Am I human

Am I human

A Story by Blayk McCartney

Just another morning before school for this young martial arts master. he knows his life is odd... but he never would have guessed what would happen soon after getting up.

The bed creaked and the covers shifted as if someone was climbing into my bed. It was seven-ish according to my alarm clock that still hadn't gone off. I hated mornings and the playful harassment my sister gave me every morning could be exasperating. I just wanted to sleep a little longer; just till my clock went off at 7:45. If I was someone else, I'm sure I'd be really pissed off or creeped out about my sister doing this; climbing into my bed to harass me till I get out, but its always been this way. I'm used to it and its not like its sexual. She's fully clothed and she mostly tickles my sides and pinches me. The bed is small though, we are pressed together a little.
 She bugs me for a minute or two well I scowled with my eyes closed and twitch myself  as a way to try and brush her off -it never works- until finally I slide myself away and out. All the while she had been giggling, now she made a brief noise of disappointment that was betrayed by a cheese smile that read "victory!"
 "Good morning sleepy head." She says as she rolls onto her front  and watches me.
 With a yawn, I returned the greeting and stretched.
 "Your lunch is packed and there's left over pizza for breakfast. If you hurry, I'll give you a ride to school." She got up herself now. She stood three inches taller at 6'2 with long, soft auburn hair, deep blue eyes and freckles. People often remarked at how beautiful she was. Admittedly I got similar comments being popular myself. "I'm leaving in about twenty minutes okay?"
 "Yeah, I got it." I replied with a voice of complete grogginess; the morning voice was real.

 Despite just waking up, I was very timely in getting my things together and getting dressed. In the middle of grabbing a shirt, another regular morning happening, uh... happened. My friend Jen poked her head in threw my window and said "not that one! Wear a green one today!" She had a thing about the colour of the shirt I wore. I didn't get it but I didn't mind either. I could be a little apathetic about some things.
 I did as she said and instead of a red shirt, I pulled out a green one and put it on. She smiled then explained she'd meet me down stairs as she climbed the rest of the way threw my window and out my bedroom door.
 The reason she came threw my window on the second floor is because her room is directly beside mine and the small ledge of roof outside the window touched together with the mirrored house that she lived in. Sis was fine with how this was and so was Jen's parents. I'm surrounded by oddballs. 
 Sis often gave the both of us a ride to school because we were all going to the same place. Sis was a teacher, though she was only five years older then me and I was in grade eleven, I was seventeen. 
 I myself am, again, seventeen. I also have auburn, shaggy hair and blue eyes; mine are a little lighter though. I'm also covered in freckles. I'm 5'11, have an average build, and not terribly strong, but I am more of a physical person unlike my sister who's an intellectual. She does her best to teach me though. 
 When I say I'm physical, I'm telling you that I have a knack for martel arts. I've been able to pick up on any form of it just by watching nearly right away. Jen seemed almost turned on by this; she loved watching me fight. As well as an expert in hand on hand fighting, I was just as good with weapons. Sis doesn't want me to have any though, not that I mind.
School was a comfortable place for me to stretch my legs. It was a change of pace from my normal relaxing  at home and bumming about. Actually, I did exercise a little well at home but not tons. If I had the chance, I'd probably live as a hermit deep in the woods on my own.

I had thought I was going to enjoy some cold pizza when I went down stairs , enjoy the company of my closest and important people, but instead I discovered armed men and women driving up and onto the lawn, piling out and up threw the front door. Sis and Jen had both been grabbed and now had knives to their throats. 
 In my head, I was still experiencing the shock of what was going on: who are these people, what are they doing here, what do they want, why are they attacking us, why did they have blades on my only family and my closest friend? On the outside though... On the outside, I was in a blind rage from seeing this. I was like a feral beast. I had jumped at the nearest person and attacked. I swiftly began cutting down people left and right with my bare hands. They dropped like flies behind me falling unconscious or dead -I never got a chance to find out- as bullets fired from panicked trigger fingers and shells rattled out and onto the floor, glimmering steel flashed all around from blades and guns alike. I couldn't hear a sound. Not the guns firing, the screams, or the bodies dropping. I didn't feel the pain of being shot, stabbed, or cut.. Not even the ache in my hands from using so much power to hit , slap, and redirect peoples movements.
 In the end, it didn't matter how good I beat them down. They already had my dear sister and Jen outside and behind the line of vehicles. Four people in lab coats stood nearby as well. Watch with dark smiles that only made me angrier. I think I even wanted to kill at that point... No... I definitely did want to. These people just ruined my odd but peaceful life they threatened the lives of those I love... I wish I had stayed in bed longer...
 By the time I made it outside myself, more then three quarters of the people here were now on the ground. On my way out, I took a body with me to be a shield well I charged the next victim. I had taken up a knife by now and its leather wrapped handle was becoming redder by the second. Soon, I was close enough to target one of the four in lab coats next. It was a woman with a maniacal as well as dark smile. The woman beside her made a disapproving sound, lifted what looked like a tablet and tapped the screen. Suddenly I was pulled back five meters and found myself standing in a fairly large, domed room with a glass screen that reached around the whole place. I spotted speakers and vents. That were still simulating the environment I was in only a second ago. Looking behind me I saw that the floor of the room was actually malleable. The shape of the front of my house was sinking away. I looked back at the people that were now laughing a little and tried to advance on them only to find the floor would move like a conveyor belt bent on keeping me dead center of the room. I watched the people talk for a moment, then the second woman started touching her tablet. Part of the floor in front of me stretched up and started to shape  the kitchen table I knew so well. I could see the mark where I had dropped a steak knife into it. Sis chewed me out bad for that... The colours quickly bled in and the texture of it, where the finish had rubbed away and drops of dried milk were from the day before; then it collapsed into its self and was gone again. I felt like they were telling me that everything I knew was a lie but I refused to let the idea sink in despite tears already preparing to spill over. The four people seems to be laughing out right now
 After a few moments of me trying to understand what was happening and them calming themselves enough, they brought up a video on the screen. It appeared beside them and it was of me ripping threw the troops invading my home. They took a frame with a clear shot of my face and zoomed in on it well the video continued. The frame was so crisp and clear and yet I hardly recognized myself... I just discovered how much of a monster I looked like... It made me question if I was even human. The look in my eyes, my movements, and my speed... There was no way that person on the screen could be human... Right?
As if they were reading my mind, a mans voice rang out -the voice of the only male in the group behind the window- and said "you, my young friend are not a person; you are a thing. You might bleed and speak and think but you are a science project with no rights. If you speak out or do something we don't like, you will get reprogrammed and/or hit like an old TV with a bad signal, maybe even destroyed. We can do anything we want to you and you have no choice but to except it if you want to stick around.
 " We will be preforming surgery on you now and again without anesthesia as well as doing many different tests to see your capabilities and tolerance. If things go well, you will be assigned to a higher up of this facility as a body guard and assistant. They also will treat you as they please and dispose of you if they want."
 "Wh... What am I?" Was all I could manage to ask.
 The third woman spoke this time. "You are a clone of an artificial person physically. The body was easy to make. Making it move was hard. Making it understand and follow orders was harder still -but we ended up making fifty of those versions for grunt workers. They're easy to control and maintain. They weren't enough though. We couldn't send them out into the field on missions or anything so finally we had to do the hardest thing we could do. Produce one that could think on its own, grow, learn, by all rights, appear human. But again, you are not human and you never will be. You are a tool and for the right person, even a toy, and most of all, you are disposable."
 With that the four of them left without another word to me, leaving me to these thoughts and the agonizing reality that I'd never see my sister again...

© 2015 Blayk McCartney

Author's Note

Blayk McCartney
well I was enduring a migraine fro two days, I was laying about and day dreaming this idea. the day dream went a fair bit further but I dunno if I'll keep on it, it could be good or it could be back story to another character.

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Added on April 2, 2015
Last Updated on April 2, 2015
Tags: sci-fi, action


Blayk McCartney
Blayk McCartney

BC, Canada

I suffer from depression and anxiety, but I'm working on recovering. I'm in my early 20's and jobless I love reading, graphic novels, comics, and novels. I also love Nintendo games and Minecraft .. more..
