お誕生日はジヤズミンーちゃん。Happy birthday Yazzy

お誕生日はジヤズミンーちゃん。Happy birthday Yazzy

A Story by TheEverHungryOne

writers cafe has been stupid these past few days so i wasn't able to post this before :/ but now here it is: full of Neah goodness(or badness I guess cause he's a Noah) per request.

(food of love)

Yasmine sat sulkily on the plush covers of her bed. It was her birthday and up till now she had been celebrating with her friends and enjoying the insanity that always ensued when ever they were together. However it had gotten late and her friends had slowly had to leave. At last, only the people who lived in the house had remained(aka those supportive of Neah's alternate rout to peace). Rachel had of course fallen fast asleep on the couch at one point and Allen had been obliged to carry her up to bed, not that she thought he minded. Siana and Tyki had run off to some gambling house after Siana challenged Tyki to a all out game of poker(something which was difficult to do unless Allen was away). Hence, Yasmine was by her self. Neah should have been there too but he had disappeared the moment he had heard her friends were coming over. He never said it but Yasmine suspected he might be a little frightened by them. That didn't mean Yasmine was going to forgive him for ditching her on her birthday! It didn't help that tomorrow was Valentines day and Yasmine had been forced to listen to all her friends romantic plans of which would be impossible for her to take part in seeing as she was still single.
"Why am I the only one with a non existent love life?" Yasmine asked the ceiling as she flopped back onto her covers letting her body sprawl across the bed. Technically that wasn't true, but I sometimes felt like. Especially with Rachel and Allen already married and Siana and Tyki engaged and her own love completely uninterested in her(at least thats what she told her self, though Rachel and Siana always were exasperatedly telling her that he liked her). All in the same house no less. The person subject to her wild affections? Neah Walker of course. He could be real flirty but he was never serious, he had made it very clear that defeating the Millennium Earl was his first priority and love would just be a hindrance. That just made it worse.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid Neah. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-" she muttered.
"Prey tell Yasmine dear, when did my IQ take such a downward spiral?" said the object of her affections leaning on her doorway watching her with a mild expression. Yasmine shirked so loud it was a wonder the windows didn't crack.
"Y-YOU-YOU-YOU! H-HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!" she asked wildly pointing her finger at him as she scrambled to the corner of her bed.
"Shhh... keep your voice down, there are people sleeping." said Neah,ignoring her question, wincing as he sat down on her bed next to her oblivious as she protectively drew her knees to her chest.
"I don't know what you're worried about. Tyki and Siana are out and Rachel and Allen sleep like the dead." grumbled Yasmine.
"True. But I can't say the same for our dear neighbors." grinned Neah as said neighbors began pounding on their front door.
"Ah! Hide!" whisper screamed Yasmine pulling Neah down under the covers with her.
"You're going to need to hide a little more creatively if you really wish to convince them you're not here." said Neah grinning as Yasmine flicked on a flash light.
"Shh... I am sleeping. What you just heard was me sleep talking." said Yasmine.
"Is that so... in that case why am I here too?" asked Neah grinning wickedly. Yasmine was very glad she didn't blush or she would be right now.
"B-be quite! we've already established that you're a creeper! you don't need an excuse!" said Yasmine trying to look dignified. Neah chuckled.
  "Shh... here they come." he smiled wrapping his arms around her pulling her to his chest. Yasmine was about say something very unlady like to him when, just like he predicted, the flashlights came shining throughout their window and she was forced to quickly shut her eyes.
"Heh, she's asleep, must have been sleep talking."
"Crazy girl, we'll chew her out in the morning."
"Whoa guys there is somebody else in there too!"
"Is that Neah Walker with her?!"
"I knew it."
"About time."
"Come on guys, lets not wake them..." the voices faded away from her window.
Scratch what she'd said before, Yasmine was pretty sure she was blushing now.
"It seems that our neighbors have long ago decided that we were destined for each other." laughed Neah nuzzling the top of her head.
"Don't flirt with me! let me up!" growled Yasmine trying to push him away, strangely though he clung to her.
"I don't wanna..."
"Neah...." she said dangerously groping behind her for a manga that she could shinigami chop him with. 
"Please love? just for tonight?" he said with puppy dog eyes.
"Hey now... thats not fair..." muttered Yasmine as her resolve wavered, "It's my birthday... I should be the one asking favors."
"Not for too much longer, it's almost midnight." Neah pointed out.
"Gah! Worse! I hate make-single-people-feel-bad-day!" said Yasmine forgetting her earlier aggravation in light of her new one.
"Pardon?" said Neah blinking at her.
"Valentines." Yasmine said with disgust.
"Valentines? that won't do. hm... I thought telling her on her birthday would be too cliché but Valentines day would be worse..." he mused seeming to forget that she was there.
"... the Yasmine is confused..."
"Yes, I know, and I apologies in advance." said pulling back for her a little to grin nervously at her.
"Apologies for wh-mgh?!" said Yasmine cutting off as Neah kissed her. He pulled back after a moment bashfully.
"WHAT THE-!?" Yasmine began to scream but Neah cut her off with a another kiss.
"Shh... you'll make the neighbors come back." said Neah.
"Forget the neighbors! how dare you just-just come up and-and steal my first kiss! You Noah meanie!" said Yasmine trying to figure out whether she felt angry, excited, scared, or confused. She couldn't decided which she wanted more: kiss him again, or find the mallet that Lavi had given her for her birthday (fashioned after her own) and beat him senseless.
"Your first kiss? Really?" he looked far too pleased about this.
"GET AWAY!" said Yasmine kicking right off the bed.
"What was that for?" asked Neah grumpily.
"What...? Oh. I hoped- never mind. Sorry Yasmine, I was being selfish. I won't bring this up again." he stood stiffly.
"Wait!" cried Yasmine as he turned to leave. She quickly tackled him to the ground and kissed him clumsily.
"What-? Yasmine, you don't have to pretend for me-" muttered Neah.
"Be quite Neah, I am nice but I am not that nice. Now tell me clearly: do you like me?" growled Yasmine trying to hide her embarrassment.
"I thought you just told me to be quite?"
"But when do you ever do what I tell you to do? Now answer me!"
"Hah..." smiled Neah, "Do you even need to ask that?" he quoted her.
"Neah-!" she began angrily.
"I do."
"I like you."
hello, you have reached Yasmine Lambert's mind, processing information, processing information- I am sorry the person you are trying to reach has shut down. Reviving, reviving, reviving...
"Oh Neah!" she cried retackling him and kissing all over his face.
"I take it you like me too?" laughed Neah between kisses.
"Of course you meanie! you shouldn't give me so many heart attacks, it's bad for my health!" scolded Yasmine.
"I make no promises." he whispered pulling her back for a much deeper making Yasmine melt into his arms.
"... Somebody has been busy while we were gone... See I told you Siana, we can't leave the kids unsupervised." the lovers started braking apart to see a very amused Tyki in the doorway. Right next to him Siana looked like she may have undergone a small heart attack.
"Do none of the Noah know how to knock?" grumbled Yasmine, Neah chuckled.
"You two..." came a scary voice from the doorway.
"Enter Rachel's black side." muttered Tyki.
"Good thing too, I was losing my hearing." said Neah.
"$20 Rachel tries to strangle them for waking up?"
"Done, there is no way Allen would let her."
"Shut up you two..." said Rachel pointing dangerously at them.
"Rachel... Yasmine was rolling around making out with Neah just now." Siana pointed an acussing finger at Yasmine.
"Tattle tale." hissed Yasmine.
"And that justifies you waking me up in the middle of the night?" said Rachel picking up Yasmine's new hammer.
"Whoa there Rachel calm down!" said Allen hurrying into the room and taking away the hammer.
"So... Tired... Not meant... To be... Up at night..." moaned Rachel collapsing against him.
"Go to sleep love." smiled Allen fondly scoping her up with a kiss to her forehead before turning to the other four, "I advise you go to bed a save your argument for the morning and get to bed while you can."
"Good plan." said Yasmine.
"... who knew Rachel could be so scary..." muttered Siana.
"Good, good, $20 for me." said Neah.
"@#$%^...." grumbled Tyki. One by one they trailed out of Yasmine's room till she was alone. She stared at the door absorbing the strange turn of events. Then it hit her again. Neah Walker had said he liked her. He had kissed her.
"Ah... life is good." said Yasmine flopping back onto her bed and falling asleep.
next morning...
"I can't believe it! He told you he liked you! Finally!" said Siana already over her short lived irritation at the state she'd found them in.
"And I walked into the middle of that? Wow! I don't remember anything!" said Rachel amazed.
"Now that is a little scary Rachel." commented Yasmine.
"But this is so exciting! 'Cause he's one of the Noah Family when you guy's get married that will make us sisters!" said Siana excitedly.
"And he's also sort of related to Allen as a Walker (not to mention his former host) so I'll get to be related to you too!" said Rachel happily.
"Whoa guys! He just told me he liked me, we're not getting married." said Yasmine holding up her hands.
"Oh its happening, its only a matter of time now." said Siana with certainty.
"Yazzy, it's not that unreadable. At least your together when she's making these predictions. Unlike a certain someone I could mention that was ranting about the beautiful babies I'd have with Allen before we'd even met!" sighed Rachel in exasperation.
"YOU WERE MENT TO BE! by the way how are those babies coming along?"
"See? So it's decided, Yasmine's getting married. And when you do I get to be the maid of honor. And Rachel's brides maid dress will have to be adjusted for her cute little prego belly." said Siana nodding thoughtfully.
"Yet." said Siana.
"Girls, what are you talking about?" asked Allen as he came in with Tyki and Neah.
"Nothing..." sang the girls innocently.

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

Author's Note

All done. lots of fluff. I wasn't sure how to write us in romantic relationships seeing how NONE of us have ever been in one. But i tried. Hope you liked it Yazzy!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Yazzy, it's not that unreadable. At least your together when she's making these predictions. Unlike a certain someone I could mention that was ranting about the beautiful babies I'd have with Allen before we'd even met!" sighed Rachel in exasperation.
"YOU WERE MENT TO BE! by the way how are those babies coming along?"
The best part :)
Yazzy will LOVE this

Posted 12 Years Ago

You did a great job with the relationship's! Can't wait till Yazzy reads it!
Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 20, 2012
Last Updated on February 20, 2012



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne