![]() Chapter nine: The afterpartyA Chapter by Thatonedawg![]() If you have read this far I can only thank you! Please enjoy the last chapter I have written thus far. It is short.![]() -9- The afterparty Stepping out into the backyard, I was assailed with sweet scents and the sight of beautiful flowers. The grass was even and green, regardless of it being alien in origin. The flowers I spoke of, had long thin frays coming from the center and each petal was a differing color! Some were a yellow and red patterned, but some faded from blue to white. A few were rainbow hued and each pelt was a totally different color from the others! Urving had a half grass and half stone back patio. A few potted plants and some lawn furniture adorned the stone side, while the grass was empty. The back fence was made with heavy, dark green wood and each board had four shiny nails holding it in place. The smoking party consisted of Urving, Barkley, Genevide, Mel, Skia, and myself. I assumed that Phelix would have joined us as well, but his intoxication prevented it. Barkley started grinding up the pot while Urving went through the familiar procedures of splitting, emptying, and preparing a cigar wrap. Just then, as they all began a casual conversation, I heard a familiar sound. A dog barking! On the other side of the fence a dog began voicing his/her opinion of our presence. Though quickly irritating, this sound served to lift my spirits. The similar articles of this world were enough to give lesser comfort, yet the alien nature kept me alert enough to feel fear. "Shut up Brutus!" Urving growled softly and the barking was soon quiet. "My neighbor has a dog." He smiled my way as he said this. "They're like... earth dogs, right?" I asked Mel and everyone laughed, especially Barkley. "Yeah pretty much most animals are like on earth, just bigger!" He replied and that seemed to be the general concensus. "They have some really cool native creatures too!" He added. "I can only imagine..." My voice trailed off as wonder filled my head. "Yeah buddy, we'll go to the zoo sometime!" Urving announced handing the prepped paper to Gene. "Uhh... great!" Though a cheery voice came out, I was greatly apprehensive. Sure I trust Urving, but what about all the other random beasts roaming around? They could snatch me up and I would be no more within seconds! Wait a moment... I'm just scaring myself. Mel has survived this long, so it can't be that dangerous, right? Urving is a intimidating beast and if he is truthful about his affection, then I'm safe with him. The thought of going out into public still scared me senseless though! Not saying I'm uninterested, but it may take a while before I will leave this house. Plus, I feel childish for being excited about going to the zoo... However, simply the idea of an alien zoo, made my mind explode with curiousity. The familiar procedures of grinding pot, splitting papers, and rolling blunts had me happy within a few minutes. Smiling now, I watched Genevide expertly rolling up the paper with her eyes sharpened to near closed. Her claws shifted with sniper precision as she shaped the paper back into a tube. The silence made me a bit uncomfortable, but I knew what awaited and that made me eager. "Riot, think you can go wake Phelix up?" Urving asked as he finished splitting and cleaning the final wrap. "Or atleast jack his pipe." Gene muttered as Mel stood up. "Got it!" He replied eagerly rushing into the house. "Wanna spark it buddy?" Urving asked as he examined the first two already rolled. "Sure!" A big smile came with saying this. Placing the cherry flavored paper between my lips, I was slid a zippo style lighter. Unlike an earth flip lighter, this one opened via button and had two sections, which slid outward to open. A small flame sparked forth and with it, I took that sweet first puff of pure bliss. Oh man... what an amazing feeling! Such an incredible sensation of peace filled me, as I took several drags and sunk into my seat. All is good in the world... Fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger all melt away, as smoke drifted from my mouth. Phelix came out in a daze and collapsed in Mel's chair, but he didn't seem to mind. I offered and Mel easily shared my chair. Human size difference can be handy sometimes! As the blunt got passed back to me, it had shrunk dramatically. Taking another series of long drags, I struggled and fought to keep it in as long as I could. A loud groaning exhale accompanied the torrent of smoke I wheezed out. Coughing a bit, I felt Mel scoot away before patting my back. Urving laughed in a satisfied bellow as I hacked for a few seconds and he was given the blunt. It was one of those really good hits, where your eyes water and your nose gets runny, but you didn't hurt your lungs that bad. My body was feeling lighter and my head was starting to swim like a drunk fish. Urving shot a smile across the table as he passed the roach to Gene and saw my lifted state. We finished the first one and I was pretty stoned. There tabacco isn't as potent as earth, but the marijuana here is excellent! This second one was tightly rolled and harder to smoke, but I couldn't complain. Gene played some music on her pager, which Barkley and Phelix seemed to really enjoy. The sounds I heard were powerful, explosive, and rhythmically unstable. The singing (though grunts and growls) was rich and soulful, but was shifted quickly to enraged screams. I guess I would compare this to earth death metal, but they seemed to have a certain degree of softness. I like it sort of, in the way someone likes a song in another language. The fact that I don't understand it, gave the song a certain mystique. At one point the vocals silenced and they went into a small solo, which was beautifully done. Something about it spoke to me and I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the alien sounds. "You like this Spaz?" Barkley asked snapping me out of my groove. "Dude come on! You ruined it!" Urving exclaimed. "He looked so happy!" "Sorry man! Forget it." Barkley shot his gaze between us, smiling defensively. "Yeah that was pretty good! Might be better with words though..." I trailed off and got a small laugh out of Mel and Urving. "The words aren't pretty!" Phelix chimed in with a heavy slur, even when he laughed. "We could sing em for ya!" Skia nudged Mel into me and we both chuckled. "I'd rather not." Gene stated plainly as she prepared to light the third blunt. "No that's alright!" My chuckle kept things lively, as Skia laughed with me. After the blunts had all been smoked and everyone (except Mel) was high, Urving packed bowls at a slower pace. Phelix had a bright yellow pipe with thin green speckles and a spider web design on the front. The heavy glass felt uneven in my hand and the taste of tar was potent. Regardless of the strong resin flavor, it was a smooth pipe to smoke from. This went on for a little bit until more guests announced their departure. Again, it felt really bizzare saying goodbye, as if this was my home and I had invited them... It was a good feeling to have somewhere to "call" home, but I was not comfortable here yet. Will I ever be? How long will it take before these halls are familiar? When will I be able to feel truely happy here? As Urving and I returned to the backyard, I was suddenly aware of how tired I was! This has been a really eventful day and I was exhausted. Once a few more bowls were smoked it became hard to keep my eyes open. Urving seemed to notice this, but he just smiled and waved whenever my gaze was upon him. I am a little ashamed of myself, but each time I woke up, a gripping fear shot through me. Seeing all these beasts when I awoke was unnerving, considering they were my enemies just a day ago. The pot is making me paranoid... They wouldn't hurt me... I hope... Unfortunately though, that is my life now. I am helpless to these beasts and their way of life. All I can really do is hope that my fears dissipate and never resurface. "You ok Spaz?" Barkley asked and my eyes snapped to a meager half open. "Want something to perk ya up?" He finished with another question. I was far to dazed to answer. "You wanna take a nap buddy?" Urving asked as he passed the pipe to Skia. "Yeah, if that's alright with everyone..." I felt bad about leaving since the party was for me. "No problem!" Phelix pretended to sleep himself for a few seconds. "You've probably had a rough week. You need some rest." Skia chuckled, her voice a bit lower from smoking. "Everyone already got to meet ya, so don't worry about it!' Barkley said and Phelix nodded along. "I remember when I first got here I slept for like a week straight!" Mel exclaimed and a few of them laughed. "Where should I go?" This was a difficult question to formulate, but I got my point across. "Well I can set up your bed real quick, or you can sleep in my bed if you wanted." Urving offered as he got up and moved around the table. "If you're scared..." He stopped and looked at the others, then whispered. "If you feel nervous about being alone... you can sleep on my arm." "I... you..." I tried to find something wrong with that, but failed to. "Is that... alright?" My voice was weak to avoid anyone else hearing me. "OF COURSE!" Urving roared, but quickly clutched his mouth shut. "Of course Issac!" He repeated in a loud excited whisper. Probably just the pot or the booze talking, but I was happy he offered. The thought of being asleep near him made me more comfortable. It wasn't easy to admit to myself that I felt better with him... safer... If I had went to sleep somewhere in his house, I would be so vulnerable. Even though I doubt anything bad would happen, the possibilities are limitless and brutal. Without another word, Urving scooped me up and returned to his chair. Though the conversation didn't stop, it was easy to ignore. The warmth of his fluffy body and the loud boom of his heart beat was much more distracting than the mild chit-chat. They played softer music after that and the coughing was restrained. This was unnecessary though, as I was out like a light in just a few moments. Curling up in the natural fur, my mind was collapsed under immense fatigue. Urving's hulking form now felt like a benefit and didn't instill terror, as it once did. Safety is something I used to take for granted... I shall never be that naive again. Sleep felt good and even though fear snapped me awake a few times, I managed to get a decent amount of rest. "Issac? Heya buddy, you awake?" Urving's voice was distant, yet I could still feel his fur under my hands. "Where am I? Let me go! Let me go now! I swear I'll..." My panicked voice silenced itself, as I realized nothing was wrong and there was no danger. "Calm down Iza! You're alright!" Urving replied calmly as he lifted me toward his muzzle. "Relax, it's me! Everything's fine bud." He spoke into my eyes as his moist nose nudged my cheek. "A'www poor lil fellah. We shouldn't have woke him up!" Urma declared as my awareness fully cleared and I saw we were in the house. "What a coward!" Urnest mocked me, but I saw Dael swat him into silence. "Hey now, that isn't nice!" Urving's voice became frustrated with his nephew. "He's been through a lot and-." I cut Urving off with an apology. "I'm so sorry about that..." I bowed my head, shaken by the ignominy. "Please try to understand that I-." Urving cut me off with a big hug. "No worries Iza! It usually takes humans a few weeks to adjust." His patience reminded me of who I was dealing with. "You're did great your first day!" "I guess you could say that..." Urnest muttered, but no one seemed to pay him any mind. "He's a fiesty one isn't he?" Dael tried to get a laugh from Urma, but her concern was powerful. "It breaks my heart to think you fear me..." Urma's voice was pained and in her eyes, I could see great heartache. "Please don't be afraid of us honey!" She practically begged. "No, be afraid!" Urnest cried up from the floor. "Be very afraid!" He let out a roar after this, but it was more cute than frightening. "Shut it!" Dael snapped turning away for a second. "We have to go, but it was fantastic meeting you Issac!" Urma's voice was like sugar and her eyes like rainbows. "I look forward to seeing you again!" A big smile grew across her rounded muzzle. "Thank you for coming! It was wonderful meeting Urving's family!" My reply seemed to make her happy as her smile spread wider. "That's more like it lil fellah!" She reached out and rubbed my chin as she said this. "Try to enjoy our planet human. Make the most of what you got." Dael said so frankly it almost felt fake. "I will... thanks." My tone was effected by his previous demeanor. "Goodbye everyone." Much more sincerity was used to say this. "Goodbye! Hope to see y'all again soon!" Urving followed them to the door as Urnest rushed outside. "Thank you Urving, this was delightful." Urma said as Dael went ahead to the tank of a vehicle. "No, thank you for all your help! Have a good night!" Urving replied giving her a light hug with his free arm. "Bye bye Issac." Urma used a pet voice as she pawed me lovingly. "Hope to see you again soon sweetie." A small kiss was given and I couldn't avoid blushing. Calling a few more friendly words her way, Urma turned and waved back to us before joining her family. Watching them enter the giagantic vehicle, I wondered what kind of life Urma and Dael had. As I said before the similarities are astounding, but I am now trying to find where the line blurs... How do they live? Is there a difference in culture based on species? What is Urma's house like? What are they going to go do when they get home? What are we going to do now that the party is over? What is my life going to be like in the future? A surge of pain ran through my still weary head and I tried to clear my thoughts. Urving went back in and set me on the floor without even having to ask. Though still glassy from earlier, his eyes beamed down at me with an intense joy. It was dark out now, or atleast it wasn't full daylight. Urving informed me that Skia and Isolde had already left to check in to their hotel. Shortly after that, Kolm and Mel went home as well. Apparently, Isolde was very enamored with me, as I slept. Urving informed me that I was winning enough to make her want a human too! This made me laugh, but it was cut short by a yawn. Urving led me into the living room where I was greeted with a small cluster of cheers. "There he is! How ya feeling Iza?" Phelix seemed to have sobered, but that didn't stop his uplifting attitude. "Hello Issac, did you sleep well?" Ferris asked as he sipped a cup of tea. "Smoking knocked you out cold Spaz!" Barkley joked waving to me. "Hi everyone, I was really tired..." My response was paired with a rub of my head. "It was cute watching you sleep!" Delia seemed to take note of the words she used, but it didn't bother me. "Hope that isn't strange..." "Not at all. Sorry I went to sleep during my party!" I laughed this out, like a joke, but everyone assured me it was fine. "It is incredible how quickly you are adjusting Issac." Ferris stated with a glimpse of his fox faced smile. "Well a tail load of presents probably helped!" Barkley replied bringing the others to laughter. "I'm not gonna confirm or deny that!" I muttered with a half hearted laugh of my own. "In my opinion, I think it's you, Urving." Gene said plainly looking our way. "Yeah! Totally!" Phelix put an arm around her. "If there is anyone who can make a stray human feel welcome, it would be you!" Delia added with a smile that made Urving gush. "Thank you guys!" Urving's response was light voiced and bubbly. "It's getting late we better go babe." Barkley said to his wife, who nodded. "Can I have a hug Issac?" Delia asked excitedly as she was helped up. "You still staying with us, while you're in town?" Barkley asked Phelix as I went toward them. "If that's fine with you guys!" Phelix replied, but he was simply nodded to. "It was super special getting to meet you lil fellah!" Delia's voice was so adoring as I hugged her. "Thank you Delia! I can't wait to meet your pups!" This made her tail wag faster than any other canine I've seen to date. "A'ww, you are just too much!" Her nuzzling was welcomed, as I actually liked Delia a lot. "It will be interesting to see how well you have adjusted when Delia's pups arrive." Ferris's intrigued comment was hard to hear over the praise of the others. "Yeah, I really can't wait! One a you better be a boy!" Barkley mock yelled into her swollen stomach. Delia's face was priceless as he barked at her belly. "Don't worry man you'll get your muttling! How many puppies did the doctor say D?" Phelix asked quickly. "Five. Maybe six, but they are unsure." Delia replied with an heir of pride. "See, one of them is bound to be a Barkley Jr!" Phelix's remark made Barkley smile and put his arm around Delia. "They're gonna be a handful!" Urving's voice was more serious than comedic. "We got it, no prob! With Spaz here to puppy sit, things will be easy!" My eyes widened as Barkley said this, but then I just smirked. "Sounds like fun. The collar will come in handy!" My reply made the room laugh. "Holy hell that'll be so funny to watch!" Barkley laughed heavily, with a mixture of excitement and fulfillment. "You do not have to do anything you aren't comfortable with, ok Issac?" Delia informed me with a slow nod of her muzzle to make me understand. "Don't be silly! Playing with a bunch of giant puppies sounds like a lot of fun!" Barkley patted my back as I said this and Delia opened her arms for another hug. "You are just the sweetest human I've ever had the pleasure of meeting!" Delia being a dog, made her affection easier to accept. "Good answer Spaz, my man!" Barkley pulled me from her grasp to hug me, but I felt more comfortable with her. "It was awesome seein ya fat boy!" Phelix gave Urving a hug, shifting my attention to their conversation. "Same here twigs!" Urving crushed his huge paws around Phelix. "You gonna come by tomorrow?" "Course!" He replied, but I saw Gene roll her eyes. "Yo, my son from another sun!" Phelix addressed me now, rather clevery too. "Hope things are great for you here!" "Something tells me it will only get better." My words made the room cheer lightly, Urving was especially pleased. "Thank you for coming all the way here just to see me..." This was to get at Genevide, but it barely worked. "Nah, It's fine bro! Urving is a really close friend!" Patting my back, Phelix had a goofy smirk. "Yeah, it was cool smoking with a human too." Gene added smiling at me a little. "We all should hang out again, before everyone heads home." Urving declared as the crowd moved toward the door. "Sounds dope!" Phelix rose an arm to Urving's shoulder. "Totally." Barkley added as he helped Delia down the front steps. "With Phelix in town, you're in for a fun week Issac!" He added looking back to us. "Looking forward to it!" Though actually apprehensive, I needed to keep up appearances. "Really gotta thank you guys... for being so cool toward Iza..." Urving's voice had a vein of emotion flowing through it. "What? You kiddin me?" Phelix interjected before he could continue or I could speak. "No joke, you picked a winner buddy!" "Yeah Urving, Spaz may be shy, but he's friendly underneath it all!" Hearing Barkley speak highly of me felt really good. "Come now Urving, you know what I do for a living." Ferris appeared in the doorway chuckling. "Were you worried they wouldn't like me?" My voice was both sarcastic and a little emotional. "How could we not?" Delia asked bringing her paws to her cheeks. "Issac's a fine young man." My stomach filled with butterflies and I felt myself blush. "No, no, no kid! Urving blurted back during Delia's praise. "I was just worried everyone had got a bad impression of you..." He admitted rubbing his head. Everyone quickly assured the big bear that I was, in their words, perfect for him. My heart melted a little as I listened to the kind words and friendly invocations. Urving, who had seemed worried, quickly returned to his cheery over the top self. He hugged his friends, roughly for the guys and delicately for the ladies. It was my turn after, as Urving lifted me up then folded his arms around me. After a few seconds, I was turned around and presented to the small crowd of awaiting faces. "See ya tomorrow Spaz!" Barkley was nudged by his wife and he repeated himself using my real name. "It was grand meeting you Issac. I am looking forward to the next time I see you." Ferris offered a handshake with this and I graciously accepted. "Have fun buddy! Urving take good care of him." Phelix showed real concern for me just then, but he laughed it off. "See ya kid." Genevide added after him. "Goodbye sweetheart!" Delia took both my hands into her paws. "Stay positive, alright?" She gave me a small lick on my cheek. "Thank you all so very much." My voice was frank, but it carried an endless supply of gratitude. "Not just for the presents, but for making me feel welcome..." It was hard to keep a steady voice as I said this. "Don't get all mushy on us!" Gene taunted, but Urving hugged me again. "You're welcome!" Phelix simply stated giving me a high five. "No need to give thanks Issac, we are friends now." Ferris gently placed his paw on my shoulder. "Yeah bro don't get all emotional!" Barkley declared. "Urving likes you so that's enough for me!" "Me too!" Delia followed. "Have a good night you two!" She hugged us both. "Thanks again for coming guys!" Urving called into the night, as they all spread to various vehicles. "It was a treat meeting you all!" My final words echoed around the street, but reached them all. Various words were called to us and a few horns honked to signal a final goodbye. It was eerie quiet in the house upon our return. Not having all those animals filling out the space, made it feel bigger. Hearing and feeling the silence, gave me a moment of pleasing solace. It had never occured to me that this place would be completely different once everyone left! Now it felt so calm and safe, like an empty castle. A personal bastion, guarded not by a dragon, but by a giant bear! Urving set me down in the living room and got on his knees. Staring deep into my eyes, he got very serious, then hugged me tightly. I understand that we are essentially pets, but does he really feel this strongly about me? If so, why? What is so special about me? Wouldn't any human fit his standards? Am I somehow different than other humans? Regardless of why he has been so nice, I have enjoyed the companionship! For so long, I have lived without this feeling of acceptance... The happiness that a friend brings is not something I ever thought would matter again. What a strange set of circumstances... Not that I am complaining! Given what I had thought on earth... this place can be heaven! "You thirsty or hungry bud?" Urving asked as he stood back up. "No, thank you." I shook my head and watched him begin cleaning. "Need some help?" "I'm just tidying up a little. Kick back and relax Iza." He began grabbing an armful of cans and bottles. "Wanna smoke some more, when I'm done? Maybe play some Gamecast?" Urving offered as he deposited the trash into a peculiar circular wall port. "Sure! Both sound fun!" His casual attitude was greatly appreciated, even if he was unaware. "Great! I'll be done in just a sec!" Urving started hurrying after he said this. As I just said, it felt really nice, how normal he is acting. I expected to be treated like a pet... but I feel like I'm at a friends house! Is Urving really going to treat me like a person? The irony of using the word "person" was not lost on me... I am just to deep in thought to examine the humor closer. Urving, and most of his friends, have treated me very well! Why was I so afraid? That's a stupid question and the answer is plain as day! Who wouldn't be scared during an alien invasion? What level of courage would it take to stay strong during your abduction? How many people could honestly say this would not frighten them? My body tensed fiercely as murky memories flooded the foreground of my thoughts. The images of innocent people being captured or killed as they tried to resist was permanently branded on my brain. Each time I closed my eyes, countless screaming faces begged for me to save them... But I wasn't even able to protect myself... Something deep in my heart kept calling me a coward, but my brain quashed this illogical nonsense with sound reasoning. If we had just been informed than things would have gone differently! Not that I would have surrundered, but so much heartache would have been avoided... Within myself, I was torn between how I once felt and the way I am feeling now. To accept this, is to embrace slavery, but to try and escape would leave me where I started... Urving said he didn't want a slave, he wanted a friend... "You ok buddy? Something wrong?" Urving asked throwing me back into reality. "No, nothing at all! Just, still a little tired!" Though still a bit distraught, my voice didn't convey this. Urving seemed content with this answer and he simply continued cleaning. Taking a seat on the long, log of a sofa, I was astounded to find it reacted to my presence! As I took a seat, a back portion shot up and supported me in just the right places! After a bit of astonishment, I relaxed back into the foam like pad with a small groan. Not only was it comfortable, it bent to my shape and allowed to lean freely, as if it was a lounge chair! What an interesting invention! It is such a unique take on the traditional couch. The chair portion was just an enormous plush cylinder, but somehow a mechanism within fed you a backrest. Sort of like a personally shaped pillow, just for you! Urving tossed a bag of trash toward the wall port, which expanded to accompany the larger object! Once the bag had vanished into the darkness the opening shrunk in an aperture style. What does that hole in the wall do? It was labled with several Anthronian characters, but other than that it was just a large opening with a brass plate to cover it. I'll translate the label! Hopping off the sofa caused it to withdraw the cushion it had made like a vacuum cleaner. Walking over I fished through the gifts and pulled out the monocle box with great care. Urving seemed to take notice as he smiled my way and continued collecting bottles. Fixing the monocle on my eye, its black portion expanded in a snap. Even though my intention was to not blink, a natural instinct seemed to force it. After that I was able to read perfectly! Blinking somehow triggers this device to activate... strange. This window sized hole in the wall had a few words written on the brass plate, which covered it. It said "Incandescent Fusion Generator. Critical Harm Warning! No Living Material! Disposable Waste Only!" Without my consent I made a small noise of discovery and Urving picked up on this. "It sort of a trashcan, that powers my house!" He replied then put a claw to his lip. "Our house!" He added tossing in the trash bag. "How does it work?" My thoughts faded off as I studied the lock on the cover. "No idea! I know it incinerates the trash somewhere nearby and that makes power somehow!" His response, though lacking, was enough to give me the bigger picture. "I see. Very interesting!" I replied, looking over the warning one more time. "They have these little tours they run at the power plants! We can go on one if you wanted." Urving offered as several plates of half eaten food were thrown away. "Sounds... sort of boring actually." I laughed and so did Urving, but he was so much brighter. "It's good to hear you laugh buddy!" Urving stated tossing a few smaller bags of trash out, then shutting the disposal unit. "Imma get a snack, why don't you pack up a bowl?" He offered moving to the stone sink and dipping his paws in the water. "Oh... uh..." I looked around, then spotted it. "Sure!" Phelix had left his pipe for us! My original plan was to pull Urving's coffee table to the couch, but no way I would be able to do that! This heavy marble slab was immovable all together! It seemed to have a permanent resting place just a few feet from the couch. Kneeling in front of this stone cube, I smashed up some of the pot on the card Ferris gave me. The dark color of the paper contrasted with the green of the herbs, which made it easy to gather. It was not easy to simply crush it up finely though, using only my fingers. Urving came into the living room as I was filling the large pipe with growing anticipation. Sharing with everyone earlier seriously cut down on how effective the pot could be. Getting to smoke all to my self, (while Urving ate) was going to be fun! With minimal effort Urving pulled the table closer to us with one paw. Sheer astonishment left me motionless for a moment, but I quickly recovered and started smoking. Urving had made some form of bun or dumpling, which smelled deliciously savory. However considering his size, you need to understand this thing was the as big as my skull! "Here, brought you one just in case." Urving slid a tall red can to me. "Thank you." I feel like I have been saying that a lot lately... Urving took a bite of the breaded lump and I found the inside was full of all the things people would have on a sandwich! His eyes drifted down to me and he offered it my way, earnestly. Shaking my head, he nodded and watched for a second as I hit Phelix's pipe. I hate to be a bad influence, but smoking is an incredible experience that I think everyone should try, at least once in their lives. If I had not gotten to smoke then today would not have gone quite so smoothly, in my opinion. Urving has yet to lose interest in my every action... As I began coughing he smiled in a very amused way and squirmed with delight in his seat. Thinking hard on the subject, I realize this must be a huge deal for him as well. I mean... he's accepting me into his life and his home. Even if I am fearful and apprehensive, Urving deserves gratitude. Taking another drag, I gagged on the smoke and began coughing terribly. Wretching and trying to avoid throwing up, I felt Urving gently pat my back a few times. Picking up the can I found it was cold to the touch and the top portion... twisted off? What kind of can... well look at that! The aluminum type metal was thin and flexible, yet its top cracked open, expelling air like a bottle cap! Once removed there was a smooth lip beneath to drink from. My intrigue alone was enough to calm the coughing storm. I wanted to examine the text on the can with my monocle, but tasting it seemed like a higher priority. Sipping the ice cold liquid, I found it to be cola! This planets concept of cola was much more bitter and it had only a hint of sweetness. Still it wasn't terrible and the flavor overall reminded me of cheap diet soda from earth. I thanked Urving again, but he shook his head and pointed toward the kitchen. "Feel free to get yourself anything Issac!" Urving was insistant yet not pushy. "I know this... must feel weird, but it is your house too!" "Oh... uh... yeah! Of course!" My chipper response brought a gleam to his eyes. "Great, glad to hear it!" He replied popping the rest of the sandwich in his maw. Taking a long drag, I felt the bowl was out and went out back to blow the pipe out. A brief moment of independence was my way of showing Urving I was comfortable here. I also figured the backyard was the best place to dispose of the ashes. Upon my return Urving greeted me at the door with a quirky smile. There was a bit of confusion at first, but he smiled as I referenced the pipe. Smoking with Urving in the house was a lot more comfortable. Something about being indoors made me feel safe. Also I was starting to feel high again, so I was calming down. My heart felt kind of warmed as the situation was calm and very relaxing. We soon ran out of prepped pot however and Urving choked a bit as he set the pipe down. "That's totally out!" Urving coughed out the words individually. "Should I break up some more?" I asked looking up at him with squinty eyes. "If ya wanted to!" His voice was gravelly from smoking. "Oh hey, I got an idea!" Urving suddenly exclaimed. "Want a tour of the house?" "Sure!" Hopping up, I was excited to learn about this place. "Alright, let's start over here." Urving headed for the door. "The entry hall can get really slippery, so if it rains or you play in the sprinklers, be careful!" He spoke with legitimate concern and that made me smile through the immaturity. "This is the first bathroom! You could say it's my bathroom, since my room is right there." "Figured as much with the bed and all." I tried to laugh, but inside I couldn't get behind it. "Yup yup, lemme show you somethin!" Urving's rotund rump jiggled about as he rushed past me into his room. Standing in the doorway, I got a good view of what the animals must have seen when I was hiding. I am still not proud of my primal cowering reaction, but Urving seems to understand. He was sitting on his bed and gathering a few large packets of papers. Urving waved me over as he grabbed one of them and opened it. I could see the Anthronian text from here and that made me want to fetch my monocle. Urving could probably translate for me. "These are the files I got on the humans they paired me with..." He began flipping through the pages. "You were my favorite by far!" Though somewhat patronizing, it came from a place of love. "They pair you... us?" I asked approaching and scaling his bed with a bit of difficulty. "It's more like a suggestion, ya know?" He asked and I nodded with a slight "oh". "What does it say about me?" I inquired as I sat next to the other files. "Only the whole scoop about you being awesome!" A hug followed this, but I really wanted to know. "It's mostly a bunch of technical stuff and documents I had to sign." He scanned through the pages absently, but then perked up. "I loved these though!" Urving presented me with a picture of myself. Two mug shot style pictures were lined next to each other. He turned the page and revealed two more pictures. One was me running out a store, back on earth, and the other was me in a small camp, standing guard. The choreography of my capture was far more orchestrated than I had imagined. Just seeing these photos tells me they carefully planned my abduction. Whenever someone was taken, I always assumed it was just bad timing or luck. Seeing this changes things... They stalked us, watched us, and learned about us. Each individual human person cannot possibly have their own file... could they? The fact that I escaped L.A. and was not captured in a mass group, probably have something to do with it. The years spent on the run must have built up this file... The other files were not nearly as thick as mine was, but ownership documents were filling it out, alegedly. Urving showed me a few more pictures, but he seemed to notice I was in deep thought. "Come on, let's keep going buddy!" He offered slapping my file closed and tossing it on the bed. Urving standing up caused the whole bed to lurch forward a bit. Using the now compressed matress like a slide, I took this opportunity to easily reach the floor. Following Urving closely, I tried to ignore the emotional stitches, which were currently at risk of unweaving. Just seeing myself before capture was enough to send me over the edge. It took a lot to avoid weeping, but being high helped a lot. The life I led in those photographs has tempered my resolve and galvanized my spirit... If anything I was stronger now because of it! Now was not the time for such thoughts. I do want to read my file someday soon, however! "You probably figured it out already, but this is the living room! Oh, if you wanted to watch tv just do this." Urving waved a paw at the glass oval in the wall. Instantly the panel illuminated with a high pitched whine. The rich detail and crisp colors of the picture had me entranced. It was a commercial of some kind, but I was still entertained by the fact I could watch television! Urving showed me that changing channels was a snap. Literally snapping your fingers would change the channel! Urving demonstrated how pointing your fingers up or down would initiate differing directions, when the channel changed. Trying it myself made me giggle with delight! How does it pick up my fingers? Where does it sense my hand? Is it really powerful enough to pick up my tiny hand? "When you get familiar with the channels, you can just tell it what you want to watch." Urving added, as I snapped through rythmically. "One nine five." Urving stated and the screen went gray for a moment. "That is so cool!" I exclaimed as it displayed a sort of music program... I couldn't understand anything... "If you want also, just push right here... and you can play videogames!" He replied pointing to a tiny blue square at the base of the screen. "Alright, but how will I understand them?" I asked tilting my head. "You can put on subtitles in a few different human languages! My tv only has subtitles in Anthronian though..." He seemed defeated, but that didn't slow him down for long. "I'll get you a vocal translator as soon as I can, promise!" The cheery response was too much when paired with what he was saying. "Relax Urving! I can read subtitles." I replied coyly, but just smiled and waved me to follow. "Just know it is available and I wanna buy it for ya!" He nodded his head in a fun over the top way. "Come on over here, I already showed you the sink, but if you push right here, you can get at the icebox!" Urving simply pressed on a panel and it opened outward. It was the same wood type as the cupboards and it even had matching marble trim, which went along with the gray counter tops. If he hadn't shown me, I honestly wouldn't have known it existed! Staring into the fridge, I actually was getting sort of hungry. Urving repeated how I could have anything I ever wanted from here. He insisted I also tell him if there is anything I like, in particular. Feeling the chill given off by the frosty interior felt great and reminded me of earths air conditioned summers. Reaching in I removed a left over dinner roll and placed it in my mouth. Urving made a very pleased noise when he saw this. Watching me munch the bread, Urving pranced a little with a certain relief on his face. He went on to show me what was in each cabinet and where the cleaning supplies were. After that we headed toward the room we ate lunch in earlier, but stopped short at the first room. This hall is left of the kitchen if you were exiting the kitchen. "This room is for storage. Got a lot fun stuff in here I been trying to find for ya!" Urving laughed as he swept his hand over the stacks of boxes. "Like what?" I asked looking up at him as he scanned the mess. "Photo albums, old video games, a few comics, some old toys from when I was a cub..." He rattled off this list as he poked through a nearby box. "This is just all the stuff I can't find a place for!" He laughed kicking the box aside. "Let's look through it together sometime!" The excitement in my voice made me pause, but I recovered by laughing. "Sounds great Iza!" He nudged me and then left the room, turning the light off over the sea of cardboard. "This is the second bathroom, but let's call it your bathroom!" Urving added as we moved to the next door in the hall. "Why is it mine?" I asked, but I'm unclear why I questioned him at all. "Well..." He began entering and opening the glass octagon on the far wall. "I got a little shower head, so the water pressure doesn't hurt ya." He wiggled the earth like spigot from within the now obvious shower. "Theres a lowering mechanism on the sink, see!" With a push of a floor tile the sink raised and lowered. "The toilet is... it's your size!" Was all he said, referencing the cauldron in the corner. "Also it's right next to your room silly!" Urving added causing me to gasp lightly. "What? No way!" I replied as if he was just teasing me. "No joke my man! Come on!" Urving opened the door to the room we ate in earlier. "This used to be the smoking room." Urving snickered as I slowly walked in. "Now it's all yours Issac!" The face he made was a mixture of gleaming pride and total accomplishment. Slowly looking around in astonishment, I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Even after quickly accepting this was my room, I still don't think it sank in at first. This huge room, the size of which some apartments would envy, is mine. I can be here for peace, quiet, and... human stuff. Taking a deep breath, I stared at the tv inlaid to the wall and the door leading out back. So much freedom! This has to be a dream... or a hallucination... "Urving..." I muttered turning to find him gone. "Yeah buddy?" Rushing back in, he carried my boxed bed under one arm. "You say somethin?" "You're really just... alright with this?" Waving my arms around referenced the room itself. "Of course!" He exclaimed. "Where else would you stay and sleep?" Urving sounded shocked. "Let me put your bed together real quick, k?" He asked, but I just nodded and turned away. Peering out the back window, I couldn't keep myself still and I fidgeted with a convivial aura. My eyes welled up with tears as I was struck with a lightning bolt of cosmic joy! Seeing the twin moons, one a vivid purple and the other a pale ghostly white, made me so excited for the adventure my life has become. Fear will come and go, but Urving seems to be a constant factor. Hopefully, with time, I will become accustomed to this planet. Having a place to call my own, to be alone and secure in... Damn I cannot explain how good that feels. Better than pot, booze, or any other substance in the world! I have a chance again and if I am going to take it! Turning back I wiped my eyes and saw Urving had the bed frame put together, for the most part. Plopping the mattress into place a second later, he shoved the bed against the wall. With a heavy pat, he stared invitingly as I approached. "Good to go!" He pretended to dust his hands. "Imma throw this out, be right back!" Picking up the box he left the room. Something inside made me sad just then. The thought of those adorable pictures being burned and... repurposed... into energy was tragic. It was like when someone discards a childs gift or destroys a stuffed animal. Not a true tragedy, but your heart breaks a little bit. Glum stricken, I sat on the bed and avoided thinking about it. Urving returned and sat on the floor by the side of my bed. "Comfy?" He asked and I nodded. "Great! Listen, I'm pretty beat. Mind if we play tomorrow?" Urving asked, his eyes melting into a vulnerable dullness. "Of course!" I playfully swatted his shoulder, since it was the same height right now. "I'm pretty tired myself." A perfectly timed yawn came after this. "Oh wait a minute!" He popped up with surprising dexterity for such a big animal. "Here ya go buddy! Sorry there aren't more..." He faded off as I was handed a blanket and two pillows. "Don't be sorry! Do you know how long it has been since I have had a pillow?" Saying this made him gasp in a dire sort of way, then pat my head with a loving grin. "Sleep tight Issac. Hope you don't have any bad dreams." Though simply put, the love in his statement made me feel warm inside. "If you get cold or frightened you can come hop in my bed. I promise I won't squish ya!" Urving mentioned this, with a laugh, as he was leaving. "This should be fine, but thank you!" I replied and he popped back in for just a second. "Good night buddy. Welcome home." His words were heart warming and the wide grin he wore was unavoidably sweet. "I love you Iza." These last words were uttered from the hall as he walked away. Though I wanted to shout something back, I didn't. Appreciation seems to fuel Urving, but I haven't given him much at all... This is incredible though! The bed was soft and supportive, but oddly enough it was rounded in shape. I guess this is just how they make mattresses! As I lay there, reveling in the lovely feeling of the plush cushion, I began laughing softly. What a freaky turn of events! Nothing would have made me believe this! That this is what I was fighting to avoid? I wanted to run away from a free loving home? Wait... I need to remember how lucky I got... If I had escaped for one more day, or got caught earlier, then I may not have ever met Urving. It is atounding to me how much my opinion of Urving has changed in one day alone! With my head in the clouds I decided to take a shower! Though I remember being clean when I awoke on this planet, I haven't cleaned myself since. Entering the bathroom, I shut and locked the door. Locks are something I have missed dearly without even noticing. Struggling at first to turn the water on, I was soon drawn to a small button panel on the door. One of them was a water drop, finally a recognizeable symbol! Upon pressing the water drop key, a cocophony of internal machine noises was heard. As the guttural sound neard the peak of volume, it stopped a normal shower stream began. Though I could easily go on for hours about how good it felt to shower... I do not wish to explain my hygienic procedures in detail... After washing my hair with what I hope was shampoo, I got out and rung my locks dry. The thick fluffy towels were way to big for me, but that just made them more effective! I felt great, both physically and mentally! I wanted to go and thank Urving a thousand times! Using a towel like a robe (it was more than enough) I went and got some of my new clothes from the present pile. Though I have no sleep wear, I simply needed something to put on when I woke up. No one got me socks or underwear... Living on the run, I got used to not having these things, but it is just odd. Choosing to put on a tshirt while sleeping, I stacked the rest of the clothes in my room. It felt weird saying, "my room" when this place is not my home. This is Urving's smoking room and I am just a guest... No, he said this is my house too... So this is my room. Urving is a great friend and I am so fortunate to have been chosen by him. Though it may take me a while to say it aloud, I love you Urving...
© 2016 ThatonedawgReviews
StatsAuthor![]() ThatonedawgSacramento, CAAboutI have been writing for a long time. My father was a writer and he always encouraged me to do so as well. Sadly he never read any of my work or even cared for that matter. I just need to know that som.. more..Writing