I've never noticed before how lonely i am now that you are gone. I used to get texts all the time but now i can leave my phone for a day at home and hear from no one. I miss talking to you, no i take that back, I miss you. You did so many things to hurt me and make me distrust you but here i am missing the person that gave me so many memories yet so much pain. But you don't miss me because before we where even broken up i had already been replaced by another. You don't even think of me anymore i bet. But here i am wishing everyday that you would tell me that you love me again and that you would always be there for me when i needed you.
But here i am thinking of you and seeing you in my dreams that i've given up sleeping all together. I'm so tired not just physically but mentally, I see you in my head texting her and talking to her and smiling and all i can think about is when you and me where together. We did everything. Everyone saw us together because we are so similar but never in a million years had i seen you being the one to hurt me. I hope she makes you happy, That's all i ever cared about. Its taking me time to fully heal but finally i can no longer cry over you because now i believe that crying is just a way of showing you that you have hurt me and i am not going to let you see that. Deep down i hope that you find happiness with some that is as important to you as you once where to me.
I will always have a place in my heart for you and I will always remember all the things we did together. Even if you don't. So I hope one day we can be friends again you where so much fun to talk to and i miss that. Thank you for being my first Love I wouldn't have traded our 6 months together for the world.