i am a conspiracy theorist, because
i see what others fail to… because
of life-long worries and because
of a heightened awareness.
i know that there are governmental
big brothers dying to give me a
wedgy and i know that there are
people watching… every moment,
every breath, every time i go for
a crap.
people are capable of such atrocities
and invasions of my privacy… i am
fully aware of this.
they hide cameras behind mirrors in
their bathrooms and laugh at me
whenever i have to go.
medicine cabinets are easier to open
and check… however full-size mirrors
screwed into the wall take
considerably longer to take down.
i must say that i am tired of having to
make excuses for my lengthy
bathroom excursions… and it would
be nice if not every one of my
friends thought i was perpetually
suffering from constipation.