Chapter eight: Gifted

Chapter eight: Gifted

A Chapter by Thatonedawg

Who wouldn't be excited?

-8- Gifted
After a few moments everyone seemed to settle down and I was put in the spotlight once more. Urving had a seat on the floor next to me and began sorting through the pile of boxes, bags, and packages. He quickly removed three similarly wrapped gifts and handed them my way. I am unsure of how to describe this feeling... it was a mix of happiness, excitement, and a little guilt. I felt bad about how I acted earlier, but now I am opening presents like it was nothing. Just a strange emotional combo to deal with right now... As three blue and white wrapped boxes were stacked in my lap Urving also placed a small card atop them. Not like an earth card, mind you, it was similar to a reserved sign for a table. This placard said "From Urma and Dael. Welcome home!"
"Thank you very much!" I looked there way as I picked up the card.
Opening the package I found... three shirts! Collard shirts in pastelle blue, yellow, and olive! Within the second box I found a pair of black, tan, and gray slacks. As I thanked them again, I began scratching at the third box. Tearing free the paper, I opened it to find a pair of shoes! Something inside of me felt funny being excited over shoes, but... I have felt so strange not having any on! I thanked them both again individually, as I examined the dress shoes further. My head had a hard time believing that these were not from earth or at least created to look that way! Urving moved the well crafted clothes to the table and presented me with two white boxes. The tag attatched was jet black with silver writing. This one said "From Ferris and Fiona." Looking to find Ferris, he gave a short wave and my eyes shot to him.
"Thank you and please thank Fiona!" Her image popped in my head and I smiled to him.
"She wishes she could be here. She really does." Ferris replied with a small chuckle, that got a laugh from the crowd.
Oh I get it... a psychic joke! Was he reading her mind? Or does he just know? I'm over thinking this... It was more difficult to unwrap these gifts as they were tightly sealed in a type of cellophane. Once I tore open the packaging, I began trying to rip open the box. What kind of cardboard box doesn't open? It felt more like wet cardboard, flexing and bending, instead of tearing. Fighting to rip it, I found once I tore it a little the whole thing seemed to break open and fall apart. Within was a perfectly pressed and tailored slate gray suit. My eyes widened at the overall sharpness and the flare on the curved lapel. Something was attached to the back, which I recognized as a hat! Laughing out loud, I plopped the all black trilby atop my head then thanked Ferris again. This is incredible! We matter this much to them? Are we like a status symbol? They go to the extent of even getting us clothes and nice clothes too! Ferris bought me a freaking three piece suit for christ sake! What would normally cost hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars on earth, was purchased for a close friends pet! Why couldn't they just have told me? Or let me see how I would be treated? No... They couldn't have known... There is no way they could have known I would be so lucky! My eyes widened with gratitude as I held the pristine clothing in my semi-clean hands.
"Fiona picked that out for you! She wanted to see you wear it with mine." Ferris said over the din of the rooms celebration.
"Damn you'll look sharp together!" Barkley shouted over my first attempt to thank Ferris again.
"I cannot wait to see you wearing this stuff Issac!" Urving shouted, which hurt my ears, but excitement made me ignore being interrupted a second time.
"Thank you Ferris! Please thank Fiona!" My voice held friendly desperation and he nodded smiling.
"Open the other one!" His voice carried a lot of excitement as he waved a paw my way.
Once I stripped the clear plasticky film off, the box slipped open easily and within I found a very strange looking object. It was sort of like a magnifying glass, but it was mising half of the glass piece and instead there was a kind of black gem fitted into the slot. I was confused and assumed it was decorative or symbolic, but Urving was ecstatic! He gasped and shouted at Ferris in a gibberish sort of excited way. As I picked it up, I found the handle of this delicate crystal lense was flexible and as I bent it, the whole thing broke apart! Litterally the second I put any force upon the solid rod it seperated into a segmented chain! A small button at the top retracted it back to a handle form... what the hell is this thing? Thanking Ferris anyway, I looked at him through it and the crowd cheered in a very jovial way!
"He's so close!" Barkley howled, laughing with his wife, who was much more modest.
"Show him something! He'll get it!" Phelix assured nodding to Urving who was still laughing.
"Do not thank me until you know what it is!" Ferris chuckled quietly below most of the other obviously entertained Anthronians.
"Damn he got one way before me!" Mel shouted and Urving pointed at him, amused by his statement.
"What is it?" I asked unable to keep a smile from my face and laughter from my words.
Urving leaned toward me and said. "It's a visual translation monocle! Understand?" He pointed two claws to his eyes and then moved them to the monocle...
"THANK YOU!" I cried to Ferris who's foxish smile had returned.
This is insane! I seperated the chain and placed the monocle on my eye with glee. I must have looked so silly just then! Urving's giant sweater covering my body, the strange half monocle on my face, and an exquisitely crafted hat adorning my head. Momentarily taking off the monocle, I thanked Ferris once more as I realized in depth the gift I was given. I can read anything now! No more nonsense symbols! Next time Urving and I go for a drive I can read all the signs and... Listen to me, "go for a drive"! Not two days ago I wanted to escape and would have done anything required to taste freedom! Now I am accepting gifts and being complacent enough to want to "go for a drive"? As disturbing as the thought felt, it was impossible to ignore how happy they were! They all began trying to find something that I could read and Urving soon showed me his drivers license, or whatever they would call it. Everyone watched in anticipation as I examined it closely. The illogical symbols seemed to lift upward as I stared through the monocle. In a split second the black portion filled the lense completely and I blinked from surprise. When I opened my eyes... english! Sweet, beautiful, alphabet how I have missed you! I began reading as quickly as I could! Urving's full name was, Urving Solamun Garm. Apparently his species was something called a Borl bear, whatever that means. He was thirtyseven years old, which made me feel a little better about him owning me. Damn, he is nine feet tall and he weighs over two thousand pounds! They all made interested noises or laughed encouragingly as I read the card with great detail. I cannot explain the gratitude I felt as I read every letter perfectly! Removing the monocle I saw the english characters sort of spark out... like a television turning off. Looking up at Ferris I smiled astoundedly and thanked him yet again. Ferris simply nodded and gave me his trade mark smile. What an incredible gift... the ability to read again!
"Open ours next!" One of Urving's work friends called out, causing a small uproar from that group.
"Alright, alright, calm down!" Urving replied as he lifted a large, flat, square object in view.
"Thank you all!" This came naturally upon seeing the size of the gift.
This card simply read "From the guys. Welcome to our planet!". Tearing away at the plain red wrapping paper I found a hard plastic case rested beneath. At first I was confused as to what it was, but the latches and handle gave it away. They had bought me a guitar! My face lit up as I clicked the case open and revealed the sparkling silver instrument. Though knicked and chipped in a few places, I was incredibly happy with this gift. Within the silver colored paint were millions of tiny specks that, when caught in the light, gave off bright flashes of color. The shape was basic, rounded on bottom with two horns at the top, flanking the neck of the guitar. Looking up at them, a stunned smile hit my face and I was to thrilled to speak for a few seconds. Urving shook me by the shoulders gently as he cheered and I was unable to remain silent.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I replied flipping it up into play position.
"Your file said you know how to play the guitar!" The elephant's worry vanished as he saw me enjoying the gift.
"We all pitched in and got you the best one we could find!" The kangaroo's accent and happiness led me to thank them again.
"Sorry it's used buddy." This appology came from the gorrila who had been quiet most of the party.
"Can you play something for us?" Delia asked, clapping her paws a few times.
"Yeah shred it Spaz!" Barkley chimed in after her with an air guitar solo.
"It's been a while... But I can try!" I muttered sliding the pick free from the strings.
Well this is certainly one of the last things I would have expected to be doing... Taking a bit of time to check the tune on the guitar, I finely adjusted each knob for the sound I wanted. Strumming a few chords everything got quiet and I was put under an even more intense spotlight. My fingers felt rusted and it was hard to move them in the intricate patterns required to produce music. Still I managed to provide them with a simple melody and a few more complex chords. It felt so good doing something human, or at least something within my comfort zone. As I prepared to play again, a loud sound filled the household. A type of windchime esque sound that ended with a small buzz. My initial thought was that I had broke a string, but this sound rang through the household several times. Urving popped up and parted the crowd as he moved toward the front door. It was the doorbell! All the other beasts seemed barely phased by the sound and Urving's going to the door just made it all make sense. Left alone, (in a room full of beast men) I strummed a favored tune for myself as the crowd began to murmur. This is awesome! Lik a little piece of home! Returning my guitar to its case, I gently closed it and then awaited Urving's return. Though it sounds funny... I was really excited to open more presents!
"Skia, Isolde! I didn't think you were coming!" Urving shouted out as I heard some female voices greet him.
"No way!" Phelix muttered looking over at Barkley who seemed equally steeped in disbelief. "Isolde, like from school?"
"You know us, fashionably late! We had to fly... ugh!" A spunky female voice cried out.
"It's really good to see you Urving! How are ya man?" A whispering womans voice greeted shortly after.
"Great! You guys look great too!" Urving replied as the door shut with a space age sound.
"Whew, it is hot down here in the south!" The brighter of the two voices said laughing alongside Urving.
"So where's your little scamp?" The softer voice asked as they moved into the living room.
"Isolde? Isolde Willomeer?" Phelix asked one of them as she appeared. "Oh man! It's me Phelix from institute!" He explained and she took on a bright face of happy disbelief.
"No way, Phelix Farraday?" She hugged him and he hugged her laughing. "I haven't seen you since we graduated!" The whispery female was a wolf, who seemed stunned by Phelix's presence.
"Hey Isolde how ya been?" Barkley called and she waved back bouncing in place.
"Oh my gosh, Barkley!" Her voice rose a bit as she spotted him. "I've been awesome! How's my favorite mutt?" Her soft almost listless voice was so freindly as she spoke to them.
"Perfect! Theres gonna be little mutts pretty soon!" Barkley laughed pawing his wifes belly.
"No way!" She walked toward them both with widening eyes. "Oh wow hi!" Isolde shook hands with Delia. "Great to meet you! I'm Isolde!"
"Delia, it's nice to meet you too!" She replied blushing under the eyes... wait dogs can blush?
"Oh wow... look at you!" The peppy voice, who I assumed was Skia, gasped upon seeing me. "Never seen a human with yellow eyes before!" The stout rabbit examined me closely.
"He looks so cute in your sweatshirt Urving! Was that your idea Urma?" Isolde asked as she set her crystal blue eyes upon me.
"No! They were trying to freeze the poor lil guy to death at the agency!" Urving practically shouted. "It was cold down there during the day sometimes, so I gave him my sweatshirt." His voice was somber as he finished.
Though "lil guy" is deameaning, I was appreciative of his desire to help. Something transfixed me with Isolde though... Skia had her own interesting points, but we will get to that, for it is more obvious. Isolde was sleekly groomed and her muzzle was long and thin. I was certain she was a wolf as her thicker ears, strong legs, and upper body revealed. Her caramel brown hide was shaggy, yet she had it feathered and combed in all the right places to where she looked perfect. The wolfs head hair was eloquently styled upward and backward in a wild plume of style. She wore a thin white blouse with blue decorations on the trim and breast. The sleeves were frilly and only had tension around her wrist. Her vibrant blue eyes reminded me of the earth sky on a really bright day! She had a matching skirt on, which showed her frail frame when compared to Delia's rounded physique. It was pleasent to look at her and though a little shame comes with saying it, she was very attractive. What was strangest of all, was that she acted. Sort of... out of it. She was really friendly and incredibly loving, but she seemed ditsy or just distant. I'm not exactly sure how to describe the lack of force in her voice or body language... All the wolves I've met have been brash, bold, and usually terrifying! Yet Isolde is soft spoken and almost scared...
"Those b******s!" Skia hit a fist in her paw as she said this. "Well you're home now gent! How ya feelin?" The gray rabbit asked causing me to smile at the stark contrast of her appearence.
"Great! Thanks for coming ladies!" My happy response was paired with her hugging me tightly.
I knew she was female, but she looked more like one of the guys. She would have been a better mate for Barkley, in terms of looks. Her huge ears were tied in a ponytail behind her head, yet I could see and hear the piercings. The hair atop her head was slicked back and spiked striaght out from between her bound ears. Ash gray fur held white whiskers and a few black splotches on her upper "lip", which quivered and twitched a lot. The stubby muzzle barely extended from her face, just enough to hold her huge teeth. Overall her fur was gray, save a few white parts I could see on her ears. She had a deep green eye color, like pinetree needles or mulched grass. Her pear shaped body was darker the further south you looked and the two buck teeth were yellowed up north. She wore a red shirt, which exposed her stomach and a green jacket over it, but the sleeves were rolled up. A pair of outdoorsman style khakis covered her legs, but could not contain her long feet. The number one thing that made me smile upon seeing her was her height! She was shorter than me! Even Phelix, who was close to being overtaken, was still taller than I. Skia wasn't at all! She was at least three inches shorter, maybe more! This assumingly lesbian rabbit was the first adult Anthronian I was taller than! Not that I have a problem with that... the lesbian thing I mean... or the being short! More power to her!
"Oh, you're opening presents! Please open ours!" Isolde declared, her excited whisper would have been mocking had she not been truely eager.
"Yeah you'll love it! Here ya go sir!" Skia handed a small grayish box my way.
"Thank you both!" I replied as Skia went over to Isolde and put an arm around her.
Urving quickly returned to my side as I began opening the box, which was actually made of a high quality wood. The front had a brass plate, which opened it upon being touched. Once unlocked a light emerged from within, cut into a thin bar by the still partially closed lid... what the hell? Opened full, I saw inside was full of gears, mechnisms, and lights. These lights all hit a variety of mirrors, crystals, and reflective metals to project a hologram upward out of the box. The ghost of my home planet floated before me... A perfect globe hovered roughly three inches from the box. The ominous glow it produced plucked at my heart strings until they snapped. It was as if the souls of a million human beings had condensed to form this heavenly little orb of light. Staring deeply into the illusion, I felt my mouth fall open and my body became weak. The room was quiet, a few photos were snapped, but I was lost... Reaching for my home, I felt a warmth as my fingers passed through the light and a hum could be heard from the disrupted image. Shutting the box I felt tears begining to form so I took action. Standing up, I walked over to Skia and Isolde, then hugged them. It wasn't hard concidering Isolde was so skinny and Skia was short. The room made loving noises and sweet words rained down from everyone.
"Thank you so much!" I almost lost it and cried upon saying this, but I held it together.
"Aww I hope you like it! We found that at this little gizmo shop and I thought any human would want one!" Isolde said bending over to hug me back, her tail flailing like crazy.
"You don't mention it, just enjoy it! Sorry we didn't bring ya more." Skia patted my head gently, her funny buck toothed smile made me laugh.
"Can I see it Issac?" Urving asked eagerly and I nodded.
"Of course!" I was legitimately excited to show him, which felt good...
Rushing over to Urving many of the other Anthronians in the room seemed to be enjoying the displays of affection. It seems they are incredibly social creatures and the more I interacted with Urving the more constant the crowds affectionate cheers became. Seeing the earth again this time, I laughed a little knowing it was a novelty object. I got so worked up over something they probably mass produced in the recent years. Urving was fascinated however... The bottom of his muzzle hung open revealing the two bottom fangs and a small smile formed. His eyes widened as light from the hologram illuminated his glasses and turned them into tiny reflections of the earth. He let out a small sound of wonder before he closed the box and looked down at me. His soft amber gaze was saddened, but his smile was unstoppable as I looked back at him awaiting a response.
"I'm so glad you made it..." Urving said in a soft almost whimper.
His touching words caught me off guard and I gasped softly, unable to think of a response. I heard Urma make a particularily loud loving sound at this. Her brother being so meek and emotional must have been enthralling for her especially. It was hard to focus on the crowd though, as Urving hugged me tight. Burried and surrounded by his plush fat I could no longer see most of what's around me. I pondered his words deeply though and my face grew into a strained smile. He is glad I made it... This bear, who I assume has seen earth before, can only comment on my safe passage to his world. All he cares about is my safety! My lip quivered, as I felt a rush of affection hit me like a baseball bat. I began enjoying the hug more as he lightly smashed me into his warm belly. Lifting me to put me back on the table, I whispered something to him, hoping no one else would catch it.
"I'm so glad we met..." This was sincere and I felt my heart open a bit upon saying it.
Urving's eyes widened as I was plopped into place. The tiny glasses slid forward to the tip of his nose, as his muzzle took on a squirming smile. I swear he had tears in his eyes, but he turned away to quickly to confirm. Urving isn't my owner. Urving is my bear, and I his human! We are equal in a way, but yet we aren't... I need him... Urving turned back around and put a smile on my face with two brightly colored bags. Each had a differing card to match the opposite bags color. The yellow bag had an orange card, which said "From Delia, with love!" As I looked up and thanked her, Isolde patted her back in a delicate way. The orange bag had a yellow card that said "From Barkley, with expensive stuff!" This made me chuckle and he did as well when he saw my response.
"We couldn't agree on what to get you!" Barkley said, still laughing a bit.
"So we each got you something different." Delia replied excitedly, raising her paws to her chin.
Opening Delia's first, I removed the paper. Inside the bag there was a large sheet of glass, like a picture frame. As I pulled it free I found it to be a mirror! Taking it simply for this, like a fool, I thanked Delia and went to set it aside. Urving shook his head and pushed it back toward me, his face had become very serious. Examining this mirror further, I saw it was incredibly well crafted! Matte bronze metal was twisted and coiled in a circle to form the mirrors frame. These strips of bronzer had been shaped to resemble thorns and vines. Atop the mirror was a small flower with a violet gem in the center. Something caught my eye and in the mirror and I saw figures begin to shift away from my image. The longer I stared the quieter the room got until it was silent. As if warped by a funhouse my image bent apart curdely until... three people stood there. My mother and father stood beside me and this mirror had become like a painted picture! Tears formed and dripped from my eyes as I peered at there radiant faces. Distant memories of my family clawed to the surface of my mind and I fought to repress the sorrow they spawned. Words could not be put in proper order to explain my amazement and lamentation. It has been so long... Almost five years since I have seen them... My mom and dad were taken so long ago that I wouldn't doubt them dead simply from old age... Urving put a paw on my shoulder as I stared into the eyes of my creators. Touching the picture softly, I felt another batch of tears welling up, but I managed to disperse them, only allowing a few to the surface. How does it know? How can it possibly formulate my parents faces so perfectly? Something caught my eye and I realized this was a memory! I was younger in this photographically still image than I was during the invasion! My tears became harder to wrangle as I stared deeply into the photo of my past. Inside I wanted to ask them about this wonderous magic mirror, but as I tried to speak the tears surged heavily. How can it create something even I forgot? What makes this mystical glass so special?
"Thank you Delia! Thank you so much!" My shaking voice was hard to control, as I fought to stop crying.
"I'm sorry Issac..." Her responce was soft as she moved over to me. "I didn't mean to make you sad!" Delia also sounded like she was near tears as she put a paw on me.
"No! This is incredible!" My tears began again, but I avoided any change in my voice. "It's just overwhelming! I never thought I would see them again..." I explained touching her tiny paw as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Now you can anytime! Please don't cry Issac." It was hard to stop though, seeing the faces happily smiling back at me in the mental reflection.
Placing the mirror back in the bag, I clutched myself around Delia's neck and enjoyed the warmth of her coat. At first she tense up and was motionless, but then she lifted both paws to my back and squeezed gently. Her bushy tail went crazy as she did this and I could feel her affection. Everyone really enjoyed this moment and I saw several more bright flashes, which I assumed were pictures being taken. Crying for a few moment beneath her loving paws, I was soon able to lean back and face them all with no tears. The tender moment got to Urving also, as he pulled me against his side once Delia and I were finished. His huge paw rubbed my shoulder, as he rocked gently with me. Pummeling me with love, his arm patted my whole body several times. Looking up at him, Urving peered down with a curious stare, as if to ask what I was feeling. Smiling up at him, he bounced with excitement and the tiny shades slid down his muzzle again. Urving seems to be the most emotional out of everyone here... Every one of my words, actions, and emotions are being hung on by a two thousand pound bear! 
"Open mine buddy, it might put a smile on your face!" Barkley said as he helped his wife stand up.
Nodding I lifted the second bag and set the card aside. Once I had dug through the tissue papers, I was greeted with a satin black box. It had a strange crest carved into the top of it, but it was mostly just fancy lines and shapes. The tiny latch opened with hardly any touch and once the little box creaked open, I stared at a collar... The symbolism struck me heavily, as he was basically saying "enjoy being owned"! Looking at his gift with a certain disdain, I stilled chuckled at the humor of it all. A dog giving a human a collar as a gift has to be funny in someones book. Urving stared at Barkley and everyone with intent widened eyes. Everyone began murmuring with rising anticipation as if something important had, or was going to happen. Shock filled Urving's face as he and I examined the collar once more, its strange blue crystal glinting in the light as it moved. His gaze twitched to me and he blinked several times in disbelief. Looking back at Barkley, my face shifted to insulted and he took on a frustrated sneer upon seeing it.
"Barkley you shouldn't have!" Urving said in an overly serious tone for how minor his insult was. "Really man. It's so expensive and you have pups on the way man!" Urving had an incredibly grateful tone... what makes this so expensive?
"Urving, stop it! I wanted to out do Delia!" Barkley replied putting a paw up to silence Urving and block himself from his wifes wrath.
"Put it on lil fellah!" Urma's patronizingly happy voice added more insult to the fact that a symbol of obedience had been given as a gift.
"Glad we made it in time for this!" Skia said to Isolde loudly, but she just stared with anticipation.
"Come on Issac, put on your collar." Dael said bluntly, as if he was tired of waiting on me, but screw him!
"Yeah put it on human!" Urnest piped in after his father smugly.
Heat stabbed into my brain as I felt insulted, humiliated, and degraded. Urving cares, but it seems like his friends consider me a joke... Or at least Barkley does... Giving someone a collar as a present is just wrong. Even a pet doesn't have to show gratitude for the bonds that keep them. In my own head, I wanted to attack Barkley. Not violently, but just to show him I should be respected. Someone else commanded me to put on the collar, which led many others to ask, persuade, and cajole without relent. This all just felt wrong. Like a joke that went to far, but that I still am not a part of... The crowd seemed assured this was a special gift and not just a fancy form of handcuffs. Well, I have been wrong thus far...
"Honey, I told you dogs have to wear collars on earth..." Delia said to her husband, putting emphasis on "have to". "He probably thinks your insulting him..." She gently swatted Barkley across the muzzle causing his scowl to break apart.
"Oh! S**t, no man... that isn't what it means! Just put it on please!" Barkley insisted waving both paws with a friendly smile.
"No!" Urving snapped, but backed down quickly. "It might scare him!" Urving's defensive voice was nice to hear.
"What is it?" Asking this made everyone laugh, not at me, in a sort of anxious and amped up way.
Urving looked back and forth, as if asking someone else to explain. "What a surprise to ruin!" He joked and the room errupted with laughter, but I really wanted to know. "Just try it if you want buddy!" Urving nodded acceptingly, but I could tell he was just as eager as the rest.
"Please just put it on Issac! Just a little while!" Phelix pleaded eagerly, whishpering a few things to Barkley.
"Yeah bucko, I promise you wont get hurt! Trust me!" Barkley was just as encouraging, but his conniving smile made me uneasy.
"Just do it Issac! Don't be afraid!" Mel shouted using his hands as a megaphone, but he is already accustomed to these devices... he doesn't understand...
Who to look to? Ferris? "Be calm my friend. This is just one of man inventions geared toward humans! You are in no danger and you should not feel insulted." Ferris simply placed two claws against his temple... and I heard his voice in my mind... far out...
After taking a brief moment to comprehened what had just happened I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. Many others pleaded, assured, and insisted for me to put the collar on, so I took a chance... Gulping heavily, I unbuckled the strap and looked down to find it's reverse side had dozens of tiny, metal filled indentations... The all black leather collar had holes all around it, regardless of only a small portion being needed to buckle it. What could the metal bits inbetween be for? Hanging from the tag loop was a three point jagged teal crystal. The flashy gem glinted in the sun as I rose the collar to my neck. Placing the band against my skin, I felt it latch into place on its own! I began gasping for air as a sense of panic set in and I struggled to breath properly! Clutching the collar and trying to pry it free, I felt multiple cold stings hit my neck from the inside! This feeling dulled my movements and soon I felt my arms slump to the side motionlessly. Oh god what have I done... The crystal began emmiting a low hum that was only getting louder! Everyone is smiling in such an awaiting way and I have no idea what I just did! A tiny pain shot through my back as I felt something form on the outside of the collar. Spikes? Did the collar just grew downward curving spikes? Surges of heat wracked my body as I began panting terribly and writhing for a moment on the table. Seconds later though, nothing... I felt a little dizzy, but not much else... The room instantly errupted into a cacophony of loving gibberish and blurs of motion. Every beast in the room wanted to pet or play with me... What just happened? Urving was in tears as he stood, joyoulsy lifting me above the crowd. Hands playfully pinched my feet and fiddled with my hind quarters, which was disturbing to say the least. What the hell just happened? He hugged me tightly and I felt the collar loosen on its own. Most of the friends I already met seemed to be reintroducing themselves in a much more affectionate way. What the f**k just happened? Urving spun around a few times, staring down my nose at him sort of made my head hurt... Cradled in Urving's arms again, I peered at all of the creatures who wanted nothing more than to hold, play with, or even just see me... What in gods name just happened? The affection toward me has spiked, but why? What happened to make me look more appealing to them?
"WHAT THE F**K JUST HAPPENED?" My shout was loud and very sharp on each individual word.
"OI! PIPE DOWN PUP!" Barkley... barked back in a snapping tone, similar to the way I just spoke.
"Issac... look..." Urving pointed into a mirror on the wall as he lifted me toward it.
A long throat hurting gasp filled me with air and allowed me to scream for several seconds. I was not human! I was one of them! Wearing this device had made me change shape! This collar... it was creating a type of field, which changed my appearance! As Urving drew closer to the mirror with me in his arms, I saw how emotional this was making him. Tears wet his fur as they traveled in steady streams down his face. A huge quivering smile was constantly squiggling around his muzzle. Holding me closer I saw that I am, or was being disguised as, a coyote! My bright yellow eyes went well with the tan, red, and black coat. Instinct told me that I was a coyote, my gut feeling, but I could of easily been any canine. Visually I compared my appearence to Ferris the fox, but my ears were similar to Isolde the wolf. Waving a paw I saw that this hologram cloak blurred slightly if I moved too fast. This technology is amazing, no wonder Urving said it was so expensive! The most bizarre part, beyond seeing myself, was touching my muzzle, yet feeling a tickle on my actual nose! In my mind I was still a bit apprehensive to accept what I was seeing, but as Urving pat my head and my tail began to wag uncontrollably it was hard to resist. He was so overjoyed, he couldn't keep the tears or the smile from his face as he cuddled me close. This felt so strange, I could feel my tail, but yet I didn't feel anything on my body! Rampant wagging blurred the tails image just a bit, yet I remained perfect so long as I was still! The teal gem shined brightly and I realized this is what was projecting the false image! This thing is amazing, it even captures my emotions! My curiousity became like theres, with an open muzzle revealing fangs. My doggish nose wiggled at the tip of my face as I examined myself further. This caused both tall ears to twitch downward with excitement, then upward with intent focus. Taking up many false faces of emotion, I watched my ears wiggle, shift, and bend as my muzzle made a variety of funny expressions. This thing is really of cool! If I ever felt out of place, then this collar could help remedy that!
"This is what you would look like if you were born with our DNA!" Urving said sniffling and joyously pointing at my mirror image. 
"Oh my... god..." Was all I could muster, as I gently touched the mirror with my paw.
"Welcome to the canine brotherhood!" Barkley shouted with excitement appearing in the mirror behind me. "Phelix! You owe me twenty bucks!"
"Dude you look awesome!" Phelix said oval eyed as Genevide looked on somewhat impressed.
"Yeah he is cute..." She seemed almost to admit to herself... damn right I am b***h!
"Them yellow eyes make sense now! Ya look great chief, top drawer, five stars!" Skia cried bouncing on her huge feet to get a view over the crowd.
"These ears, A'wwww!" Isolde softly cooed as she grabbed a hold of my ears and rubbed them.
Melting under her touch, it felt like I was getting a head message... how does this collar do it? "He's still puny! He's the runt!" Urnest's biting little remarks broke my enjoyment.
"Oughta wrestle him Urnest!" Dael laughed heartily as Urnest sneered my way. 
"He is just precious! Look at this tiny tail!" Urma shouted in a fake freak out kind of way.
"See nothing bad happened!" Kolm stated smiling, with Mel eager staring at me from above. "Damn you're adorable!" He finished frankly.
"Pops, can we go get my collar from the car?" Mel eagerly asked, bouncing on his shoulders.
"Of course! Let him finish his gifts though, alright?" Kolm replied and he nodd-... wait, did he just call him pops?
"Issac... I'm sorry for getting emotional..." Urving said wiping his fur on his food stained shoulder. "You're just... you... I'm..." He stuttered hard, but I was still transfixed with my image. "I met so many humans and none of them made me smile like you do..."
This made me turn back and I was greeted with a pouty nuzzle. "Urving, you make me smile too... see?" I grinned, my cheeks as wide as they would go, so all of my teeth were shown, as is customary for these creatures.
Urving laughed hilariously rocking me back and forth in his arms. He gave me a several kisses and spun around with me happily. Someone stopped us and told Urving to hold still. Finally getting to see a camera, I stared at it during the flash, which sucked... They are solid rods of metal that open at the top in a sliding motion. A flash, usually green, is generated from the tip. How or where it actually processes, saves, and holds photographs is beyond me. Urving looked down at me lovingly once more and then brought me back over to the table! Everyone had there moment and several people had to pay Barkley for me being a canine. What a fun thing to bet on! Urving's coworker, the kangaroo, called me a dingo, but I don't think he's correct. Urma also picked me up and gave me a long loving, but clean kiss, and a big hug. I was like a baby now or something... I went from pet to infant in a second! Seeing me as one of there own must have triggered a type of greater acceptance. They were already unendingly kind, but now I was feeling genuine love from a lot more beasts, instead of just Urving. The big bear trumped them all though, because once I was set down he had to go for round two! Soaking me in slobber, he kissed me a few times and then crushed me in a huge hug, which didn't hurt so much when I let myself enjoyed it. Suddenly I heard a strange beeping. Looking passed the fur poking out from beneath the collar I saw the crystal flashing. It flashed several times and the beeping increased in speed. As the crystal faded so did the humming and my disguise vanished with the light. Seeing my normal skin and hand was so cool after all that! Like something out of a sci-fi movie! Looking back to Urving, my face lit up and he cried out endearingly as he repeated his displays of affection.
"You are just as handsome like this Issac!" Urving said grandly lifting me above him, toward the ceiling.
"Thank you Urving! What happened?" I asked as I cleaned my face of his slobber.
"Ran outta juice! They don't come charged up!" Mel said sharply and quickly, as if to beat everyone else.
"Just put it in the box Spaz!" Barkley laughed as he saw this bothered me less now. "Oh and make sure the box is in the sun!"
"Thank you Barkley! Thank you very much!" My gratitude was laced with bits of remorse over ealier, but his tail wagged as I said this.
Unfastening the collar I placed it back in the box and placed that on the table behind me. This is so much fun! This day has been exciting, emotional, magical, and a little scary all at once! Urving began searching through the remaining stack of boxes that was starting to show a difference in its size. Urving pulled two objects from the pile and handed them my way. I smiled as I took the two oddly shaped packages with glee. One was a card with another card attached to it, both blue in color. The other was a long tall brown box with a gold ribbon around it. Reading it aloud, the party atmosphere effected my voice. 
"From Riot, welcome to Al Ur En!" The heavy plastic card had a few Anthronian words on it, but as I went to get my monocle Mel interjected.
"Sorry it isn't much, but when you start playing DB3, you will get to start at level ten!" Mel sounded excited and understanding video games made me smile at this.
"Thank you! I'm excited to try it!" Responding happily, I tapped the little cards together a few times.
"OH MY GOSH ME TOO!" Urving blew up a moment before calming down and chuckling. "Dude, I cannot wait to show you!" Urving gently shook me in place as he growled this out.
I could only laugh and pat his huge forearm. The level of happiness I can create in him was astounding! Something as simple as a laugh can go miles for Urving. Considering the way I had treated him a few days ago, it is understandable how seeing me happy here would effect him. Not to mention I had a mini mental break down upon seeing his freinds and family, but now I am accepting love and gifts. Hopefully he understands I am trying... Picking up the second box I smiled and read it aloud as well.
"From Kolm. This wont stink, I promise!" Chuckling with him, many of the crowd joined in. 
At least Kolm is understanding about it! Opening the gift with just a ribbon pull, I found a bottle of wine in my hands! Urving cheered laughably, as I held up the boxed single bottle and thanked him. Urving took it and began examining it, but I was more astounded by the level of maturity in the gift. Kolm was very happy that I enjoyed it, but I don't think he understands why I enjoy it. He is saying I am responsible in a way... Telling the others that I am an adult human to be respected... or something.
"Dude, a two year bottle!" Urving declared happily.
"It's my favorite vintage! I hope you enjoy it as well Issac!" Kolm replied sweetly, his obvious liking for me reminded me of that cartoon skunk...
Urving popped the bottle and began filling glasses for anyone who asked. Watching as the liquid was soon completely out, I was upset I had received none... Miraculously, once the cork was reinserted the bottle was shaken and it refilled instantly! Though this was an act of biblical proportions, I do not actually believe in miracles. Science had to be filling that bottle somehow... Urving handed me a glass and I sipped some, enjoying the taste of berries, oak, apple, and a hint of honey. Not a bad taste to be honest! A two year infinite bottle... What an incredible invention! Thanking Kolm again, we clinked glasses as he passed by. Mel leaned down from Kolm's back and gave me a high five or a low five for him.
"Thank you both again!" Finishing a few glasses of wine made me tipsy again.
"Here ya go Issac!" Urving handed me another present, damn so much stuff!
"Thank you..." I read the simple papaer card just then. "Phelix and Gene!" My spark of eagerness caught both of there attentions.
"Your welcome! Hope you like it pup!" Phelix had become attached to the idea of me being a dog...
"Enjoy lil guy." Genevide was sweeter this time, seeing me as an animal must have gotten to her.
Unwrapping the crudely covered squishy package, I found they have given me a... bag of pot! The small green buds produced a powerful smell, which I knew and loved! Many of the reactions, including Urving's, told me of the illicitness this gift held. Still my mind wandered to the joy I would feel upon inhaling this sweet sticky herb! When I was younger, before the invasion, I smoked a lot! My friends and I used to almost everyday we had off. This was back when my only worries involved getting sick or getting in trouble... Good times... To be funny, I dropped the bag in Urving's lap and walked over to hug them tightly. Everyone laughed and pat my head, as I clutched Phelix in my arms, his body odor was rather strong as his fur covered my face.
"Thank you, but why didn't you give me it earlier?" This comment caused an uproar from the crowd and Urving was heard over them all. 
Phelix palmed his forehead. "Dude you're right!" This was paired with a dumbstruck smile.
"You may not like me, but I like you!" My hugging of Genevide was sudden and she simply curled her tail around my back.
Gene grumbled a bit, then scratched the top of my head in a dismissive way. Her smirk was unavoidable though. Urving cheered for a bit longer, as I returned to his side and he showed me the true amount. More than half the bag (a sandwich baggy) was full of pale green herb with little orange hairs. Damn, what a nice gift! Ferris, Dael, and Urma didn't seem to be happy about it however, which led me to believe it was illegal here as well, or perhaps simply shunned. Out of all the things I never thought I would do again, smoking marijuana was high on the list. Granted, smoking pot with a giant bear and his buddies wasn't ever on the list... Urving made an excited noise and that snapped my attention back to the party.
"Issac.." He began waving his hand over the boxes. "These are all from me, to you!"
"Th-thank you Urving!" I stuttered as there were six gifts of varying sizes, all wrapped in shiny copper paper.
Opening the smallest one first I found another pair of shoes! These were more like sneakers and I was happy that I now had two pairs! How did they know my size? Oh, wait! They mentioned my file... they probably got to learn about me before hand. Once I tore open the second box I found another ensemble of shirts! A brown, a black, a red, a blue, and a green tshirt were neatly stacked inside. Pants followed in the next package, but they were simple jeans of varying blue shades. Still I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, which caused a light "aww" from the crowd. Urving chuckled excitedly as I lifted the next one. Opening it I found a box similar to what Ferris bought me. Fighting with the rough material, I realized it was exactly like the suit box! Pulling apart the cardboard shrapnel, I held the cleverly designed clothing with a growing grin. Within this box was another suit and hat! The hat was all black with a thin brown band around it. Unfolding the suit on the mock hanger made me laugh a bit! It was tailored in a pattern to look like Urving! The pants were as close a brown as material can be to his leg fur and the blazer was black on top, but brown on bottom. Where this color seperation happened, the jacket had been stitched in the shape of Urving's belly fur. That little mountain range shape was also expertly applied to the under shirt, but in lighter detail. Holding it in front of myself, Urving threw both thumbs up as he moved next to me and showed the rest of the crowd.
"Thank you so much! I cannot wait to put this on!" My response made him pat my head again with a fang filled grin.
"You really like it? I thought it might have been to much..." Urving trailed off, but I simply swatted him playfully as I folded it over my arm.
"No man! I think it looks great! Plus... just having clothes..." This made my voice strain and I felt emotions clashing in my head.
"Shh, shh, shh!" He gently put a paw on my shoulder. "We'll make sure to go get you more, alright? Open your last two gifts!" Urving's excited little dance made me giggle for a moment.
Approaching the huge box (about my size) I took the large one from beside it (size of a boardgame) first. With a good tear I found loads of Anthronian characters beneath, but that did not deter me anymore. Tearing off all of the packaging I saw it was... a link pager! A lot of the room informed me at once that this was the newest model! Thanking Urving with a hug, I heard a scoff amongst the joy. Little Urnest was jealous! He gazed at the device with a certain level of aggrivation on his tiny mug. Perhaps mine was simply newer, better, faster, more advanced... oh dear god listen to me...
"Thank you Urving!" Holding the box with both hands I examined the pictures on the back of Anthronians enjoying the device.
"I'll show you how to use it and all tonight, k?" Urving declared his proposition, but I nodded before he even finished.
"Alright! Thank you again." Repeating this made Urving growl bashfully.
"Issac, I am glad this is the last one." Urving placed a paw on the large box. "This is sort of a special one to me. It is sort of symbolic..." He pushed the gift toward me across the stone floor, causing a dull rasp.
Tearing at it, I saw Anthronian writing at first, but that wasn't all. The next patch I tore free revealed an image and I smiled warmly... A small cartoon human was hopping up on his bed, but the bed was a giant curled up fox. Tearing away a bit more I found other adorable images and Anthronian text, which I didn't want to translate right now. The images really got to me, as I now began to understand what Urving meant... One of the images was a cat cradling her human, who was miniscule in size compared to the feline. Another picture was a wolf and a human asleep together, his head on the animals belly. It was a bed... I smiled seeing the image of the round puffy pad on the box and I looked up at Urving appreciative. His face quivered and I saw tears formulate again, as he stared down at me. As the rest of the paper fell away and I was left to stare at both the cartoon bear and the real life animal. The cartoon bear was cuddled up as much as it possibly could be, but his human was still sprawled out across his massive stomach comfortably. The real life animal fell to one knee, tears in his eyes, and spread his arms awaitingly. Looking from the box to Urving a few times, I simply walked into his arms and put my head on his shoulder. Urving hugged me heavily, his short growls almost like whimpers as he loosened his grasp. All I could do to prevent tears was thank him and try to hug more of his hulking mass. Tears stung the back of my eyes and I was forced to relinquish them without choice.
"Welcome to our home Issac!" Urving whispered, as I was snuggled against his fluffy fat. "You will always be safe here..." His dull chainsaw voice was still pleasant in a way.
"Th-thank you!" Tears flowed forth in stinging streams. "Thank you so much!" It felt so good to hear him say that...
"WELCOME HOME ISSAC!" Everyone shouted again and this time I simply returned a large smile, as I wiped my tears.
Everyone pet me, hugged me, and gave me a moment of love. Unable to maintain my cool demeanor anylonger, I opened up and began returning affection to anyone who engaged me. This felt incredible! Not perfect, but I couldn't be happier right now! Even if these creatures affection is momentary, I get a genuine feeling from Urving and a few others. I'm not going to die! Urving wants to protect me and I am safe here! That feeling was completely lost to me, but I could feel shards of it forming in my heart. Memories of my home on earth only fueled this process and I began understanding how happy I could become here! Seeing Urving cry made this whole exchange much harder to ignore. He really cares... This giant animal really isn't aggressive at all! Today, I dishonor my vow to never trust their kind. I trust Urving and I will take each Anthronian, as I would each human. Some are jerks, some are dangerous, but Urving is one I can trust. He hasn't done anything to betray me or deceive me, so I owe it to him to atleast try and be a good friend.
 Many of the animals had now began a second course of food, but mostly desserts! The few later arrivers got a good meal however, and the leftovers were cut to a minimum. Urving had a huge wedge of pie type substance, but before he ate it, he offered it my way. Unable to ignore his inviting tiny smile, I took a large bite and watched him gobble up the rest. It was really good! It was tart, but the top was sweetened with icing, and the bottom had crispy breading. Urving gave me another piece and I gladly accepted. It had a sort of cinnamon flavor but the squishy texture made me think of cheesecake. I enjoyed this a lot, whatever it was called! Soon after I finished my pie, some of Urving's friends said they had to leave. Giving them each an appropriate goodbye, I was praised with a few final hugs, pats, and handshakes. It felt surreal, saying goodbye and watching them return to there lives, when I am just beginning mine all over again. My heart yearned to see this world, but fear tempered that desire into a fine blade of caution. Staring around the fairly normal suburb street, made it feel like this was an alternate universe and not another planet altogether. Urving lightly pat my shoulder and I turned to face him bright eyed.
"Wanna go play?" He asked legitamately and innocently.
A friendly scoff escaped me. "No!" I replied
"Hey Issac!" Mel shouted rushing up the driveway, Kolm strolling behind him. "Check this out!" He fashioned his collar into place and flicked the crystal.
As it hummed to life, I saw his was red in color, where mine was teal. His image faded like he was a ghost, but then a type of energy field could be seen. As the field formed, it distorted his shape and once this pulsations retreated, he was no longer human! Mel had turned into a raccoon! His little bandit mask eye markings emphasized his blue eyes and the tiny cupped ears were veiny and semi-transparent in the sunlight. He had hairless, hand like paws and his ringed fluffy tail whipped around carelessly. Standing next to jet black Kolm made Mel's blonde and gray stand out. The only white on Mel were the two eyebrow stripes, which led to a small patch atop his muzzle. He put on the antler hood and gave a big smile, which caused Urving to react positively. With a simple tug of the crystal, Mel clicked off his animal form like a light. It dissipated like a ripple of water spreading through thin air.
"Haven't seen you like that in a while Riot!" Urving chuckled flicking one of his hoods horns.
"I can't go a day without seeing him like this!" Kolm exclaimed putting both hands to his cheek.
"They call them true nature collars." Mel explained. "It's sort of fun blending in sometimes." He said this admittingly with a small smirk.
"Yeah, I imagine!" Laughing frankly, I got a small pat from Kolm.
"Would you want one of those jackets Issac?" Urving asked referencing Mel's faux antlers. "They make em in all sorts of different critters!"
"You don't have to buy me anything, Urving! You've done so much already!" Sincerity funneled through my friendly voice, as to not bring the mood down.
"A'ww, party pooper! You should get your favorite animal!" Mel insisted.
"Or perhaps a bear... just for Urving." Kolm remarked looking up from his pager.
"No pressure buddy! Just don't be afraid to ask for anything!" Urvings face was dead serious, but his voice sounded sweet.
"Can we go... ya know..." I made a smoking motion with my fingers.
"Of course! Thought you'd never ask!" Urving's face lit up and he did a little dance.
"Can I join them pa?" Mel asked turning to Kolm.
"If you want. I didn't know you smoke Riot..." Kolm faded off as he stared at Mel shocked.
"No! I just wanna hang out with everyone!" Mel replied waving his hands and Kolm nodded.
"I have to make a few calls, have fun boys." Kolm replied as Mel rushed to follow Urving.
Upon returning to the party we found Phelix downing as much wine as he could. Once the bottle was finished, he would hit the counter rhythmically while Barkley quickly refilled it. Skia, Ferris, Dael, and some of the others all cheered him on as he downed bottle, after bottle of wine. Urving got a kick out of this as he watched Phelix get his moneys worth from that magic two year bottle. As Barkley announced bottle seven, Phelix staggered back and Urving caught him. Phelix sprung forward, swiped for the bottle, missed, and then hit the floor. Genevide lightly put her face in her palm and shook it with a small sigh. The whole idea of this "break in the bottle" type game was hilarious! If I get bored enough one day, I may try that!
"Heya babe!" Phelix cried as Gene began trying to lift him.
"Shut up you dope." She replied trying to throw him up into her arms.
"Don't worry Gene, I got him!" Urving said loudly as he lifted Phelix with one paw.
"Oh hi! Where'd you come from fat boy?" Phelix slurred joyously, as Urving carried him to the back room.
"Hello Issac, how are you doing?" Ferris appeared next to me.
"Great! I hope you're having a good time as well." He smiled at my politeness.
"I have had a wonderful time and appreciated meeting you." He replied, his voice still empty and dry. "Unfortunately I must depart, please try to enjoy our world." This encouragment lit a small fuse in me, a spark that would grow into my friendship with Ferris.
"A'ww ya gotta go?" Urving had come back out and approached form behind. "It was awesome getting to hang out with ya!"
"Excellent seeing you as well Urving. You purchased a very unique young man." Ferris replied, complimenting me at the same time.
"I know! He's a cool little dude, aint he?" Urving instantly replied to Ferris with a big grin.
"Thank you both!" I couldn't keep myself from laughing as they discussed me a bit further.
"See ya, Ferris! Have a safe drive buddy!" Urving called to him as he exited the house.
"Thank you for everything Ferris!" He turned and waved to us both, as I shouted this.
"Smokers will want to join Iza and I on the back patio!" Urving announced pleasently as we returned to the party.
Several other party goers announced there departure, but none of much importance. Not saying that because they didn't get me presents, but because they showed less interest in me. Urving's friends from work left soon however and I wanted to say goodbye and thank you to each. The gifts they gave me made this place feel like home... Having clothes, a bed, entertainment, like my guitar, will help me adjust to this major shift in my reality. Not to mention all the peculiar and amazing things this world has around, seemingly, every corner. As a small party of us went into the backyard, I felt an acceptance growing inside of me. I didn't like this one bit, but I was not miserable. My preconcieved notion was that this world would be suffering... Urving would not allow that. He cares far to strongly and he knows I need his help... It is hard to admit it, but I do need help. This is not a challenge that can be tackled alone... A hurdle to tall for someone of my size, but just right for the big bear. What would have happened if I had said no to Urving? Would I still be in that cell? Do you think another beast would have got me? Just the thought makes me uneasy. I am feeling used to Urving, but it will take a while to get used to... all of this.

© 2016 Thatonedawg

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The gifts are great! You have such a great imagination for things like this! I love the gifts, especially the mirror. It reminded me of the mirror in Harry Potter where it shows the thing you want the most. Anyways, great emotional chapter!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

It's sort of funny, because I was a little worried that it would be an obvious rip off. Thank you fo.. read more
Brittanie Bardwell

8 Years Ago

Of course, and I understand it's hard to have that inspiration to write when stress is holding you d.. read more

8 Years Ago

The fact you offered means more than the world! I would greatly appreciate that! It would be better .. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 22, 2016
Last Updated on August 13, 2016
Tags: bare, burdens, of, life, love, loss, betrayal, heartbreak, aliens, tragedy



Sacramento, CA

I have been writing for a long time. My father was a writer and he always encouraged me to do so as well. Sadly he never read any of my work or even cared for that matter. I just need to know that som.. more..


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