Which Road to Take

Which Road to Take

A Chapter by Terry Jones

Chapter 7: Which Road to Take


Tess is falling from a black sky towards an ocean. She hits the water and she opens her eyes as she floats on top of the water with her back laying on top of it. She sees that she is complete surround by water. There are four tall walls of water that is surrounding her. A thunder cloud floats over her and begin to pour rain on her. Tess stares straight ahead at the cloud. Purple flower raises from underneath her. She looks to the side and sees an whales swimming in one of the walls of water. The light getting further and further away. There is no sound, no pain, but it's raining. Tess thinks to herself.

How does it rain in an ocean. She closes her eyes.


Tess wakes up staring at the blue sky. She looks to the side and sees the lake that she always visit. At the edge of the lake is Luis with a fishing rod.   

“Tess,” says a voice.  

“Uncle Luis, it’s you.” Luis doesn’t react to Tess. Josh runs up behind her.

“Tess, you ready?” Tess looks at Josh dreadfully as she sees that he is around ten. She looks at herself in the lake and sees that she is young as well.

“What is happening Josh?” asks Tess.

“What do you mean? We came down here to swim in the lake, remember?”

“I don’t know what this is. Can you help me, Josh?”

“I got you, Tess. You forgot.”

“I forgot what?”

“You forgot how to swim. Come on, I will be with you.”


“Don’t be scared, trust me.”

Josh and Tess jump into the lake and slowly sink. Tess stares at Josh and he smiles back at her and licks his tongue out. She smiles and does the same. While Tess is in the water it gets darker as if the sun is burning out. Tess looks up and then looks down to see a shadow coming up from the bottom of the lake. Tess looks back at Josh and sees him still licking his tongue out. Tess freaks out, pointing to the shadow hoping that Josh would see it but he continues to stare at her making funny faces. The shadow then grabs both Tess and Josh and pulls them down to the bottom of the lake. Tess tries to scream but no sound comes out. Tess can feel the weight of the world.

“I think I am dying.” Tess thinks to herself.

Suddenly a blue light overtakes the darkness. It shines as bright as the sun. Tess looks up to the light and to see that there is a figure in the light. Tess looks closer to see what the figure is and sees her uncle. He reaches his hands out to Tess and whispers.

“Tess come to me. I will give you the strength you need to fight the darkness. I will help you fight death. There is no need for you to be afraid anymore. I will give you power.” says the light.

Tess stares at the light and reaches her hand out to touch it. As she is staring she starts to float towards the light as her eyes start to turn blue. She looks down to see Josh still sinking. Blue tears start to fall from her eyes as her eyes turn back to normal.

“Josh!” Tess swims towards Josh to save him but the light goes away and the darkness takes over. Tess and Josh are being lost in the dark.

“Oh my.” says a voice. Tess eyes turns purple and the light comes back but this time it is purple as well. Tess touches her brother and she finds herself lying on a cloud. She jumps off the cloud and starts falling towards the ground. She screams at the top of her lungs whiles trying to grab onto another cloud.

“Now, why would you jump off one cloud to get on another?” says the voice. Tess looks around to see a monkey falling alongside her.

“What is happening?” The monkey turns toward her.

“Well I wouldn’t know.”

“Ahhh!!” Tess screams and the monkey starts to scream as well.

“Why are we screaming?” asks the monkey.  

“I’m going to die next to a talking monkey.”

“I’m not going to die, why do you think you are?”

“Because we are falling.” Tess and the monkey look down as they continue to fall.

“Oh dear we are not falling.”

“What?” Tess blinks and she is still lying on the cloud. Tess sits up to see that she is surrounded by the solar system, then the solar system changes to a desert.

“What is happening?” asks Tess.  

“You have to understand that I haven’t seen anyone in the last couple of eons.”  Tess looks towards the monkey and it turns into an old man.

“Who are you?”

“That in itself is and is not a very important question. The question I should be asking you is why did you call to me?”

“I don’t know who you are so why would I call to you?” The old man starts to circle Tess.

“As much as I would love to sit here and figure out what you are here for I think I will go back.”

“Fine, I don’t care, just tell me how to get back.”

“Go back where?”

“I have to make sure that my brother is safe.” The old man stops walking.

“Your brother.”

“Yes, I was drowning and so was my brother and I need to know if he is okay.” says Tess. The old man smiles.

“I see.”

“Then you came to me for power?” says a voice. Tess is now surrounded by darkness. Tess has her hands out as she tries to feel around. She takes a step and hears water splashing. She breathes sharply as she touches her pants but feel no water.

“What is this?” yells Tess. The darkness remains silent as Tess moves around. She takes a step to the left and hits something hard. She feels around the object as she touches it’s arms. She takes a deep breath. Boom! The objects grabs her arms as it’s eyes start to glow with a fire. Tess eyes widen as she sees that it is a huge stone creature. It has the mouth of a bird and wings of a bat. It has hands with only three fingers and feet with three toes. It’s forked tail wraps around Tess as it stands up. She screams and stares into the burning eyes of the creature. The creature screams back as it mouth glows with flames. It spread it’s wings and they stretch as far as half a football field. Tess’s hands begins to burn as the creature squeezes them. Tess continues to scream as she kicks at the creature.

“Why are you not fighting back?” says the voice.

“Help!” screams Tess.

“Why not help yourself? What skills do you possess?”

“Is this hell? Why am I here?”

“Hell? Zoe, put her down.” The creature lets go of Tess and drops her on the ground. Tess yelps as she stands up with her hands on her back. She falls back on the ground and looks up to see a different monkey standing over her. This monkey is wearing a tiger robe and has white fur.

“What are you doing, dear?” says the monkey. Tess stares at her hands as she sees that they are black. She trembles as the monkey sits next to her.

“What did I do to be here?” says Tess. The monkey takes out a pipe and lights it. The monkey takes a long puff as it stares at Tess. It grabs her hands and blows the smoke on them. Tess groans in pain as the monkey starts to rub the black skin off of her hands.

“What are you?” says the monkey.

“What type of question is that?”

“It’s one that demands an answer and not another question. I have never seen a creature with no energy or rather with so little.”

“I don’t know how to answer that question. I’m a girl.”

“My dear, I can can see that you are female. What race are you?”

“I’m black.” The monkey stops rubbing her hands.

“Black? You couldn’t possibly be from the dark realms. You don’t know who you are.” The monkey continues to rubs her hands.

“I do, I’m Tess.”

“Well Tess, it would seem that you are stupid if you cannot answer such a basic question.”

“I’m not stupid. I don’t know what you are asking me.”

“Honestly, I don’t know who would bring a child without manners to me. Well, if you going to be here you might as well learn. When someone asks you what are you, you start from your solar line to your realm and then your planet.”

“I don’t know what you just said but I’m from earth.”

“Earth! You are a child of Terra. That explains everything.”

“What does that explain?”

“Well, first you exist beyond the lines of Theodora. From there you are from the realm of the living and last, from Terra’s very first planet which she named after herself. You must be a human?”

“Yes, I’m a human.”

“Well, why didn’t you say that when I asked you your race? The answer you should have given was human. It would have made this conversation a lot quicker.”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“There, all done.” Tess looks at her hands and moves them around.

“How did you do that?”             

Tess blinks to see that she is standing next to a fountain out in space. The fountain stands in the middle of a garden. The ground is covered with clouds. The fountain is not pouring water but space itself. It is made out of stone and at the bottom are heads of sleeping people craved in it. On top of the fountain is a sculpture of two men and a woman holding a sphere.  

“What the hell is going on?”

“Please don’t say things like that here.” says a woman. The woman walks toward Tess. She is a pale woman with short purple hair with sapphire edges. Her eyes and her lips are purple as well. She is wearing a black robe that has shooting star flying in it.

“Don’t be afraid child,” says the woman.  

“Who are you?”

“I am Semita and this is the realm of dreams.”

“The realm of what?”

“The realm of dreams. This is my own creation. It doesn’t exist in your solar line, which is why you are unfamiliar to me.”

“Can you speak English?”

“There is but one language here. That’s the reason why we can understand each other.” Tess sits on the fountain as she scratches her head. “My dear, you seems to be confused.”

“Well, yea”

“I see. I am wondering how you made it all the way out here in the first place. You should have went to hell.”

“Hell, so that wasn’t hell just before now?”

“How many time do I have to say this? This is the realm of dreams. What you experienced was a nightmare, nothing more.”

“So how did I end up here?”     

“If you are standing before me, you are dead.”

“What- I’m dead?”

“I’m afraid so my dear, but that doesn’t explain how you ended up here.”

“How did I die?”

“Well let’s see.” Semita walks over to the fountain and put her hands in the space like water. “Here I can see all that was, that is, and that will be.” Tess looks in the fountain and sees Peter and her standing next to each other.

“Thats me. I remember we were fighting.” The ghost touches Tess and she turns to dust. Peter cries over her ashes.

“That is how you died,” says Semita.  

“Why is Peter crying over me like that?”

“There is only one reason for that and that is that he cares for you.”

“You must not know him.”

“Why of course not.”

“Do you answer every question?”

“Yes, why do you ask them if you don’t want an answer?” Tess nods her head.

“I can’t believe this. I’m dead. I never even had kids. Does this mean I’m a spirit? I’m a spirit, which means that I’m out living my body but for how long.”

“Not long at all my dear. I will give you another twenty minutes before you disappear.”

“So, I guess I’m not a phantom. So what now?” Semita laughs.

“You remind me of child that has no idea of existences. Can I comb your hair?”


“Well, I have been here by myself for eons and the one thing I never got to have, were children. It seems like your mother has abandoned you. I can see it in your eyes. Terra can be adventurous.”

“I don’t know about Terra but I know what you mean.”

“So, can I? I will tell you an old story.”

“Were you not just trying to kill me?”

“No, I thought you were from… never mind that. Come.” Tess sits on the ground under Semita as she pulls out a comb. Semita grabs Tess’s hair and runs the comb through it.

“You enjoying yourself?”

“Why yes, it definitely feels different.” Tess coughs as blue smoke pour out of her mouth.

“What is this?”

“It’s your being. It’s fading away.”

“I really am dying.” Tess is quiet before she whimpers. “Can you tell me that story?”

“You are not afraid of  disappearing?”

“Normally yes, but at least my suffering will end. At least I will be free.”

“Nonsense, energy cannot be destroyed. You will go to a place far worst than hell.”

“Semita are you trying to scare me?” says Tess as she closes her eyes. Semita takes a deep breath.

“In the beginning there was energy that flowed throughout existence. Then one day the energy formed into shapes known as celestial being. The first celestial being was call Xenon. Soon after came Wela and Tamir. Together they changed and controlled all the energy in existence. They created elements and other forms of energy. The more they learned about their potential the smaller the shapes of their form became. Then came three being that had endless hunger for knowledge. Remus, Adira, and Mizus. They were second generation celestial beings. Only the first three beings are considered first generation celestial beings. Mizus learn from Xenon and become the first celestial being to create life. He later called himself the Master. Adira learned from Wela and created time. She also created what we know as the universes. Remus learned from Tamir and created destruction. They became the most powerful celestial beings in existence and they were the first to have a solid form. The power of the three was so great that it created a opening in existence sending the first generation of celestial beings into it. They now exist outside of existences. So Adira create a multiverse to create a balance by using Mizus and Remus as its power source. With many universes for celestial beings to rule, fighting broke out amongst them. Mizus, Adria, and Remus created laws that every celestial being has to follow. If they do not, then they will be punished. Remus was in charge of punishing the beings and Adira was in charge of judging them, but Mizus did not like punishing other celestial beings because they were like family to him. So he created a rite of passage that every celestial being has to go through in order to become a ruler of a universe. Those who are not fit to rule will never rule. Soon after Adria created realms to separate the universes. Each realm was unique in its own way. The first realm that was created was the realm of the gods. That is where most of the celestial beings are. She created it so that celestial can live out their existences in peace for the rest of existence. The greater beings stayed in existence for they do not care for such things. The second realm is the realm of limbo, the between universe to punish beings for crimes. In limbo, a being will never know anyone for they will be forever alone. The third realms is the realm of nothing. That is where they send beings to die. When three realm exist beside one another they are called a solar line. There are six solar lines but Adria did not create them all. Remus created some universes for himself, creating his own solar lines. Soon after there were well over a hundred generations of celestial beings. This is the story that every mother tells her child. Terra, you are a horrible mother to your children.”

Semita stops combing Tess hair as she sees Tess is barely breathing. Semita holds Tess’s head in her lap as she opens Tess’s eyes. They are black with a small blue flame in them. Semita rubs Tess’s face with her thumb as she smiles.

“We all have our rite of passage but I never had a chance to make one. I never thought I would ever need to, but I remember I too wanted to be free. Free of all the responsibility. I think I’m different now. I want to be a mother, so I’m going to free you, Tess.”

Semita kisses Tess on her forehead and Tess is engulfed in a purple flame. Tess eyes turn purple as she gasps for air. Tess tries to fight off Semita but she holds her head still with her lips pressed against them. Tess takes a deep breath and screams. Tess hair start to turn purple and a symbol craves itself into Tess’s left hand. It is a symbol of a six pointed star in a circle. Semita lets go of Tess as she starts to float in the air. Tess yelps as she explodes in the sky. A purple light remains in the air from the explosion. It slowly descends from the sky as it forms a layer of smoke around it. Semita smiles as it takes the form of Tess. Tess falls to her knees as she looks at Semita through her hair.

“What did you do to me?”

“I took you from Terra.”

“What does that mean? I feel different.”

“I mean you are now linked to me, like mother and daughter.” Tess stands up.

“You gave me energy… to live on.”

“Well, more than that. I transformed the energy that you already had from Terra and turned it into mine. It destroyed your human body and turned you into a celestial being.”

“A what?”

“That’s right, you were asleep when I was telling my story. Well, just know that you are now my child. My very first.” Semita jumps up and down in her seat. Tess looks at her hair.

“What happen to my hair? It has purple streaks in it.”

“It's like that for now but when you get older it will grow out more.”

“I don’t know what this is, but I never felt more alive.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“But how? Semita, who are you and how are you able to give me energy?”

“There are only so many things that I can not do but don’t worry, I will explain everything in time.” Tess hugs Semita.  

“Semita now that I’m not dead or dying, can you send me back?”

“You mean to earth but you just got here. We just became a family.”

“I have a family on earth as well and I need to help them fight.” Semita folds her arms.

“Well, I suppose so if you have other family to protect. I will if you do something for me.”

“Anything for the woman that gave me power.”

“I need you to help open the gates of heaven.”                    

“Are you telling me that heaven is real?”  

“Yes it is. No child of Terra will ever reach heaven.”


“My sister has started a war with Michel and because of that the gates of heaven have been close.”

“What! So where are people going when they die?”

“They go to the only other place for human souls to go. That would be hell.”

“So are you telling me that people are going to hell because the gates are closed? Who the hell is this Michel person?”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“What do you mean? How can you live with that?”

“I cannot interfere with another realm unless Terra give me permission.”

“Terra is your sister, is she not? Do you’ll not talk?”

“No, we do not. I have been hiding from my family for some time now.”

“So people stop going to heaven.”

“Yes, it’s been like that for the last thousand years.”

“What! No one has been to heaven for the last thousand years?”

“Yes. The war between my sister and Michel is fairly new. Now, I need you to listen to me. This war has gone on for too long. It has affected the balance of all existences. If the balance continues to shift then… a very bad thing will happen.

“So you want me to stop the war?”

“No, I want you to find Terra.”

“Is she hiding too?”

“Something like that.”

“If you can’t find her then how am I going to find her?”

“You don’t have to. You are already in the right place. Now you just need them to lead you.”


“Yes, that group of yours. Come my child. Let’s send you back before death comes looking for you. Remember I will be with you always but I cannot fight for you.”

“Ok.” Semita touches Tess’s face. The symbol of the six pointed star flashes in Tess’s eyes as the world starts to spin. Tess closes her eyes. Suddenly she opens them and sees that she is at the moment before her death.

“Tess, watch out,” says Peter. The ghost touches Tess. “No!” The ghost hand is floating on Tess’s shoulder. Peter stares at Tess as she stares at the ghost’s hand.

“What the hell.” says Peter. Tess slaps the ghost’s hand off of her shoulder and the ghost’s arm completely rips off. The ghost screams as it reaches for it’s arm. Peter grabs Tess as the ghost runs away.

“Tess let’s go!” yells Peter. Tess stares straight ahead. Peter slaps Tess. “Hey!”

“Peter, did you just hit me?” Tess says as she rubs her face.

“Never mind that we should get the hell out of here.” Tess looks at the sky as she sees a woman descend from it. Red lighting is still striking the earth and ghost continue to flow from it. Tess clenches her fists and kicks at the ground.

“Peter, we need to help the people of this town.”

“Why the hell would you want to do that? These people treated you like s**t. Hell I treated you like s**t. They don’t deserve your help. Let’s go.”

“I probably would have agreed with you a few minutes ago but I don’t know. I’m not afraid anymore. There is more to life than drowning in my suffering. I think understanding that, is the only way I’m going to be free.”

“You’re not making any sense.”

“Peter… I died and a woman brought me back with a greater purpose. Even in all my suffering there was somebody there for me but these people of this town have no one. We are the only people that can do something about this so we should be there for them.” Tess holds out her hand to Peter.

“This is going to get us killed but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let these people die.” Peter grabs Tess’s hand.

“Ok let's do it.”

“You go ahead and find your family I will get everyone out of town.”

“How will you do that?”

“Don’t worry.” Peter body starts to glow blue as lightning pours out of his body. Peter leaves in a flash of lighting. Tess looks at the burned ground and starts to run towards her house. A woman is running as a ghost is chasing her. Tess runs more intensely towards the ghost and punches it in the face. The head of the ghost rips off of it body. The rest of the ghost’s body turns to ash as she helps the woman up.

“Run!” The woman takes off running. Tess continues to run until she sees a child staring at the sky. A red light starts to shine over the boy as Tess’s eyes widens. Tess takes a step that in embed itself in the ground. She leaps towards the boy pushing him out of the way. The red light strikes Tess and she falls on the ground. She breaths heavily as she stands up dusting herself off. As she looks up the boy is running down the street. Tess turns around to see her footprint carved into the ground. Tess takes a deep breath and continues to run to her home. As she is running up to her house she sees Mr. Jones packing his car.

“Mr. Jones,” yells Tess as the wind blows in her face.

“Tess, where the hell have you been? Your mother wouldn’t leave without you.”

“You guy are leaving, good take mom and go.”

“Tess, come with us.” Dee runs out of the house with Jen’s brother and sister.

“Tess, baby” says Dee.

“Mom, go with Mr. Jones and leave.”

“Baby you have to come with us.”

“I’m staying.”

“The hell are you talking about? Tess get over here.” A flash of lightning strikes next to Tess and Peter comes out of it.

“And that would be the whole town. Damn Tess you still talking with your family? You’re pretty slow.” says Peter.

“Shut up, Peter,” says Tess.

“What the hell is going on?” Mr. Jones takes off his glasses.

“Hey Mr. Jones, long time no see,” says Peter. Tess rolls her eyes.             

“Tess get the hell away from him,” yells Dee. Tess stares at Mr. Jones.

“Look if you ever want to have any relationship with me someday then take my mother and go. Because we are staying. We have to stay,” says Tess. Peter puts his hands on Tess’s shoulder and she slowly removes it. Mr. Jones swallows and nods his head.

“Dee, we should go,” says Mr. Jones as he takes the kids from Dee and puts them in the car as Dee walks toward Tess with her hands out.

“What are you doing, Tess?” asks Dee. Mr. Jones grabs Dee as she turns around and looks at him.

“Look, the town is about to go and for some reason they might be able to help save this place. But in order to do what they need to do we can’t be here,” says Mr. Jones.

“But I can’t leave me daughter. I need to be there for her. I was never there,” says Dee.

“It’s too late for that. She is grown now. All you can do is trust her. Come, we have to leave.” Dee turn around sobbing. Tess looks away. Dee blows a kiss at Tess. Dee gets in the car and they drive off. Tess watches as they drive down the road.

“You know you can be a little bit better to your mom,” says Peter.

“Shut up,” says Tess.

“I’m just saying, I wish my mom was here.” Tess turns around and stares at the sky.

“Peter, is it possible to die twice?”

“I don’t know and I really don’t want to find out. But, you really died? I think I would have remember that.”

“It’s hard to explain but I was given a second chance.”

“Yea, that usually how it works.” The lighting stops striking the earth as the wind starts to blow violently. Q is fully out of the sky as she floats in the air with her eyes closed. The ghost stop moving as they lift their arms to the sky. Suddenly Q opens her eyes and the sky turns black. Her eyes are black with a blue pentagram in them.

“Awww! Where is she. Where is Tessa?” says Q in a deep voice. Peter takes out a beer.

“Well if I’m going to die then so be it.” says Peter. Tess slap the bottle out of his hands.

“That s**t is bad for you. I need you to be focus.”

“Can’t even let me die in peace,” says Peter. Q rises her arms as black lightning starts to strike the earth.

“Cadere,” says Q as the town is crushed by the air.    

© 2017 Terry Jones

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Added on July 3, 2017
Last Updated on July 3, 2017


Terry Jones
Terry Jones

Yonkers , NY

I consider myself to be a mellow person. So that being said I would to get to know people and their writing, I would also like the same in return. more..

Dear Tess Dear Tess

A Chapter by Terry Jones