

A Poem by The Raven King

TR - Eulogy


In time every sculptor

will look at his hands

and curse the skill that

greatness demands.


Every painter will curse

her lack of vision.

The surgeon will curse

his crude incision.


And today I will curse

the limits of speech

my tongue too slow to show

the lessons our souls teach.


i hate the thought

of using words

others find satisfactory

in explaining their loss.


my anguish is no greater than theirs

my tears no more endless

my anger burns no more intense

than white hot behind my eyes

my pain no more indescribable

my loss no more detrimental to my soul. 


i will not jump

from a roof top or drown

or slit my wrist in a luke warm tub. 

my sadness and pain is cliché

and I feel shame for not being able

to become more than human in honor of you. 


I cry and I regret and I miss you,

but others feel this no less than me. 

The only thing that I have that they do not

are the memories specific to us. 

This is how I remember you


and I will not share this with the world. 

All I will give them are words. 

All I will show them are tears. 

All they will know is that

my sadness is like theirs,

but they will never know

what I lost. 

© 2011 The Raven King

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we all suffer and our pain is our own also our memories

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nice way to start it, showing the ineptitude of skillfully placed words to convey your pain.......I agree with you that all artists must feel that their work on the blank canvas, the page, the block of marble, often does mot embody the totality of the vision in their mind......but to create is the exciting part, so we keep trying. Sorry for your loss.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very beautifully said. Excellent poem and much enjoyed by me!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very true. Nothing sucks more then writer's block. At times it feels like words are my escape.

Posted 13 Years Ago

.. I feel shame for not being able to become more than human in honor of you...
This is where the little voices come from. In the form of a longing to please a loved one passed.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow. Wow. I love how strong the emotion is...seriously stunning!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Edgar Lee Masters said in his poem "Silence" if he could describe it all, he would be an artist, But if he were an artist, there would be deeper wounds which he could not describe

you, sir, are an artist

Posted 13 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on November 29, 2010
Last Updated on July 17, 2011


The Raven King
The Raven King


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A Poem by The Raven King

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