butterfly kisses

butterfly kisses

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne


Butterfly kisses

Rylie woke up in a dim quite room. Her frist thought was that she had fallen asleep reading Mangas in the basement. Then she relised that she was far to confertable to be in the basement. She stretched and got up, her seroundings were unfamiliar but that didn’t bother her, so she walked right out into the blinding light of the next room, she blinked momentairily dazeled by the briyant glow.

“Ah Lizy! There you are I was just going to wake you.” Said a person sitting at the chair of a desk… Rylie just about turned right around and went back to bed. Because the person in the chair was a character right from the Manga she had just been reading. She must be dreaming she decided so she just to go along.

“Evening headmaster.” She said.

“Zero and Yuuki have alredy gone to help the transision to classes, as a prefect you must go to.” Said the headmaster cheerfully handing her a coat and staff. Rylie shrugged into the coat, the staff she relised must be to apprehend the night classe if the vamires got to rowdy.

“See you around then.” She said and walked out into the hall, she didn’t know her way around at all but she had a ruff idea of where to go because of all the noice. Comeing to the gate she found the usesall asembaly of boys and girls trying to get a peek at the night classe.

“Alright crazys clear out!” she said.

“You think that just because you’re a prefcekt that you can…” pouted a girl.

“Well that’s just it. I am a prefect, I do what want. And right now what I want is for all of you people to get your butts out of hear.” Said Rylie giving the girl a tiny shove.

“Alright.” she called again, “If anyone is left hear in 20 seconds I am fileling your names down to the head master for detention. Alight 1, 2, 3, 4…” there was a mad rush for the door and everyone left.

“Well that seems to have done the trick.” Said Rylie.

“Thanks I was sure it would take forever to get that bunch to leave,” said Yuuki adjusting her mini skirt. “You guys head off to patrol, I’ll finish up hear.”

“Sounds good.” Said Zero, Rylie nodded and they headed off down the hallway together.

“Sorry I am late.” Said Rylie.

“You needed rest.” Said Zero.

“No more then the two of you.” Replied Rylie at a brake in the passege.

“Ah well Yuuki and I sleep in class.” He said with a dark chucel rufaling her hair afectnetly, turning to walk down one pasedge, leaving Rylie to go down the other.

AS Rylie walked, she thought, barly concience of her seroundings. This was all to real to be a dream, she contiplated the last real things she remembered. She had been in the basement with Bethany compairing pictures of different kinds of ways of doing vampires, When quite suddenly when she tuched a picture she had been sucked forward into blackness, almost as if she were being pulled inside… Rylie quikend her pace. That is what had happened she was traped in a Manga. How was she going to get out? What had happened to the others?

“Eep!” said Rylie as she sliped on a huge puddle of water that had been spilt. She reached out to try and catch her fall and sliced open her hand instead. Rylie cussed quietly as she began to strugal upright.

“Lizy!” said Zero running up to kneel beside her.

“I am fine.” Mutterd Rylie, but Zero caught her chin and looked at her face. He was extremely good looking and it mad Rylie slightly nervoss. Vampires were just to pretty… her eyes wided a fraction, that was right he was a vampire and she was bleeding. He bent his face in close to hers, wether to kiss her or bite her she didn’t know. Either way she couldn’t make herself move, she was frozen in place.

Then something hit Zero hard in the side and he was throne away from her across the flore. Rylie looked up to see Kuren of the night classe standing over her.

“Get out of hear half-breed.” He said to Zero in discust. Zero cast one horrorified glance at Rylie then turned tail and ran.

“Why the f**k did you do that?” asked Rylie outraged.

“He was going to bite yo-“

“No you just shut the hell up Kuren.” Shouted Rylie. Then she ran all the way to the headmasters office.

“Lizy whats wrong?” asked the head master in suprize.

“Zero… he’s left.” Said Rylie as she grabed her bag and swet shrit and headed towod the door.

“Wait but where are you going?” he asked.

“I am going to go after him. Isent that what you people do in anime?” said Rylie. And without waiting for a answer, she ran out the door and then a little while latter out the gates.


Rylie had been traveling for days, following Zero’s trail. Now today it lead her into a strange grave yard where he seemed to have stayed for quite some time. Though she hoped he hadn’t left yet.

A shadow moved behind a grave stone. Grasping her staff she tackeled the thing.

“Ow, you bich that hurt.” said a familier voice though not one she expected.



“What are you doing hear?” asked Rylie.

“What do you mean what am I doing hear. This is where I live in this Anime.”

“I am looking for my vampire friend Zero, have you seen him?” Asked Rylie.

“Zero? My boyfriend Alexander just left for China with a guy called Zero. They where looking for some sort of captils that could turn you into a full vampire.” Said Bethany.

“They would turn anybody into a vampire?” asked Rylie grinning.

“Aha! I like your thinking Rylie.” Said Bethany.

“Then to China we go to find Zero and these capsils!”

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

My Review

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In the beginnig I was trying to figure out what manga Rylie had gone into and then as soon as I read the word "Headmaster", it was obviouse that she was in: Vampire night.

Whoa Zero, whoa...good boy Kuran, good boy...
Aw great! Now Zero is gonna turn Rylie into a full vampire.

'Tis great and magnificent so far!
Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012
Tags: Vampire knight, Vampire kisses



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne