You Get What You Ask For.

You Get What You Ask For.

A Story by Creepy Swine Guy

So six kids wasn't enough huh?


As much as I detest the swarming of media that has made Nadya Suleman a national phenomenon, I shall stoop to something close to their level for the benefit of my story. I could rail against the irresponsibility of this woman for cranking out children as though she thought she was in possession of a clown car and not a vagina. I could mock her for the slack-jawwed gaze into some other dimension that betrays her complete and absolute abandonment of reality. Or I could take the media to task for their choice to play into this woman’s hands and be exploited while trying to exploit the exploiter, but I won’t. I will simply address the unabashed madness of a person who has six children and says “I don’t have enough!” Not just one more, she wanted to “up the ante” by more than one. She wanted multiple children more! It is my belief that the Gods of fate did the same thing that they did to the guys who decided to taunt the tigers in San Francisco. They wanted the rush of excitement so the Gods of fate said … “Ohhhh-key-dokey, the rush of excitement you shall have.” Nadya got what she asked for and so now … she has ten boys and four girls. Without even delving into the cost of eight prom gowns and four weddings, let us investigate the thrilling possibilities that she has to look forward to with ten boys who will not be blessed with the deterrent value of a father’s size 12D firmly implanted in the area of their anatomies where discipline (and other less savory substances) are impacted. So to state it simply, she will have ten boys … running amok.

Now consider the story of one boy (me), who was left unattended for about one minute. When I was about four or five, I was standing on a chair watching my mother clean out my father’s dresser drawer when the phone rang. While she went into the other room to get the phone, I looked at the half-dozen or so live rounds of ammunition and wondered, … “Gee, I wonder if these would work in my gun.” For those of you who are too young to recall, toy guns used to be actual replicas of real guns. They had a working hammer that actually struck at the opening of the barrel. The barrel was open, that was where you put your little yellow, plastic toy bullets. Apparently, it never occurred to the designers that some child might gain access to a live round of ammunition and put it in the barrel of that ‘toy gun’. So anyway … I grabbed a couple of those live rounds and slipped them into the pocket of my short pants. When my mother got off the phone and returned to her work in the drawer, I told her that I was going out to play (in those days it was safe for a four or five year old to play in his yard by himself). I found my ‘toy rifle’ in the yard and slipped my father’s live round into the barrel of my gun, which I can say with absolute certainty, was 9 millimeters in diameter. I then raised my gun and drew a bead on our mailbox by the road. The thing is, at that age, you have not yet become acquainted with concepts like ‘what’s behind your target’. So anyway, I pulled my trigger and my gun disintegrated. The barrel peeled back like a daisy, in exactly the same manner you’d see Elmer Fudd's gun peel back in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, the plastic stock that was firmly rooted against my shoulder splintered into a dozen pieces, three of which remained in my shoulder and the loudest most terrifying boom that I had ever heard rendered me temporarily deaf.

To this day I believe that my temporary deafness was a blessing, because I didn’t hear any of what my mother said as she ran towards me flailing her arms wildly as if she were being attacked by a swarm of wet hornets. When she reached me, I was standing over my destroyed gun shaking my hands saying “Owww”. Perhaps at this point I should get back to that all-important concept of ‘what’s behind your target’. In this case … it was the neighbor’s house, which on that particular day, he and his brother were outfitting with a new roof. I have to tell you, I had no idea that when you are on the roof of your house and someone fires a shot that hits within two feet of your leg, how much it seems like … someone is shooting at you. I did learn these two things though. First there isn’t much difference between jumping off of a roof and falling off of a roof, you will reach ground in exactly the same amount of time. Second, when your father calls from work and you answer the phone and say, … “Mommy can’t come to the phone, the police man is still yelling at her.” Your dad can make it home in very good time.

This is one of at least a dozen other stories that I can tell you about my childhood involving everything from Copperhead snakes, to snapping turtles to motorcycles in school hallways. To his dying day, my father would get a nauseous look every time someone would mention one of those “memories”. So consider Ms. Suleman and her ten sons. I hear folks wanting to take her children away; but I say let her keep every one and maybe give her one accidental pregnancy just for good measure. She will deserve every “memory” that she gets. She's gonna find out that there is a very good reason that that many offspring are typically referred to as ... a litter.

© 2011 Creepy Swine Guy

Author's Note

Creepy Swine Guy
No, the picture is not me.

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Well.. I have read so much on so many of those mothers being implanted with multiple children.. many WANTING quadruplets, quintuplets and sextuplets.. I think they are raving mad sometimes and should have to undergo a psychological examination and also meet certain financial criteria before a doctor can consider doing this for a patient.. it shouldn't be allowed for people whom can't afford to raise them with .. they also should have a very solid TEAM or family support system who sign that they too are accountable for the uprearing.. cause as your story shows.. and any parent knows.. you just don't know what kind of children you are going to get!

There's more to consider than just the financial.. there is the mental health and physical safety of these children one must consider.. just having 2 children I have had to make tough choices that are individual to their needs... some of the likes no one will understand.. cause each child is an individual with separate needs. Is there a perfect parent out there.. NEVER! Part of growth as a parent is continual learning.. making sometimes mistakes that we always hope are small.. but always questioning and trying to stay two steps ahead.. obviously that will be impossible for that poor lady.. something tells me she will have a short life from all that stress in the long run! My two keep me more than on my toes.. they have tested me in every way known to now in teens.. I'm pulling my hair weekly... reading and trying to accommadate and many times putting myself aside and last to meet their requirements and needs. Today is different than even 10 years ago.. the cost is just incredible just for school trips.. lunches.. social outlets like sports.. etc. Great writing that also tells us a little about you growing up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Great story! The idea that comes to mind as I compare your childhood and the future childhood of Ms Suleman's children is this. The bullet that you fired landed two feet from your neighbor but didn't hit him and the chaos you caused stayed within acceptable limits. I'm afraid Ms Suleman is going to look at chaos without bounds. You wrote this with style.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love this for what it is.. fine writing!

The post, the tale flows from beginning to end .. a memory on a page, a moral set in words, a frank but not too insulting opinion of another's insanity.

' she has to look forward to with ten boys who will not be blessed with the deterrent value of a father's size 12D firmly implanted in the area of their anatomies where discipline (and other less savory substances) are impacted. So to state it simply, she will have ten boys � running amok.' . How well put - have to say that made me laugh!

The description of a tiny boy with a gun was/is quite incredible, horrific - no wonder your dad got home quickly!

Yes, that lady is going to reap some benefits alright .. but, who knows, she might have one son with the flair and skill you have.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I have FOUR boys who love flirting with danger. Just four boys can land you in a psych-ward. I thought the fact that she has no one with her to raise all these children was done in very poor judgment on her part. But who knows- Maybe she owns more rope and chairs than I do.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is an absolutely delightful story. Compelling, educational and relevant. Very tight and well edited. This type of writing is definitely your forte. I see you with your own column delighting faithful readers who can't wait to read your latest relevant anecdote. Make it so.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I don't think her children should be used to teach her a lesson. I say let them have a chance at a normal life, with someone else.

What the h@ll was that doctor thinking????

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

oh, my, I had no idea . . . and you have a brother?

bless her heart

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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26 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 5, 2009
Last Updated on March 23, 2011


Creepy Swine Guy
Creepy Swine Guy

Central, NY

The Ten Commandments of the Writer's Cafe (King Swine Version). 1. Thou shalt not plagiarize. 2. Thou shalt not treat badly any writer based on their age, social status, ability or creative view.. more..

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A Chapter by Creepy Swine Guy

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