![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by TonTon![]() The start of a long journey...![]() Earth: 2057, February 22 Ten year old Arika skipped down the market-place in her town of Kamshi. Located in Kardac, once known as the Middle East, Kamshi is a small desert town, and a trading hub between Safe-Zone Three and Kardac. The city is run by Ambassador Speer, Arika’s father, and her mother. As Arika was saying her good-bye’s to the shopkeepers on her way home she noticed something strange as she neared her house. The door was broken off the hinges. She stopped, listened for any signs of movement in the house and when it seemed safe she ran inside. “Front of the house is fine…” she said as she walked around the rooms. When she got close to her parent’s bedroom she saw a piece of parchment in front of their door, she picked it up and saw only five words: We’ll return in 5 years. ‘What…?’ She thought as she slowly walked into the room. She saw her mother sitting on the floor at the edge of her bed, head into her knees, she wasn’t crying as far as Arika could tell. “Mother, what’s this note about? And where’s dad, shouldn’t he be home by now?” Arika sat in front of her mother. Her mother looked up in surprise, “Arika, thank goodness!” She grabbed Arika and held her in her arms, “I was certain they would have taken you out in the market.” She sighed with relief. “What do you mean ‘they’? Who would want to take me?” Arika pushed herself out her mother’s grip. Her mother didn’t say anything for a while, then, “Soldiers. Soldiers from the Safe-Zone came by today, they told your father and I that they wanted you for their work force since you’re old enough to work now.” She gripped the bottom of her dress. “Your father and I, we tried to change their minds but they were reluctant, so your father made a deal with them. He would be taken in your place, and when you turn fifteen they’ll come back to trade you for your father.” She looked at Arika who was stunned. ‘Father…why?’ Arika had nothing to say, she wouldn’t have been able to create words even if she tried. “Arika…” Her mother was running her fingers through Arika’s pink hair, trying to make her feel better. “Mother, what are we going to do?” Arika’s voice squeaked, she was feeling the tears starting to form in her eyes. Her mother got up and looked out the window, and after a few minutes, she finally replied. “You’re going to run. You’re going to run as far away as you can. I will not let them take you sweetie, ever. I’ll sell the whole town before that happens.” The last statement made Arika flinch. Nightfall hit, the house was still. Arika found herself not being able to sleep that night. The next morning a letter came, stating the soldiers would return and reminding them of the deal. A letter came every month for the rest of that year, then every year after that. Earth: 2062. 5 years later. Arika was walking home from school, when she got to the house she saw the letter. She picked it up slowly then opened it and read: To the mother of Arika Speer, It’s safe to assume you know what this letter is about. Your time is up, and we do hope you and your daughter spent it well. We look forward to another fine worker joining our people in Safe-Zone Three. Thank you for your cooperation. ~SZ3 ‘They’re crazy…’ she thought as she walked into her house. She found her mother in the living room, painting another piece. “Mother, it came.” Arika leaned against the wall, holding the letter out to her mother. “Ah, I see this. No problem.” Her mother said calmly. “No problem? But they’re taking me today, shouldn’t you at least feel sad?” Arika was confused. “That’s the thing, they’re not taking you. They’re going to take me.” Her mother sat up and walked toward Arika, “I promised you they wouldn’t take you and I’m keeping my promise.” “Mother, you can’t do that. You aren’t capable of doing any hard labor,” Arika backed into the hallway, “what makes you think they’d take you anyways?” “Because you won’t be here when they do".” As her mother said this there was a knock at the door. “Madam? It’s time.” Said a man’s voice from the other side of the door. Arika and her mother stared at the door, then at each other. Her mother pointed at the back door, Arika understood. As her mother went for the door Arika stopped in the kitchen, she wanted to know what would happen. Plus she wouldn’t have been able to get out without them hearing. Her mother opened the door, “Ah, hello.” Her mother said in a sarcastic, happy tone. She gave a small curtsy and asked them to come inside. Arika ducked around the corner so they couldn’t see her. They were dressed in typical government business attire, a black suit lined with a white reflective material. ‘It’s ridiculous what they’ll spend their money on…’ Arika thought to herself. “Don’t play coy with me mam, you know why we’re here. Where is she?” The man was almost a foot taller than Arika’s mother. The other soldiers with him started walking around the house, one headed towards the kitchen. Arika managed to get to the back door without being followed and crept around to the side of the house where the living room window was. She listened in. “Listen here. You aren’t taking my daughter away from me.” Her mother’s voice was shaking. “…I had a feeling you would resist.” The man sighed and flicked his hand, calling over another man with a box. “I take it you won’t resist then if we take you.” He placed the box around her mother’s wrists and a light trapped them both, neon hand-cuffs. ‘NO! They, they can’t!’ Arika wanted nothing more than to hit the man in the face with all her strength, but she knew this was what her mother wanted. She watched her mother get escorted out of the house and into their vehicle, a six-wheeled sand-buggy with tinted windows to protect from the sun’s rays. Arika started to stand up when she realized one of the soldiers, the youngest one with blue hair, hadn’t left. They stared at each other. ‘What are you waiting for…? Yell and tell them you’ve found me. Do it!’ Arika thought as she stood frozen, hypnotized by his eyes. They were a bright blue, quite the opposite from her magenta eyes. The boy placed his index finger to his lips. She gave a slight nod and heard one of the other soldiers call out his name and as he walked out the door he turned and smiled at her. She could feel her face get hot. She whispered, “Thank you, Nayt…,” and ran around the back into the house.
© 2012 TonTon |
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