think I found the right word for the title Dhaye ...:) Thanks for your challenge.
NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

I saw an improvement on the last stanza Dhaye. I think I have ironed out all the kinks. I'm glad you.. read more
Censorship in a conversation like this is so sad. write a poem about aborting a foetus and they will let that go on without comment. Speak about the evil of abortion and the post will be deleted.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

The thing is dear brother in the Lord, you make excuses that they did not know and say they were in .. read more
NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

Dear Brother Frank .. I pretty much agree in most of what you said and written here. We have almost .. read more
NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

Frank look at the humbling approach of Paul’s statement. This is not a compromise nor does it say .. read more
They say that most who excel in academics get secretly attracted to average guys (lol) and they would rather die than to admit it. You got me reminiscing those treasured high school days with this one, Neil. The phrase “Like wet spaghetti, bathe in canola oil” left a vivid image in mind because there’s something dramatic (at least to me) on how al dente spaghetti dances and bounces when tossed in oil.

Also, I love the style you used in this piece. It’s very personal-almost like a confession. Life is not always like a movie wherein a boy meets girl and they live happily ever after. But there are times that a boy meets girl, then parted ways and then suddenly the scriptwriters suffered extreme writer’s block (lol), which lead us to draw our own conclusion or ending. The last stanza is quite brilliant. It’s full of symbolism, of imagery and metaphor and subject to different conclusion depending on whether the reader is a lover of happy ending or romantic tragedy.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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close but out of reach all at once...

i had a crush in grade school..but felt unworthy to let her know...i loved her from a distance...and some years back she passed from cancer...just before a grade school reunion where i finally planned to tell her...

no hug, no embrace, just the imagination of a kiss.

i really like this but yes, needs work on change them randomly consistent.

love the theme though.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

He's tense on tenses.
If only we knew then what we know about women now. so sad unrequited lo.. read more
NeiL ArandA

9 Years Ago

Thanks for adding your input brother Frank. You are right here. Hey where have you been lately my fr.. read more

9 Years Ago

I withdrew to my shell, we hibernate in winter :)

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6 Reviews
Added on April 16, 2015
Last Updated on February 8, 2024
Tags: Puppy Love, Infatuation, Best Crush Poem, Admiration, Friendship, Relationship, Graduation, Parting


NeiL ArandA
NeiL ArandA

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A Poem by NeiL ArandA