

A Chapter by GeminiRa


 watch Gracielyn from the bed as she leans on the balcony rail, taking in the lovely spring scenery. Her curly, blonde hair flows effortlessly in the small breeze.  My birthday party was a blast and everyone is now settling down in their rooms full and hung-over, except for us.

   I walk up behind her, pulling her body closer to mine. I cross my arms over her shoulders. She snuggles in my arms and kisses my arms. “It’s beyond beautiful.” she sighs. “You parents built a wonderful place here.”

   I scoff. I kiss her ear. “It’s still not as enchanting as your smile.” I purr. She chuckles. “I want to promise you something, Gracielyn.”

   She turns around. I get down on one knee. She gasps, covering her mouth with both her hands. “I can’t marry you now because we have to finish school. And as much as I’m ready to take the next step, I still want to pace things.” I announce, looking heartfelt into her eyes. I pull out a promise ring from my pocket. “But, I am promising my heart to you, il mio amore.”

   She squeals as I place it on her hand. She studies it. “As long as you have my heart,” she sighs. “please take precious care of it.”


I wipe my greasy hands pm am old rag from my back pocket. I throw the used tools back in their box. Today, I work at my grandfather’s shop. It’s a slow Thursday and I’m itching to get home and away from the ignorance of the world. Two customers came today panicking about their vehicles and their nervousness and questions drove me insane.

   I sit down outside in on the chairs in front the office. I lean back, closing my eyes to further relax. Sweat runs down my chest, tickling me. All our customers are gone and I don’t want to be here another minute, but I must get my hours in. My mother is baffled at why I got the job in the first place, but I work for free since my allowance is a full-time job pays anyways. But working on cars clears my head and it passes time; time I won’t waste sulking about Gracielyn.

            “*Nipote,” my grandfather, Alister calls. I open my eyes as he stands in front of me. He examines my relaxed posture; unbuttoned shirt showing my chest and a pair of navy, dirty Dickies that aren’t zippened. “it’s nearly Fall, you’re not cold?”

   It’s sixty-four degrees today, but I’ve barely noticed it. I shake my head. “Hardly.” His face lightens at my answer. I scowl. My father has been watching me carefully like Alister does when I’m here. They’ll randomly ask me questions about how I’m feeling towards the weather or if I hear any strange sounds like I’m some lab experiment. It makes me uneasy.

            “Well, cover up.” he says as a car pulls up behind him. He turns to look at the customer and laughs. “We don’t want to give our next customer an early heart attack.”

   I look pass him at a silver Honda Civic. I jump up to fix myself, but it’s too late. I look up at the sound of the giggling customer and into a familiar, yet unique, pair of eyes. “Emery,” I smile. Her name rolls off my tongue with a sweet savoriness. She walks over to me.

   She’s been on my mind recently and the party is tomorrow. I haven’t really seen her at all this much this week. Robyn and Lauren have her everywhere they go and they haven’t sat with me and the guys at lunch. I don’t have any classes with her, but I wish I did.

            “I was hoping to run into you.” she greets. I blush; she must’ve missed me.

            “What can I do for you today?” I haven’t even bothered to button my shirt up.

   She presses her lips together, her eyes quickly scanning my body. “I need an oil change.” She’s obviously distracted by my body. I chuckle. “How much?’


            “*E ‘sulla casa!” Alister yells from the garage. I burst into laughter.

            “He said it’s on the house.” I translate. “It’s just an oil change.”

            “*A una condizione,” he says, walking out to us. He studies Emery with his intense stare, making her feel very uneasy. I scowl. “*Andare al ballo con mio Nipote.”

   I smack my teeth. What an embarrassment. “*Alister, per favore non!” I protest. He’s stubborn and things barely phase him; there’s no talking him out of this one. I turn to Emery, who’s carrying this uncomfortable facial expression. “He said under on condition,”

   She scowls. “Free is free.”

            “*Posso vedere quanto le piace, Kieron.”

            “He wants you to go to the party with me tomorrow.” I offer, ignoring my grandfather.

   She giggles and nods. “I thought you’d never ask.”

   Alister smiles, patting my weak shoulders. I’m amazed; she wanted me to ask her. My heart flutters and I can feel my stomach churn with butterflies. “*Mi ringrazierai dopo.”

            “*Vai via!” I push him away. He chuckles, walking back to the office. I turn to Emery. “I apologize for his behavior.”

   She brushes it off. “What language is that? French?”

   I chuckle. “Italian.” I drive her car into the garage. She stands to the side as she watches me go to work.

            “So, you’re Italian?”

            “Half; that’s my mother’s father, Alister. My father was born here but raised in Sicily until he was eighteen. He and my mother moved here and here we are.” I summarize.

            “It’s a beautiful language.” she compliments. “Despite his weird stares, I actually enjoyed listening to it.”

   I blush. “Grazie.”

   As I work on her car, I find myself purposely dragging out the job. Emery easily grasps my attention with her random conversations and her angelic laugh is breathtaking. She makes me smile effortlessly; I really enjoy her company. This is the most fun I had all day.

   I sigh, finishing up. “Well, I’m all done.”

            “Thank you so much.”

   I wipe my hands. “Uh, what time can I pick you up tomorrow?” I approach, hoping that she still remembers the deal. “You don’t have to go with me because I did for you or if Alister forced you.”

            “No, I want to go with you…” She pauses as we both interpret her words. “To the party.”

   We both chuckle in chagrin. “Is seven good?” She nods, quickly getting into her car. She’s ready to escape this awkward moment as much as I am. Maybe I can breathe once she’s gone. “Goodbye, Emery.”

Alister stands next to me as we watch her drive off. I drop my head, sadden by her absence. Alister spiritedly laughs. I look up at him. “It feels so good to see my grandson smile again.” he explains.

   I snicker. I nod. “It feels good to smile again.” I agree.

I sit on my bed staring at the ceiling. My stomach bubbles with butterflies as I wait for Emery to text me that she’s ready to be picked up. I’m already dressed in a black and white, striped tank top, gray Chinos, and black Converse. I have a gray hoodie in my nervous hands just in case she gets cold tonight.

   My mother walks in and sits next to me. I shake my head. “I’m going to kill Alister.”

   She laughs. “he was only helping, Kieron.” she defends. She rubs my hair; she knows that rubbing my hair always calms me down. There’s nothing like a mother’s touch. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

   I heavily sigh. “I don’t know, Mama.” I answer. I look at her with demoralized eyes. “*Qualcosa che non si sente bene per stasera.”

            “Oh,” she stutters. “Like what, son?”

   I shrug. “It feels like I’m going to let her down in some unimaginable way.” I shake my head; it feels like the way it did the night Gracielyn died; eerie. “But I can’t let her down; she likes me…and I, like her.”

            “So make the best of tonight.” she encourages. “That feeling is just your anxiety talking.”

   I wish she right, but a feeling like this doesn’t happen too often and without reason. My phone buzzes and I jump up; she’s ready. I grab my keys and I leave. The closer I get to her house, the more anxious I get, but I cannot bail on her.

   I walk up to her door and the door swings open. Jennifer stands at the door with her daughter timidly behind her. “I need to lay some ground rules for tonight, Kieron. She needs to be home at eleven-thirty sober in all means.”

   I chuckle. “I got you.” I answer with confidence. “My mother raised me better than that.”

   Emery steps around her mother in a pair of black leggings on and a buttoned up, jean shirt with the sleeves rolled to her elbows. She has on a pair of Sperry’s on her feet and her hair is down to the side. “Hey.” she greets.

   I smile, grabbing her hand and walking to the car. We get in the car and head to the party, which, ironically is held at Sam’s house. When we arrive, there are a few jocks standing outside with red cups in their hands. The door is closed, but the red, blue, and purple lights flash at us through the window. I hear loud, Dub-step playing in the background.

   I park behind Ashton’s Avalanche. I look at Emery, who seems very nervous. I feel a little insulted about her uneasiness. I turn to her. “Are you embarrassed to be here?”

   She immediately denies that. “Of course not.”

            “I meant with me, Emery.” She looks at me with defeated eyes. I sigh. “Do you want me to take you home?”

   She cracks half a smile on her face and rushes out the car. I scowl, rushing out to her side. We walk inside the bumping crowd. She grabs my hand and leads me through to an opening. I hear Tylor call my name. I look around for him and spot him with two red cups in his hands. he stands next to us, giving us the cups. I can smell the alcohol in it.

   Emery drinks down the whole cup, surprising Tylor and I. I drink mines down and throw the cup into the crowd, smiling down on her. She starts moving her body to the music, her hips rolling to the beat. Her body calls to me. Without hesitation, I pull her hips up against my body.

   My hands move up and down, gliding over her body tenderly. I can feel her heart beat faster at my touch, her breath escaping her lips. I smile, inching closer to her. I can feel her heat against my skin. My face is so close to her with our lips centimeters away. I gaze in her eyes. She wraps her arms around my neck, her scent sending my sanity on a wild ride.

   I turn her around gracefully and then I pull her butt to me. She starts to grind her hips against me, reaching for my nape as I grind with her. She looks up into my eyes. I grin. “*Giada…” I purr. I lower my lips to hers and I tenderly peck them, provoking her. she reaches he neck back and responds with a torrid passion. We stop moving, our kiss quickens, and I can feel a certain urge flowing through my veins.

   Suddenly, a sharp pinch strikes me in my side. I grown, pulling away. I touch my side, scowling. The pinch hits me again, jerking my body back. I slump over as the pinch turns into a ripping sensation. It’s the same feeling from that horrid night.

            “Are you okay?” she asks, taking note that I’m not dancing.

            “No.” I heave. I need to get out of this place. “I have to go.”

   As if he was watching and listening, Ashton shows up with Robyn; they both have a doubtless look on their faces. He pushes me out the door, Emery and Robyn trailing behind.

   The cool air is relieving. “Kieron, what’s wrong?” Emery cries.

            “I don’t know.” I groan. I look up at Ashton for help, but he already seems to know what to do.

            “Emery, Robyn will take you home.” Ashton commands. Robyn urges Emery to my car. Ashton digs in my pockets and throws her the keys. “Come on, Kieron, let’s get you home.”


© 2013 GeminiRa

Author's Note

*Nipote - Grandson
*E 'sulla casa - it's on the house
*A una condizione - on one condition
*Andare al ballo con mio Nipote - Go to the dance with my grandson
*Per favore non - Please don't
*Posso vedere quanto le piace - I can see how much she likes you
*Mi ringrazierai dopo - You'll thank me later
*Vai via - go away
*Qualcosa che non si sente bene per stasera - something doesn't feel right about tonight
*Giada - Jade (Kieron's new nickname for Emery due to her eye color)

I put a little bit more italian in this chapter, but i hope you still enjoy it.

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Added on November 19, 2013
Last Updated on November 19, 2013



Houston, TX

I had an old account on here, but since I haven't been on in a while, I forgot everything. But I am in the process of writing some very outstanding novels. I write in a present tense, so my writings m.. more..

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A Chapter by GeminiRa

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A Chapter by GeminiRa

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A Chapter by GeminiRa