This is more difficult than I thought it would be... I sat down with the intention of clearing my head by explaining my take on the day, but I'm finding the day was more annoying the more I think about it... So.. Rather than trying to conceptualize, then write, I will write, and then conceptualize..
So where to begin... Let's say... Confrontation. There are those that run from confrontation, those that enjoy confrontation, and those whom use it as a tool. Now, as usual, it's important that I remain obtuse, so as not to alienate people, but to merely map out my perspective on a situation. So lets give them a name... How about, Beavis? Why not? I suppose it fits..
Now Beavis is an animated personality who struggles to maintain long term coherent thought. They have become extremely discontinuous and fragmented for reasons that are unclear. One could say that they were born this way, and some may say that they have simply adapted to what could appear to be random stimulation. Personally, and while this may be a fault of mine, I like to compare people to myself and my own experiences, as that generally tends to lead me down a relative path. So, how do I become them? Well, of course environment plays a significant role, but I bet you that if I were in the same environment and didn't take the time every other day or so to realign my thoughts into a coherent picture, I could fairly easily become as fragmented and random as they are.. So does this mean I'm saying they don't think? Well, they vibrate a lot. Too often paralyzed by their inability to form a clear picture due to fragmentation. Is it contagious? I think it might be a little bit, so it's probably best to get your vaccinations in if you believe that you'll incur long term exposure. So let's become Bevis for a moment. I stand here unsure of myself because the clarity only comes in rare moments when I sit in a quiet room. My lack of self confidence is visible to others, but I may or may not be aware of this. I will only truly share my opinion if I'm talking about something trivial. If I don't have something trivial to say, I will say nothing, or preach the mindless and meaningless dogma fed to me by the others. I'm an emotional person. I'm am generally spineless due to my self confidence issues, but can lose track of my inhibitions if I'm angry, which gives the illusion that I'm confrontational. The problem is, I must be angry to confront, and just because I'm angry, and in your face now, doesn't mean I'm any less fragmented, so what I'm saying begins to sound more like obtrusive noise than anything of merit. I do have good intentions, but I lack the focus to get where I need to go, and the confidence to push forward onto uncharted ground. How do I stop the clock, defragment my thoughts, and step forward using logic rather than emotion to guide me forward?
What's the first step? How do I get started?
Well, I know how I (not Beavis) do it, but how do you help someone start walking down that path rather than just vibrating? How do you present an attractive and attainable alternative to someone who may not even know they need one?