

A Story by Trisha Threason

The story stems from the rumours that spread throughout the town folk of London in the 19th century. The rumours of disappearances. Of course most of them were the prostitutes killed by Jack the Ripper and so the others were forgotten, tallied among Jack's victims.


The others were 2 teenagers, two boys. Depending on whom you ask you will be told they were either siblings or friends or that a girl had gotten in between them and moulded them into enemies. Personally, I believe the last theory. I believe it because I was that girl that drove a wedge between the two of them. And I was with them the night they were killed.


I remember it was cold, the middle of winter. Snow was all around us. I was only seventeen at the time, the two boys were eighteen. Nicholas and James. I'll never forget their faces. I was walking with Nicholas that night, through the dark streets of London. He was my lover, unfortunately it was my fault that these two boys who were the best of friends began to hate one another. But I couldn't help it. I loved Nicholas with all my heart.


 That night was the only time we could see each other, we were hiding from James and we had heard about the murders that were close by. We figured, being the naive people we were, that it would stop us from running into James so we took the chance. But unfortunately, we did run into him. Don't ask me to remember why he was out that night; nowadays I don't remember many details like that. He just started screaming and yelling at Nicholas, punches were thrown. He kept saying how it should have been him. He should've been the one that was happy and smiling. He should have been the one getting the chance to make me smile. And he just kept going. I was clutching tightly to Nicholas' arm, too afraid to let go. Before long he began to yell back and soon he pushed me off and dove onto James, knocking him to the ground and sitting on his chest. But soon, it wasn't Nicholas, his body warped and changed, all of his bones began to stick out further and his black hair grew and grew.


He became this giant beast. Larger than a wolf, much larger. Covered in black fur and panting heavily. He picked up a paw and placed it on James' chest, preventing him from escaping. I continued to try to escape the scene of pure horror that was unfolding in front of me until my back found the wall behind me because what was in front of me was terrifying. But it got worse.


Nicholas- Better- The beast began clawing at James' face and chest. Attacking with so much ferocity and anger. And before long, James' arm that he was using to push the beast away with no avail, fell to the snow and his head fell to the side. Blood everywhere. It's not something one forgets easily. Then the beast turned to me, and slowly walked towards me. I wished more than anything to sink back into the wall and disappear from the beasts sight. But soon I was trapped, between the fearsome creature and the brick wall behind me. I stared into its light brown eyes and for a moment I could see Nicholas. He was still in there. He wasn’t completely gone. But then, he stood up on his hind legs and brought his front paw up in the air, ready to strike down on me. All the while I had closed my eyes and prepared for the pain.

Nicholas was lost to the rage and anger that brought on the beast in the first place. All I heard was the ripping of flesh, a large thud and the cry of the beast. I opened my eyes and saw the beast lying in the snow, four claw marks across his chest as if he had attacked himself. To this day I still don’t know what happened. But I’d like to believe he was protecting me from himself.

Soon after this I collapsed on the ground and fainted most likely from shock. I remember when we were found that there was just blood. A lot of blood. And Nicholas was himself again. His lifeless body was lying naked in the snow, covered in blood, some was his own and some of it was James’.

Nowadays, you would know the beast as a Werewolf, or a Lycan. I still know that beast as my love. But I’ve also more recently discovered that he’s a morphling. The morphling’s are a species who look like us but when enraged, they become a beast, anything from a tiger to a wolf, and they lose all sense of moral values or control. They become savages. That’s what happened to Nicholas.

You may wonder, why an old woman like me, would be writing this now and telling you my story. First, when I pass away, I need someone to know Nicholas and James’ story; I need someone to know they weren’t just murdered by Jack the Ripper or a stranger.

And lastly, my dear great grandson, I need you to know where you come from, your background. Because you see Benjamin, Nicholas is your great grandfather, so one day, you and your sister will discover your own abilities. Be careful child; do not make Nicholas’ mistakes. This is why I have always told you to say calm and keep your feelings quiet. Because one day, if you allow these emotions to consume you.

The effects would be devastating.

© 2016 Trisha Threason

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Added on December 12, 2016
Last Updated on December 12, 2016


Trisha Threason
Trisha Threason

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Hey What's up everyone! So this page is purely the inner workings of my mind in the form of short stories mostly and one novel that I may put up but I'm not sure yet. These stories will often be.. more..
