

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne

Siana's request

*Recap (It's been a while)*
 "Siana!" Siana snapped out of her memories and looked up to see Sarah running towards her, her friends dace flushed and her eyes wet, "Siana it's Tyki-" she began.
Siana's blood ran cold.

"Sarah, I aware if you don't tell me what happened right now-!" warned Siana her heart beating fast.
"It- It was supposed to just be the Earl we were up against-" gasped Sarah, she was crying and seemed to be in a state of shock. 
"Sarah! What happend!" shouted Siana.
"Shh! Siana, yore not helping. Also if you keep shouting kids are going to hear you!" scolded Alana, though she was scarily more calm herself. Alana knelt down next to Sarah and wrapped her arm around her shoulder comfortingly, "Sarah we really need you to tell us what happened."
"I-I don't really know, it happened so fast. We were fighting the Earl and then suddenly the Apocryphos and the Order turned up too!" Sarah said shakily her eyes tearing up. 'No...' thought Siana, it couldn't be true, "we had spilt up, Yasmine and Neah were leading the main group against all the Akuma and Noah. Tyki was leading Jack, Allen, Rachel, and I through this back way so that Rachel and Allen might be able to hijack the Noah's new ark so they wouldn't be able to just appear and disappear where ever they wanted...Like at our kids school or something..."
"Yes, we know that, we were part of the planning." said Siana impatiently. Alana sent her a glance, normally Siana would never been so impatient with her friend, but she had feeling that something terrible had happened to her Tyki.
"So the Earl was waiting for you guys?" inquired Alana slowly, Sarah nodded, "And then the Order turned up?" Nod again.
"What about Tyki?!"
"He-He was taken by the Apocryphos." whimpered Sarah, Siana felt as if she had just been doused in icy water. 'oh no... this was much worse than last time.'
Siana quietly ran her hands through the dark curls of Tyki's human form. His face was troubled, even in sleep apparently. Then again... their week was almost up. Siana traced the line of his face. She loved time like this. Perhaps it was because she felt like they were in their own little world where she was just a normally(was that possible?*) girl who was laying next to the man she loved. Or perhaps it was because when they lay together it was one of the few time she and Tyki seemed to be able to see eye to eye (in more way's then one, @#$% tall people) But tonight was the last night. Sighing Siana got up.
"Where do you think you're going menina problemática?" inquired Tyki sleepily reaching out and pulling her back close to him. Siana sighed, this wasn't going to be easy. Especially because if Tyki even began to suspect what she was up too.
"Beleza? Eu estou falando com você. Where were you trying to go?" asked Tyki blinking away his sleep as he noticed Siana uncharacteristic lack of response.
"Hey Tyki?" asked Siana frowning at him.
"What?" asked Tyki.
"Do you love me?" asked Siana bluntly.
"W-wait WHAT?!" asked Tyki pulling back to look at her.
"I was just wondering if you really wanted to leave me as much as you say you do." shrugged Siana, trying to sound indifferent. She didn't think she succeeding.
"I-" Tyki looked a little lost.
"You?" prompted Siana moving her face so that every time he tried to avoid her gaze she was alway able to keep eyes contact.
"Se você soubesse o quanto eu te amei, você teria medo de ficar comigo." muttered Tyki softly, then more loudly, "Of course I do, you're a "menina problemática"  after all."
Siana's heart sped up. Tyki obviously didn't know how much her Portuguese had improved lately.
"�™�쟁이. 왜 그렇�™� 내 얼굴�-� 물건을 말할 수�-��" 이유�" 무�-�입니까?" muttered Siana, then, "If that's the way you really feel Tyki." She pulled out of his arms and crawled over him.
"Siana-!" began Tyki uncertainly but siana merely kissed him passionately. Once she judged Tyki to be sufficiently distracted (It was so hard to remember why she shouldn't also be distracted) Siana undid the silvery chain that connected her to Tyki and wound it around him tying him to the bed.
"Hey Tyki." said Siana trying to grin and keep up her usual playful manner.
"W-what?" asked Tyki, Siana grinned and pulled the chain tight, completely restricting all his movements and the next instant removed his Noah powers, "QUE PORRA?!"
"A bit of advice. Next time you tell someone you love them, try using a language that they can fully understand." said Siana. With that she left. She didn't actually want Tyki to tell ANYBODY besides her that he loved them. But she didn't want him to be lonely all his life either... and if her plan to save both Tyki and Yasmine's kid worked then she wouldn't be alive much longer anyway.
Siana checked her watch, ignoring the fading sounds colorful Portuguese. They didn't have much time.

"Yasmine!" Siana panted as she flew to the ground where her friend stood with Allen.
"SIANA!!!" squealed Yasmine tackling her friend in a hug.
"Siana what are you doing here? I thought you were going to catch Tyki and never let him go?" asked Allen blinking at her in surprise.
"That was the original plan." agreed Siana, "But that was before I realized I was putting both Tyki and Yasmine's daughter in danger."
"Aw but Siana you should-.... WAIT, WHAT?!!!" screeched Yasmine looking at her incredulously, Allen's body went stiff and his expression blank, "Do I look like I have a kid to you?!"
"It's the truth! And the Earl is holding her captive! I didn't believe it at first either, but then Tyki let me see her-"
"Wait you saw her?! $@#%! That means the Earl has taken Elcie out of the separate dimension so he can use her for something!" said Allen in a panic voice that was not his own.
"Neah... so your the crazy mofo that knocked up my friend in another life." said Siana narrowing her eyes at him.
"W-w-what?!" spluttered Yasmine.
"That is correct." said Neah regarding her with steady eyes, "Now if you please, I need any information you have about my caught NOW."
"No problem, in fact I have something even better: A plan." said Siana, then suddenly she pointed a finger dangerously at him, "You have cookie points for being so loyal, I'll give you that, but I still do not approve."
"I don't need your approval. All I want is to keep my loved ones safe." said Neah. Siana stared at him then turned to Yasmine.
"Actually I've changed my mind. He'll do, you should keep him." said Siana with a grin.
"Bwa! You guys are all Meaners! you're purposefully keeping me in the dark!" complained Yasmine glaring at Siana and Neah.
"You're plan?" asked Neah raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yes!" said Siana pulling out a sheef of papers and handing it to him. The Noah read through her notes quickly while Yasmine continued to complain loudly. He looked up at her with a degree of respect in his gaze.
"It's a good plan." he admitted.
"Of course! I made it!" grinned Siana.
"It would be even better if we could have Joyed on our side, are you sure he wouldn't want to help?" asked Neah. The smile slipped from Siana's face. She turned away.
"No. After all I did to him back there I don't think he'll want to stand by my side ever again." whispered Siana.
"Yet you still want to go so far to save him?" asked Neah, though he already knew the answer (He had encountered Yasmine after all)
"Always." said Siana.

Siana stared numbly at Sarah.
"I am so sorry Siana! It's all my fault!" cried Sarah.
"Shh... I sure there was nothing you could have done. How did this happen?" asked Alana.
"We were fighting back to back on the roof of that insanely high mansion of the Noah's. E-even though we knew the Apocrphos was a shape shifter we weren't expecting- Tyki took a bad blow from the innocence and fell unconscious. Allen was standing over him holding the Order off for as long as he could and Jack and Rachel were holding off the Earl while I tried to heal/wake up Tyki as quickly as I could. And-And then," Sarah shuddered, "The Crows hit Allen with something weird. It must have done something weird to the Heart because the moment he went down so did Rachel. Then the Earl just t-took off with Rachel. Jack tried to stop him but the Earl just smacked him off... I-it was all I could do to keep Jack from falling to his death. But by the time I got back the Order had left with Allen and Tyki... the Apocryphos had left a note that said if the Earl wanted the Noah of Pleasure to continue to exist that he would hand over the other half of the H-heart."
"Oh no..." whispered Alana clinging to Daisuke for comfort.
"I'm so sorry! I tried as hard as I could I swear!" cried Sarah.
"Sarah there was nothing you could have done." Alana said softly patting her, "You were able to keep Jack from dying... and though the others are kidnapped we know that they need to keep them alive for ransom at least."
"No," said Siana hopelessly, the other two girls looked at her, "The Earl... he's very fond of his Noah, but.... he won't give up the heart for anything. The Apocryphos... once he realizes this he won't bother to keep Tyki alive." said Siana clutching her belly as she felt her baby shift around in agitation as it picked up her emotions.
"No. Don't you dare give up!" said Alana her eyes flashing. She pointed towards the house, "You've got a son in there who is waiting for his daddy to come home!(the Walker kids too!) we're going to bring them home! are we're going to bring them home alive!"

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

Author's Note

menina problemática - troublesome girl
beleza? Eu estou falando com você - Beauty? I am talking to you.
Se você soubesse o quanto eu te amei, você teria medo de ficar comigo. -If you knew just how much I loved you, you would be afraid to stay with me.
�™�쟁이. 왜 그렇�™� 내 얼굴에 물건을 말할 수없는 이유는 무엇입니까? - Coward. Why can't you just say stuff like that to my face?
que porra- what the F

You'd think that since I planed to stop writing shorts I would not leave thing on a cliff hangers... well I never claimed to be the brightest crayon in the box. Alana's part is next, I think I'll continue this story line but this time from Alan's point of view.

My Review

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Can't wait for the second part! XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

??????? What happens next?!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Gaspeth! Cliff hanger!
So good so far!!! ^_^

Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

.... That's all????!!! NO!! MY TYKI!!!! *cries*

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

"That's all"? lol, only if you want it to be all: I am planning on continuing.

12 Years Ago


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4 Reviews
Added on June 22, 2012
Last Updated on August 25, 2012
Tags: D. Grey Man



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne