![]() Why oh WhyA Story by OhThatOneGuyWhy do we do what we do? I am talking about anything really, just in general. We live our life’s following social norms because this is what we are supposed to do. We go to school, or don’t and get a job, make a living have a family and are like billions of other boring people. But to these people this is not boring, they would say this is growing up and understanding reality right? This is the “norm” because what other option is there, we must make that money if we wish to attain anything, except religion of course because you know that’s totally free. So we live our life’s thinking we make decisions on our own but in reality society has already shaped us into believing we have to do this for that reason, and if you do not follow this path there is something wrong with you. Some say they live a good life following religion, yeah yeah you’re perfect and God just loves yah oh so much because you are definitely the type of person he wanted representing him, and hey if you mess up somehow good thing you can just repent and say sorry man I screwed up. Oh I know some people are already ignoring this, he must be the devil, must have a demon in him he’s just trying to upset me, take me away from the path I am on, sure let’s believe I am the devil, you caught me. Truth is, I do believe in God, I’m not some extremist like a lot of people I know, you know those hypocrites that are worse than the all evil atheists or whatever. Anyways, the point of this is to try and explain what people use as an excuse to justify why they do what they do. If I live my life trying to be perfect and follow in the example of God, like some attempt to do, or attempt to give of the image of doing then I am not being very unique am i? I am just following on the word of someone else because I decided to believe in this religion for whatever reason so even though it’s my “choice” to live this way is it really? We all have to work right because I mean unless we are born into money the other option is what poverty? I know, what a cynical view I have on life, maybe I just don’t want to be like everyone else you know? The norm is boring; things are too recurring for my satisfaction, my happiness. What does one do then, when they realize I don’t want to be like everyone else, I mean sure I can say I am fortunate to not have it worse, not be some poor kid in a third world country that wishes they had what I did and for that I do feel bad, I do appreciate what I have but I want more, I’m not talking about money maybe I just meant to say I want something different. Don’t we all want to feel we made some sort of difference? I always prided myself on wanting to “help” people, wanting to make others happy because then my life would be worth something, no I do not have low self-esteem, I just felt as though if I can make a difference in someone else’s life then I mean why not. This is where religion comes back into it, you never hear about people going to God when they have it all made, unless I mean they are “thanking” him for all their good fortune, no you hear about those sob stories oh I was a bad person, oh this and that and look at me now I’m special because I’ve seen god, heard is word. Well hey now you can say you read something from the devil, jokes I got I know I’m sure some people are offended, I’m sorry, really don’t you believe me? Anyways, destiny it’s nice to think everything we do happens for a reason happens because it needs to happen and we can’t change what’s supposed to happen. This alone can give one strength if they truly just believed it, because no matter how hard things are it will all have to end eventually for everyone, we will all die and with us our problems that now seem obsolete. How, how to attain being different, I still don’t know the answer to this. This was a question about why, why do people follow along like sheep when we can be different. I know, how can you be different if the ultimate goal will still include a way of supporting yourself so you will need a job, you will need to become a normal old boring person. You see, I don’t want fame, I don’t want money, happiness? Yeah I want that, but to attain happiness I wanted to be different, I just don’t know HOW to be different. The more we fight something, the more it seems to pull at you in its direction, so maybe it’s all for nothing because I am destined to live the life I have been given, whatever may come. It’s just nice to think about, when reality is getting to hard, that you think you have a choice, that you can change the outcome somehow, someday. © 2014 OhThatOneGuy |
1 Review Added on April 19, 2014 Last Updated on April 19, 2014 Author