

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne

heeee, misspellings :)




“What the matter Haru?” asked Serena one day.

“It’s Yuki… he’s been realy depressed lately.” Said Haru frowning with concern. It had been a week sience they had put Jayas plan into action, it had worked perfectly, and now Serena had become close friends to Haru and Momiji. Jaya on the other hand was distinsing herself from every one in the Souma family, Serena knew though that it was because she realy wanted to be friends with them. Serena would have liked to be friends with Kyo and Yuki too but she thought that would just sink Jaya further into depression.

“Why?” she asked.

“I think he’s love sick.” Confined Haru.

“Love sick?!” said Serena in suprize.

“With your friend Jaeialie.” agreed Momiji, who had reasently developed into a handsom young man.

“Aw that will make Jaeialie sad. She’s trying so hard not to hurt him.” Said Serena unhappily.

“She likes him?” asked Haru.


“Then why dosent she go out with him?” asked Momiji.

“It’s complicated, I don’t even realy know everything myself.” Said Serena.

“I think I can keep up.” Said haru, Momiji nodded. Serena thought a bit then decided on a rout they could understand that was fairly truthful without revileing much.

“All right but like I said its strange and complicated. Ok so in India the… the father has a lot of power and authority, because he’s the head of family. Jaeialie’s... father is vary… contralig, none of his family can disobay him.” Said Serena.

“I can understand that.” Said Haru and Momiji together, Serena knew they were thinking of Akito, good that is what she wanted.

“Ok so the family can’t disobey, and when they anger him he is vary… violent. It’s not always direct but its usually crul. I heard about one time one of her… brothers messed up on something badly, and he got so angry that he beat the boy till he couldn’t stand anymore, then he took the boys servent who he loved deerly and killed her infront of him.” Said Serena with a shidder, that was a true story about Jayas Master and One of her fellow Zodiac, though Jaya didn’t know anything about it.

“And I thought I had it bad.” Mutterd Haru.

“Yeah, so she has been forbidden to interact or make any emotial ties with you Soumas.” Said Serena, “Makes her even more depressed that I am friends with you guys.”

“Oh man that makes me feel realy bad.” Said Momiji.

“Don’t realy know what to do for her exept to hope that her stay hear is shortend so she has to suffer less.” Said Serena unhappily.

“Eh? She likes Yuki and us that much?” asked Momiji.

“Yeah, I gusse I shouldn’t have told you guys. She might literally kill me if she knew, well maybe not kill but probly land me in the hospital.”

“No no I am glad you told us it makes everything make more seince.” Said Haru. They sat in silence for a bit a clowd of glome hagging over them.

“Miss Tieoco? There is someone asking for you at the front desk.” Said her teacher.

“Wonder whats that about.” Said Serena getting up.

“See you. Hey Tieoco? Are you free tomarrow? We could go do something if you like.” Said Momiji, smileling attractively.

“I think so, See you!” she said walking quikly twored the front desk. Momiji had just as good as asked her out, she wonderd if Jaya would object, it might be a bad idea to leave her alone…

“Whats going on?” asked Jaya right next to her.

“Eep! Oh I don’t know. I just-“

“Jaya! Serena!” the two of them turned to see a anime Bethany running twods them.

“Are you the one who called us up-?” began Serena.

“Guys we have to hurry, its Rylie she’s in truble. That mad person Akito has got her, and I don’t know what will happen to her if we don’t hurry.”


Jaya stood faceing the main house of the Soumas with Bethany and Serena by her side. This wasn’t going to be easy. She had called up her master, and they had talked it through and both agreed it was going to be close. But they couldn’t just do nothing even from a outsiders point of view if Akito killed her the night classe at crose academy would rebel. If Akito didn’t kill her then she gained a powerful wepon. That only left making a attempt at a resque.

“I will stay incase something gose wrong and you need to call for back up.” Said Bethany, Jaya nodded and reached up and knoked on the door.

“What do you want?” asked the servent who answerd the door.

“I request a adudience of Akito, head of the chines Zodiac.” Said Jaya in a formal tone.

“Vary well then I will take you to her.” Said the servent. She lead them back to the dark room, but thankfully they were not to go in. instead Akito came out, Jaya did not feel quite confertable standing near this trecheros person but she hid it.

“My name is Jaeialie Aytama, and I am sent hear as a representitive of the Indian Zodiac.”

“And My name is Tieoco Nubia, I am the representitive of the African Zodiac.”

“We have been sent hear because of a riseing issue.” Said Jaya.

“Akito Souma. Your thoughtless crulty is weekening your Zodiac’s bond and it is in danger of brakeing. Indeed it has alredy started.” Said Serena.

“But more importantly  your actions are endangering our seacret.” Said Jaya.

“Recently we recived infomaition that you have taken a renigay vampire, that is to say a vampire that has not yet manifested, captive.” Said Serena.

“Under the orders of our heads of family. We tell you to release her or we fear truble may arisse.” Finished Jaya.

“So you are odering me to relies the monster?” asked Akito, then she barked, “Bring the girl forward.” A man with glowing blue eyes dragged Rylie out. He looked at Jaya and Serena hungrily, but Jaya was more afried of Rylie. She was limp as a rag doll her face as white as chalk and she was coverd in blood.

“Is her face familiar to you?” asked Akito.

“I have never seen this face before.” Said Jaya truthfully.

“Theni gusse she no more need of it.” Sighed Akito wipping out a knife a making to cut off Rylies head.

“No!” shouted Jaya and serena. Akito turned twords them.

“So you admit that you have plotted ageist me?” Akito then hit Jaya in the chest knoking her to the floor, then he sept on her knee and pulled up on her foot. Ther was a sickening crack as Jayas leg broke, she screemed.

“I am afraid you get to have my sepishal attention. I might even kill you if I am feeling genoros. But I don’t think I am… Jaeialie you are the one Shigure told me about who is trying to steel my Yuki’s hart and take him selfishly all for your self. I am not vary  happy with you. Pluse my asistents just caught the girl from before waiting just out side for you.” She said wipping the knife around and stabing Jayas sholder dragging it down her back. Jaya screemed and screemed and Akito laighfed. It was then that Jayas phone rang. Serena dived for it and awnserd.

“Jaeialie! You picked up your phone. Look I just talked to Haru and Momiji and I was wondering-“

“Yuki!” Serena prakitcaly shouted.


“Yuki you have to save her! She going to kill Jaeialie! Please Yuki we are at-“ the man with glowing eyes hit serena and sent her flying across the room into a wall. She screemed and the man crushed the phone.

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

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OH MY GOSH!!!!! OH NO!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!

So good so far!
Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012
Tags: Fruits Basket, vampire kisses, vampire knight



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne