Will you catch me if I fall?

Will you catch me if I fall?

A Poem by Jazz Newport Green

Will you catch me if I fall ?

( Love can cloud one's reasoning abilities,but is this extreme ?)

I stand on a building top and I'm about to jump off,
My throat is dry and my body is growing limp,
I peek over the edge and gaze upon the immense drop,
temporarily my heart stops,
I'm ready to die
If you asked me to,
Cant you see my great faith in you?
Remember to catch me if I fall,
I'll fall into your arms,
I know that you'll protect me,
You wont let me be harmed.
Catch me when I fall,
For fear I might just die,
For if I die, when others ask about my death and the reason that I died who will tell them why?
Who shall explain that I gave up my life for the love a mere boy?
Who would explain that as I fell my heart swelled with pure joy?
Mentally I was quite alright ,
Till on you I laid my eyes.
If love is blind,
Then I'm a cripple !
In your company with joy I cry and for you I'm ready to die.
But I'm about to hit the ground ,
And you're nowhere to be found;
Oh wait
In my rush to prove my love
I forgot to tell you to come,
That's the dumbest mistake of all
For who will catch me as I -

© 2013 Jazz Newport Green

My Review

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Breathtaking! I adore this poem! The ending came as a surprise to me (which I loved.) The rhymes were fantastic. The words you used were perfect and the imagery was extraordinary. Just amazing!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 27, 2013
Last Updated on April 27, 2013