![]() The Beginning of the EndA Story by Readingforthemind![]() Where A world where the law is govern by a man who lives only to consume our freedom and liberty. Although through the darkeness there is a person who will bear light that will change the world.![]()
The Beginning of the End
A short story written by levin Prologue: In the small town of Spera there was a family who was known as the Windbreaker family and the couple will soon give birth to a child who will later on be the savior who saves mankind from the clutches of the corrupt. We start of this journey by introducing the Windbreaker family who were proud people and loved their community; their names were Mary Windbreaker and Peter Windbreaker. The Windbreaker was happy because both of them had one thing that everyone else seen as unusual: Undying love for each other. The reason why I say that their Undying love was never seen before was because that the Windbreaker family lived in a world that has been torn apart by War, Famine, and Great Sorrow. The world as we know it has fallen victim to greed and hatred and by doing the world has been changed from a significant Utopia to a frightful Dystrophic. The war of 2974 has changed how this planet was looked upon because a group called the Freelancers who wanted peace but not through diplomacy or policies no they wanted peace through pointless bloodshed. The war lasted for 24 years and the Freelancers were badly destroyed and was broken apart in early 2998 and the following text is from the last report that was handed to the leader of the Freelancers: The writing is written in a hurry and only most can be readable due to artillery fire. The enemy is advancing and is closing in one the HQ… Please send. Also that President Or… is coming as I. have been notified by my scouts. My men can’t hold out any longer… Sir I'm sorry we failed you and a fire could rekindle the future of this place… Approx amount of men around 20,000 foot soldiers armed with Mk.2 blasters and around 12,000 armored vehicles which looks like to be M… Dammed they are here sorry sir that I… Please send my regards to my Wife Donna and my Daughter Mary also send word to Mary's husband Peter. Goodbye. - Signed by the commander of the 1st armored division. That was the last report to ever be recovered from the war. When HQ has received this message they were in distress because they worked very hard for sovereignty and the enemy now put it to rest. The leader of the freelancers had to say something once he got this letter “ Why didn’t we send reinforcements to his position” he said “ because sir we had Intel and the report to say that President Orion was there in person so we-” the war advisor was abruptly interrupted by the leader “ No more details just tell me why President Orion was there at old Chicago when we sent numerous scouts telling us that he was in Downers grove.” he says in a frustrated tone. The HQ was not a big place it was only the size of a 7-eleven but it was surrounded by thick forest and was very difficult to get through because there was traps planted everywhere and the Freelancers had special sonar donated by a smuggler from Morocco. Also that by having this advanced sonar they could see their enemies up to a maximum range of 25 km in all directions. And as the people were planning their next ambush they were interrupted by a loud explosion that blew away the vehicle depot that was less than a mile from their position and as that happens something terrifying happened a small explosive bust down the door and for the Freelancers they knew it was over so most of them went out in a blaze of glory but the others were not going to give up so they bust out of the compound and ran into the forest disappearing and to never be seen again. As for the HQ the group called MURDER came in and swept through the rebels like a hot knife going through butter but they were only following the orders given from the most feared man in the world President Orion. He was a man who built for evil even his looks were terrifying because he was a tall man whose skin as pale as the night his smile and grin could even make Hitler scared also his hair was very black so black that you could compare that with the night sky. He walked in a weird manner because he was well built but due to his age (no one knows when he was born) he was limping and could no longer do the dirty work so that is why he created the group MURDER. As he walked across the cold dark metal of the devastated HQ he then realized that the leader of the rebel group was no where to be found and then for the next 30 years President Orion will still be looking for the man nicknamed by the people as a Martyr and Vigilante. The current situation of the world was that President Orion when he came into power he made everyone miserable by creating a system called " You don't follow you don't live" which meant that anyone who didn't follow him were either exiled or put to death by lethal injection. President Orion also made a lot of people miserable by making very absurd rules that would limit the amount of day to day activities like having fun to even walking without supervision. Chapter 1: The year was 3000 and the windbreaker family that lived in Spera where very joyful because they were surprised with a baby who made them thinks that their family name could actually live on. On the night that the child was born there was a noise that sounded like a horn from the distance, it lasted about thirty seconds then silence. Once dawn emerged the parents were happy and fearful because their baby was just born but also that President made a temporary law that there shouldn't be any child born for the next 10 years and the temporary law was put into effect on 2999 to prevent overpopulation. When the child was born they named their newly born son Nivel Windbreaker because the mother's great great grandfather's name was Nivel, she wanted to honor him by naming her son after the great great grandfather. When Nivel was about three years of age someone out of the shadows gave him a special medallion and the following was the inscription: Do not open this until you understand your destiny and when you got it you must come find me immediately. -Signed by your future mentor When Nivel tried to chew it released a sleeping gas that knocked him out for an hour or two. As Nivel got older he got stronger, wiser, and more observant. At the time that he could talk he was like a social butterfly he could talk to almost anyone which was great because by talking to people he created and forged friends even when the world has gone down the line of life. Nivel was a tall person he had brown eyes and black hair (pretty much everyone at the time) also he was a pretty smart guy because the education at that time was kind of not available. It was amazing because Nivel was very curious about life and questioned everything and it from his curiosity that he made his mentality that he wanted to know why is the world like this and what happened to society as a whole. He went to the Local forest known as the Forbidden forest because there were animals that were mutated from the war but Nivel didn't care and ventured forth into the forest. Nivel decided that he would stay there for an entire year because he needed to know anything that he could obtain from that forest. When Nivel went on his expedition he didn't realize that by doing this he was simply completing what the mysterious man asked him for. When he came back Nivel was twelve years of age and noticed that his parents were gone for a moment he thought that they went off to pick some berries or some fruits like always but that's until he entered his house. Nivel couldn't believe his eyes when he saw both of parents lying there on the cold, hard, wooden floor, and lifeless but still that didn't dismayed the fact that someone has brutally murdered his parents. The mother was sitting on her chair knitting it was half completed and she what looked like to be a stab wound in her chest and then as Nivel walks down the half way the hallway he spots what looks to be his father's pants as he walks more up he sees two bodies one was a father which looks to be two bullet holes in his chest and leg but the other bodied was different because he never seen it before " why did this happened, what did I do to deserve this" as he says in a monotone voice. As he walks out he notices that there is no one in the town and as Nivel starts to put the pieces together he finally realizes that his town was attacked "Could have this been the work of Rebels, Fanatics, Animals, or...President Orion." he says in a sad voice. As he walks to the house he decides to cremate his parents. After he finishes burning his parents he walks back to the house and decides that he needs rest. The night is calm peaceful but to Nivel he can't stop thinking of his parents and how could have this happen but then was he was falling to sleep he heard branches snapping outside of his house. Nivel slowly creeps out of bed and grabs his automated light, as he creeps to the window he hears some people talking in the distance but he then grabs his telescope to be able to further look at the people outside. He was in shock when the suits on the potential intruders were the suits on the dead body by his father. He couldn’t help to realize that the banner that they served was what appeared as a raven. Why would they bear ravens and not President Orion seal? He thought to himself As he stood peering outside Nivel notices that a guard or personal was walking towards his house and Nivel at that moment has mixed feelings because he was happy, scared, and curious all at the same time. Nivel could hear the personal walked up the wooden stairs slowly causing the wood to creek and make noises that scared Nivel. He needed a plan and he needed it quickly, he grabs a small backpack and fills it with personal belongings like clothes, pictures of his family, and one two inch carving knife that had a wooden stock. When Nivel was about to jump from the window he sees a glimpsing object on the corner of eye and takes to process what it was and then he figures out that it was the strange medallion that was given to him as a youngling by the mysterious man. He grabs it quickly and right when he leaped from his window the door opened slowly but the man who entered looked at Nivel when he was running for quite some time and then the personal signals for the others to either capture or kill Nivel. When Nivel reached the abandoned streets he sat down next a wet trash bin and started to analyze the strange medallion that was handed to him as a child. Nivel at one point try to pry it open but then a sudden epiphany happened and then he read the inscription and then perceived the message while trying to do so someone came from the corner of the deep dark alley way and reached into his silk jacket and sprayed him with some sort of formula that knocked him out completely. When Nivel woke up he was at first dizzy (obviously because he just woke up) and found himself in a room that was 20 feet high and 16 feet wide with the following also inside the room: a cup of ice cold water, scrumptious food, clothes all over the floor, a burnt out fire, and letter. Out of curiosity Nivel opens the letter and the following reads: I am sorry that we couldn’t meet formulary but there were complications and you needed to be safe from the people that came here to find and kill anyone affiliated with killing the president. So with that out of the way I wanted to tell you that you must not come out of the door for whatever reason and I will be back soon and then we can talk about training. -Signed by The old man Nivel was both confused and flabbergasted because he didn’t know if this was a clever ploy from President Orion or it really was a safe haven for him. About two hours later there the door opened and the person who came was like no one that he has seen before and was judging if that was the “old man” or a soldier who was patrolling. The room soon transformed from a bedroom to underground base that you would have seen in those spy movies. Anyways Nivel was confused until he asked the mysterious man a question “ Who are you” and the mysterious man replied by saying “ I am your new mentor the ‘old man.’” Chapter 2: “. ……Hello are you the man who gave me this medallion” he says in a confused kind of way “ Yes and I gave that to you for the soul purpose to be able to liberate this world of the undoing.” said the old man and Nivel couldn’t argue with that because he had a convincing point that this society was corrupt and distraught but he didn’t know that himself was going to be the liberator of his world. The reason why I say that is because that Nivel was never introduced to fighting and he never got the chance to do so and with these sudden turn of events he thinks that this was his destiny and was chosen for the this life of heroicness. The old man and Nivel didn’t get along as well because he never was introduced to such a character. Although during Nivels first year of his stay with the old man they both got into encounters with the MURDER group and in the month of January they had it pretty bad they lived but barely. What happen during that event was that both the old man and Nivel were going to sabotage a convoy that was a food truck for President Orion and his advisors. Anyways the old man told Nivel that this was going to be a small step towards victory. But when the plan went into action the guards went the opposite way and were walking towards Nivel. Nivel was lying on the cold ground while the sky was black and empty. The entire neighborhood was silent because of the guards who are around the convoy and that the people didn’t want to risk the chance of getting killed while trying to get food because they were starving. As the plan progressed it became increasingly harder to destroy the convoy because of miscalculations and misjudgment. As Nivel was crawling he saw two men patrol the area and it hit him that the plan was going off track. When they completed it Nivel was badly injured and then spent the next two weeks trying to recover from this incident. The day Nivel recovered was when the Old man told Nivel that he was going to be great and was destined to do great things in his lifetime. Nivel trained very hard and over the years he didn’t know what all this training was for but he knew in his heart that it was for something good. The old man pushed Nivel to his limits but I guess that he knew that Nivel could handle it. The training consisted of lifting weights, running a lot, shooting practice, and every other type of physical training. Although Nivel did physical training the old man gave Nivel mental exercise as well like reading books on anything to meditating Nivel did it all. Both the old man and Nivel were ready for whatever the MURDER had to offer and they were very proud of themselves because the old man completed his life's goal: Make a Hero that would better this world and Nivel was proud of himself because he didn’t know that he would be able to finish this training cause you know it was like P90x times three. “ This was a huge leap towards our goal” Nivel says to the old man and the old man replies by saying “ Yes Nivel this is great but it will only be complete if you don’t stop having faith in this world's revival” says the old man “ Yes of course Master…. if I may call you that” “ Of course you can you are like a son to me Nivel and have I told you about why I took you in when you lost everything” Nivel shakes his head. “ Well then I will tell you now and the reason why I have been caring for you is that MURDER and President Orion wants to conquer the world and if that happens then the entire world will never see the next century and that the people who murdered your parents was MURDER and that you have to not only save me but the entire world from the clutches of the corrupt.” Then Nivel realized that he was an important person and that he didn’t want to let anyone down because if he did then President Orion will make Earth a place of hate and despair. Chapter 3: At the age of 20 years old Nivel has been trained to be able to counter whatever comes at him and be able to hit the opposition greatly. Nivel has been through a lot of training and by having to obtain all of it he knew that he was ready for the world. By having this determination he was very fired up so what Nivel does was that he was walking towards the front door while the old man was sleeping then right when he was about to grasp the cold lever someone stopped him. This person who stopped him wasn’t the old man because the old man's voice was more deeper but no this person had a voice that was gentle and welcoming, when Nivel put the sound together it was someone who he could not believe was there, he was shocked because Nivel hasn’t seen that person in a long time. When he turned around he saw a white aura around his mother and father both holding hands in a way that told Nivel that he was being forgiven and for his actions so long ago. His mother looked the same; she had long hair that was the color of the clouds on a sunny day, her face looked rejuvenated or looked new but was eye catching was that there was no stab wounds but a clean white dress that flowed more clam than a stream. Also that she was holding an Azalea flower (It symbolizes to Take Care of Yourself for Me; Temperance; Fragile Passion). When he turned to his right he then saw his father and his father was a man of great love and joy. The sight of his father was amazing because he was wearing a tuxedo that was white and had a bouquet of Dandelions (It symbolizes Faithfulness; Happiness). Nivel gets on his knees and says “ Mom…Dad please come back to me I love you please don’t leave me again… Mom and Dad I will avenge you for what they have done to you” When they spoke to Nivel they spoke in a Harmonious manner and said to Nivel “ We will always love you forever Nivel and there is no need to avenge us now you have a bright future and you must take your time in order to free not only us but this beautiful world we call home.” Nivel couldn’t respond because he is crying both tears of sadness and joy because he now knows that both of his parents are in a better place now. After that encounter Nivel then walks across the dark cold metal to his room then goes to the bed and sleeps. But Nivel can’t sleep because he just seen his two parents that were murdered plus he thinks that by staying Nivel would have more safe rather than take the irrational option and take on the world without any help. The next morning the old man comes out of his deep sleep to realize that Nivel was then sitting by the corner of the room in a confused kind of manner. The old man asks him in a soothing voice " Nivel why are sitting there on the dirty floor come up and sit on the chair and tell me what happened" then Nivel replies by saying" I...saw my mom and....dad last night" "Well were you having a nightmare or a good dream" says the old man " Well it was neither because they were physically there and I could feel the power of their voices hitting me with every word.” “ Well Nivel I believe that they were sent down to help you go through this and also that I believe that they are your Guardian Angels because who would protect you more than the person that you loved the most” “. I think you are right because the night before I was so angry at President Orion that I wanted to find him and kill him but now I realize that I acted in very Impulsive way and I hope you can forgive me for my actions against you” “ Well I’m not mad at you I’m just glad you didn’t go outside and get yourself hurt, now lets go ahead and meditate ok.” So when the old man and Nivel finished their meditation the old man told Nivel to relax and have free time. But the old man have realized that he was truly ready for the Liberation of the world and then he walked down a hallway to two giant wooden doors that had a lock on them. He punched in the code and he opened it in a very excited way because he was going to contact his friends or allies to assist Nivel in his journey towards the salvation of the world. Chapter 4: In the course of two hours the old man then emerged from his room and came out to tell Nivel of his plan and that he should prep for the fight of his life. “ Nivel please sit down what I am going to explain you is the start of your destiny and your purpose.” “ I think I know what I’m supposed to do I’m going to liberate this world” then Nivel interrupted by the old man “ I know but you are going to need help if you are going to do so and I took the liberty of calling some of my friends or your allies so that they could assist you through military actions.” Nivel responds to the old man in a very confused way “ What was the point of the you choosing me when you could do this by yourself” “ You need to understand that you posses something that no one has: sympathy and empathy for others,they only choose to help you because we want revenge and want to end President Orion’s reign while we may sound like sympathetic people we really aren’t because we sometimes kill innocent people and not even realize it.” While they were discussing the door suddenly opened and 5 people came in. “ Nivel these are your military advisors and are going to help you in the unshackling of greed and torment of this place we call home” “ Well then…. we should get this started and begin with the eastern border and then we can go west from there okay.” “ The people need to inspired to fight for you because they are not just going to switch sides when you say hi to them” says one of the buff ally “ Okay lets start by putting up some posters and raid the outposts” “ That’s what I am talking about… umm what's your name” “Nivel and can you guys make a list of your names please so I can distinguish between you guys and gals.” After five minutes the allies made a list of their names: List of Names Rikki heavy specialist Jenny: Sniper specialist Johnny: Amour expert Frest: Sneaky person And Keerh: Melee weapon expert “Thanks guys and I guess we can go ahead and do this then.” Nivel and his rag tag group went forth and saved many people and even though it took him many years to release the entire of North America it open the door to all of the revolutionist that joined Nivel and his cause. The group called themselves the “ Protectors of Freedom.” This group raised an army of half of a million people which then fought MURDER and other soldiers. When North America was ridden of the pain they soon figure out that President Orion was no where to be found but miraculously a soldier of Orion was interrogated and told them that he went to South America. “ Well then lets pack our swimsuits everyone because we are going to South America and no its a time of relaxation or a vacation… that's in July and it's only August.” But this is just the beginning of the end of Presidents Orion reign. © 2015 ReadingforthemindAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 20, 2015 Last Updated on November 20, 2015 Author![]() ReadingforthemindWaimanalo , HIAboutJust a young teenager who loves writing about amazingly rich environment and story more.. |