parting ways

parting ways

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne


The Parting of Ways

Rylie stode in the airport terminal, next to her stode Kyo and not to far away, Jaya and Yuki. After a moment Rachel, Allen, Yasmine, Tasha, Serena, Bethany, Alexzander, and Momiji hurried over to them.

    “I can’t believe we’re off to collge!” said Yasmine, comeing up to hug frist Jaya then Rylie.

    “So Serena did you pass that online highschool test?” asked Rylie.

    “’corse! It was a brezze!” said Serena, brandishing her printed delploma.

    “And now we’re all off to different collges all over the contry! I am going to miss you guys so much!” said Rachel. (the guy’s had moved off to give the girls a privit moment)

    “We have to call eachother all the time!” said Jaya.

    “Of corse!” they all said.

    “Though I might be a bit bussy, I did get into one of the top collges in the contry.” Said Rachel as though she still couldn’t believe it.

    “Smart-a*s.” Teased Bethany.

    “Jaya! Rylie! Our plane is going to leave soon, there starting the bording now.” Called Yuki over to them.

“We’ll be right there!” called Jaya back, her smile lingering as she turned back to them, Rylie and the others grinned at eachother. They all knew Jaya was hopelessly in love with Yuki.

    “Promiss me one thing Jaya, (although it realy aplise to all of you).”


    “Please be responsible with those boys.” Said Rachel glanceing over at them.

    “You too Rachel.” Teased Serena.

“Yeah right, Allen is my friend, it be way to wiered for him to possibly be anything else.” Said Rachel making a face at the thought.

    “Sure. “ Bethany said, Rachel sighed, clearly giving up on argueing the subject.

    “At least Rylie and I will be going to the same college.” Said Jaya.

    “Yeah because Rachel and Serena had to be smarty-pants and get into the crazy advanced college, then Yasmine and Bethany desided to be poop-faces and go off together to another collge.” Said Rylie sticking out her tung at the others.

    “Yo mammas a poop-face.” Said Serena grinning.

    “You two have nothing to complain about, you got into the Julliard institute in NYC, that’s a International Baciloriat standerd school.” Said Rachel.

    “What ever that is, you realy should speak English more often Rachel.” Said Rylie.

    “I am speaking English!” said Rachel.

“Did Yuki and Kyo get into the same collge as you guys?” asked Yasmine.

“Well du Yasmine, they’ve only been talking about it every second of the day for the past week.” Said Serena.

“Well sorry if I have little moments.” Said Yasmine stiffly, they all laughfed and hugged one last time, then hurried off with the boys to their sepert flights.

Jaya and Yuki took there seats in the front while Rylie fallowed Kyo further back. She took the window seat, knowing how Kyo didn’t like flying she pulled down the shade.

“Are you sure this thing will stay up in the air? It’s like a million pounds.” Said Kyo nervosely fiddeling with his seat belt, Rylie took his hand before he could destroy anything.

“It’s fine, I’ve flown in these thing many times.” Rylie reassured him as the airplane began to move slowly.


“I promiss.” Said Rylie kissing him softly, but Kyo wouldn’t have any of that so as she tried to pull away he pulled her back and kissed her more feirsly. They brok apart as the plane began to take off.

“Oh I don’t like this,” said Kyo nervously, “I don’t like this at all.”

“It’s ok.” said Rylie, she held him gentely till the plane leveled out up in the air, then Kyo lifted his head from her chest and looked at her shamefuly.

“You must think of me as such a cowerd.” He said miserably.

“Nah, that’s fine, I freaked out a bit my frist time too.” Said Rylie thinking of that time when they had gone to Catilina Island in 6th grade.

After a bit they started playing cards, Kyo pariculaly liked speed, though Rylie had to keep him from brakeing the flimsy food tables when he slamed down his set. Food and drinks came around and they joked about getting food piosening from stale peanuts.

The seat belt sighn went off and Rylie got up imeditly to go the bathroom, on the way she passed Jaya and Yuki who were fast asleep wound in eachothers arms, Rylie smiled at the sight.

Fortunatly it was a derect flight with no stops, but it was stil quite late when they arrived in New York. Not feeling like trying to find their dorm rooms yet they got a hotel room and the four of them crashed imeadtly on the beds and were asleep in a moment.


Yasmine and Bethany were going to share a dorm room and they were working on decorating it. Yasmine had hung up her Anime posters and plush toys, Bethany had arranged all her hello kitty stuff and was finishing putting together the desk her parents had bought her for her laptop and speakers.

They had also brought along a little bookshelf, Yasmine’s half was filled with mostly Mangas (though she had few of the Percy Jackson books as well), Bethanys half were almost all romance novels and scetch books.

“This will be realy nice, I am actually in a place with out a tone little kids running around.” Said Bethany happily.

“Yeah and I don’t have to share a room with my sister anymore I am so happy!” said Yasmine.

There was a knock on the door and Bethany walked over and opend it for Tasha and Alexzander.

“Varry nice, I like it.” Said Alexzander smileling, he and Bethany had tried going out for a bit, but they desided that they liked each other better as close friends, which they now were.

“Yasmine this is realy cool!” said Tasha  bounceing over to hug and kiss Yasmine quickly.

“Wish you’d come over and help us with our room, this fellow has no taste.” Said Alexzander gestering to Tasha jokeingly.

“Well then I’ll just have to help you.” Said Bethany finishing the desk and pluging in her laptop. “Let’s let the lovebirds be for a bit and get that room in a desnt shape.”

“All right, see you two later.” Said Alexzander, holding the door open for Bethany.

“Don’t do anything dirty while we’re gone.” Joked Bethany as she walked out.

“Like we ever would.” Said Yasmine after her.

“Don’t worry we know.” Said Alexzander laughfing softly, then he shut the door.

“You have a nice selection hear.” Said Tasha examining her Manga’s. Sience he had come to the real world Yasmine had gotten him hooked on Anime and Mangas almost as much as she was.

“Yep.” Said Yasmine flopping down in one othe squishy beanbags. Tasha went and testingly flung himself into the other one.

“These are realy nice.” Said Tasha spraling out comfortably. Yasmine agreed happily and they went off on a descusion about Anime, argueing over all these good chareters and plots. Then they started reading Mangas, it was pretty fun, but they didn’t notice how late it had gotten intill Yasmine saw that Tasha was falling asleep on his book, she checked the time and saw that it was 11:50.

“Man we gotta get to bed! We can’t be falling asleep on the frist day of school!” said Yasmine nudgeing Tasha awake.

“Mmhmm? Oh yeah, right.” Said Tasha sitting up sleepily, he looked around frowning groggily, “Is Bethany and Alexzander not back yet?” he asked.

“Oh no, they’re not, but they’re both night peep’s, I bet they haven’t even noticed yet.” Laughfed Yasmine, she hugged Tasha good night and went to go get ready for bed. Something stired under under her bed, Tasha was gone, and Yasmine (who was never far from her wepon) unsheeted her sword. Something lunged for her from under the bed and she quickly slashed through it.

Yasmine peered at the little monster as it dissolved and disappeared, it looked like one of the creatures from a Manga she had read rsently, but it looked far scarier in real life. Yasmine stared at the place it had been, Why was something from a Manga in the real world? They had destroyed the only means of that months ago. She frownd as the door opend, thinking it was Bethany she turned to tell her but instead she found Tasha, pale as deth, gripping his sword like her.

“I am so sory Yasmine, I tried to stop them-“ began Tasha.

“Tasha what’s wrong? What are you talking about?” said Yasmine frightend by his expression.

“It’s Alexzander… he’s dead.”


“They came out of no where and tried to get me, I killed them no problem, but when I got back to our room I found Alexzander dead, he disoloved back into the ink, I guess that’s because it’s what we were made and-“

“What about Bethany?! What happened to her?!” demanded Yasmine, fearing the answer.

“Yasmine… she’s gone.”


Rachel and Serena’s dorm was amazing, it wasn’t tecnicly a dorm but a house, the collge they went to had bought all the houses in the naiborhood and gave them to the kids as dorms. They had a pretty small house, but Allen and Momiji got to be there too on the flore below theirs because they’re house had a adult shaperon.

Half of their room was books and the other half was high tec. computer stuff, with the two beds shoved in different corners so they could go to bed and get up at different times without disturbing each other.

Then there was the kichen down stairs, the living room, their shaparons room, and the boys room. Up stairs there was of corse their room, a bathroom, and the other room (which was supposed to be another students room but nobody wanted a house with a shaperone) that they had turned been into a confertable study, and last of all the attic which Rachel had insisted be the music room with a peaino and their violins, recoders, gitars, ect.

All together they were vary happy with the deal they had gotten. Rachel went out to the store with Momiji to get some food, Allen had wanted to go look something up at the school, and Serena curled up with a book while the music quietly played.

Momiji was still Moimiji, grown up or not, Rachel enjoyed having a playful argument with him about icecream. In the end they ended up buying a quart, Rachel matched some adds and resond the casire into making a exception then got $200 worth of food for $96.74. They were well stocked, for the next week or at least, she and Allen ate, as Serena put it, a indeasent amount of food.

They would be fine though, Rachel was working three part time jobs that all paid extremely well, the others were working some jobs also. They had split the costs of everything, Rachel coverd the food, Serena coverd the text books, Allen the dorm cost, and Momiji anything extra or fun.

When they got back Rachel walked back up to her and Serena’s room, she kicked off her shoes and sat down on her bed and made a face at the ceiling.

“What’s up?” asked Serena peering at her from over the top of her book.

“I think Bethany might be up to something.” Said Rachel.

“What makes you say that.” Asked Serena setting down her book.

“My powers are linked to all of you, so I can tell what all of you are doing anytime, but I don’t, however Bethany somehow lernt how to block me, so now whenever she doesn’t want me to know what she’s up to she blocks me, and not to long ago she disappeared… probly some new guy she met at school but it’s still disconcerting.” Said Rachel.

“Is that all that’s bothering you.” Asked Serena, “It’s Bethany, she’ll be fine.”

“Well it’s also that I always forget something, I don’t useualy remember till I need it, but this time I know I am missing something, and I am sure it’s important I just can’t remember what, it is going to drive me crazy.” Said Rachel flopping back on her bed.

“You could e-mail your mom and see if she know’s.” said Serena.

“I think I will.” Said Rachel getting up.

“Dose anybody want ice cream?!” asked Momiji sticking his head in.

“Yes please.” Said Serena getting up to hug him.

“See Rachel-san, Serena-chan likes ice cream too!” said Momiji grinning at her.

“Ah, well Rachels a freak.” Said Serena.

“Thanks.” Saqid Rachel.

“Don’t worry Rachel that’s why we love you!” said Serena.

“If she wasn’t a little weired she might not have thought to trick the Zpiders and we would have burt piece’s of paper.” Said Momiji bowing to her in his gentleman like fasion.

“Aw… your so sweet Momiji.” Said Serena smileling.

“If you change your mind about the ice cream tell me.” Said Momiji  with another grin going out.

“Serena…” said Rachel in a odd voice.

“What is it?” asked Serena pausing at the door.

“I remberd what I forgot.”

“What was it?”

“The pages.” Wisperd Rachel.

“What pages Rachel? your not making any sence.” Said Serena.

“Alexzander, Allen, Momiji, Yuki, Kyo, and Tasha’s pages! I forgot them back in Phoenix! If something were to happen to those pages they could all die!” Said Rachel, Serena understood why she was worried, if the wrong hand got on those pages the boys would die or get sucked back into the book or posess them…


…or worse.

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

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Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012
Tags: mine



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne