helping hand

helping hand

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne

jeez this is long... and there is a sequel too...



Helping hand

“Rachel?!” exclaimed Serena and the others.

“Geze guys can’t you keep my name straight? Rachel is my sister I am Kiesa.” Said Rachel giving them a warning look.

“Um, no your no-“ began Jaya but Serena deliverd a quick jab under her ribs to shut her up.

“Sory Kiesa you’ve just grone so much sience we last saw you that we thought you were your sister.” Said Serena laugfing lightly, she appraised Rachel she had been set to a different age too, about 15, though she out of all of them had changed the most in apearence, Serena wonderd for a moment why that was then she relised that it was because all of Rachel’s acne had disappeared and anything and everything in Anime was exaggerated so anything in Rachel that had been moderately pretty was now just pretty but still not drop dead or anything. She relised that this must aplie for all of them, but she had just never noticed before.

“I am glad you all are alright.” Said Rachel softly.

“Who are these people?” asked the red head next to her.

“Lavi, They are friends of mine from before I became a Exorsist.” She replied, Serena wonderd idely what a Exorsist was.

“Kiesa you need to get back to HQ  I have a idea of what your thinking about doing, and you are not running off to Edo, it’s to dangeros, espeisaly for you.” Said her white haired friend.

“Allen you can’t stop me and you know it, either you come with me and you can protect me all you want while I am  fighting.” Said Rachel.

“I don’t want you fighting.” Said Allen.

“To bad for you, ‘cause I am going to resuce my friend wether you like it or not.”

“Kiesa we can’t let you! Your have the hart and also your our friend!” said Lavi.

“Dued! Ra- Kiesa can take care of herself if she doesn’t say sorry for everything.” Said Bethany.

“By the bye they’re comeing too.” Said Rachel gestering to them.

“But Kiesa they’re just ordinary humans they won’t stand a chance aginst the Akuma!” said Lavi.

“It’s not just Akuma in Edo from what I’ve seen and heard.” Said Rachel.

“I still don’t like it.” Said Allen.

“Please Allen have a little faith in me.” Begged Rachel, he sighed. Lavi looked back and forth between them and grumbeled something about not a good idea and complied as well. Serena marveled quietly over how much influence  Rachel had over the boys.

“Ahem,” said Bethany, they all looked at her, “There is one of us that still can’t go.” She said.

“Who.” asked Rachel.

“Rylie.” Said Bethany.

“What?! no way are you leaveing me behind!” said Rylie jumping to her feet.

“Rylie think about it, about a week ago you got stabed by Akito and a lot of you internal organs still haven’t recoverd, also you broke three ribs and sprained your ankle badly, your not going to be running anywhere and the longer we wait the more likely Yasmine will get eaten.” Said Serena.

“Hey what about Jaya?! She nearly had her leg broken off, your not making her stay behind!” said Rylie out raged.

“Yeah well Jaya healed realy fast, she is almost all the way better give it a day or so.” Said Bethany.

“Wait what happened?” asked Rachel, her friends all leand in to hear as Bethany quickly gave them a sifted through version of what had happpend, Rachel’s eyes brighted with interest, Serena could almost see the gears working inside her brain.

“It must have something to do with your Zodiac Jaya! I bet that because of the different amune sytems and the what with the opisit celliar currents of between when you are a Tiger and human my guse is that the Recovery proses probly extended-“

“Yeah yeah and Rachels realy smart and knows whats going on.” Said Rylie dismissively.

“Um is there a eglish translation of that? Try and keep it as simplule as possible.” said Serena.

“Because Jaya can turn into a aimmal she heals quicker, is that simplule enoghf for you?” Asked Rachel sarcasickly.

“Almost.” Said Bethany sweetly.

“Guys why are we arguing about how I got better so quick? We have to go save Yuki! He could be dead for all we know!” said Jaya franticly, Rachel looked at Jaya for a moment then turned to Serena and asked conversationly.

“So… How long did it take Jaya to start going out with Yuki?”

“Oh about a week.” Said Serena grinning.

“That long?” asked Rachel in suprize.

“Hey you are one to be talking Serena, how long did it take you to start going out with Momiji? What three days?” said Jaya angrily.

“Nah… four.”

“Hey Rylie don’t you try and sneak off!” said Bethany snaching Rylie by the back of the neck, “Rachel!”

“What?” asked Rachel.

“You saw Rylie trying to sneak didn’t you? Why didn’t you try to stop her?” asked Bethany.

“I… well it didn’t feel fair even if you guys are right.” Mumbeled Rachel.

“Hey Kiesa it’s okay.” Said Allen putting a arm around her.

“Yeah Kiesa, how about you and Allen go on ahead and meet us later?” said Lavi.

“Okay… if that’s alright with you guys?” said Rachel uncertainly.

“Go ahead.” Said Serena struggeling to hold Rylie who was strugeling as strong as she could, which in her condition was not vary strong.

“Fine with me, so long as I get to leave soon too.” Said Jaya.

“Ra- Kiesa! Don’t let them keep me hear!” begged Rylie.

“Rylie… remember that they realy just want to keep you safe.” Said Rachel not meeting Rylies eyes, Serena could tell she was itching to help her.

“we best be going then.” Said Allen giding Rachel away from them.

“Wait just one second! I do not approve, I demand that one person go with you!” said Bethany.

“huh? Ok.” said Rachel.

“Jaya how about you go with them, they will probly get there frist.” Said Bethany.

“Alright.” Said Jaya jumping up to join them, and they left quickly after that, Rachel and Allen having alredy had suplise.

Bethany, Serena, and Lavi strugeled together to the hospitel with Rylie. Serena informed the nurse that Rylie was having a nurves brakedown and that they were afraid that she would hurt herself, she would most likely try and leave the hospitel but to please keep her there. It took several hours to get out of there during this time Serena leaned over and asked in a wisper.

“Why did you make Jaya go with Rachel?”

“I couldn’t have just let my Rachel go on a long jurny alone with a boy. It’s not that I don’t trust her, I just don’t trust that she couldn’t get one pulled on her, she doesn’t notise those things the way we do. that’s why Jaya is a good pick, ‘cause she doesn’t let much of those things go by.” Wisperd Bethany back, Serena nodded understanding what she ment. 

At last they set out Lavi had gone and gotten another Exorsist named Kanda. Serena didn’t like him as much, he was so grumpy, but Lavi she found was vary engaging and fun to be around.

“Allen and Kiesa have had almost a days worth head start.” Said Lavi informed them.

“Which means we better hurry and cetch up, I don’t trust bean sprout to be able to protect her.” Groweled Kanda.

“Let’s go then!” said Lavi helping Bethany and Serena to their feet with and grin.


Rylie strugeled helplessly aginst the bonds they had straped her down with in the hospitle. She was out raged, yes, she was not her strongest, yes, Jaya had Yuki, Serena had Momiji, Bethany had Alexzander, and rAchel was vary dedicated to rescue their friend Yasmine, Rylie still wanted to help save Yasmine even if her help was not particularly needed.

She heard the door open and close, but she didn’t bother looking to see who it was.

“Careful, she’s a wild one.” Cautiond the Nurse.

“I’ll take my chances.” Said a male voice. Rylie opend her eys in suprize, who could possibly be visiting her? She saw a young man with bright orngeish red hair, she reconsied him from some of Jayas rantings about Fruits Basket, this must be the boy that turned into the cat, Kyo.

“Hey, do you know where Yuki is? He useulay hangs out hear, but I can’t find him, and Thuru I worried.” Said Kyo leaning on the wall, he looked coarsely at the cords tieing her down.

“Why yes I do know where Yuki is, he was kidnapped, but I won’t tell you anything else till you untie me.” Said Rylie.

“What?! That stupid Rat was kidnapped? Why? What happened?” asked Kyo leaning forward tword her.

“I’ll tell you, if you let me go.”

“Not a chance, I’ll be kicked out and you’ll just be tied up again.” Said Kyo looking  away.

“Oh, I am sure a smart cat like you would know how to sneak me out of hear.” Said Rylie lightly, Kyo jumped in suprized and stared at her, Rylie smiled, they hadn’t told anyone other then Yuki, Momiji, and Haru about anything, Kyo probly didn’t even know about there being other Zodiac.

“Do you know…?” asked Kyo softly.

“Listen buddy, if you get me out of hear I’ll tell you about what I know, including the little bit about brakeing the curse.” Hissed Rylie, Kyo’s eyes widend, he nodded.

“I’ll come pick you up at midnight.” Said Kyo, and he got up and left.

Rylie setteled down to wait, she liked this Kyo, mostly because he was letting her out, but he was also pretty good looking as well. She thought about what she was going to ask of him, because as much as she didn’t like to admit it, the others were right, she was in no condition to be making this kind of jurny, but she was sure that if she convince this Kyo to help her she would be able to get there.

Rylie smiled softly to herself, this boy was no cowerd and he would be unlikely to run away from this kind of challenge, together they would go to Edo.

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

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Oh, and boo....the picture didn't show up...
= (

Posted 12 Years Ago

Whoa! Just two more chapter's left?! That went by FAST! (Or I'm just that determoned to finishing this book, along with other's you have up.)

Amazing as alway's!
Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012
Tags: fruits Basket, vampire kisses, vampire knight, witch hunter



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne