Spoils of War
A Book by TheEverHungryOne
When a country is conquered there are many things that the victor appropriates from the losers... and this newly acquired "wealth" can be used for all sorts of purposes. 
© 2013 TheEverHungryOne
Author's Note
I got this idea from reading "Dresses and Daggers" by Yasmine L and then chatting with Anjinha about the "Alana" books by Temora P and I go this idea... hope you enjoy!
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on May 25, 2013
Last Updated on May 25, 2013
Tags: whatever
TheEverHungryOnephx, AZ
I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why.
Oh and I go to a M.. more..