Photography Poems
A Book by Texas
Poems inspired by some photographs from a set that I took and developed for my Photography class. Unfortunatly, I haven't figured out how to make the paper print into a digital image... yet. 
© 2011 Texas
Author's Note
All the photographs that I took were in black and white using a Minolta camera pretty much like the one in the picture. I'll try to find black and white pictures that are close to the one that I took to give ya'll an idea on the inspiration.
Added on January 1, 2011
Last Updated on September 2, 2011
TexasHuntsville, TX
going to Sam Houston in Huntsville, Texas to get a Bachlor's in English with a minor in Secondary Education; my goal is to get my Master's in Library Science; love sheep, cats, wolves and other animal.. more..