![]() PromptA Chapter by GeminiRa
How was
practice?” Gracielyn asks as she spread strawberry jelly on a piece of toast. I
walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kiss her neck. She
giggles as I softly rub my nose on her cheek. She sways her hips against me. “I miss my little cheerleader.” I purr. She turns to face me, completely ignoring her food. She pulls up on the counter, wrapping her legs around me. I move my lips along her neck, then her chin, and then her mouth. She opens for me. Roughly, she removes my shirt so her hands could glide over my stomach. I cup her breast in my hands as I continue to kiss her. I take her hand and I place it over my crotch, squeezing it. I softly moan. She gasps, pushing me away. “Wait, wait,
wait,” she pants. I stare at her breathlessly. “I thought we were going to
wait.” I chuckle. “We are.” I’m in no rush to make
love to her. It’s her body and I respect her. She sits on the counter, gazing
blankly at the floor. I lean next to her on the counter, folding my arms across
my bare chest. She’s troubles; I know that look anywhere. I’ve seen it enough
times that I can feel that face when she gets like that; her silence is loud. “We’ve been together for three years
and I remember the day I promised that on your seventeenth birthday,” Her voice
shakes. “If we made it.” I add. She nods. “That we would try.” She lowers her
head. “Kieron, are we still together for that reason?” I look up at her in shock. “What makes you
think that of me?” My voice drops. “You’ve changed, Kieron.” She points
to my body. “You’re becoming a man and I know what men want.” I step in front of her, grabbing her face to
look at me. I ogle in her blue eyes. “Sex is boys, love is for men. Love is all
I have for you. Yes, I might have sexual desires, but I will not act on them
until you give me the command to.” I answer. “My intention to be with you is
simply that my heart doesn’t have to desire any longer. Gracielyn, I never want
you to feel as if giving me your body is the only answer to keep me.” *** I stand at my locker with my head low from the weight of that memory. It seems like yesterday that we had that talk and now today, she’s gone. I sit on the bench to put on my cleats. Ashton sits next to me. “We’re going out to eat with some of the guys after practice.” His tone wasn’t inviting; it was forceful. Ashton tries to get me out and going, but when Gracie died, fun wasn’t in my dictionary anymore. I shut him out when our relationship was strong before. Ashton is my older brother and also the person I run to for everything. Maybe is should stop letting him down. “Okay.” I answer. In my peripheral, I see his face full of shock. I crack a smile. Coach Reyes blows his whistle, informing the team to get out on the field. We jog out on the field, my two brothers on my left and my two friends, Jarvis and Tylor, on my right. Once I touch the grass of the soccer field, I notice Sam stretching by the goal. I deeply inhale. Tylor pats me on the back. “Everyone form one line in front the goal; we’re going to shoot some goals today.” Coach commands. He’s a real good coach. He used to play for his dad’s little league soccer team in Brazil. Once his father died, he took over until his wife had a son here. As I get in the line behind Orlando, I notice Robyn sitting on the bleachers with Lauren and Emery. I smile, glad that they came. One by one, the team takes turns scoring. I study Sam: his eyes are focused entirely on the ball and nothing else. “Kieron!” Reyes shouts. “You won’t make the line if you don’t get this ball in the goal!” The team laughs as I step up to the front of the line. The ball is rolled to me and I stop it with my feet, bouncing my shoulders to relax. I look up at Sam; he c***s a mocking smile at me. I growl. I trot down the field with the ball. I focus my eyes on the goal just as he focuses on the ball between my feet. I rush the ball at Sam, his body shifting to black the ball. I raise my right leg back and I kick the ball with a blowing force. Sam hits the ground as the net catches the ball. I hear the team behind me root.
I did it! I got the ball pass Sam. He gets off the ground and curses as he gets back to his position. I look back at the bleachers and I see three girls cheering for me. I look at Coach. He claps with a glowing smile on his face; it’s that smile a father gives his son for accomplishing a goal. After practice, my friends and I crowd in a small burger shack. I am still shocked that I got the ball pass Sam today. My friends are still excited, too. “So, next Friday, some kids are throwing a Back-To-School party.” Jarvis mentions before he sips his soda. He looks up at me. “You should come with us.” I cut him a menacing look. Every last soul at this table knows except Emery/ I really don’t need her in my business right now; that’s one less soul sending their regards my way. “I’ll think about it, but I doubt it.” I answer. “I have a job at my grandfather’s auto shop now.” “Oh, really?” Emery enters as she sips her shake. “I need an oil change soon; where’s his shop.” “Across the street from the police station.” I answer. I blush a little as she interestingly gazes at me; those eyes are just adorable. “I’ll come by later next week.” she appoints. I nod. Our food arrives and all the girls get up and walk to restroom. “Kieron,” Tylor calls. I look at him, agitation in my eyes. “go to the party.” “No.” I growl. “Take Emery.” Ashton quickly adds. This outing was a set-up. I shake my head. “She’s new to this town and she’s obviously into you.” “All she wants is an oil-change.” “But you like her.” Orlando interrupts. “It’s just one night. Who knows it, you might just enjoy it.” “Tylor is doing you a favor.” Jarvis adds. I scowl. “He’s not making a move on Emery for you.” “We want to see you happy again.” Tylor says. I hear the girls coming back. all the guys’ eyes bore into my soul for an answer. I sigh, giving in. “Va bene.” “What does that mean?” Tylor freezes. Ashton chuckles. “He said okay.” “Yes!” they celebrate. “Give her a ride home tonight; she can’t say no after that.” I softly groan. Emery sits next to me, a sweet pea perfume radiating from her. She looks real nice in those tight jeans and tan knee-high boots today. I sigh. We all eat, having a small fry tossing contest. Tylor sits back and rubs his belly. “Whoo! What a day.” He burps. “I think I’m ready to get home now.” Tylor and Jarvis wave goodbye and they head home. Lauren sighs. “Ashton, if you don’t mind, will you please take me back to the school?” He nods. He has a small, developing crush on Lauren. I don’t know if she knows, but he has huge plans for her with school dances coming up soon.” “Any room for me?” Emery inquires. “My house isn’t far from here.” Orlando and Ashton bore at me. I widen my eyes, signaling that I’ll stick to their plan. “I’ll take you.” I offer. I grab my keys. “Are you ready?” She looks at me in shock. “Sure.” She grabs her bag. “See you guys later.” We walk to my car in an awkward silence. I unlock the car and I hold her door open for her. she slides in. I close the door and I walk over to my side. My siblings walk out with Lauren. I look at them. “What are you guys doing to my brother?” Robyn asks, skeptical of their plan. “Trying to make him happy.” Orlando shouts. He’s excited for me. Robyn looks at me and rushes to my side. “Kieron,” she says, standing before me with a concerned look on her face. “You don’t have to.” I look away. “I’ll be okay, Robbie.” I settle in my car. I start the engine and I look at her. “Which way?” She appears uncomfortable around me. I must be weird to her. I raise my eyebrows, forcing an inviting smile. She laughs. “You’ll think I’m crazy for not knowing.” “So, we’re lost?” I know where Jennifer’s house is, but I want to know if she’ll remember. “No.” she barks. “I’m just not certain.” I chuckle. “Don’t worry, Emery.” I hope I’m placing a little hope in her. “Our mothers are good friends; I know where she stays.” “It’s been a while since I last was here.” she expresses, looking out the window. “I used to live here when I was younger, but when my parents, I moved with my dad to California.” “Why did you come back?” She remains in silence. The memory must be too weary for her to think about, let alone tell me. I am a stranger to her. I shake my head. “Sorry I asked.” She presses her lips together and sighs. She rubs her hands together, trying to get them warm. There is a crisp wind blowing outside, but I barely noticed it. I turn on the heat and she soon relaxes back in the seat. “The moon is lovely tonight.” I agree. I remember Ashton’s advice about showing her around town. Gracielyn found this meadow that runs to a cliff. The moon and the cliff literally touch every night. “Ever thought about kissing the moon?” She scowls. “What?” “I promise it’ll be worth your while seeing this.” I suggest. She nods and I take the detour to the meadow. I soon arrive to the meadow, parking a few yards from the cliff. Emery gasps, her face full of amazement. She gets out the car and walks towards the face of the full, bright moon that shines back at her. I lean back on the hood of my car, watching the moon engulf her with its shine. A soft, cool breeze comes through. I close my eyes and I instantly wish that Gracielyn was here with me. “Sapphire…” I hear her soft voice whisper to me. I open my eyes. Emery is still enjoying the magnified view of the moon. I smile. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” I ask from afar. She turns to me and smiles. She walks up to me as I sit on the hood.
“It’s incredible.” We sit on the hood of my car for a while longer. I study the stars blinking down on us. She’s up there somewhere looking down on me…*la mia Stella…IL mio Angelo. My face saddens and she notices. “Hey, you okay?” she carefully approaches. I nod. I bury my face in my knees. “Just thinking.” My voice muffles from my knees. “Does it hurt?” she asks. Her tone tells me that she already knows about Gracielyn. Tears sting at the corner of my eyes. I lift my head to look at her. hot tears slide down my face. “Every…damn…day.” © 2013 GeminiRaAuthor's Note
Added on November 17, 2013 Last Updated on November 19, 2013 Author |