bloddy b's

bloddy b's

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne


Bloody B’s

“zero!” called Rylie as she and Bethany ran twords him and Alexeder.

“Beth what are you doing hear?” asked Alexzander.

“We came to help.” Said Bethany, breathlessly.

“No I didn’t want you involved.” Zero said to Rylie with a anguished look.

“Would I have been any safer in a school full of vampires then I am hear? No, now stop worrying.” Said Rylie crosely, Zero stoped argueing but she knew he had not given up yet.

“So,” said Bethany bringing the conversation back round, “Have you found any leads on theses captils?”

“Yeah. Last we heard they were being kept at the “Souma family”.” Said Alexzander.

“the Souma family? That sounds strangely familiar.” Said Rylie.

“Now you metion it it dose.” Said Bethany.

“The soumas are a old mysieros family, they are filthy rich so its not suprizing that you have heard of them.” Said Zero.

“I sopose so.” Said Rylie though that didn’t seem quite right. She seemed to rember that name from back in another Manga but she didn’t rember what one. She glanced over at Bethany and could tell that she was thinking along the same lines.

“Alright as Zero said before the family is old and mysteiros. There are vary few records on them. There are acouple kids going to a local high school but that is about it.” Explained Alexzander.

“So what are we going to do?” asked Bethany.

“I have a plan, and actually it works better that you to are comeing-“

“No.” said Zero.

“Zero it’s the only thing that makes sence.”

“She’s not comeing. I wont put her in danger like that.” Said Zero pulling Rylie away.

“As much as I agree with you they are not kids. They deserve a chance, and if we leave them hear they will just come after us and be put into even greater danger.” Said Alexzander, reluctantly Zero nodded. Rylie rasied her eyebrows, bethanys guy was pretty good.

“Your boyfriend is a bit over protective.” Mutterd Bethany.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Hissed Rylie back.

“If he’s not right now he will be.” Grined Bethany.

“That’s the biggest bit of B.S. I have ever heard.”

“AS I said just give it a week or so, then boom, you’ll probly be hot lovers.”

“Oh, you just rember what you said because in a day or so I will come up with a witty retort and then you’ll be sorry.” Hissed Rylie, Bethany laughfed quietly, and the boys stared, probly wondering what on earth could be funny.

“Right then.” Said Alexander clearing his throte, “About that plan…”


Bethany and Rylie snuck through the maze of coridorrs in the main house of the Soumas. The plan was that the two of them were going to make a distraction, though she didn’t know what, whiele Rylie and her grabed the captsils, which where in the main bed room in the middle of the complex.

A big bang followed by a crash and several screems. The disraction had begun. People rushed to the other side of the complex, And Bethany and Rylie snuck further into the house.

At last they reached the room, Bethany put her ear to the door but heard nothing. She nodded to Rylie and the two of them snuck in. The room was almost pitch black, Bethany reliesed that’s this was because the walls were painted black. They serched quietly and at last they found them, the capsils. In a black case full of viles of blood.

Then every thing started going wrong, Bethany felt a cold hand grab her and instingktively she lashed out. The hand let go for a second the came back this time with a knife.

“Run!” cried Bethany, as she doged the knife, Rylie made a quick grab for the captils, and she began to run after Bethany. It was only once out side and a ways down the hallway that Bethany relised that Rylie was no longer behind her.

“You will never leave this house!” screemed a crazy voice, from in the dark room.

“Beth run! Its fruits Basket! Go to the info place and find Serena and Jay-“ Rylie let out a high piched screem. Bthany wanted to run back in there but she could alredy hear running feet up the pasege. If Rylie stood a chance then she would have to go to the info like Rylie had said.

Bethany ran down out of the house, she left a note at the place they were supose to meet:

Alexander something came up so Lizy and I wont be able to meet up with you just yet. Head up north and we’ll cetch up, tell Zero not to worry or do any thing rash.

Love you Hope to see you soon,


P.S. oh also tell Zero to hurry up and ask Lizy out.

Bethany grined, Rylie would probly get mad if she knew, but it didn’t realy matter. She got up, she knew what to do she would go to the local highschool and find Jaya and Serena. Because she knew from the info that Yuki and Momiji were there, and she was should Jaya and Serena would be where ever they were.

She was right.


Back at themain house Rylie gasped cluching the knife that Akito had stabed into her gut. She hoped Bethany had gotten away but it was hard to consentrate on anything but the pain.

“Now what did you want did you want with thses? Hm?” asked Akito clinking the capsils, Rylie persed her lips not trusting her self to speak.

“Tell me, or you may not enjoy what happens nexed, though I will.” Said Akito twisting the blade slowly in a cerical. Rylie screemed and Akito laughfed.

“She wants to turn somebody into a vampire I am gussing.” Said a strange man with blue glowing eyes.

“Hm? You again? You will tell me more of this later. Will you wait for me in the next room?” asked Akito carelessly, the man nodded and departed.

“Now who was you partner?” asked Akito turning her attention back to Rlyie. Rylie shook her head, she wouldn’t get Bethany, Zero, or Alexander caught.

“Speak!” shouted Akito hitting her hard over the head then again and again. “Tell me what your hiding!” Rylie could barly see bright lights were poping before her eyes, she manged to shake her head again. Akito screemed in anger and grasped her neck and started to strangel her, then through her with all her migh agist the wall from wich Rylie fell unconcience, dark blood trickeling from uner her blood hair.

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

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GA-GA-GA-GA!!!! RYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH NO!!!! RYLIE!!!!

It was amazing (and poor Rylie!!!)!
Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012
Tags: vampire knight, Vampire kisses



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne