![]() AlphaA Chapter by TheFeroxDomain![]() Carter end his work day by attempting to stop a mugging. Later, he sees a shooting star and his life changes forever.![]() There are
times in everyone’s life where they feel like no matter how hard they try at
something it just doesn’t make a bit of difference. At least that’s what I told
myself after having scrubbed the popcorn popper for an hour and a half with no
real results.
there was a tap on my shoulder followed by a hand pulling out one of my
headphones. As I looked into the dark brown eyes of the much older man in front
of me I realized that the lines under his eyes must have meant he was as tired
as I already felt.
I’ve never met anyone like you. That popper is not going to magically get any
cleaner by you scrubbing at it all night. I’m going home son, and I suggest you
do the same.” He said groggily.
head out soon Mr. Winchester; I’m just going to finish this up first. Have a
good night.” I replied cheerfully.
My eyes
followed him as he left the lobby heading towards the exit doors on the left.
There was no noise at all. The lobby was empty, and I could hear the gentle hum
of vacuum cleaners meaning the night crew had already arrived.
day in paradise…” I whispered to myself. After reinserting my headphone I
decided to try scrubbing just a little bit longer.
My mom
had always said I was a stubborn child, but this need had nothing to do with
how stubborn I was. I don’t remember where, but I once heard “If you have to do
a job, do it right.” That quote stuck with me through the years, and I have
made it my way of life. Unfortunately after working at this theater for four
years, I seemed to be the only person who genuinely cared enough about this
place to do the hard jobs.
The music
helped me forget all about the time, and before I knew it the popper looked
brand new, well slightly used and refurbished at least. After I had placed
everything back into its original position, I walked out and into the lobby.
strange how much people effect places, for example during the day this place is
busy with happy faces, and a pleasurable feeling of welcome. At night however
it feels cold and empty like the feeling you get after losing someone you love.
Since I
had already clocked out before I started cleaning the popper, I headed straight
for the exit door. The night air was warm and above me the stars were bright in
the sky.
Stars had
always fascinated me, ever since I was a child I looked up at them in wonder.
In my mind they had always signified life. Although I was never sure if it was
the life of a million eyes all bearing down upon the earth as one omnipotent
being, or the life of millions of other planets, trillions of other similar
creatures to me all looking to that one sky for answers.
of the reason, my usual fascination kept my eyes trained on the sky for several
minutes, until my thoughts were interrupted by a low beep.
I didn’t
need to pull out my phone to know I had missed a call from one of two people.
One missed call from Sebastian at 1:30AM. My first thought was he was trying to
get me to go for a late night work out session again with him; however the
voicemail he left was clearly pointed in another direction.
You should have picked up your phone man! I just got two fine looking girls
numbers, and the night is still young my friend! You’re missing out dude! Call
message was a drunken mess. I couldn’t help but let out a small sigh. Sebastian
has been my closest male friend for quite a few years now. Unfortunately we
have almost nothing in common; he loves partying and “getting laid” whereas I
enjoy reading, writing, and spending time with Liz.
missed call wasn’t the only thing I had, four missed texts accompanied it. A
smile touched my lips, they were all from Liz.
Just as I
pressed the view button a small scream caught my attention. It sounded like it
was coming from the back alley behind the building. I walked to the back and
spotted two guys in hoodies trying to force a girl into their car.
One was
short and lanky and the other was taller and muscular, however both dressed
about the same.
My heart
began pounding in my chest because I knew she needed my help, but I had never
been in a situation like this before. The first thought I had was to turn and
run to my car to call the cops in safety. What kind of person would that make
me? I would be a coward, and that girl could be seriously injured or even
killed because of it.
“Let her
go!” I screamed across the alleyway.
The two
men turned to look at me and began to laugh, loud enough for me to hear it
perfectly from across the long alley. Neither of them stopped what they were
doing, clearly I didn’t pose a big enough threat to them.
think this is funny?! You think hurting people is funny?! You two are
pathetic!” My voice was stronger this time, my words having the correct effect.
The men
let her go, and she used the opportunity to run leaving me to deal with the two
of them. I let out a sigh of relief before taking in my surroundings. If I
tried to run then they might decide to turn their attention back to the fleeing
girl, and even if they didn’t I doubt I would make it far in my current health.
No, running would not work.
“Well if
flight is out of the question, all that leaves is to fight…” I whispered to
My eyes
wandered across the alley trying to find something anything that might be used
as a weapon. All I can manage to see are shreds of trash, a few plastic bags
and a huge two by four past the two of them that is probably too heavy for me
to wield anyway. Looks like it’s just a straight up fist fight, unfortunately I
had absolutely no experience.
The first
few steps forward were slow. Fear coursed through my chest like artic waters,
numbing everything they touched. When we were finally face to face and only a
few feet apart the smaller of the men spoke.
think you a tough guy or something? You think some fat f**k like yourself is a
hero?” In my
head, I was on fire with rage, these two needed to be taught a lesson and if
some loser like me had to be the one to do it then so be it. I stood my ground
and chose not to speak. The small
man looked amused as if my silence was somehow a joke.
“Is you
serious right now? You actually think you stand a chance against us in a fight?
Yo Felix just take a step back I can handle this punk b***h.” The small one
cackled while gesturing to the big man to take a step back.
My teeth
ground together as I brought my fists up, a small guy like him wouldn’t be too
hard to fight alone.
thinking had always been my strong suit, and in a fight like this the first hit
would be incredibly beneficial. Now that I had a second to think, this whole
thing in itself was highly illogical. Logic was thrown out the window the
second I decided to take matters into my own hands instead of calling the cops.
My right
fist darted forward, but the small guy was quick and dodged my right hook with
ease. However I had left myself wide open and his left fist caught the side of
my face hard sending me staggering a few steps back.
I was
able to regain my footing, and even managed to send out a left jab before being
met with another blow. Although he was small, he was quicker than me, and more
importantly he was more experienced.
The rest
of the fight continued about the same, and I didn’t manage to land a single
hit. My face was covered in bruises, cuts, and sweat and yet I refused to back
my body didn’t share my unwavering courage. It could only take so much before I
eventually just fell to my knees overcome with pain.
“Are you
already done? B***h, you called us pathetic look at you!” screamed the small man. The sole
of his foot connected with my chest hard sending me flying back and into the
ground. My breath was gone and I couldn’t move an inch.
I didn’t
try to fight back when I felt a pair of hands grab my wallet and take the cash
from it before throwing it back down at my face. The last thing I could hear
was the sound of a car peeling away as I lost consciousness.
It felt
like I had been out for hours, but when I was finally able to stand and check
my phone it had actually only been about half an hour. My head was on fire, so
it took me a few minutes to remember where I had parked my car but at least it
was still there and in one piece.
theater job didn’t exactly pay the best, so I was pretty limited on choices
when I bought this old beat up mustang. It was jet black and everything about
it screamed clunker. Well almost everything, I had saved some money for a while
in order to get a new sound system for it.
I hadn’t put the most thought into my vehicle purchase. Genetics are an easy thing
to blame my obesity on, I mean I was born 9 pounds, however in truth it was
half genetics and half stagnant life style.
As I
squeezed my 300 pound body into the tight car and put the keys in the ignition,
a wave of exhaustion washed over me. The stereo blared to life and blinked the
time at me in a brilliant neon blue design. It was already 3am, which explained
why I was so tired. It probably didn’t help that I had just gotten my teeth
kicked in by a guy half my size.
This was
turning out to be a terrible night, and it was time to really check the damage.
I opened up the overhead mirror and turned the light on in the car. My face was
a mess, with a few cuts on each cheek an already blackened left eye and bruises
A small
sigh escaped my lips as I closed the mirror and pulled away into the night. The
highway was the quickest way home and the night air whipped gently across my
face. The breeze was so soothing on my fresh wounds.
The drive
home was a short one, but when I pulled into the driveway and stared at the
empty house I couldn’t bring myself to go inside. This was the same house I had
lived in for years, ever since I entered the first grade. I’m an only child, so
I had always been very close to my mom who raised me by herself. Shortly after
I turned 18 she passed away, there was a little money after her passing and I
used it to finish paying off the small house.
As my
gaze lingered on the house and various memories filled my head I decided it
best to get out. After wiping away my tears I started walking.
Texas is
a beautiful state, and even though I had never been particularly fond of the
place, I took the time to enjoy the warm night air and the beauty of the trees
swaying in the light breeze. I’m not
sure when I decided where I was going I only knew that after about five minutes
of walking I had arrived.
There is
a park not far from my house, and I visit it frequently when I’m upset about
something or if like today, just too filled with bitter memories to enter my
own house.
thoughts drifted back to the first time I had come to this park. That day at
school I told Liz that I liked her, and she had rejected me. The thought made
me laugh, because I was only in 7th grade and yet I
somehow knew that she was the love of my life.
That day
like today I couldn’t just stay inside, so I started walking. I didn’t even
know this park existed, and I spent the next few hours playing and exploring.
Since that day any time something really bad happened in my life I would go there,
it was my sanctuary and while I was there nothing could hurt me. That night
just like every other night, the second my foot touched the parks edge my chest
relaxed a little.
favorite place in this park had always been the “tower car” as I liked to refer
to it in my head. The tower car wasn’t really a car at all; in fact it didn’t
even remotely resemble one. It had four sides, one that faced the rest of the
park, one side had a giant yellow slide that during the day you would always
see children sliding down, there was the side I always used which was a giant
red staircase that led to the top, and the last side had a long blue fire man’s
pole that you could slide down.
As I got
closer the big red tower loomed over me, and even though it was only really ten
feet or so high my heart still pounded faster as I took the first step up. Ever
since I was a kid I had been afraid of heights. It had been an irrational fear,
a phobia to the point that I would get dizzy if I was too close to a ledge only
a few feet from the ground. Like always when I reached the peak that fear was
there waiting for me.
There was
a big steering wheel was on the right facing out to the majority of the park,
and it was right next to a ten foot drop off. Not much for most people but enough
to make me wary. As I
stepped slowly up to my usual spot behind the wheel something caught my eye in
the sky. At first I assumed it was a plane, but one of the lights seemed to
veer off course and head in a different direction.
I felt a
smile touch my lips, because I had always wanted to see a meteor shower.
Somehow seeing such a beautiful light streak across the sky made the rest of
the night okay. Now it didn’t matter that my face was bruised because the
universe knew I helped someone, and this was my reward.
As I
watched intently, I noticed that it seemed as if the meteor was heading right
for me. I figured it must just be the angle at which I was viewing, but it also
seemed to be gradually slowing down.
meteor drew closer to the point that I could make out an outline. It wasn’t a
meteor at all. The object was a perfect sphere with a metallic silver sheen
surrounded by a glowing energy.
isn’t possible. These three words repeated over and over in my head. If I had
been watching a science fiction movie this would all seem normal. Flying
mechanical spheres that had force fields and were sent to harvest human life
for study, and somehow I was the first victim. This was real life though, so it
must just be a mixture of fatigue, the lighting, and my imagination causing me
to see this.
My eyes
were fixated on the sphere, and it took a while for me to really grasp the
gravity of the situation. There was a large mechanical sphere coming straight
at me and it would be here any second. I knew it was too late to run but I
turned anyway and was hit by an arc of dizziness as I looked down at the drop
I gripped
the sides bracing myself for the long jump that might save my life. Hastily I
turned to see the sphere directly behind me. The entire sphere itself was much
smaller than I imagined, just about the size of my chest. There was a gentle
hum emanating from it as well.
thinking I slowly reached out and touched it. There was an immediate reaction.
The center of the sphere opened up to show three circles that formed a
triangle. The top circle had some sort of trident symbol etched into the metal.
Since the
strange sphere did not seem as harmful as I had first perceived, I let my
curiosity take over. My fingers lightly brushed over the perfect etching on the
smooth metal. To my surprise there was a soft hiss as the miniature metal
circle was ejected into my hand revealing a complicated lens underneath.
Before I
could examine the piece of metal in my hand, a brilliant blue light projected
out from the lens that had just been uncovered and swept across my body in slow
arcs. It almost seemed to be examining me.
The piece
of metal was heavy in my hand so I slipped it in my pocket. It wasn’t until I
felt the weight of the metal against my thigh did I realize that my heart was
pounding in my chest, and deep down I had the overwhelming urge to run.
Just as
quickly as it had appeared the light faded.
complete. Identification verified.” The distinctly female voice emanated from
the sphere.
washed over me like ice in my veins because it had been looking for me
specifically, and that wasn’t a good sign.
What I
couldn’t understand was why it chose me? I mean it’s not like I’m anything
special. There are plenty of better human specimens to choose from and capture.
“What do
you want from me?” I questioned the mechanical entity.
Alpha has been acquired, awaiting further directives.” It was the same female
voice from before, being projected out of the sphere.
The sphere
must be malfunctioning, if it was looking for an alpha male from the human
species it definitely found the wrong guy. If I order it to leave that might
override its current objective and then I might have time to escape.
command you to leave…” I tried to make my voice sound firm but instead it was
shaky and unconfident.
The two
remaining holes in the sphere opened and two long arms slid out. It seemed they
were made of the same metal, and I took a step back till my feet were touching
the edge of the tower. One arm
had three long metallic claws that formed into a hand of sorts, while the other
brandished a large injector. It had a foot long needle on one end and on the
other end was a clear canister holding a strange green luminescent liquid.
confirmed, beginning procedure.” The female voice called out into the night.
sphere flew at me and I was barely able to put my hands up in time. Somehow I
was able to catch both mechanical arms, but the machine was too strong and it
quickly pushed me off the tower.
My body
fell to the ground hard hitting the wood chips that covered the area. Before I
could catch my breath the sphere was on me again.
you have been chosen to lead the human gifted as their Alpha. Everything you
need is in that medallion.” The sphere said, almost with emotion.
The claw
arm grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the ground. Before I had the
chance react the needle entered my chest. It pierced my heart, the pain was
like nothing I knew existed, and as the liquid pumped into my body I grew numb.
ice trickled through my veins as I tried, to no avail pushing away the sphere.
After about thirty seconds it had already distributed all of the liquid. The
arms retreated back into the sphere and the wound on my chest seemed to clot
and heal instantly.
My brain
was fuzzy, and before I could really process what happened the sphere was gone.
It was shooting across the sky once again, back in the direction it had come. A
new pain began to simmer through my body.
The simmering
through my body was growing more intense. I knew I didn’t have much time before
I passed out from this agonizing pain. Maybe I thought to myself if I can just
make it home I can call an ambulance. My teeth ground together as I used the
rest of my strength to push myself off the ground and begin the short walk
By the
time I reached my house it felt like my body was on fire from the inside out.
My hand fumbled with the keys, and when I stepped into the house and locked the
door behind me I was already in too much pain to stand. My legs gave out and I
crawled slowly to the right dragging myself down the hallway and then into my
living room. I used the last of what little strength I had left to pull myself
up onto the couch.
As I lay on the couch, breathless, I could feel my body beginning to change. Subtle at first, yet unmistakable. First I would be cold and shivering, the next minute my body would be on fire, and all the while my muscles and bones ached. Something was happening inside me, and it had only just begun. © 2016 TheFeroxDomainAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() TheFeroxDomainDFW, TXAboutFerox is a name I gave myself when I first started gaming online. At the time all of my friends already had names that they used for everything. I didn’t want to be left out, but I didn’t .. more..Writing