![]() Peaceful SolutionsA Chapter by TheFeroxDomain![]() Caelan attempts to persuade the council against the plans of the DNP.![]() “What if they don’t
go for it?” the young man’s voice was low, almost a whisper. Galentus
had always been a cautious boy, so I can’t say it surprised me to hear his
voice so shaky. “You
know I would expect my own apprentice to have my back on any plan that I come
up with.” My
voice was serious, but when I turned to look at the young apprentice my smile
gave me away. Galentus relaxed a bit then, and chuckled to himself. “Caelan,
you don’t have to treat me like such a child. I’m turning 58 next month and I’m
already a lot more intelligent than you were at my age.” Even
though 100 years had already passed since the creation of the Gift, I still
sometimes had trouble remembering that looks didn’t give away age anymore.
Galentus was 57 years of age and looked no older than he did at age 21. That
was the power of the Gift, and if I hadn’t made such an important discovery I
myself would have been dead long ago. “Don’t
forget it was the Gift that made you as smart as you are today. To answer your
question my plan is full proof, and it is the only non-violent solution to our
current dilemma.” As
I spoke I began to gather up the various charts, schematics, and maps I had
created so that they would be ready for the presentation. If all things went
well then the council would put my plan into motion by the end of the day. My
eyes wandered over the circular room one more time, searching for anything that
I might have forgotten. A bright light caught my attention and I looked up to
see a creature of various colors swim overhead the glass ceiling. I often
dreamed about what it would be like to live on the surface, these creatures of
the sea bored me. There
was only one creature I wanted to see up close and in person, and that would
never be able to happen. Humans were too volatile to make contact with, most
humans anyway. Besides, my kind had long since been unable to return to the
surface. The UV rays would burn us alive, for we had adapted to the underwater
cities we have lived in for hundreds of years. The sun would kill us in a
matter of minutes. Somehow
I managed to fit all of my data into two crates, and so we headed off towards
the council chambers. Nearly all buildings in our great nation of Regnum
Tartara were made of specially designed glass, allowing us to see the outside
water world as well as the various creatures that inhabited it. The council
chambers were one big exception. My thoughts were interrupted by Galentus. “May
I ask you a question sir?” he mumbled. “You
may, although I am not sure I will have an answer to your liking.” My reply was
saturated with humor, but I could tell that he was trying to have a serious
conversation. “Well
I get that your plan is the only non-violent one that would have any effect,
but the thing that concerns me is your choices. I mean how do you know these
are the right ones? I’ve looked at the data on a few of them, and I don’t see
how they would be of much help to the Human world, abilities or not.” I
quickened my pace unintentionally, although I’m glad I did because we were
drawing close to the entrance to the council room. The truth was that I didn’t
have the answer to these questions. When I created the Gift I decided that it
was much too dangerous to test on anyone but myself. It fused with my DNA and
altered it allowing me to gain an ability of sorts. After
that day my already high IQ sky rocketed giving me a number of different
senses. I trusted those senses, and I knew of the one Galentus mentioned, but I
could see something that he could not. My sense told me that he would take my
Gift and use it to help people, which was my whole plan. We
entered the council room and I could tell it was Galentus first time here. I
recognized the expression on his face, because it was the same as everyone else
who entered this room for the first time. The
room was a perfect square and completely empty, the one exception being a
circular table in the center of the room. The door slid shut behind us, and one
at a time the screens began to flicker on. Each wall was actually a giant
screen, which is why there was no view outside like most buildings had, and
each of those screens was filled with the giant face of the four council
members. The
council was made up of the four highest ranking members of the Dexteram
Neptunum Posidon, DNP for short, which literally meant “The Right Hand of
Poseidon”. It may have sounded like a fancy name, but all they were, were
glorified politicians. Three
of the four council members I knew well, for they had been members since I was
a young man and my Gift kept them alive even today. Tiberius, Vitalus, and
Caius had all become close friends of mine through the years and had even urged
me to join the council after the death of the fourth member. The only problem
was I had never been interested in politics. My place would always be in a lab,
making new and innovative ways to improve life. Nero
was the new fourth council member now, and it worried me to no end. This young
one made my senses flair and my teeth clench. It could just be the way he
climbed to the top of the DNP quicker than any Tartarian in history, or maybe
it was his blatant hatred for Humans. Either way it mattered little for the one
thing that I knew for sure was that he only cared for himself. As
we set the crates down on the metal desk, all the lights in the room dimmed,
and Nero wasted no time. “Please
tell us that there is an important reason for your summoning of us today
Caelan. I was in the middle of my final preparations on Operation Swift-Strike.
Soon the human threat shall be no more.” My
teeth grit together unintentionally, but I stood my ground and took a deep
breath. No child would get me to lose my cool. I began to pace the room as I
spoke. “Nero
I am well aware of your planned extinction of the human race, and it is why I’m
here today. You see I have come to offer an alternative plan, one that will
require no direct intervention on our part. We have always kept out of the
affairs of humans, and I do not think it wise to suddenly change a rule that we
have kept for centuries. We are of peace and should not taint our hands with
blood.” Nero
was now the one with grinding teeth, and I continued moving around the room
locking eyes with the other three members one at a time. If I was to come out
of this meeting the victor I needed to stay on the offensive. “Humanity
does not require extinction, what it needs is a guiding hand. We are long
descendants from them are we not? We owe it to our cousin race to show them the
way. Our knowledge can light their path, and with our help the good they could
accomplish is limitless.” Galentus
handed me the first schematic tablet on cue, and after a few button presses a
three dimensional image of a large round robotic droid came into view. “This
is the prototype schematic for my machine which I have dubbed Visitor. It has
that name for a reason, for visitors usually come bearing gifts. This one shall
hold the gift that we bestow upon every Tartarian child.” The
three members I was close with had all been silent up until this point. All
four members had looks of bewilderment; however Vitalus was the first to speak. “Caelan,
I have known you for a very long time and you rarely make me question your
judgment. I must say however that I do not see the reasoning behind your idea.” That
statement seemed to satisfy all other members including Nero who still seemed
too shocked to speak. I handed the tablet back to Galentus and traded for the
one of my twenty chosen ones. “I’ve
carefully monitored 20 different teens between the ages of sixteen to twenty
one. If humanity is truly worth saving than once these twenty are given the
Gift they will make a difference. Think about it, with the abilities they gain,
these gifted could change the human world. Wars could be ended, dictators taken
down, they could have a society like our own, one based on peace.” All
of the council was silent but I could see Nero’s eyes grow a little brighter,
and I could tell he was done with being on the defense. Someone like him could
never understand why it might be better to help the weak rather than destroy
them. “There
is one giant flaw in your plan Caelan. What makes you think this bunch of
children won’t just go mad with power and make things even worse? We are
worried about the possible nuclear fallout of a human war, and you want to give
twenty irresponsible teenagers abilities that could for all we know be far more
destructive. You know as well as I do that there is no way to predict or
control what ability someone receives from the Gift.” From
the looks on the others faces, I could tell they agreed at least in part with
Nero. If I didn’t turn this meeting back around soon it would all be over, and
humanity would be doomed. “You
are right Nero, I cannot predict or control what ability someone receives from
the Gift. However I do have a plan in mind to help guide them to our desired
outcome. There is one human I favor above the others, and I have chosen him to
be their leader. This leader will have two years to gather the other Gifted and
make some kind of difference. If we are not satisfied with their progress after
two years than we should by all means follow through with Nero’s planned
extinction. We have to give them a chance though, otherwise how could we call
ourselves a peaceful society.” The
council was silent again, and for a brief moment all of my hopes faded away. A
smile suddenly formed on the lips of Tiberius who had yet to speak. “My
vote goes to Caelan and his plan. No one needs to be harmed yet, and I think we
should give them a chance to prove themselves as a species before we wipe them
off the face of the planet.” Tiberius boomed in his deep voice. Nero
seemed to be shaking with rage at this point and he decided to put in his
opinion once again. “Well
I urge the rest of the council members to think with more logic and reason
before voting. My vote obviously goes to my own plan.” Months
of planning, preparation, and choosing now relied solely on these last two
member and their votes. Caius had always been a friend to me and we had a deep
rooted history so I was really only worried about Vitalus. My thoughts were
interrupted by sudden laughter from Caius. “In
my opinion Caelan’s plan is the only one we can even consider. It might not
work, but I am going to put my hopes on it because Caelan deserves that much.
Humanity deserves that much. This man single handedly gave all Tartarians the
gift of extended life. Maybe if anyone can help the humans it will be the man
who saved us.” Caius voice was filled with emotion. I
turned and placed my tablet back on the table before turning to Vitalus. The
expression on his face was indecipherable, and he looked as if he was lost in
thought. Finally after two or three minutes he seemed to snap out of his
trance, and he spoke. “This
leader you have chosen, what made you pick him besides his obvious genetic
adaptability?” Vitalus asked suddenly curious. That
was not what I expected at all and I’m not sure why that would even matter. I
might have to lie, because I doubt they would trust my actual reasoning. “The
main reason I chose him was instinct. After I gave myself the gift I gained a
few extra senses. If I get a certain feeling about someone or something, I
trust that feeling. This boy is the one I’m sure of it.” My voice was sure. Vitalus
looked disinterested at that point, and my heart sank. He licked his lips
before speaking softly. “You
have my vote Caelan. However each council member will choose two each and you
may choose two. The rest will be handled by Sinistram Neptunum Posidon. If you
can agree with my terms then my vote is yours.” My
smile grew and I locked eyes with each council member in turn.
© 2016 TheFeroxDomainAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() TheFeroxDomainDFW, TXAboutFerox is a name I gave myself when I first started gaming online. At the time all of my friends already had names that they used for everything. I didn’t want to be left out, but I didn’t .. more..Writing