![]() Chapter seven: HomecomingA Chapter by Thatonedawg![]() What a party animal!! Perhaps one of the longest chapters so far!![]() -7- Home coming Light bathed my face in warmth and forced my eyes to wince near shut. Refusing to close them however, I fought to peer at the world from atop Urving's shoulder. The ground was lined with planters, which displayed beautiful flowers unlike any I have ever seen! The evenly paved stone path led to an open area with a variety of strange... vehicles? They looked so bizarre... like, land rockets or... damn that one is huge! When we get to Urving's I will try to describe it! Each tree seemed more foreign than the last and as I looked up I found one that had fruit! Strange yellow lumps... they kind of looked like an hourglass, in shape. The buildings across the way were made of a bright green glass, that seemed to turn dark blue as we moved nearer. One of those... car things sped by, emmiting a really weird high pitched noise and leaving a thin trail of wispy light behind. The sky was... there sky is purple! Gasping in disbelief I could also barely make out that... they have two moons! Oh my god this is so incredible! As my noises of amazement reached Urving's ears he laughed in a satisfactory way and lifted me from his shoulder. Spinning me gently in his huge paws, we were brought face to face and he gave a me a huge kiss! It was disgusting honestly, the slobber leaking down my cheeks as I cringed and was forced to endure the taste of... bear. But as he looked at me, his fang filled smile beaming, I couldn't help but laugh and smile back. This big oaf probably couldn't hurt a fly! He has been nothing but loving and patient with me... Did I get lucky? A curious thought entered my mind then, how old is Urving? Are there years... the same as earth years? He acts awfully young but I have no way of actually telling, other than asking. Is he immature or is he acting his age? Do they all age the same? Or is each species still subject to a differing growth rate? "I'm so sorry about all of that Iza!" Urving said setting me down. "I wish I could have brought you home the day I met you!" His words were so emotional, like back in the waiting room. "Please, Urving..." I muttered, chuckling to myself. "I don't blame you, I just couldn't handle it... ya know?" I emphasized the word "you" so he understood better. "Thank you!" He fell to his knees and clutched me against his chest. "Oh man, thank you!" Urving's voice was so soft as he hugged me tightly. "I was afraid you hated me! I..." He was crying, what the hell? "Urving, hey..." I began softly, rubbing a portion of his back with one hand and patting his huge arm with the other. "I don't hate you... I barely know you big guy!" Saying this was actually easier than I would have expected, I felt bad for him. He sniffled a minute on my shoulder before leaning back and examining me. "Thank you, Iza!" Urving said passionately. "May I say, you look awesome in my jacket!" He covered his sadness with a joke and I laughed to encourage him to feel better. "Thanks! I bet it stinks like me now!" My joke made him laugh and nudge me with the back of his paw, as he has done before. "Lets get going buddy!" Urving said as he stood back up to his enormous stature. Urving just turned and began to walk away. Holy crap... no leash, no restraints... I could just run! Why the hell aren't I? I should be long gone! Alerted to my paralyzed body I grunted slightly then took a deep breath. As Urving turned around I had managed to get about half way toward him. I played it off as a fault of size difference, which made him chuckle. Offering to carry me again, he stooped to one knee and held his arm down like a ramp. A small smile developed across my face as I climbed aboard, my feet relieved from the scorching heat of the smooth asphalt. Urving beamed at me from behind his tiny shades as I traversed his arm and got comfortable on his shoulder again. That would have been real freedom. But it would also be a harsh and unforgiving life... "Onward!" He shouted in an explorer esque tone. Urving ran across the parking lot quickly, each foot step a jarring thrill ride for me. I felt bad holding his ear for support, but he didn't complain. I couldn't help but laugh, it was a lot of fun! Not only was it sort of like an amusement park ride, it was funny watching his bulging body jiggle around when he ran. Though I would never tell him to his face, for fear of retribution, Urving was really fat. Not that it bothers me in the slightest, I just wonder if that is normal amongst his culture? Urving slowed to a brisk walk then stopped with a small slide, his claws making a thin scratching sound. Plucking me from his shoulder, he gripped my torso and set me on the ground gently. Reaching into his pockets he removed a small cylindrical metal coil, or something of that nature. He turned his attention to an odd green cube with two long triangular tails coming off the back. It had a strange tube, roughly three feet in diameter, portruding from the back between these two tails. All of these vehicles have them so I assume it is an exhasut vent or something involving propulsion. The front of this vehicle had a sloping set of four headlights and a half glass, half metal dome roof. Instead of tires they had a type bulb... or orb, which appeared to be elastic and full of liquid. It was truely a strange looking machine, but Urving effortlessly opened it and stuffed himself inside. The other door opened upward as Urving got in and I saw that the seats were egg shaped and they had little holes for tails to fit through! It felt incredibly weird getting into, not only a strangers car, but an aliens car. Hopping up into the contraption my body was contorted by the amount of Urving I was forced up against. Urving placed the coil into the center of what we would call the steering column. Instead of a wheel however, two large prongs popped out of the side and Urving piloted this craft like a motorcycle! Again my noises of bewonderment seemed to greatly amuse Urving. He opened a window and scooted over to put his arm out, giving me much needed room. "Sorry about how cramped thigs are..." Urving said in a strained voice. "Barkley said he's gonna sell his Vault soon. Hopefully I can buy it!" Urving's excitement led me not to ask questions, context was enough here. Though uncomfortable every second of the drive, I was consumed by the sheer amount of things I was seeing! Buildings taller than I could have perceived loomed in the distance, flashing colorfully in the midday. Beyond that a great mountain coated with snow loomed in monolithic proportion to the city we cruised through. Each building seemed more interesting than the last as I scanned the various signs and lights, which were totally inconceivable to my mind. Some cars flew by swiftly and some cruised at a simple pace. The vehicles seem to be propelled by a type of energy that burned out of the tail pipe, which all of these crafts have. We stopped at a light and I saw some beasts at a small cafe, with humans! Gasping eagerly I pressed myself against the thin window in amazement. The owner of the young man, a poodle, was dressed in an ornate outfit and her human matched in every aspect. They wore matching silver and white stripes with black chains hanging from various parts of the curious clothing. As we drove away something the human said made his owner laugh out loud and paw at him playfully. Looking ahead I saw a... police car? It wasn't anything like on earth, but the official looking seals and the fact they were busting some dog, gave it away easy! Passing I watched out the back slit windows in awe and fascination. Urving laughed in an amped up way as he saw me lost in his habitat. Every little thing I saw was new yet alike... Store fronts filled with illogical symbols and products. Car dealerships offered dozens of "Urving's car" and others I have seen driving around. We passed a fancy restaurant with dozens of eager Anthronians awaiting entry. To my left was some form of official building, with a large scroll carved from stone, adorning the doorway. To the right was a park full of varying species, some walking or jogging, some playing games, and some enjoying various musicians, artists, or entertainers. One main thing I have noticed about being out here... most beast men do not wear clothes! Since we left the Agency I have been seeing less and less pants... As this disturbing thought cleared my head, Urving drove up an on ramp and we were on a freeway! There was no center divide and the lines in the road were jumbled so I was scared at first. Urving pressed the center of the "captains wheel" and it seemed to lock in place! No way! It could drive itself! That was barely available on earth when I was young, yet with a tap of a button this strange space car was merging, signaling, avoiding traffic, and even tailgating a******s on its own! "Do you smoke Issac?" Urving asked as a small panel slid open with just a tap of his claw. "What like... cigarettes? Hell yeah!" My response had an unnecessary direness, which made me slightly ashamed. "Here! We call em' stokes!" Urving declared sliding a cigar sized, white sleeve of paper toward me. Taking it from the bright green package, I smiled at him and rolled it in my fingers to my mouth. "Thank you!" Either my voice or the trick made him laugh, but he did. "Mind if I put on the radio? I've been really excited to listen to music with you!" Urving asked eagerly, once he had lit his stoke, as well as mine. "You don't have to ask me!" I replied smirking, what a pleasant thing to want to do with me! "Cool!" Urving said happily, placing the huge smoke in his teeth. It looked really funny to me... Urving, my giant bear owner, smoking a cigarette and driving his tiny car... As Urving flipped one of the dashboard switches, the car was filled with talk, none of which I understood. Changing the channel, he began scanning the multitude of sounds and speeches that were being aired, via a sliding bar. Puffing the oversized cigarette I found it alot less satisfying than I had hoped. Earth grown tobacco is definitely stronger! Urving found a specific station with an interesting sounding voice attatched. After he released a long stream of growls and grunts, a song came on. It was... interesting, somewhat like earth music, but I would imagine different instruments. Urving really liked it and even though the words were complete gibberish I tried to enjoy the beat and tempo. All and all I would have to compare the driving drums and snide way of "singing" to earth punk music, earlier style. Though honestly it was... awful... I enjoyed hearing "music" again! "Sorry you can't understand it. My radio doesn't have a translator..." He muttered with a defeated look, but my smile returned a grin to his mug. "Don't worry! I like it!" My response brought a small smile to his face, but his eyes glinted with absolute bliss. We pulled off the freeway and the sudden lurching caused the car to tilt. Panic hit me, but Urving simply leaned and the entire machine fell back into place. After a few more streets of loosely gathered buildings I began to see homes! Pups played in the yards, chasing one another and wrestling in literal dogpiles. A tigress trimmed her hedges with a certain level of satisfaction, while her husband lounged on a nearby lawn chair, reading. Some homes seemed empty, but the large building with the odd cylindrical roof would certainly have residents again soon. My god... they are just like us... We may have our differences, but the similarities are unacanny! After several more blocks we pulled into a small gravel path that had a curly tree growing over it. Looking out the window with anticipation filling my heart, I saw Urving's... my home, for the first time. It was a simple gray amongst the variety of colors, but it was constructed the exact same. Urving smiled proudly as the car was parked and put his arm around me. A strange feeling stabbed into me as I stared at this building. This place could be my home or my tomb... Nothing I have felt before compares to the crushing anxiety and unending terror that this moment brought. Getting out of the car, I again contemplated running for my life. It was far to late now... Though I could easily remove the tracker, I know that I would not escape in a suburban area. Following him up the driveway my heart began pounding faster and faster, louder than Urving's stomping steps. Passing under a small archway Urving began searching his pockets until he produced a key. Ahead was a metal double door with a leminscate shaped window at the top middle. With but a tap of Urving's key, which looked like a stylus, the door slid open and he humbly bowed, waving me in. Alright Iza, stay calm... you can do this. "WELCOME HOME ISSAC!" Dozens of voices cried out once I had entered. The eyes set upon me as I froze in terror, glaring into the group of beasts petrified. Suddenly I was back in the forest, I was running for my life, trying to hold onto my freedom... I screamed bloody murder as I scrambled to run on the slick stone floor. Bouncing off Urving I hit the ground and saw him lean down toward me, concern filling his ugly mug. I let out another scream against my will and violently forced myself up to run away. There was a hall to the left of the entrance so I ran down it to find myself in... a bedroom. The giant round cushion that coated most of the floor was covered in musky blankets and a misalighned sheet. Turing back, I saw Urving heading toward me, a small group of beasts following him! I dove under the bed and crawled to the far end, barely able to fit beneath the sagging structure. It was dark and the tint on the window helped make it harder to see me. Cowering I saw a multitude of paws enter the room one by one. A small beeping sound occured shortly after and the tint on the windows audibly changed, making it brighter! "Issac... Iza, buddy?" Urving called for me, his grinding voice trembling ever so lightly. "Maybe you got a broken one, go exchange him!" A snarky male voice happily laughed at my demise. "Dude, that's not right..." A droopy voice mumbled in response. "You in here little guy? Please come out." A soft lilting female called to me, but I was not swayed. "He's under your bed." A muzzle appeared for a split second, but I barely saw it. "Want me to nab him for ya?" That smart a*s chuckled, as I saw his paws moved around the bed, much to my dismay. "Leave him alone. He is very frightened and you will only exacerbate things." This male voice was monotone, but embers of sadness could be detected. "What do I do?" Urving asked his voice breaking toward the end of his sentence. "Allow me to speak with him. Perhaps I can calm him down." The monotone voice replied with almost no inflections, yet his voice carried some anyway. "Oh yeah! Just use your mind, make him come out!" The jerk male voice replied, his words striking chords of fear in my heart. "This isn't a joke, dude!" Urving growled in response. "Please leave now. All of you." The monotoned male commanded, his voice reaching a greater volume as he did. "Give me time to speak with him." He finished in a softer more friendly tone. Watching I saw all the paws scuffle off and leave the room, one by one. Then only a single pair remained, which turned toward me. With two long and overdrawn steps he moved to the side of the bed. Dropping into a crouched position I saw the paws owners. They belonged to a brown-red fox in a pinstripe black suit. His head fur was combed in even rows and the fur on his face was pushed back instead of outward, like other vulpine I've seen. Each eye was a differing color but each was trimmed with a thin black line, which reached down toward his lower jaw. One eye was forest green and the other ocean blue, together they were quite dazzling. His muzzle had a white band near the end of it causing his whiskers to be white or clear. As he sat on the wooden floor of this room, he crossed his black foot paws and folded his matching "gloved" hand paws. The enormous tail swirled and curled about as he examined me, a tiny smile growing on the tip of his muzzle. His fluffy tail was all the same red-brown clay color, but the end had a black ring and a white tuft on the tip. His smile developed further and he scooted closer to me ducking his head to view me better. I glared back angrily, trying to show I was a threat, but he just closed his eyes and smiled even wider. "What the hell are you smiling at?" I used the strongest voice I could find within me. "You." He replied gently, his voice was so... pale. "Urving told me you were young, but I had no idea." Staring longingly his voice drew into sympathy, which I disregarded. "Leave me alone!" I shouted attempting to convey a sense of danger with my voice. "Why? Do I frighten you?" Though he sounded inquisitive his voice did not seem to change that much. "Well... Yeah, all of you do!" Retorting sharply I admitted my guilt, my weakness, and my defeat all at the same time. "This is unfortunate and unnecessary. You need not fear me young one, or any of my kind." This eloquently stated sentence was paired with one of his paws reaching forward delicately. "No, now go away. Please just leave!" My anger clashing with my fear caused a strange voice as I begged for solitude. "Wait just one moment Issac." Fox man said curling his fingers back toward himself, before standing quickly. What the hell is this guys problem? Doesn't he understand I want to be left alone? Why do I have to go to this stupid party anyway? Why do I have to be here? His paws moved from view toward the door, but the door did not open. Suddenly a strange sound hit the room and I heard a fluttering airy noise. This sound was followed by a small scratching that got louder and louder. After a few seconds of this the sound changed to an unenven clicking as something moved about the room again! Four paws appeared at the edge of the bed and standing before me was... a fox! Not the fox I was just speaking with... a normal quadraped fox! Upon further examination, I realized that it was not normal as he was much large than any fox should ever grow! The mismatched eyes showed me it was the same fox, along with the color scheme. His tail was enormous now and as he took a seat it curled around his body, obscurring his thin legs from view. My amazement and shock drew a tiny smile to his muzzle, causing his eyes to shut into thin slits. "Am I still frightening?" He asked opening his eyes and cocking his head to the side slightly. I was silent... I didn't know what to say. This is really cool, honestly! I never thought I would see a normal animal again! But what practicality does this power hold? He was stronger as a beast man, not just a beast. His vibrant coat shined in the sunlight as he awaited my answer, like a rusty panel on his back. A twitch of his ears made him nod a bit then chuckle, but I simply stared in confuison unable to answer his question. He was still scary but not as much as before... It was more interesting than anything and as he thumped his heavy tail awaitingly, I couldn't help but smile. He took this as a yes and moved himself a bit closer, a little under the bed now. "May I join you under there?" He asked lowering to his belly, the enormous fluffy tail swinging behind him and around to the other side. "I... why... you..." Stammering I couldn't not think of what to say, the piercing eyes awaited an answer however. "In this form I am far easier to injure. You could easily kill me, if that makes you more comfortable." His voice darkened then and the way each word came out was sharpened by caution. "No! I don't want to hurt you! I'm afraid you want to hurt me!" I blurted out these words, my eyes widening and my mouth hanging open a little. "Please... I bring no harm." He began taking a few steps to get his ducked head clear of the mattress frame. "Relax, I cannot do anything to you like this." His lie was well covered by his smooth voice and his familiar form, as he crept ever so closer. "So your teeth are gone right? You cant claw me now?" My sarcastic questions were paired with a scowl to ward his advances. "I never wanted to do either of those things." He said quicker than normal, his eyes unblinking as he approached. "Just talk to me. I can answer any question you ask." This perked my interest and I reluctantly lowered my defenses. He approached until we were at a reasonable distance and then he took a seat. His head was still ducked due to the sagging of Urving's mattress. After a few seconds he stooped low and shuffled his tiny paws outward until his was flat on the ground, like a normal animal. It felt strange, I almost wanted to start petting him. However, that long thin muzzle full of dagger like fangs kept me from even moving near him. He suddenly showed teeth, but it was the same smile most of there kind use, with your cheeks spread wide. Once the tiny lines opened back up and revealed his eyes, I saw he was very excited to see me, or be near me. His tail thumped the bed and floor in a rhythmic pattern as his uneven eyes glowed with a restrained intrigue. "My name is Ferris. Pleasure to meet you Issac." He said nodding his head and curling his tail around his side to stop the wagging. "Hi." My voice was weak but not from fear, more just hoarse. "Why are you an animal?" My shaky voice began to strengthen as I finished asking my question. "Do you mean to ask, why did I change into an animal? Or are you asking why our species is animalian?" Ferris replied almost computer like, his head tilting ever so slightly as it rested between his paws. "Why did you change?" I asked with some inner security returning alongside scraps of courage. "I could not speak with you face to face. You are also more acclimated to this form." His response made sense and I admired his trust of me since it was, sort of a fair fight now... if it came to that. "How do I understand you anyway? How do you speak english?" This question was one of the first questions I think I ever had after being captured... "In my neck I have a translator implanted, Urving does as well. It transmits a sound wave that causes your hearing to shift when we speak. They are programmed with almost every human dialect." This fascinated me and I wanted to know more, but the fear of my situation snapped me back into a proper line of questioning. "Why are all those beasts here?" My voice was still forstalled by fear, but not enough to hinder my words. "Why is Urving having a party?" Cutting him off before he spoke, I switched questions. "It has been customary when a human is brought into a new life... a new home... they are celebrated." Ferris began speaking in his usual empty tone, but it peaked a bit causing a few seconds of excitement to shine through. "Why does Urving want me so much?" This question felt stupid, but I could not think of anything better to ask at the time. "You and he are a lot alike, Issac. Urving appreciates your company greatly. Urving has developed a soft spot for humans. You needed an owner. You needed a home. They needed to make sure you would be alright without cages protecting you... Urving loves you." Ferris stated this list accurately and without any falter, his voice now reduced to a rumbling boil of dull words. "Do I have... rights? Like, do I have freedoms?" My question was hard to formulate and Ferris was confused at first, but seemed to understand. "A system is in place that allows you to gain more independence over time. A small series of tests will allow you, within a few years, to have almost all the freedom you once had." Ferris the fox returned to his drab and dull tone as he said this. "Will I ever be able to live on my own? Without Urving or..." My voice was lost in a sea of confusion and waves of doubt. "No." Was all he could say his ears falling forward as his eyes darkened with sadness. "But you need not worry about that. Urving will take good care of you!" Ferris's tone grew much sweeter, but he held a sympathetic appearence. "NO! I don't want to be taken care of!" Raging now I slid away from him further and clenched of my hands against the floor, scratching it with my nails. "I want to be free! I want a chance... to... to rebuild my life!" Though I was strong at first my voice weakened into nothing more than breathy whimpers. "Issac you are a smart young man. Do you really think you can rebuild your life without help?" He spoke as a voice of reason, slowly persuading my intense desire of escape to settle down. "Urving would be heart broken if you ran away..." Ferris stated this staring deep into my eyes for a moment until I looked away, unable to take his powerful gaze anylonger. "So I just... give up? Play pet for him or whoever is around?" I waved my hand toward the door, as dams broke behind my eyes and tears flooded my face silently. "Urving does not want you as a pet. So no... you should play friend for him..." Ferris smiled and his inflection changed on the word friend. "Or whoever is around..." He added this crawling a few steps closer to me. A small laugh escaped my lips and Ferris smiled in that adorable way foxes do. Though still eyeing me cautiously as he approached, without any hesitation he climbed onto me and curled up in my lap. Lifting his muzzle toward me I flinched, but then laughed as he licked at my tears. I was shocked at first but his relaxed sigh gave me a clear indicator that this is what he wanted. He was... really big and really fluffy! Imagine a fox that was the size of a large breed dog, but even thicker fur. Damn he was soft too! With a small gulp I ran my hand along his back and he released a small doggish noise, a happy one! Continuing to rub his back his thick tail randomly thrashed about and often times, bumped me only to curl around randomly. Touching Ferris's head gently I saw his eyes dart open and he gasped sharply. He probably thought I had just tried to kill him or something... "My hair is going to be very messy." He replied simply, returning his head to my leg where it rested. "Oh I'm sorry! Here let me..." My voice faded as I ran my fingers through his fur, combing it as best I could. "Issac, I want to tell you something..." Ferris began, effortlessly wiggling himself around in my lap so he faced me. "You do not need to be afraid. Your life is not over my friend. You can still get a job, own a home, and even start a family if you wanted!" Ferris's voice rose from the plain vanilla to a spark of enthusiasm, which I have yet to see so powerfully. "How does that work? Starting a family?" Asking this filled my heart with grief, as a concept I thought long gone was resurrected. "When you find love and want to become permanent partners then one of your owners is tasked with caring for you both." His description somewhat ruined my image of having a wife. I was quiet for a moment. His eyes scanned my face like two seperate portals to different dimensions. Even if I some how found a woman in this god forsaken world Urving probably would not want to deal with that. I wouldn't want to change owners unless I knew them really well. Maybe... If I find a woman who wants to escape as well, we can run away together! The plan will be easier to execute with two people and I would not have to be alone! Ferris pawed my face just then and I shook my head snapping me back into reality. "Do not run away!" He said sternly his eyes narrowing. "What?" I blurted out. "What makes you..." I trailed off as his eyebrows shifted and he smirked in a disbelieving way. "Do not run away. Urving will be sad, they will find you, and you will be hurt." His words were very sympathetic yet strong enough to still be a warning. "Nobody wants that Issac." Ferris finished with a breathy sigh. "How... did you... know?" I muttered leaning away from the mysterious fox who stared up at me.. "I am telepathic, Issac." He pawed up at my nose as my jaw dropped open in amazement. "If I desire, I can hear someones thoughts." He continued, as I suddenly felt a threat from the creature resting in my lap. "You... you've been... reading my thoughts?" This question came out in small segments as I trembled, unable to fully comprehend his motives. "Only off and on. I needed to assure myself you were not a threat." His voice was more empty then it had been for a while, but he laughed softly revealing he was not upset. "I am so very sorry if this betrays what little trust you have developed toward me." Ferris, though vocally empty, had a bright expression in his eyes. "May I show you something?" His face spiked with excitement as his ears and tail twitched awaitingly. "What...?" My voice trailed off leaning back from the animal, who was unswayed by my worried eyes. "Just relax..." Ferris said with a deeper voice than normal, his unblinking eyes a canvas of sky blue and earth green. "I am not going to hurt you." He stated this very directly, still unblinking... I found I could not blink either! "What... what are... you doing?" I asked unable to look away... unable to understand... "Relax Issac." Ferris repeated using my name, which brought a higher level of endearment. Gently his tail snaked upward, moving around my head. As it reached the back of my skull he pressed the tip against the base of my cranium. Suddenly everything went white... Before I could realize what had happened I was... in a bed? A thick white sheet covered me completely and I saw sunlight beating through this blanket. Attempting to move I felt my body completely unresponsive, which frightened me into a weakened frenzy. Crying out, my voice was shrill and sharp... no words just yelping... I felt smothered and suffocated and I simply wanted to be free! Why can't I move? What is this? No matter how many times I open my eyes it seems like I just see emptiness... I can barely see at all now... Oh god is this death? Have I been re-purposed? My body was suddenly wrenched with internal pain and I screamed rolling around, gasping for air. Just then I saw something move above the sheets, a small shift of shadows. Crying out in fear this time, I was rescued as the quilt was thrown free. Above me, beyond my perception a figure loomed and slowly reached for me. The gentle paws lifted me up and as the sunlight cut past her face... I saw an angel... Her eyes glowed with an unearthly aura and the loving smile this canine gave me, as I panted for air, was the will to live. What is this? What am I feeling and experiencing? Her sea water eyes flashed and sparkled in the ominous light behind her with each delicate blink. Her tall pointed ears appeared to hold the halo of light, which burst from all around her, but originated behind her head. The soft touch of her paws was salvation itself, for she cuddled me close and gently caressed the back of my head... The words she spoke were like a gospel.... "I know your scared right now..." She began softly, delivering a nudge to the top of my head with her nose. "But nothing bad is going to happen." Her supernaturally smooth voice radiating joy with each breath. "No one is going to hurt you." The angellic figure hugged me close to her breast and shushed my crying with gentle kisses. How long I have waited to hear someone say that... How long I have awaited this feeling, this safety... Suddenly I was back under Urving's bed. The musty smell hit me hard and I shot my gaze down to find the fox sitting in front of me with a sly grin. Kicking away, I scrambled from under the bed and flailed partially across the room, before stopping and glaring at him slack jawed. He moved forward so he was half way out from under the bed, then took a seat with an airy thud. Unable to react properly I turned away and clenched my eyes shut. Was that real? What the f**k did he just do to me? I can't... I cannot... the image is stuck in my mind! Her image, that moment, everything about it.... The memory is so powerful, as if my own, that it gives me a feeling of sanctuary. Just thinking about her now gives me a unreasonable bravery and a feeling of false love. Looking back at Ferris he has abandoned his cute fox face and was now staring with a certain level of concern. However a few seconds later he took up that same smirk, closing his eyes and tilting his head. "What the f**k was that?" I shouted waving a hand angrily toward him. "A... memory..." His voice peeped out with a shred of dissapointment lining it. "Didn't you enjoy it?" His confused voice felt undeveloped, as if he doesn't have to use it often. "I... yo-you should have told me!" Stuttering at first I blurted out my response angrily. "Appologies, but I believed asking you to forcefully induce a small coma, in which you experienced powerful emotions via my implanted memory, would have garnered negative results." With inhuman, telepathic, precision he perfectly executed this sentence without falter. "Who is she?" I asked after several seconds of processing his words and trying to understand what had just happened. "My wife, Fiona. Unfortunately she could not make it to your party today. She sends her regards, however." Ferris spoke with a slightly peppy tone and his eyes lovingly lowered upon saying her name. "What... was happening? Why couldn't I... breath or move?" As I asked this his eyes sharpened and his muzzle shot back to me. "You ask good questions... I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain that right away..." He muttered his eyes softening again this time with sadness. "If I tell you what happened... do you promise to join the party?" He rose an eyebrow at this, his muzzle tilting up and away smugly. "I... Yeah, I love to party!" Replying confidently, I had no real intention of following through even if he told me. "Alright then..." Ferris stated in a strange tone as he rose to all four paws. "This ability... to shapeshift, is incredibly rare." His tone has changed overall now, somewhat calmer and less monotone. "I was poisoned Issac, because I work with humans... because I try to help them." His hollow voice cracked just a bit as I looked up at him. "I was supposed to suffocate after transforming... but Fiona, something about seeing her..." Ferris averted his eyes as emotion bled through his voice, most likely against his will. "Sharing that memory with you, was a way of showing my trust and asking for friendship. Would you like to see the memory I got from you?" He asked leaning toward me a coy smirk growing across his muzzle. "No! That sounds really wierd!" Replying shocked, I shook my head disapprovingly. What could it be, though? "Well then, shall we join the party?" He asked moving toward the door a few steps, his smile dissolving instantly to simple anticipation. "No... Sorry, I hate lying, but I really can't go out there..." My trailing voice was paired by a simple frankness, which I hope he would emulate. "Oh..." Ferris sighed softly. "How very dissapointing, Issac. I feel completely obligate to inform you that my next course of action would be telepathic manipulation." This was said in a straight forward demanding tone, as if politely thretening me. "Wait... what? You would... control my mind?" Raising to my feet I towered over the animal, who lifted his muzzle to watch me intently. "For my friend Urving, yes I would." Ferris took a more serious warning tone this time. "I will not hurt you issac, as you fear, but I can easily force you to do as I wish." Ferris saying this was paired with a flash of his eyes, which illuminated for just a moment. "I'm... afraid." Admitting this to the tiny creature, whom I expected to cower, felt diminishing. "I don't really like meeting new people and they all expect me to be excited..." Searching for any excuse to continue bartering for time, I let myself trail off on accident! "After your display in the hallway I do not think anyone will expect "excitement"." Ferris rose to two paws and air quoted himself, which was adorable! "If you would rather..." He continued a sarcastic tone taking hold. "I can trick your mind into thinking your a bear cub. Urving would simply adore that!" His fox smile appeared again, but I cringed backing away from the cuteness. "No, no... that's alright..." With a sigh I felt my head drop and a grim weight fell upon my shoulders. "Excellent! Now go and greet your guests, remember to smile!" Ferris pointed his slender muzzle toward the door again and I slowly walked toward it. Delaying as long as I possibly could, I took tiny steps and didn't actually reach for the door handle until I was right there in front of it. Hearing murmuring on the other end of the door I looked back at Ferris pleadingly but he simply nodded with his now trademark smile covering his face. My trembling hands slowly gripped the handle and twisted it causing the door to spring open automatically. Staring in were half a dozen beast men all peeking around Urving who filled most of the door way. A strained smile grew across his face and he spread his arms to the side as we eyed each other. "Welcome home, Issac." His usually deep booming voice was now a meek brooding mutter. "Hi, everyone..." I muttered in return, waving one hand as friendly as I could muster. A small chorus of greetings rained down upon me as Urving took a knee and reached a paw out. Though his thick claws were threatening, I was disarmed by the loving expression in his eyes and his patience with me. Even though I regret nothing, I have really made this hard on him... He just wanted a pet... or a friend, whatever, but I just bitched and fought. Hopefully with time I will be able to calm down. Taking his paw I stepped forward and hugged him, clenching a small fist full of fur the whole time. The crowd released several "aww" sounds and a few snapped pictures, or at least that what I think happened. Urving let out a loud growl of joy as he cuddled me in a huge hug lifting me off the ground ever so slightly. Setting me down he held me by the shoulders and looked down at me with a alerted gaze, his tiny glasses sliding down his stubby muzzle. "If ya want we can cancel this! We don't have to have a party..." Urving trailed off, his understanding and empathy turning to dissapointment. "Yeah! We'll just take your presents and just go!" That dickish male voice was attached to a thin white dog, who caused a few people to laugh. "Free food!" Someone called out from the back, causing more laughs, but Urving stared intently at me. "Free booze!" Another added. "No, no! Please stay... I just got a little freaked out is all..." Pulled that response out of my a*s, but I feel like it was genuine enough. "A little?" That annoying dog scoffed sarcastically. "Not would I would say, Spaz!" Hearing people laugh at me was unnerving and I sighed a little. "Silence Barkley. Leave Issac alone." Ferris commanded in a firm tone. "Yeah shut up Barkley!" Urving replied with a small growl as he rose to his feet. "Oh look at how cute he is!" The dog, Barkley... go figure, cried out moving toward Ferris, who was still a four legged fox. "Back away, or you will not enjoy this party." Ferris warned simply taking a seat in the doorway. "Alright, hey relax!" Barkley backed away both paws raised. "For Issac's sake, I would like to put my suit back on in privacy. Please shut the door." Ferris requested simply, not looking my way, even when he said my name. Barkley closed the door and chuckled a little, fiddling with his backwards baseball cap. Quickly, he spun in place and stared ahead at Urving before seeming to notice me. A bright expression came across this mutts muzzle as he approached me and began a long examination, complete with light sniffing. He was mostly white, but speckled with brown here and there. His droopy muzzle was pointed by the shape of his pierced nose, but it still had an overall rounded shape. Below the tip of his chin was a longer tuft of fur, which sort of looked a beard or goatee. His large white ears were trimmed with fire like streaks of brown colored fur and were contained beneath a wide hat. Each had a fine layer of feathered fur, which caused them to poof out from beneath his baseball cap. The dog wore a wife beater and he had a few chains around his neck, his lower body was covered by tattered jeans. Alongside his ears, his tail, his hand paws, his right eye, and one foot paw was also brown. As I stared at this blue eyed dog, I noticed that each of his thick ears held a multitude of piercings! Everything from normal rings, to metal rods, to thick rings holding gaps of his ear open! This cluster of metal rings and rods were crowned with two huge conic spikes jammed throught the base of his thick ears. "Heya Spaz!" He said suddenly snapping me out of my daze. "My names Barkley!" He held out a paw to shake, which looked funny to me. "My name is Issac, not Spaz." I replied sharply, already not liking this guy. "Relax bucko, I know!" Barkley's peppy response was a bit annoying, but he was a funny looking dog and it was hard not to laugh. "Got something for ya!" He replied holding up a closed paw. "You didn't have to. We don't know each other at all..." Shrugging I glanced at the cold stone floor uneasily. "Jeez Urving you got a total downer!" Barkley cried back as he dropped the tiny package to the ground. "Dude come on! He just met you!" Urving replied as Barkley crossed his arms frustrated with me. As they argued mildly, I examined the little gold sleeve he had brought for me. Reaching down to pick up the package, I found it cold to the touch! It was... ice cream, of some kind. Picking it up I began trying to read the god awful symbols... It was illegible to the last letter, but the image told me the whole story. Well, enough to know it was an ice cream bar. Opening the package I found it broke, all the chocolate was scattered around the mocha colored blob. Still a smile came over my face upon tasting chocolate! Quickly I picked out the pieces and licked them from my fingers. You have no idea how good it tastes after so many years... The ice cream tasted like caramel, sweet and just a tad salty! I wish I had tried them together! Letting out a noise of enjoyment, I looked up to find Urving and Barkley staring down at me, one with a grin and the other a scowl. "Thank you Barkley." I replied enjoying the treat, which I got from a dog... "You're welcome!" He replied sarcastically bending over at the waist. "I got lots of food Iza! I made sure to get human foods too!" Urving's overjoyed voice cried loudly as he dropped to his knees again. "I have so many people I want you to meet! There are so many things I want to show you! Everyone got you presents! When everyone is gone, I really want to play this one game with you, where you ca-." Urving ranted, growing more and more exuberant as he spoke, but was cut off by another voice. "Issac? Feeling better hun?" A raspy yet melodic female voice asked. Turning around I was a little startled, though I don't know why, to see another bear! She was about two feet shorter than Urving and she was a gold color with tan colored feet and legs. Her hair was long dirty blond pushed back away from her face in a styled up fashion. As she approached, I saw her peach dress had little sparkles on it and her matching shoes had tiny flower shaped bows. Where Urving has a fat rounded muzzle, she has a thinner face that was a soft sand color, fading to her normal gold. As she approached she bent over at the waist, both hands on her knees, then kissed me. Not like Urving, either... A gentle, loving, peck on the forehead followed by a small nudge of her muzzle. Mesmerized by her light autumn red eyes, I didn't respond to her right away and instead just stared innocently in awe of her grace. Her stare turned to expectation and I realized I should answer. "Ye-yea-yes ma'am." Recoveing from my stutter, I figured manners could save me here. "Oh honey, stop that! My names Urma, I'm Urving's sister!" She replied, much to my surprise, though I could see minor resemblences, such as the two tone color scheme. "Issac, pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand to shake, which made her chuckle warmly. "Oh a little gentleman!" She replied taking my hand and placing her other paw over her muzzle. "Yeah, Issac's a really nice guy! Y'all just scared him I bet..." Urving replied as his sister looked up at him, seemingly amazed by my simple gesture. "Sorry sugar, we didn't mean ya any harm." Her voice was very soft yet it had a slight edge as certain words filtered through it. "Thanks, but please don't apollogize. Just not... used to all this yet..." Choking on these words I felt myself wavering, but I managed to get through. She laughed suddenly, standing up to her impressive height. "You're right Urving! He does sort of look like a lion!" Urma stated joyously. "A lion?" I looked up at Urving comically shocked, hiding my pain. "Yeah, it's your hair!" He pet me lightly, my poofy brown hair had great natural volume. "You have a little mane!" "Yeah!" Barkley exclaimed after him petting me as well, which I was less alright with. "You gonna get him clipped and cleaned, Urv?" His attention turned away from me as he asked this. "Of course, but only if Issac is comfortable with getting his fur cut." Urving replied to Barkley before looking down at me. "No! He looks so adorable with all this!" Urma replied petting my poorly maintained hair repeatedly. "Oh! Hey Issac, want a beer?" Urving asked as he slipped passed his sister and stood in the hall where his house opened up. "Beer...?" My mind wandered back to memories of mischeif as I repeated the word. I have never been legally allowed to drink any alcohol... technically I still cannot by earth standards. But there were several times before the invasion where that rule was broken. Parties, friends, and at one time family, have all been the catalyst for my law breaking. Now that I am here, in this moment, f**k it. With all the terrible things that have happened and all the pain I have had to endure, I think I deserve a beer. What the hell else can I do to calm down... "Please! That sounds great!" My face lit up and so did his. "Do you have any wine Urving?" Ferris appeared above me, placing a paw on my shoulder. "Sure do! Be right back!" Urving called behind him from around the corner. "So how do you like my brother lil man?" Urma asked setting her purse down as she bent over again. "Uhh... well Urving is really nice, I'm just still afraid of... your kind." I whispered this, feeling uncomfortable under Ferris's paw. "I can only imagine! Your file said you were a runner. You must have been so scared and confused... poor fellow..." She was extremely sincere and her loving expressions melted my icy defense against my will. "Yeah, I was..." My head fell as I realized... this was a lot better... I was better off as a pet... "It was a nightmare..." These words almost resulted in tears, but I avoided that by averting my gaze. "I'm sorry... let's not talk about it." Urma replied sweetly lifting my chin so I saw her endearment and she saw my sorrow. "Here ya go! Take whats yours!" Urving replied with an arm full of drinks. Ferris removed his hand to take the glass of wine, delicately gripped between Urving's claws. Looking up I was given a large black colored bottle. Clutching it with both hands I found it to be heavy, which made me grin. It was a very strange shape, like a pyramid or something... Urving popped the cap off with his middle claw and watched with anticipation. Upending the bottle I took several large gulps of the contents without hesitation. It wasn't very good to be honest, but then again, that's not the point. My scrunched face of displeasure caused everyone to laugh, even I. Examining the bottle closer, it became apparent that I was already feeling the effects. Staring at the drunk dog on the lable, I smiled and took another long drink of the booze. Urving and the others seemed to enjoy watching me do... anything. It was like when you first bring a new pet home, everything they do is astronomically more interesting. Honestly I hate this feeling, but a few more swigs would wash that away. I never understood as a child how people could end up being alcoholics, but with the life I am about to face... it isn't so hard to imagine. Urving was a good bear and probably a great friend, but I just do not want to be owned! Nothing personal, I just wish... oh forget it... Another drink hit my lips allowing a moment of joy to melt over this searing thought. "Come on Issac, I bet your starving!" Urving said after finishing his bottle, mine was still mostly full. Following Urving eagerly, I was suddenly stricken with the realization of what was around that corner. Once I stepped out there, I would be completely defenseless! Urving would literally be the only thing protecting me... Emerging around the dreaded corner, I found no one noticed me. Urving and Barkley got some attention... but not me. I was safely protected by a posse of much larger animals, fronted by Urving the giant. A few people glanced my way and... they were all freindly, the most I got was a wave! Sipping more on my beer I tried to calm down as we moved through the loose crowd toward a large table, filled... absolutely crammed with food! Urving turned back to me, his huge toothy smile beaming in the light, as he presented this feast with a wave of his paws. Unable to close my salivating mouth, I approached the table of both foreign and familiar foods. This is incredible! He wasn't kidding when he said he got a lot of food... I could barely see the tablecloth! He really did have earth food too! Tacos, pizza, fried chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, soups and salads, noodles, rice, mashed potatos with gravy, dinner rolls, turkey legs, a roasted pig, recognizeable fruits, and that was just the human half of the table! At the far end I saw many strange and otherworldly animals, roasted and prepared in a variety of ways. I was hesitant to try almost everything I saw on the alien end of the table. Strange yellow slop filled one bowl, while another plate held little purple cubes of slime. One of the cooked animals was torn open and all of its innards were on another platter, disgusting! Tiny cups surrounded one tray of meat, each filled with powerfully scented sauces. Little squid like tendrils rested on crackers, arranged delicately in tight rows. Looking back to the good food, I was presented a plate by Urving who awaited me with a big smile, which I was becoming accustomed to. "Eat up, buddy! You need to gain some weight!" He boomed laughing broadly as I took the platter sized diner plate. "Th-thank you!" I replied unable to do anything but laugh. "You weren't kidding!" Referencing the food caused a hearty laugh. I went berserk! Anything nearby I grabbed! Everything (from earth) was appetizing, even things not normally prepared to my preference. As I used the shovel headed tongs to scoop myself some rice, my heart couldn't help but soar. He was telling the truth! Urving just wanted a friend and I was chosen out of possibly millions! Even if he is scary, I am glad to have this burly beast on my side. Urving eagerly awaited my variety of choices and seemed to take all the same things I did, but in larger quantities. Where I grabbed two slices of pizza, he took half of a whole pie! When I grabbed a turkey leg, he took four! Once I couldn't hold anymore I felt a little awkward, where do I go? Holding my beer was a challenge, but it was nothing a little finger work couldn't take care of. Urving finished as well, throwing several alien foods onto his platter. Turning to me, he nodded in an attention getting way before speaking over the murmur of voices. "Do you want to sit with Urma?" Urving asked, pointing to a circle of Anthronians chatting with his sister. "We could go somewhere without other people, would you like that?" Urving's damned pet voice was growing on me, just seeing him try so hard was kind of adorable. "Yeah if that's alright..." Fading off, he nudged me and waved for me to follow. Leaving what I could only assume was the living and dining room behind, we crossed through a crowd of Anthronians to end up in another hallway. I recieved a few head rubs and a pat on the back, as I moved through the parted crowd. The hall ahead had three or four closed doors, but one was open and Urving waved me inside with a bounce in each step. Walking in I found it to be a very small room, with nothing special to be mentioned. A bookshelf filled with strange cubes and very few books lined the right hand wall. The far wall was pretty much one big window and the left wall had a foggy glass oval inlaid in it, stretching most of the rooms distance. In the middle was a little table of glass and steel construction, with decorative twisted metal feet. Urving plopped down on a poofy cylinder and set his food on the table. This couch like piece of furniture had plenty of room for me to sit down on the other end of the canister shaped cushion, so I did. Urving popped open another beer and began eating noisily. Flicking his paw gently he slid another beer next to my now half empty one. Food was the only thing on my mind and as I began eating, my heart overflowed with the euphoria only a good meal can bring. Everything was so amazing, well prepared, and fresh! How do they know about earth food? How do they prepare it so well? Oh my god I never thought I would get to taste anything like this again! I swear if I wasn't so hungry, I would have cried with joy. Looking up I found Urving was also greatly enjoying the earthling cuisine. He downed a few gulps of beer and made a loud enjoying sound, before belching. A chuckle escaped me just then at seeing him act so human. Looking down at me his face opened into a wide smile and his eyes flashed, as if that offhand laugh made his entire day. "You feeling better Issac?" Urving asked swallowing hard. "Like, you know we aren't gonna hurt you right?" His demeanor shifted from levity toward shame and defeat. "Yeah, of course!" I said through a mouth full of biscuit and chicken. "Urving, I gotta thank you..." My voice became frank and I laughed lightly. "You didn't...lie. I can trust you..." Softened by emotion and alcohol, these words came out meekly. "Of course you can Issac!" Urving exclaimed, his rounded muzzle hanging open after he did. "I just want you to be happy! Like any of my friends out there, I got your back!" He playfully nudged me with his huge paw and I laughed softly, looking at the floor passed my near empty plate. "Imma get seconds, want more Iza?" Urving rose with his plate in one paw. "Yes please!" Replying felt wierd, like I had given up and was going to accept this now... As Urving left, I up ended the bottle drinking a few huge gulps and trying to avoid that thought. During the time I was alone in this room, I finished my beer and began fighting to open the other one. The foil covered cap was hard to pry free with my bony fingers. Urving returned shortly with our plates and a few more beers. Without a word, he popped the cap free for me and smiled as my tray was slid into place. Examining my platter, I grimaced lightly seeing he had given me a bit of alien meat and some of the yellow mush. A small moan of disgust escaped my mouth, but Urving gave a growl of encouragement in response. "Just try it buddy! I promise you'll like it!" Urving nodded with an interested gaze. Drinking more of the beer, I gulped hard as I picked my utencil back up. Though I frowned, his watching eyes brought me to lift the fork of yellow lumps to my mouth and taste it. To my overall shock, it was incredibly tangy! The closest thing I would compare it to is curry, but it was lumpy and a bit grainy... Making a small sound of enjoyment, I took another drink of beer and looked up at Urving with a friendly smile, as if to thank him. He chuckled a little bit and pat me on the back, as I began spreading it on a roll with some beef, which was heavenly! Tasting the meat from there planet I found it to be sour, but that was just the glaze put over it. This meat itself was salty and a bit tough, but I enjoyed it still. Once I finished my second plate, not eating all the alien food, I relaxed enjoying my beers. The slight pain of being full is so much nicer than the immense agony of being hungry. Rubbing my stomach, I watched as Urving finished his hefty portions with a shovel of a spoon. Wiping his muzzle clean he stood and made a loud enjoying growl, before looking my way. "What is that stuff anyway?" I asked pointing to the yellow paste, which I had enjoyed. "Gabbach! It's a vegetable that we smash up and bake! My sister makes the best Gabbach!" Urving happily replied, as he obviously saw I enjoyed it. "What about this, why was it so sour?" Poking the strange flesh with my fork, I lifted it slightly for reference. "Puhgo beast. It's saltier than hell, so you usually coat it in strong flavors, like citrus, wine, or something sugary!" His response was partnered with him offering a piece of his, but I declined. "Interesting... how do you know about earth food? Like your people as a whole?" This question had kind of been burning me up. "We have known about you guys for almost, oh.... fifty years or so..." He sounded like he wasn't really sure. "Since our worlds share a lot of animals, it was easy to enjoy many of your worlds delicacies." He laughed upon saying animals, so did I. "Wait, back up. You guys have known about us for fifty years?" Asking this had a blatant rising tone. "Maybe a lil longer. Ask Ferris." He replied after a few seconds of thought. "He would know better than anyone. I'm pretty clueless on the topic!" Urving laughed, pawing himself in the head. "I will, thanks." This idea baffled me, but my current state made it hard to focus intently on anything. "Ya' still hungry bud?" Urving asked as he rose and shouldered food from his muzzle. "No, thanksh." My reply was slurred a bit, which made us both laugh. Once he had left, my swimming head thought about what awaited me out there... presents! What could an alien animal person possibly give me as a gift? Wait... I was just thinking about something really important, wasn't I? What was it? Damn, oh well! Something about all this didn't seem real... Having lived on the run for years, praying that I avoided his kind, it was hard to accept the fact that I am here... at a barbeque with them... Sipping my beer peacefully made this entire moment surreal, when compared to my last few days in the human pound. Urving returned and dropped a small stack of cookies onto the clean part of my plate. His big grin as I looked up was enough to tell me he didn't need thanking. It may just be the beer talking, which it's getting pretty loud, but I am starting to like Urving. He is a bit crude, clumsy, and sort of stupid... but he is such a loving creature it is hard to build any resentment toward him. Again, this may all be the booze talking... After enjoying the variety of cookies he brought me, I saw Urving had now stopped eating as well. Patting his huge gut, Urving withdrew his cigarettes from his pocket and offered one my way. Gladly accepting it, I figured it would be a good way to calm my nerves before meeting my future faux family. I knew fully well I would have to make good on my promise to Urving, but I really wish that it didn't have to happen. What do I say? Hi, I'm your friends new pet? Please be nice to me and don't eat me? I'm just being negative... remember the presents! Puffing the over sized smoke I felt it's soothing effects slowly build, the alcohol in my blood helping that process quicken. Urving's ears twitched as a someone knocked at the door. My entire body tensed with fear, but I realized this was just a natural reaction... Taking deep drags on the cigarette, I mellowed out again with a few swigs of beer. "Yo?" Urving called to the door, which opened quickly. "Told you he was back here." Barkley muttered through the door before it opened. "Sup my man!" A thin figure exclaimed, shooting into the room with Barkley close behind. "Phelix! Good to see you man!" Urving roared rising from his seat. "Glad you could make it!" He lifted the thin weasel into a hug, like he had done to me, but this guy seemed to enjoy it. "Wouldn't miss seein ya fat boy!" Phelix threw several mock punches into Urving's gut once he was set down. "Also heard you had a human around here?" He mutterd with fake confusion, pretending he couldn't see me as he looked around. Urving scrambled over to me as I stood up. "Phelix, this is my buddy Issac!" His huge arm pulled me close to his side, snuggly. "Issac, I want you to meet Phelix, one of my oldest friends!" "Greetings earthling!" Phelix's alien voice combined with his twin peace signs made me laugh. "Hi, thanks for coming!" I replied, unable to think of anything funny to say. "Glad to mee ya kid!" He exclaimed in a funny voice, much like Barkley's but softer and with a slight rasp. Kneeling down the thin weasel grinned, his half opened eyes disarming me as he pat my shoulder. The point on his muzzle was wegdge shaped, similar to doctor opossum, only broader. The two grayish eyes lazily scanned me before closing as he smiled. His nose was a little bulb on the tip, which quivered curiously as he looked me over. He was two toned in fur color, but they seperated perfectly. His back, the top of his arms, and head were all a bright orange color. His stomach, legs, and face were all an off white. Like Barkley he had piercings in his ears but not nearly as many. Two pitchfork shaped spikes twisted through his thin veiny ears and two gauges held holes open near the base of his head. He wore an opened blue baggy dress shirt, which his thin stubby arms barley managed to hold propely. His orange and brown tail was the only thing that held his slacks up, as it lazily waved about. The short bowed legs he stood on seemed to be mostly fur and little muscle. His nose was pierced with a little steel snake, which appeared to coil through his nostrils. Around his neck were a pair of cone shaped plastic cups... headphones! They were headphones for pointed ears, I could tell by the band holding them together! Finishing my smoke I put it out and awaited him to stop examining me, which took a moment. He gave me a low five once he was done then nudged me as he began speaking. "Heard about your little episode..." Phelix stated causing my face to gnarl with shame. "Hey, hey, hey... relax!" His reassuring tone was nice to hear, but his hands on my shoulders I didn't need. "If your nervous just let Urving carry you! No one can hurt ya with papa bear around!" Phelix's funny words were paired with him turning so we both could see Urving. "Yeah Issac! Imma look after ya!" Urving said with a small hiccup and a foggy gaze, he must be getting tipsy. "Come on Spaz, er, Iza. Everyone is still really excited to meet you." Even Barkley sounded encouraging, looking up from his pager. This is supposed to be a party and I am hiding in the guest room, or whatever this is. No more running and no more hiding! It is time I faced my fears, conquered this challenge, blazed a new trail! Nodding with a whimper, I hopped into Urving's arms and he caught me effortlessly. Instead of putting me on his shoulder like I had imagined, he cradeled me in one arm like it was a hammock. Though I felt a bit stupid being held like an infant, it was very comfortable. His body heat and his plush fur made it so pleasent to just stretch out. I had plenty of room too, my legs barely even made it passed his elbow. Phelix handed me my beer and I laughed slightly taking it from him. Urving looked down at me smiling warmly. I looked up at him with a lop sided grin, kicking around to get comfortable. Barkley left first and I heard him shout to the others about being quiet, which was unnecessary. Phelix left before us, giving me a quick wink as he passed by. As Urving began walking out of this room I took a few deep breaths, then drank a large portion of my beer. Stepping out it was casual, everyone was just sort of talking like before, except many more looked my way because of Urving. Taking in my surroundings I found that to my right was a kitchen area, the walls lined with strange utencils and devices. Looking left passed the food table I saw a pile of boxes, bags, and packages... he wasn't kidding, everyone seemed to have gotten me something! Straight ahead I saw almost all of the guests had gathered in what I would call his living room. It had a few decorations and a large curtained window behind another couch like piece of furniture. A few potted plants and some framed pictures all gave this room a home feel. "Listen up everyone!" Urving called to the crowd who all settled there eyes on me. Urving held me toward them and my whole body tense with stage fright. "Uh... Hi." I muttered waving softly. The room errupted into appologies, loving words, and returned greetings! Shrinking away I was approached by pretty much everyone in the room, save the few friends I had already met. It was hard to avoid feeling good when everyone around was so happy to see you, again alcohol may being playing a big part in this. A lot of them wanted to appologize for scaring me, but I assured each of them it was nothing. Many cheery Anthronians offered me treats and Urving words of praise about his new human. It was hard to believe that I was afraid of this, when all they have done is pamper me! This is sort of fun actually... Absolutely better than what I could have ever expected! "Issac, these are some of my friends from work." A small cluster of burly beasts were brought into my vision as Urving said this. Each had a differing greeting, as I was shown to them. Ranging in size and species, this variety of heavily built males consisted of an elephant, a bull, two felines, a gorrila, and a kangaroo. Smiling and shaking paws with each individual, they all seemed happy that I had calmed down. The stocky kangaroo, who was the most interested, chuckled at the fact I had a beer. We clinked bottles as I laughed along side him and took another drink. After sharing a few words with them, Urving turned away. My vision shifted around the room to another pair of figures. Urma stood with another bear, about as tall as Urving, but all white in color. At there waists a young bear cub stood on his pager, with head phones covering his rounded little ears. "This is Urma's husband, Dael." Urving announced as the polar bear leaned over me. He was all white with an almost yellowish hue to his facial and belly fur. His body was more defined and muscular than Urving's huge round belly, but they both had similarly built tree trunk legs. The shape of his muzzle was elongated and pointy, where Urma and Urving have a more rounded appearance. He wore a black dress shirt with tan colored slack. A loose tie hung from neck, garnished with a small silver emblem at the top. Dael peered at me for a long time, his face tightened with confusion. As if a switch was thrown, his face popped into a tiny smile and he lifted a huge paw, awaiting a handshake. "Hello there, feeling better?" He asked in a bold, deep voice. "Yes, thank you." I replied with a ashamed smile. "Sorry if I made you feel unwelcomed..." Saying this I looked between Urma and Dael, who both smiled. "No... honey your fine." Urma replied scratching my stomach like I was a dog. "Everything is alright human." Dael added patting my belly after Urma was finished with it. "Issac, this is Urnest." Urma kneeled down and put both paws on her cub. Urnest did not seem very happy to see me, which was dissapointing because he was adorable! His punkish attitude when paired with his little leather jacket made him simply precious. Looking up at me, he gave me a fake smile before returning to his rather noisy game. I said hello, but he just returned my greeting without looking away from his pager. His dusty brown coat was splotched with segments of white, on his paws, eyes, and under his neck. His muzzle was more like Dael's, sqaured and a bit longer, yet he had his mothers eyes. Overall, he seemed upset about being here and doing this, but his mother swatted his rear causing him to pipe up. "Hello uncle Urving. Hello uncle Urving's human..." He said drabbly, his tiny voice still holding a bit of bear growl within. "Issac!" Urma snapped, giving him a cross look from behind. "Hello Issac." The little b*****d said my name wrong on purpose, but I could care less... I can drink! "Forgive him, he's just shy!" Urma insisted as she allowed him to walk out from under her grasp. "Yeah, he'll grow on ya Iza!" Urving said winking down at me once I looked up at him. "Bye Urnest, thanks for coming!" I blurted this out, waving to him as he walked away. Urma chuckled entertained by my antics, but Urnest turned back and scowled. "Pleasure to meet you Issac. Good seeing you again Urving!" Dael said quickly as he pursued his son across the house. "Have fun lil fellah!" Urma false commanded with a smile. "Thanks again for all your help sis!" Urving leaned in and hugged his sister with his free arm. Urma just waved a hand dismissively as she also followed her son. Finishing the second beer just after that I declined a third, wanting to keep some of senses. Urving was quick to offer juices both foreign and common, but I simply asked for water. Within a few moments I was enjoying a cold drink in Urving's arms. Though it was just water the fact I could have as much as I like made me elated. Watching with immense excitement, Urving showed me how to use the "faucet". It was a strange type of fountain built into the counter top with a lip shaped to pour water evenly. Just setting the cup against this stone spigot caused a small pool of water to form and pour forth. Chuckling in awe of this strange fountain, Urving smiled and lifted me closer allowing me to splash the crystal clear water. After filling my second glass, Urving spun around and my vision was met with another random group of Anthronians. They were simply, "friends of Urving's" so I assumed they weren't as close as the others I have met. Still, I greeted them with the same vivacious smile and accepted the somewhat degrading praise they had to give me. Mingling throung the crowd, Urving lifted me and planted a long kiss on the top of my head. "You're doing great buddy!" He whispered loudly so I could hear. "Thank you." "Hey Issac!" Phelix approached waving over the crowd. "I want you to meet my girlfriend, Genevide!" He presented the dark gray feline with both hands and a smile. "He was a runner? Scrawny little thing isn't he..." Her witty smile showed she was teasing me. "Hi." She said bluntly waving a paw in my face. Genevide was an incredibly thin feline with storm cloud gray fur and a creme colored stripe running down the center of her face. This stripe breaks at her nose and forms thin stripes where her whiskers grew. The rest of her fur is the same deep gray color, save a few random darker spots. She was wearing a black tank top that had a zombified dog on it, a very detailed and gory depiction. Her pointed triangular ears had been slashed open at one point, only to hold a set of piercings, which resembled stitches. The rest of her ears edges were lined with a series of small metal rings and the right ear had a chain linking a few of them together. Her skin tight black jeans were tattered around the knee and were trimmed with similar wear. Each one of her violet eyes matched the logo on her beanie, which looked sort of like a pentogram, but not quite right. The straight column of moving fur, which was her tail, swayed evenly back and forth as she awaited me to speak. "Hi." I replied feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Nice to meet ya!" The "kill them with kindness" strategy is all I have at this point. "Like wise." She replied in a snippy tone, a crooked smile growing on her face. "Glad we met." Her tone didn't change and her nose crinkled at me. As she turned away Urving and Phelix laughed uneasily, but she pulled Phelix with her. "What the hell was that?" He angrily whispered to her once they had began moving. "All that waiting, for him?" She snapped back as he tried to grab her arm. "Why the hell did I ev-." She faded off amongst the crowds voices as they distanced. Though hurt a little by the way I was just treated, my buzz made it easy to ignore. "She didn't seem to like me very much..." My voice wasn't sad, but Urving made a consoling sound in response. "Don't let it bother ya buddy! They had a long drive, she's probably just pissy." Urving replied pressing his grip a bit tighter, as if to hug me one armed. "Also, between you and me... Jene is kind of a b***h." He whispered lifting me up to his face. Laughing with him I was given a soft pat on the head. "Good to know! Same goes for Barkley right?" Asking this made Urving laugh even harder. "Hey, uh, Urving? Can I talk with him for a lil bit?" A voice I recoginized from the bedroom asked. "Course ya' can!" Urving replied, seeming upset that he had asked. Standing before us was a large dopey looking skunk. Though I didn't say anything out of respect, he was awful to be around. My throat tightened and my stomach turned upon smelling his foulness. His disgusting stink was overpowering and unavoidable. Gagging as quietly as possible, I tried to hide my queasiness by drinking some more water. Removing his ear holed hat, he took on an incredibly excited face as we examined each other. Despite his powerfully pungent odor, he was dressed and kempt nicely. A black and red suit, adorned with a matching checkered tie covered his bulky body. He was larger, but not nearly as fat as Urving. He wore a solid red undershirt and matching black pants with red stitching and trim. The classic black and white pattern started on his forehead, where the fur was slicked back and styled, but trailed the length of his back to the tip of his enormous tail. He bent over me, as his acid green eyes lit up with joy and he laughed excitedly. Raising a single paw he happily awaited me to shake with him before smiling in a heart warming way. "Hello Issac! My name is Kolm!" The pudgy yet muscled skunk said once we finished shaking paws. "Hiya!" I coughed out my reply waving to him. "Sorry!" Kolm quickly said with a coy grin, his gleaming white teeth contrasting with his charcoal fur. "I know I stink so I'll keep some distance, but..." He held his voice as he backed away. "You would probably like to meet my friend!" Stepping aside he revealed... he had a human! "Hello!" The nasaly voiced man said with a big smile. "Oh my god..." I muttered to myself, but Urving caught it and chuckled. "Hi!" Shouting this back, Urving lowered me to the ground. This guy was dressed sort of odd, but I dont doubt it was against his will. The dirty blonde middle aged man stood about a foot taller than me, but was thin as can be. If I knocked him down he probably would break somethin... He wore normal sweatpants, but his top was covered by a bright orange and blue striped hoodie. The hood had fake little antlers on it, which bobbed about as he moved. To my great relief he looked... happy. Though skinny and pasty, he didn't seem to be malnourished or abused. As he pulled his hood off, he smiled at me again and I saw that he had a pale face with wide ears and a rounded nose. His brown eyes were tall and vibrant as he awaited my awe to fade. His thin triangular face was brightened by my presence, but the wrinkled details revealed his age. If I had to guess I would say this guy was late thirties or early fourties. "You guys want us to leave you alone?" Kolm asked with a pleased smile on his short pointed muzzle. "We'll be right back!" Urving declared, gently pushing Kolm away with him. "Howdy, my names Riot!" The man announced throwing a hand forward. "Riot?" I repeated his name in a mocking question. "Well, my name was Melvin, but I always hated it." His scratchy, nasaly voice when paired with what he said made me laugh. "Ok..." I shook his hand and laughed a bit more. "Hello Riot." "Issac right? Bet your glad to be talking to me, huh kid?" Mel responded after nodding and letting out a short snorting laugh. "Yeah! Wow..." I began still a little shocked. "Do you know why we are enslaved? What do I do..., like, what does Urving want? How do you stand that smell?" These questions felt dire, so I livened the mood with my last one. "I'm going to answer in reverse! My nose had this special little part removed... and I think they did something to the back of my throat..." Mel explained, tapping his nose then rubbing his neck. "But after that I just wasn't bothered anymore! Apparently my sense of smell is heightened, but I don't notice a difference..." He trailed off making a scrunched up thinking face, but that quickly returned to a gleeful smile. "As for Urving... all he wants is to have someone here with him." Mel was very plain about this, like it was old news. "Issac, we aren't enslaved we're being rescued!" Was his final statement his wrinkled eyes opening widely as he exclaimed this. "How ya figure?" I replied, unable or unwilling to see his validity. "Well you how know earth was going kaput? Isn't it nice we didn't have to burn to death, or starve?" Mel had a frank tone of voice as he stared at me with a smug grin. "Since these creatures existed, we are alive! Urving is the reason you aren't cowering in a forest somewhere or stuck in the cage!" What he said was upsetting me, but his friendly tone and reasoning had me swayed. "Besides, now you don't ever have to worry about working, or paying bills, or having enough food. Urving is going to be there for you!" Mel concluded patting my shoulder, his cheek and eye wrinkles flexing with his bright grin. He was right. I had come to this conclusion a while ago, but I am better off here. Urving is going to be the person, and I use that word knowing the irony, which I rely on. This human had adapted to there desires and he seems better for it! Some would say he has been broken, but a better word would be assimilated. Melvin was happy so why can't I be? Urving is a great owner and I am going to need to learn to accept my position as his pet human. Mel was eager to explain how we can take a test and earn a pin, which will let us walk around alone! That sounds awesome and close to what Ferris described to me earlier. Urving and Kolm approached after a little while longer. Urving had a wedge of pizza, which he offered toward me, but I declined. The whole two slices vanished with a snap of his jaws. "Issac, it was good to meet you! I hope we get to hang out soon!" Kolm said bending over toward me as Mel went to his side. "Yeah! Urving can he come over and play Dread bringer III when your at work?" Mel asked eagerly looking up a Kolm afterward. "Of course! As long as Kolm is alright with it!" Urving chuckled reaching a paw out for me, as he observed Mel's willingness to be with his owner. "You know me man, I love humans!" Kolm responded to him, filling my heart with a few inches of hope. "Well Issac, I'll see you later man. Sorry again about... me!" Kolm laughed as he pretty much insulted himself. "Bye Issac! Hope your enjoy the rest of the party!" Mel followed quickly. "Don't appologize, please!" I chuckled waving my hands. "Thank you both for coming! It was nice meeting you." My response made Kolm smile in a tickled way, Mel simply waved and followed his owner toward the food table. Urving offered to carry me again, which I gladly accepted. It wasn't fun being at waist or knee height to these beasts. Urving took me around introducing him to many other people, none as intensely excited to meet me or see Urving. As we reached the other end of the room Urving began making thinking noises as many of the faces now had names. Barkley parted the crowd, a beer in hand and a female in tow. This woman was very plump and I was suddenly alerted to the fact she was pregnant! "Heya Spaz..." Barkley stopped and dropped his muzzle laughing. "Heya Issac!" He repeated, using that as an appology. "This is my wife, Delia!" Barkley eagerly stepped backward as the rounded woman came toward me. "You're sure he isn't dangerous?" She questioned, her eyes scanning me as she gently rubbed her stomach. I gasped at this. She was afraid of me? "Ma'am I assure you that I am not a threat." Using my calmest speaking voice I saw that my confidence won her over. "What you saw, I appologize for. My reaction was from fear, not rage." Though I slurred a tiny bit, my words were direct. "Smooth Spaz!" Barkley said impressed offering me his paw, which I bumped my knuckles against. "You're so small..." Delia stated approaching and standing over me with a growing smile. "He can't be that dangerous..." She stated sweetly with a twitch of her nose. Delia was a collie, a very poofy collie. Her voice was like Ferris's, very empty and dull. But unlike Ferris the only emotion I did get from her voice was kindness. I could only imagine before she got pregnant that her fur gave her a rather portly look ragardless. Her huge poofy scruff looked like something from an 80's hair band. She wore an all blue dress that was wide and flowing. She was a wheat color, but as you looked further back the fur darkened to a deep brown at her back. Her silky tail began to wag steadily as I stared up at her with a smile and held my hand out to shake. The black color of her nose and the vivid orange eyes marked where her face was. It was hard to really make out any detail amongst the fluffy mass that was her body. "You're so big..." I repeated trying to be coy with her. "But I don't think you could be dangerous either." Playfully pointing at her bulging belly I got her to laugh. "They are incredible beings!" She exclaimed softly to Barkley and he lovingly nodded back, obviously smitten. "Can you say my name little one? Can you say Delia?" Her patronizing was innocent and sweet, so I played along. "Of course, Delia! Dearest Delia the dog!" A poet type voice shined through as I said this last part. "Oh my, how cute!" Delia put a paw to her muzzle and giggled. "You have an extraordinary little fellow Urving." She finished looking up as she slowly lowered her paw. "Thank you!" Urving and I replied in unison, causing all of us to laugh. "I hit the jackpot!" Urving lifted me up and snuggled me under his chin as he said this. "I love you Issac!" Urving joyously cried as he tried to pin my head and give me a kiss. Though I fought at first, soon relented and allowed him freely act. With a loud slurping noise, Urving planted his tongue against my cheek and dragged it the length of my face. All three of them laughed at the disgust and discomfort on my face, but joining them made it feel better. Earlier me would have thought Urving was just tasting his kill, but now I know... now I understand him better. My bear... my owner is a good beast... Urving has been and hopefully will continue to be my only hope for having a good life here. Pressing myself against his flabby under chin, I released a small happy noise and shut my eyes. Delia and Barkley made "aww" sounds as he lifted his other paw and put in gently across my back. "Aint' that cute?" Barkley asked in a sort of southerner accent... wierd... Delia just looked on with a longing in her eyes. Something told me she was very excited to be a mother. Urving rocked me gently humming a strange tune before he lifted me away and held me by the armpits. As I dangled there he beamed a broad smile at me then delivered another, human like kiss to my forehead. Either Delia or Barkley pet me just then as Urving held me in front of him, but I didn't care. The huge gold discs stared into me as I reacted to his affection by blushing lightly. Though inside I was still not comfortable being touched and handled this way, his love was hard to ignore. "Ya wanna open some presents buddy?" Urving asked suddenly bringing me a bit closer to his pudgy face. "Sure!" I responded as he lit up and plopped me on his shoulder. "Listen up yall! Issac is gonna open his presents now!" Urving called as he moved toward the table, which was partially cleared of food. Once over there, by all the gifts, Urving set me on the table and everyone crowded around. Dael lifted Urnest to his shoulders, but he hardly looked at all. Mel appeared above the crowd, his little antlers bobbling as he wavered from atop Kolm's back. Each set of eyes eagely awaited my every move. When someone brings a new pet home... I suppose all there friends are equally interested. I regret the way I acted earlier, but everyone seems to have forgiven me now. Funny but I really like some of Urving's friends... They seem to like me as well. I know Urving likes me thats for sure. He did just say, he loves me after all...
© 2016 ThatonedawgReviews
StatsAuthor![]() ThatonedawgSacramento, CAAboutI have been writing for a long time. My father was a writer and he always encouraged me to do so as well. Sadly he never read any of my work or even cared for that matter. I just need to know that som.. more..Writing