The Inheritance

The Inheritance

A Poem by The Raven King

The Inheritance: in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility…

My son my son the day has come
the day and the very hour
that you inherit the laws of rule
the laws of rule and power

All things are circles my son
each circle a cycle and season
If you spin the circle fast enough
you’ll master both rhyme and reason

All metal rusts my son
Chains break and stone is crushed
So your prisons must be made
of far stronger stuff

What is stronger than hearts my son
What is stronger than faith and hope
What is stronger than fear my son
With these things make one thin rope

Lay the rope down my son
and they will come in droves
and place you on their shoulders my son
as Christ with his fishes and loaves

Give them something to believe in my son
and give them something to fear
Give them something to hate my son
Give them something to cheer

Give them these and nothing more
since nothing was ever given
and you will be a master of men
they will go where you have driven

And here’s what you take, my son, my son
here’s what you take from them
their history their inheritance
that’s what you take from them

you see my son these circles and cycles
mean our power will slip from our fists
into the hand of the grotesque mob
and we honestly cannot resist

but change comes from knowing my son
change comes from knowing
and as long as we know and they do not
our power will just keep growing

put on a show and they’ll all go
and pay whatever price
just keep them dumb and they’ll still come
and sit there calm and nice

listen my son to these words
pass them on and know
we remember and they forget
because we make it so

we learn through every cycle
our methods are refined
but they simply start again
ignoring every single sign

This is your inheritance my son
as my father said to me
and they will serve with willingness
for god for country for We

© 2014 The Raven King

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Added on July 11, 2014
Last Updated on July 11, 2014


The Raven King
The Raven King


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A Poem by The Raven King