The Princess and The Dungeon maker

The Princess and The Dungeon maker

A Story by Blayk McCartney

After work, a girl finds a strange man in an ally with a sign reading "Fleecy box" on the back wall

When I woke up this morning, I started humming songs from my Disney princess marathon last night. I felt so cheery and peppy. I showered and ate and dressed myself up in a purple, pleated skirt a pink t-shirt and a navy blue, thin hoodie. I put on my little bit of makeup; tied my hair back into a ponytail, as I did that I checked my roots. 
 "just as I thought." I tell myself "I need to touch up, the dye is growing out now..." I made a pouty face at myself as I dropped my arms to my sides with emphasis. I wish my natural hair colour was red; so much more pretty then the sandy colour showing threw right now, oh well. 
 I grabbed my bag and key's and started for the door when I remember something important,. My contact lens' I'll be needing those for work. I generally worked from home but I had a meeting today, we needed to talk about some new ideas for the website I work for; maybe touch on the next gaming convention we'll be going to -I always went to those!
 With my contact lens' in, I danced my way out the door, still humming away. I was excited to stream my new game on Twitch tonight -a live streaming site dedicated to video games, and the one I happen to work for.

 The meeting wasn't anything to interesting, on the other hand, I did stumble upon something curious, but before I tell you about that, you gotta understand, I am so big on being girly! The pink and the princess' and the rainbows, and unicorns and ahh! Crazy about it. You could tell by looking at me, really; which is why the guy I met was so confused and curious about me when I discovered him doing something strange.
 So, I came across this guy in red overalls and green glasses. He was tall and tough looking. You may have thought he was intimidating but I was to interested in what he was doing. He had a small box at the very end of the ally he was in and an extravagant sign above it reading FLEECY BOX.
 "What's a fleecy box?" I pondered.
 The tall dude was kneeling down fiddling with something that I couldn't quite see but he jumped and made a funny sound. He heard me walking over. I felt a little embarrassed for surprising him.
 "Um~~ sorry, what are you doing down there?" I asked.
 "Uh... Making a thing."
 "A thing?"
 "A thing"
 "What kinda thing?"
 He tried to keep a straight face but it cracked into a mischievous grin and he started to giggle. I took some steps closer. When suddenly something sprung out of the surrounding junk and whacked me on the back of the legs. I jumped in pain and danced about well the big jerk-butt went from a giggle to uncontrolled maniacal laughter.
 "Rude!!" I yelled at him. "Did you do that?!"
 "Maybe~~" he replied after he calmed himself a little.
 I stomped over to him and gave him a swift kick in the butt
 "ouch! Its only a joke," he said playfully with some giggles in between "Its not my fault you didn't watch where you stepped, crazy girl!"
 "What the hell are you doing back here, crazy man?!"
 "fine, fine. I'm making a dungeon. I was setting traps when you decided to snoop."
 "A dungeon?"
 "Yeah," he said as he got to his feet "you know a place filled with monsters and traps and a reward at the end for making it threw. I can't do much in the way of monsters, but I can still do traps and rewards."
 "Do people really go threw these?"
 He grinned, "Its the funniest thing ever, seeing what people will do. They'll see the sign there and come in all curious about it and then they'll get hit by the first trap. From there some people will panic some will get mad, some run, some freeze, some will even trash the place. Other people with get careful and start looking out for more traps and try to make it to the other end to snatch the box."
 "What's in the box?"
 "Could be anything, I try to make it worth it but sometimes I'll put something dumb in it, like a stick. But they always have a piece of fleece the fleece is cover codded for difficulty. This one has a brown piece, being nearly the easiest."
 I felt kinda confused, but mostly intrigued. "I... Can I try one?"
 The big guys goofy grin faded to a look of someone caught off guard. But it slowly came back as he said "you don't look like the type for this at all.... But who am I to stop you. There's one still set -I think- a few blocks away. Lets go check that one out."

 It wasn't long before I was standing at the mouth of another ally covered in what looked like random junk and garbage but also with the box and sign like the ones from the earlier ally. Before we came here, dude-guy finished setting up that earlier one as well as resetting the first trap that I tripped. 
 In this ally, he leaned against the wall at the corner smerking well I glanced around the narrow space.
 "Would you like any help?"
 "No! I'm an Independent woman that don't need no man!"
 He laughed maniacally again before saying "you're adorable"
 I stuck my tongue out at him before I started forward at stride. I felt so dumb when I felt the crack on the back of my legs again; I had just fallen for the same trap within twenty minutes of the first.
 "Remember to watch for trip wires, walk slowly."
 I grumbled but did as he said. I took another two steps well looking a foot in front of me before I saw the next wire. I brought my knees up high to properly step over it. Once over, jerk-butt clapped and said "good work! Keep going."
 I had to duck under the next one... But when I did and moved my right foot forwards, I noticed a spot of light appear on the corner of my skirt. A shoe bonked me in the butt a half a second later causing me to straighten and hit the wire I was ducked under. That one caused another shoe hit my head... At least it wasn't a soft hit. I was so going to punch this guy when I came back with that dumb box regardless!
 Getting past the laser beam and wire I made it another five steps, waving my hands in front off me to intentionally trigger any more lasers. I triggered one that poured sand, and another that actually fired a paint ball! I managed to dodge the rest of the wires and I had triggered the last laser with the paint ball. I was just another five steps away. I thought I was in the clear... I was wrong. Some of the garbage on the ground hid the final one. It poured a bucket of water on my head with some feathers. He had to me turning blue from all the laughing he was doing back there... I hoped he was. I however cried out in surprise and agitation; I complained about it and started saying how horrible he was, but when I got it out of my system, I continued the remaining. Nothing else, thank god!
 I dropped down and picked up the stupid box. I suddenly felt an excited anticipation welling up; I didn't realize I was excited to see what was inside the box and how good I would feel for accomplishing this little feat until I was right there, crouching with that little box in my hands. I made an indiscernible cry of enthusiasm as I sprang up and jumped about.
 Behind me, mister big and weird was looking all smiley and proud of me. He made is way over to congratulate me with a high five and a show of his own excitement. Instead of giving him the high five he expected, I punched him, just as I promised I would, then I hugged him.

 After this, I met him again to do other 'dungeons' he had set up. He gave me pointers and let me run.  He told me about the cameras he set up to watch people go threw and how they acted and all of that. Despite seemingly being evil, and mean -which he totes was, he was also a really fun, silly, and sweet guy. I found myself being amazing friends with him!

© 2015 Blayk McCartney

Author's Note

Blayk McCartney
Actually fanfic -I guess- of the Mindcrackers Aurelian and Vechs
I can't remember if I've done the editing on this so, sorry about that...

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Added on March 2, 2015
Last Updated on March 2, 2015
Tags: Mindcrack, fanfic, Aurelien, Vechs