She's the Man *continued*

She's the Man *continued*

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne

well sorry Yasmine and Siana, I wrote yours but writers cafe delated them and I am still recovering them. Incase you are forgetting Sarah is "Aamir" and I am "Ryan"

She's the Man

"Ryan? are you okay? you're taking an awful long shower." called Allen. He got know response from his roommate. The two had become quite close friends sharing almost everything. Well, almost everything. As well as he'd come to know Ryan, Allen could tell his friend was keeping something from him. Something big. But since he didn't feel like sharing it Allen wasn't going to pressure him into it. Ryan seemed like a sensible person, if he was hiding something there was probably a reason for it. 
Going to the door of their shared bathroom Allen listened. Not hearing anything and being concerned that his friend might drown himself in the bath tub or something (it was a valid fear, Ryan was the clumsy unlucky type) Allen began pushing the door open.
On opening the door he was greeted by a very high shirk and something being thrown at his face. Wincing, and blinking stars out of his vision, Allen looked over in the direction from which the object had been thrown to see his roommate hastily wrapping himself in a giant beach towel.
"Geez Allen! don't give me a heart attack! knock before you come in!" said Ryan in that same high voice keeping his back to Allen. Allen could have sworn he saw him trembling slightly.
"Did you hit yourself in the balls or something? your voice is really high..." commented Allen frowning.
"Wha-? Oh...! uh...yeah, I did..." mumbled Ryan still careful keeping his back to Allen.
"Aw, man that sucks! Sorry to freak you out, but you need to hurry and get dressed or we're going to be late for class." explained Allen.
"Oh, uh thanks. You go on ahead Allen, I'll catch up." said Ryan.
"You sure?"
"Yeah Allen, go ahead. I don't want you skipping out on breakfast." said Ryan casting a nervous grin over his shoulder.
"Are you getting sick?" asked Allen narrowing his eyes at the other boy poking one trembling shoulder.
"Um! no! I don't think so! I-I m-mean, uh, I'll be fine as soon as I eat food! Yes food! you know how I get when I am over hungry!" said Ryan flinching away from his touch. Allen did know. He had witnessed already several times that Ryan had gone to long without food and simply collapsed in a trembling mess on the floor from which Allen was forced to feed him part of his stash of chocolate to revive him enough to stumble to the cafeteria for a proper meal. Food could very well be the cause of all this, though if his friend was in that state he wasn't sure he wanted to leave him by himself. But the other boy was insistent.
"... okay. Text me if you need anything." said Allen shaking his head and leaving.
Ryan could be such a damsel in a distress for a guy.

Safely behind the closed door Rachel collapsed in a heap of nerves. That had been way too close. She needed to fix the broken lock on the door soon or she wasn't going to keep up this disguise very long. At least there had been a towel about that was big enough to hide her curves. IT also helped that Allen had been to focused on her to notice the rather feminine under ware in her cloths pile. Sighing Rachel quickly getting dressed so that Allen wouldn't come back and check on her, she dashed out her door and down the steps towards the cafeteria to join Allen for Breakfast.

Aamir must be gay. The pretty boy with his pale skin and clear blue eyes had many of the collage girls swooning over him. This fact however greatly distressed the boy for some reason. Jack's roommate was completely uninterested in girls that much was obvious, though weather or not he was interested in guys was not as clear. But Jack decided that he'd rather not know. It had taken a lot of coxing to get his shy roommate to be comfortable around him. Once he had, Jack had discovered that Aamir was a sweet, spunky, creative, and thoroughly interesting friend. He had taught him how to make a pocket watch one board afternoon, that in of itself had been very fun, but the next morning he had awoken to find that Aamir had made 7 more, each one better than the next. 
"Sorry," he had said, "It was so much fun I just wanted to keep doing it!" since then Jack had often seen the short boy fiddling with gears. It had taken Jack a while to realize that Aamir shared several of his classes with him because the boy was so quite. In art Jack had been stunned to see the boy's work.
Aamir's friend Ryan and his roommate Allen were also in his art class. Allen's odd white hair and tendency to get lost had made Jack like him almost immediately. He reminded him of his little brother Oz a bit. Ryan was another odd one. Messy brown hair and emo bangs, Ryan was anything but emo. He had a weird, almost "mother-hen" like disposition with Aamir and was also extremely enthusiastic about all the Arts. Although Jack had been tariffed of him for a good long while.
"Hey Aamir! what-cha making?" asked Jack bounding up to his roommate and slinging his arm around his shoulder as he peered at Aamir's latest animation strip.
"A story that I've been working on. Mr. Tidole(their art teacher) said he would help me edit it if I got this chapter done this week and then maybe I can publish it!" gushed Aamir with girl-like excitement.
"That's great Aamir! Will you let me read it when you're done?" asked Jack grinning and slapping Aamir on the back.
"Um, I am sure you wouldn't like it...." mumbled Aamir, cheeks darkening.
"Why? is it something totally indecent?" asked Jack craning to get a look.
"No!" said Aamir defensively.
"You think that Aamir would write that kind of stuff? aren't you her roommate? you should know better." said an offended voice behind him. Jack had turned to see a short boy glaring at him with a "are-you-retarded?" look in his stormy eyes.
"Oh, Jack, this is my friend Rac-Ryan that I told you about. Ryan this is Jack." said Aamir quickly introducing them... Ryan did not look impressed. 
"Nice to meet you Ryan." grinned Jack hoping to get on the good side of this intimidating short boy.
"Pleasure." said Ryan not looking pleased at all. He reached forward and carefully peeled Jack off of Aamir. Then with a stunning smile he turned to aamir and began chatting happily with Aamir about his story ignoring Jack's existence.
"What's up with him? I've never seen him act like that." commented Allen frowning, "what'd you do to him? steal his food?"
"No! I was just asking Aamir about his story!" complained Jack.
"Hm... Aamir is from Ryan's old school right? I've heard they're all very close and over protective over each other." said Allen thoughtfully.
"That's weird...." commented Jack. He stared at Aamir for a while; he really was such a strange kid, so much of the time he acted less like the other guy-friends he'd had a more like-
"Shut up." said Ryan who had been watching him watching Aamir.
"Wha-? I wasn't saying anything!" exclaimed Jack.
"I was referring to your thoughts, but your voice would be nice too." said Ryan with an angelic smile that seemed radiate evil. 'gah!' thought Jack, 'it's like he's mind reading. Who does that? I mea aside from girls-
"I believe I told you to shut up." interrupted Ryan again.
"Rachel-chop!" he said whacking Jack with a book with no expression on his face.
"Rachel!" cried Aamir.
"Rachel?" asked Allen sounding confused. (Jack couldn't see because he was seeing stars)
"U-uh! Yeah, She's... my sister! she looks just like me! so Sar-Aamir tends to call me that by accident a lot!" said Ryan in a voice that was a little too believable.
"Look man," said Jack blinking watery eyes in irritation, "I don't know what I did to @#$% you off but I really don't want to fight with you so can you just give me a break?" Ryan blinked slowly at him while Aamir fidgeted nervously looking between them.
"Interesting.... most guys come back cussing and punching after something like that... well I suppose you did cuss... hmm... perhaps you might be halfway decent..." mused Ryan.
"I think he's complementing you..." muttered Allen to Jack.
"Well then Jack, I'll take you off of me and my friends exception list and put you on the others probation list." said Ryan standing back up.
"The others know about Jack?!" squeaked Aamir surprisingly high.
"Yep! we'll wait to kill him though to see if he's good enough to be your roommate. I wouldn't get my hopes up though, so don't get too fond of him." said Ryan wandering off.
"Rac-Ryan!" protested Aamir running after him.
"He talks like some eloquent evil princess/mad scientist or something." said Jack staring after them.
"Yeah I noticed that too, though not the evil part. Ryan is really a nice guy normally. He and their friends must have decided you were a threat to Aamir or something." said Allen shrugging, "Aamir himself is a little princessy."
"Prince." corrected Jack.
"What?" asked Allen blinking.
""Aamir" means "prince" in Hebrew." said Jack.
"We have interesting roommates." mused Allen.
"Yes we do."
"Do you want to be friends?"
"Definitely, I am glad there is someone else who is also experiencing this insanity." 
*end flashback*
It had taken quite some time to convince Ryan that he wasn't a terrible person out to corrupt Aamir. The turning point had really being when they ended up partners in a music class and discovered each others love for music. Then he had taken him to get some food later. After that Ryan seemed to decided that there was no way he could be evil and even got Aamir's other friends from his old school to back off. Since than the four of them had become as thick as thieves. Jack discovered that he really liked both of the strange boys, individually, and when they bantered off like school girls. Allen too became a source of sanity in the collage and they often hung out to talk about their roommates or just life. Ryan and he became quite close, but it was Aamir who really seemed to capture his soul. 
He was hiding something and Jack meant to find it out.

Sarah sighed flopping down face first on her bed. This pretending to be a boy all the time was really tiring to her. She was relived when she and Rachel would sneak out of the collage every Sunday to go to church where they wore girls cloths and relaxed and chatted without dodging around dangerous subjects or be afraid of people suspecting them of being girls because, well, everybody could see that they were girls. 
She wished Jack could see her as a girl. Sarah had come to realize that she really liked the boy a lot (Rachel had realized first) and now she was faced with a terrible dilemma; if Jack wasn't interested in her than that meant that he was straight which was good because she was a girl and if she ever wanted to go out with him that would be rather important. However she really liked him and wanted him to like her back. However if he did that would mean he was into guys and she wasn't a guy. things would get REALLY awkward fast if that happened. 
She kept telling herself that once the year was up and she could tell him she was a girl everything would be fine. But then she found herself wishing the year wouldn't end. She liked being Jack's roommate, even if it was sometimes problematic to share a room with a guy. Especially *cough cough* once a month. Sarah didn't want things to change between them. They were really close. But then she REALLY wanted thing to change. She really liked Jack. She really loved Jack...
Sarah didn't know what she wanted to happen.
*beep*beep*beep* went her phone. Sarah checked her phone.
Sarah stared at her phone in horror.
You should come; we have chocolate.

"Sarah!" exclaimed Rachel breathless running in.
"How'd they find out?!" wailed Sarah.
"It was Allen." said Rachel miserably.
"He knows?!" cried Sarah in panic.
"No, it turns out he's adopted brother is that Neah boy Yasmine has been telling us about whose blood brother is that Tyki boy who going out with our Siana right now and apparently Neah was showing Tyki a picture of the four of us while they were at his house and-"
"Oh no.... we're doomed." moaned Sarah.
"Yep." agreed Rachel wincing at an all CAPS message she received from Jaya.
"Where are you guys going?" asked Jack coming in as Sarah and Rachel slunked past him.
"To our deaths." they said melodramatically.

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

Author's Note

I am forever going to copy my stories before I try to post them... that was bloody awful with Siana and Yazzy's stories. Sigh.

My Review

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LOL I WOULD BLOW UP LIKE THAT!! that was so funny! can't wait for part 3!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Omg!!! That was amazing~~~ yes, march to your deaths :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ha, ha! Mr. Tiedole, as in, D.Gray-man! That's funny!

Bethany: You should come; we have chocolate.

Gaa!!! *Panicking** WRITE MORE, WRITE MORE!!!

I loved it sooooo much!


Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on March 23, 2012
Last Updated on March 23, 2012
Tags: d. Grey Man



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne