![]() daysA Story by ThatLonelyGoatThese people are ridiculous. They’re grown women. I thought people matured after high school, at most sometime after their twenties. My new dance classed was filled with middle aged women who seemed to have a false perception of their bodies. The woman in front of me swiveled her hips as if she was performing before an audience of ravenous men. Her friend laughed and joined. The instructor and I had similar expression on our faces at the sight of this. The mosquito buzz in the room was less peeving than the other beings in my surroundings. Later than evening, I spoke with my mom- more like, she explained the high school drama situation at work. This is probably expected from a group of people who never finished high school in the first place. My mother howled on about her colleagues and played as if she found it to be a disturbance. However, I caught on to her hooked grin. “…Then Theresa, the store w***e, slept with the head cashier…” At this point, all I was interested in was sleep. I cut her short, “I need to go to bed; it’s getting late.” There weren’t very many notable events today but I couldn’t rest. My mind was racing and I decided I really didn’t want to sleep. I just really didn’t want to listen to my mom’s overdue conflicts. Conflicts of my own drowned out hers. I thought back to third period and the girl who sits a few rows from me. Her mouth pouts a little and her eyes are big. Her hair is awkward but somehow perfect. Her body is that of Eve. She takes part in all the activities and everyone has claimed that she changed their life. I find myself admiring and envying her. Darkness fills my room and the only image is her. Do I want her or do I want to be her? As I try focusing on her features, my mind obscures them. Her eyes swell up; her hips expand drastically, while her waist reduces to nothing. The background of the class becomes distorted as I try to place myself in reality. Books fly off shelves and colors regress into simple hues. Everything becomes a simple shape and the girl in my third period class who sits a few rows away has long disappeared. She is gone and so am I. The flickering of the tv wakes me but the crunching of a mysterious food bring out the desire to throw my legs over the side of the bed. Much to my disappointment, my sister was eating cheetoes- orange sodium sticks. I should have gone back to sleep but I took notice to the sky through the sliding door. It was dark and bold. A feeling erupted that was just as bold. I stepped on the balcony and leaned my weight against the flimsy railing. Taking in the gentle touch of the air and the somber atmosphere, I closed my eyes to amplify the sensation. Gravity of sentiment pulled me to the cement with my head resting against the railing. Instantly, memories beat their way into my head. Last fall when we would meet just before dusk to walk around the neighborhood. And wonder into barren fields. Jumping over holes in the ground. Climbing hills. The moon. And flowers. Or... weeds? It’s six in the afternoon now and the sun is nowhere to be seen. The house phone rings and I am demanded to dress myself and get out of bed. After staring at the receiver for over 5 minutes, I snapped back into reality and walked to my closet. Finally, I dressed myself and walked out to the sidewalk to wait for my caller. Only moments were spent near the grass before my caller arrived. My dear friend, Tony and his friend Cory invited me into the vehicle. Being eager for adventure, I didn’t question the schedule. The schedule I really didn’t even know of. “We’re going down town.” Tony explained vaguely. It was completely fine with me but I was wondering why we were parked in front of a silent house for 30 minutes. I was circumspective. There was not a single person in sight. Eventually, I heard the sound of wheels hitting the breaks in the sidewalks. Andrew zoomed by, threw his board into the grass and ran into the silent house. Two of Andrew's friends trailed behind and waited on the lawn awkwardly. I could tell by the look on Cory's face that no one wanted them around. I could tell by the way they looked at each other, that i wouldn't like them. Tackett, the hefty one, and Tyler, the thin, spastic one, both seemed to be overly excited about this mysterious adventure. Andrew returned with a jug, a used Bill Miller's cup, and a butter tub along with a spoon. "I GOT GUMBO!" Andrew shouted enthusiastically, hoping to bring a lighthearted atmosphere into the car. He knew he was late- not only late but brought along his line of duckilings. He shoved the dishes into Cory's hands and asked him how to get his ducklings into the car since we were still going to pick up Avery, their friend who had moved a few months ago. Cory situated himself and creeped out of the vehicle. He slithered to the back of the car and emptied the backseat. Tyler and Tackett managed to tetris their way in. Everyone was stuffed into the car and we took off. Cory inspected the dishes that andrew brought with him. The jug looked as if it contained urine. He sniffed and took a swig. He shrugged his shoulders and finished it. He sniffed the liquid in the Bill Miller's cup, cringed, and passed it on. Andrew put it in the cup holder and removed the lid to the butter container. The smell was foul. I looked out the window hoping it would open with telekenisis. Realistically, i'd hoped Cory would roll down the windows. Instead, we pulled up adjacent to a drive way and almost instantly a couple appeared. I looked at the last seat in the car, it wasn't large enough for two. I wished i lost weight like i said i would. I wanted my legs to decrease in size, my hips to minimize. I began loathing every ounce of myself. Fortunately, only Avery got into the car. He handed us a plate of cookies and everyone praised his girlfriend for making them. I continued loathing myself and reject any offer of food. The night went on and the two crammed in the back were anxious about our destination and what we would do. "Cory, what are you drinking?" Tackett obnoxiously inquired.He shrugged his shoulders and passed back the Bill Miller's cup. Tony sniffed it, remembering that Cory was repulsed by its scent. He cringed as well. Tackett, the pansy that he was, questioned everything. I assume he recalled the elementary English questions, who, what, when, why, where, and how. Almost in harmony, everyone shouted at him to just drink the few ounces of liquid, a majority of which ran down the corners of his mouth and onto his shirt. A smile of pride and glory shoned upon his stupid, childish face. "I did it." Tony and i looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Andrew was notorious for jabbering consistantly, but Tackett took over his job. We drove around a Walmart parking lot while they discusssed who would go in. Cory, Tony, Avery, and Andrew knew what to do but didn't want to. Tony's days of theft were over and Avery wanted to catch up with his friends since he hadn't seen them in months and Andrew was still eating his gumbo. Cory rolled his eyes and got out. Tackett shouted, " Where are we going? What are we doing? I want to go!" So Cory trudged to the back of the car and opened the back door. Avery went along to accompany Cory with Andrew's ducklings. It took a while for them to return and we determined they got caught. Shortly after, we took notice of Andrew's ducklings. My expectations were higher than they should have been for Tackett. He immediately narrated his experience. Everyone laughed and scoffed, Cory spoke, "Don't even talk about it until you leave the parking lot." Cory popped out 4 little red circular pills and washed them down with a bottle of water. He handed the tray to Andrew, who passed it back expecting Tony to grab it. Avery passed it back to Tyler. He explained that he would never do them after this one expeirence at school. What a pansy, i thought. So he passed it to Tackett, who surprisingly took the last four in the tray. It took me a while to realize that the least sober person in the car was our driver. However, i was okay with that. It was about 11 by now and all the interesting events were being put up. We walked around and Andrew would disappear while on his mission to find the park, which we happened to pass at least twice.
© 2013 ThatLonelyGoat |
Added on January 17, 2013 Last Updated on January 17, 2013 Author