![]() Read Between the LinesA Chapter by Terry JonesChapter 5: Read Between the Lines
It was one of those day. A lonely day. A day when the sun shines warm and the wind’s touch is cold. A day that felt like it was raining, but there was no rain. A day when people sleep until it’s time for them to go to sleep. A day when every living creature retires from their lives, work, and worries. It was just one of those day. “Please, sir, let me have one more,” says Billy. “Hey! You go now Billy. You had enough. Now, you can enjoy the rest of the party or go home. It’s about time I took responsibility for the alcoholic in this town,” says Joe. “I’m going home… You suck Joe.” “Well you going to thank me in the morning.” “No… I’m not-,” says Billy as Joe takes the key out of his hands. “You going to have to walk home Billy.” Billy stares at Joe, flips him off and slowing walks out of the bar. Joe cleans the bar and shakes his head. Billy walks through a side street that is filled with cars. He takes a step and bumps into a car. He steps again and falls to the ground and starts laughing. Billy slowly gets up and the wind stops blowing. He fights himself to look straight ahead when he sees a bright green light. “Wow I’m really am drunk.” The light roars. “What the hell was that?” Billy looks around the street. “Is there somebody here?” Billy turns around and looks straight ahead to see that the light has gotten closer. There is a figure in the light, a man with very long hair. He is shirtless with very long earrings. His pants are black as night with chains hanging from his left pocket. He is barefooted and his eyes are green. His body is covered in a green smoke. A mist of black smoke drains from his mouth. He moves as if he didn’t know life or death. He moves more like a wave in the sea, the sand in a desert. The air itself is dying around him as the ground turns to ash. The cars are rusting and decaying as he walks along the street. He brings death around with all other things evil in the world with him. Billy can not move as the creature moves closer towards him. All he sees is a green light that starts to turn his eyes green.
“Boo!” “Screw you Peter this isn’t funny,” says Tess. “That’s probably what happened. Case closed, no need to get my dad.” “Are you serious? A man is dead. This falls under his job doesn’t it?” “Why are you telling her not to do this,” says Jen. “Does this has something to do with Q?” “Woah! Ok! Not the place. I have date so good luck.” Peter leaves the station in a rush.
I can’t stop thinking to myself is this what Q is capable of? Did something go wrong with Josh and that guy Nick? Is Jack dead? I am scared because if Q is really the person that killed my uncle and dad, then she is also the one that killed that man. She is leaving bodies for people to see. She wants me to see that she is coming. What is taking the police so long to come to the desk?
“Help! Help!” screams Jen. “Hey! Is there anyone here?” A police officer slowly walks up to the counter. “About damn time.” “Yes.” “Did you not hear me? I screamed help.” “Yea I did. I’m here so what is it?” “Ugh!” “I found a body in the lake that looks just like my uncle,” says Tess. “Oh is this about your uncle again. Look-” says the police officer as Tess cuts him off. “No, I found a body in the lake as in a few minutes ago.” “It’s true, I was there and it was the most- I don’t know what to say about it.” “Really,” says the officer. “What’s all this noise,” says the commander. The commander walks to the counter drinking his coffee. “Good you are here.” “Sir, they said they found a body.” The commander stops drinking his coffee and stares at the officer. “Oh really.” “Yes I found a body,” says Tess. The commander sets his coffee down and looks at Tess. “You two come with me.” The commander raises the counter and lets Tess and Jen pass. “Y’all go on to my officer over there, I’m going to be right behind you.” Jen and Tess walk towards the commander’s office. While they are walking to his office Tess turns around to see the commander whisper something in the officer’s ear. The commander's office is a big room with desk towards the back of it. Tess and Jen sits in the two chair that are at the front of his desk. On the left side are filing cabinets and on the right side is a water dispenser sitting in between two large plants. On the wall behind the desk is a black painting. “What on earth do you think that was?” “It was the same thing that killed my uncle all those years ago,” says Tess as she stares at the ground picking at her nails. “You were right. Tess.” “Well yes.” Jen touches Tess on the shoulders and she looks into her eyes. “I’m sorry I never believed in you, Tess. I mean, I’m your friend and I would never hurt you, but I never believed you.” “It’s ok Jen. Now you know.” “That makes this guy a serial killer then. Who would have known a serial killer is in our own backyard.” “Indeed, a serial killer. You know Jack told me that there over five hundred missing person cases with this serial killer. I wonder how many people are missing with Clearbrook.” “Well everyone I know is here Tess. We would know if someone was missing.” “What about Thomas?” “What about him?” “He said he was born here.” “The hell, I don’t remember him.” “That’s my point, Jen. We need to look up the number people that supposedly moved out of town.” “Ok let’s do it.” Jen walks over to the commander's desk. “What are you doing?” “Well this is the commander’s office, wouldn’t he have something like that?” Jen opens the bottom draw of the desk. Tess steps over to Jen pushing her out of the way. “What are you doing?” “I’m getting evidence.” Jen reaches for the draw as Tess slaps her hand. “Look here I have a pretty bad feeling about this and plus he is right there.” “Well let’s not make any noise then.” “Jen.” “Look, you said it yourself we need info, so how about you use your brain and figure out the password to his computer.” Tess rolls her eyes as she bumps into the bottom draw making it fall out. As the bottom of the draw fall out a black folder falls out with it. Tess and Jen pause and stare at it. “Jen what is that?” “Secret draw! Secret draw!” “Shut up, I think he is coming. Put everything back.” Jen grabs the folder and puts it in her shirt. Tess with her mouth wide open picks up the bottom of the draw and pieces it back together. She sticks it back in the desk and they run back to their seat. “Jen put it back.” “Shut up.” “Sorry that take so long,” says the commander as he walks into the room. Before he close the door Tess sees a group of officers running out of the station. “So you ladies saw a dead body?” “Yes, sir, we did,” says Jen. The commander sits on top of his desk. Jen and Tess shares a look as Tess scratches her head. “Hmm.” “I never seen anything like it.” “Are you girls the only ones that seen this body?” “Yes we are, so I guess that mean you need a statement from us.” “No that won’t be necessary.” The room goes silent. “Well don’t you need witnesses.” Tess stares at the commander. “I mean this has to be a serial killer and a start of a very long case.” “What case,” says Tess. The commander smiles. “What are you talking about Tess?” “That’s what he is thinking. What case. Come Jen this was a waste of time.” “What do you mean?” “Come on Jen let’s go. This man is not going to help us.” Jen looks at the commander that is still smiling and looks at the ground. She gets up and walks over to Tess. “You know I always love having these talks with you Tess,” says the commander. “I bet you do.” The commander slowly stops smiling and goes to the phone on his desk, he dials a number and it rings a couple of times before someone answer. “I don’t normally call you but I think we have a problem,” he says as he sits down in the chair behind his desk staring at his draw that is slightly open.
“What the hell was that?” “That is the town we live in Jen. Welcome to the club.” “This is how you feel?” “Don’t worry about it, like I said it’s this town.” Jen stops walking. “Tess your house is this way,” says Jen as she points to the left. “I know, I have to beat Peter for his father’s sins.” Jen continues to follow Tess. “Oh ok, so you asking for trouble?” “Jen, haven’t you notice I am trouble?” “Ok whatever. At least we get to see what’s in this crazy folder.” Jen pulls out the folder and waves it in Tess’s face. “Jen, you know the commander is going to come looking for that.” “Who cares?” Jens opens the folder. “Failed subjects. What the hell is this?” “Let me see.” Tess grabs the folder from Jen. Tess looks at the first page and sees a photo of man at the top right corner of the page. The man has long black hair and is frowning. The page has a big red stamp on it that read, Failed Subject. Tess starts to turn the pages and sees that all of the pages are the same but every page has a new photo. Jen peaks over Tess’s shoulder. “Wow this is crazy.” “I never seen these people before have you?” “No I don’t know any of these people.” “Maxwell Cambow. Male, 35, teacher of science.” “There are only two science teachers in this town.” “Well maybe he never got the chance to teach here.” The wind blows the pages out of the Tess’s hand. She run after them picking them up off the ground. Jen runs in the road picking up the pages that are in the street. As Tess is picking up a page she sees a couple of pictures that are not attached to any page. Tess slowly gather the pictures staring at them intensely. “Jen get over here.” “What is it?” Jen takes the photos. “Look there.” Tess points to a man holding a baby in front of a house. He is wearing a green hazmat suit with the helmet off. There is also a man standing next to him in a blue suit with his left hand on the man shoulder. “Tess isn’t that your uncle?” “Yea it is. What the hell is here doing with Mr. Smith?” “More importantly, why is he holding a baby? You don't think that is you do you?” “No my uncle would never do any like bring me to the middle of nowhere.” “I don’t think that is the middle of nowhere. I’m pretty sure that is the haunted house.” “The haunted house is old and beat up.” “Yea it is now but not when they first built it. Think about it. All thing that are old were once young.” “Ok say that is me and that is the haunted house, why would here been there and in that creepy suit?” “Yea and why would the commander keep this in a secret draw?” Tess turns the photo over. “Hey there is a date on it. May 5 1993.” “Wow that’s crazy. This photo was taken on my birthday. I’m telling you Tess May is a good month.” Tess turns the photo back over at stare at the baby closely. “No way,” Tess says under her breath. “What is it?” “No, nothing. Let’s get going we don’t want to miss Peter.” “Actually I do. I would much rather look at these photos.” “Well at least walk with me.” “Of course Tess. I wouldn’t leave to go over there by yourself.” Tess smiles. “But I think they are trying to cover up a murder.” “You think. I know that is what they are doing. It is what they do. I just don’t know why.” “So there is nothing we can do?” “Yes there is.” Tess and Jen walks up to a three story house that is sitting on top of a hill. Tess pulls open the iron gates and walks up the hill to the house. The house is white with red bricks to outline it. It has large windows on every floor. Parked right outside the house it a black seventy-one chevy nova and a red two-thousand ten charger. The grass is a bright green with garden knorms playing soccer. Tess walks up to the door and knocks on it aggressively. “You know you are starting up trouble.” Tess impatiently taps her foot. “Come on Tess let’s go.” Tess beats on the door again. “Come on out.” The door opens. “What-,” says Carla as she stares. “Carla what on earth are you doing here?” says Jen. Tess stares at Carla as she ties her bathrobe together and crosses her arms. “What are you guys doing here,” says Carla. “No, No No! We ask the question first,” says Jen. “Who was that beating on my door like they lost their damn minds,” says Peter as he walks over in his boxers. Carla slowly closes and opens her eyes and moves to the side. Tess continues to stare at Carla and slowly roll her eyes over to Peter. Veins starts to pop out of Tess’s head as her face turns red. “Oh my God,” says Tess as she steps forward. Peter slowly walks to the door. “Tess… It’s not what you think we were-,” says Peter as he is cut off by Tess. “You think I care about that.” “Tess,” says Carla. “No! You two should get married.” Jen rubs Tess’s back. “Why am I saying sorry, this is my house and you can’t just walk over here like you own this place,” says Peter. “Like I said I’m not here for this. I need to talk to you.” “What, talk to me about what?” “Hey Carla you want to hear a story about Chicago and the world’s nastiest hotel.” “Ok! Oh you wanna talk, that’s cool this way.” Peter grabs Tess walks toward his dad’s study. “Chicago,” says Carla. “Don’t worry it’s nothing,” says Peter as he close the door behind him. Tess turns around and starts slapping Peter. “Hey, hey, you stop that.” “You jerk.” “What is wrong with you?” says Peter as he pushes Tess off of him. “This is another one of your ways of hurting me, isn’t it?” “What, no like I said there is nothing going on here.” Tess like down at his boxers. Peter grabs a large book off of the self and covers his boxers. “I know what it looks like and I’m telling you I was going to give her swimming lessons.” “I don’t care.” “Tess.” “Why do you?” “Well I don’t.” “Good we on the same page. Now can we get to business.” Peter sits the book down. “I haven’t seen your brother or Jack yet but I’m pretty sure they can show up any minute. Who knows where they put Jack. I do know who took him is making him very hard to find but don’t worry Josh will find him. That’s if he is still alive, definitely with Nick on his a*s.” “That’s not why I’m here.” “What! Then why are you here?” “I’m here because of your dad. He’s a jerk too, I guess it runs in the family.” Tess gives a fake smiles. “Did he arrest you because that would actually be funny.” “I was telling him about the body I found out by the lake.” “What! Didn’t I tell you not to say anything?” “Yes I found a body and he is completely covering it up. Just like you. I want to know why.” “What makes you think that I’m covering this up?” “Please, since the beginning you didn’t want me telling your dad about this body.” “Well yea, I have my reasons.” “Let’s hear them” “You wouldn’t understand.” “I think I do. Josh said that my dad is a phantom, which means that your dad has to be one as well. You just trying to protect your murderous father.” “My dad is not a phantom.” “Ugh!” “It was my mother. She was the phantom… Before she died she told my dad everything that he had to do for me to become one.” Peter trembles as he walks over to his father’s desk. “You are scared of something, aren't you?” Peter looks at as his breaths quickens. “Look just leave it alone.” “You know what did this. Tell me.” Peter rubs his hands together as he continues to tremble. “What the hell is going on here,” says Josh as he opens the door. “Josh!,” yells Tess as she jump on him. Peter jumps up from his seat. “Josh good to see you,” says Peter. “I bet.” Josh looks Peter up and down as Peter covers himself with another book. “Where is Jack?” says Tess. “He is outside explaining to Jen and Carla why they have to leave.” “Why do they have to leave?” “Because we have bigger problems now.” “Peter put some cloths on man,” says Ron as he walks in the room. “So I guess if Ron is here then everyone is here. Great!” says Peter as he leaves the room. “So you heard about what happened here,” says Tess. “No, what happened?” “Wait, what did you mean by we have bigger problems now?” “It’s Q she is going to end this war.” “Josh what happened?” “Well as soon as I gave Peter the signal to get you out of there we had to fight Nick.
~ ~ ~
The hotel is engulfed in flames and in the middle of it is Josh and his friends with Nick. Nick is pouring flames out of his hands as Josh struggles to hold up his shield of energy. Nick takes a step forward as he pushes Josh back. “Ron anytime now.” Ron jumps in the air slamming his fist on the ground and sends blue flames along the floor. Nick stops and jumps in the air. Instantly Josh punches Nick in his face but he catches it with his hands. Nick throws Josh’s fist and kicks him in the face knocking him on the ground. Right away Ron punches Nick in the stomach and he laughs. He grabs Ron’s arm twisting it as Ron struggles to break free. Suddenly chains wrap themselves around Nick as he lets go of Ron. Nick grabs the chains and rips them off of him, throwing them to the ground. Nick lands on the ground as Josh flies through the air and kicks Nick in his face but Nick grabs his leg slamming Josh’s face into the ground. Ron holds his fist in the air as his blue flames appear. Nick takes a breath and blows out Ron flames. Ron stares at his hand as Carl walks up behind him. “We can do this all day boys. It’s nothing to me,” says Nick. “You are not human,” says Ron. “Who ever said I was a human?” Ron spit on the ground as he holds up his fist. “I don’t think they get it,” says a woman. Nick let’s go of Josh and kneels down. Josh stands up and stares at the woman. She has blue hair with black stains in it. Her eyes are blue and she has long earrings of a upside down cross. She is wearing a black one piece swimsuit with a long black cloak. Her lips are black and she has light brown skin. She is wearing high heels and has a five pointed star on her right hand. She slowly struts over to Nick and pats him on his head. “Long time no see, Josh.” “Damn it,” says Josh. “Who is this Josh?” says Ron. “Oh I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Q your fearless leader. It would be wise to bend the knee,” says Q as she smiles. “So this is her, huh?” says Ron. “Josh how rude of you not to introduce me to your new friends. You should know how I feel about other members creating new ones.” “I didn’t make them. My dad found them and helped them make it this far.” “Josh, you act like that makes a difference,” says Q in a baby’s voice. “Look here we will accept the punishment, just let us go.” “Josh, I always loved how responsible you are and because of that I can maybe find it in my heart to forgive but… I still waiting for y’all to bend the knee,” yells Q intensely. Everyone drops to their knees as they stares at the ground with their eyes wide and trembles as Q walks up to them. “What the hell,” says Ron. “You kids know nothing about what you are or what you’re capable of doing. Well that’s probably because I never had to the chance to take you under my wing.” Q steps to Josh and falls to the ground as lays next to him. She stares into Josh’s eyes as she caresses his face. “Well before you die I will teach you a little about us. Lesson one, did you know when a soul meets another soul there is a clash between them? You see the lesser soul becomes slave to the greater one. It has to follow any command that it is given. But there is a limit. Wouldn’t you like me to tell you,” says Q as she laughs. Q stands up and walk back over to Nick. “No one commands me to do anything,” says Ron. “Ron, shut your mouth.” says Josh. “Oh is a demonstration in order?” says Q. “No!,” yells Josh. Q lifts your hand in the air. “Cadere” Everyone falls flat to the ground. Ron tries to rise up but the air pushes him back down. His bones start to crack as he screams in agony. Josh turns his head over to Ron as he screams. The sound of Ron’s back breaking sends a tears flying out of Josh’s eyes. He watches as Ron chokes on his own blood. “No!” “You see, this is what happens when you mess with me but still. Your bones are not breaking.” Josh struggles to turn his head towards Q as she walks up to him. “Screw you.” Q kneels down and holds Josh’s head up with her finger. “You were truly blessed with the body of Arken. Such a waste.” Q kisses Josh on the forehead and walks away. “Why! Why do you hate us?” Q stops and turns around. “You killed my family. Why?” says Josh as he whimpers. “Oh yes I will grant you that before you die.” Q walks back over to Josh. “One, I didn’t kill your uncle.” Josh holds his mouth wide open as his face hits the ground sobbing. “No. I had to have been you.” “Josh, you know that I’m not a liar.” “Then who?” “Well I don’t know that silly but I have to tell you, I did take pleasure in killing your father.” Josh instantly rise his head as his eyes widen. “What?” “Josh, are you listening? I’m trying to answer your question, so pay attention. Your father saw something that he shouldn’t have seen. Son of b***h almost exposed everything that I am trying to do.” “You killed my father?” “Yes I did, well, technically anyway.” “The hell does that mean?” Q smiles while pacing back and forth. “Lesson two, did you know that a soul can absorb another.” “The hell are you talking about?” “I ate him. I ate his soul, silly.” One of Josh’s bone cracks as he screams in agony. “Looks like it about that time but you look so delicious. You don’t know what a rush it is to eat a soul, Josh. It’s like having sex but only it feels ten times better. Oh would you let me eat you?” says Q as she moans. “Get the hell away from me!” “Lesson three, the more you torture the soul the juicier it becomes.” Q rubs her finger on Josh’s face making a cut as a bright blue light flows from his face. Q lets it run on her finger and suck it off as her eyes roll to the back of head. “Help!,” Josh screams. “Josh I can’t wait anymore. I must have you.” Q reach towards the sky as lightning forms around her hand. “Join your father.” Q throws her fist towards Josh as he close his eyes. Josh breathes heavier as the pressure on his back is lifted and trembles as he slowly opens his eyes. Q is standing over him with the bolt of lightning stopped in midair. Josh tries to move but cannot. He screams until he hears footsteps. Josh looks up to see a woman wearing a purple cloak walking towards him. Josh exhales out of his mouth as he stares at her. Her cloak is blowing. She is wearing a purple cloth that is like a sports bra and has on a long skirt. She also has a belly ring of a cross. She has gold braces around her hands and feet. She is barefooted but her feet are unblemished. Her skin is that of caramel and she smell like roses. She has a long tattoo of a dragon on her right leg. She steps to Josh. “Do you want my help?” “Who the hell are you and how are you doing this?” “That was not my question.” “How can you help me?” “What has been done can be undone but only to prolong the inevitable.” “The hell are you talking about?” “Do you want my help or not?” Josh looks up at Q and then to the ground. “Yes, if you can save me from this creature then yes,” screams Josh. “Very well.” The woman blows a kiss to Josh and they fade away. Q slams her fist into the ground. “What the hell. Where did they go?” “I sent them away,” says the woman. Q turns around. “Who the hell are you?” The woman remains silent. “Answer me.” “I see that you are going to be a problem. You were added and therefore not needed.” “Added? Who the hell do you think you’re talking to.” The woman claps her hand together and slams them to the ground as she chants. “Dear heavens lend me the keys to the gates of hell.” The ground turns into a pit of fire. “What is this. I never seen this spell before.” Nick runs towards the woman. “Begone,” says the woman as she looks at Nick. The air punches Nick in the stomach and sends him flying towards the burning hotel. She look back at Q. “This is not a spell. Seal thee, devorandum.” Hands appear out of the fire and begin to drag Q in the pit. Q screams and passes out. Suddenly her eyes open but this time they are black with a blue pentagram in them. Her voice is deepened. “You know this will not hold me,” says the voice that comes from Q. “No, it won’t but it will give me time.” “You cannot stop me. I will have her. She will be mine.” Q is consumed by the pit as it closes behind her. “Not on my watch,” says the woman as she walks away.
~ ~ ~
“Next thing I know I wake up in a hotel next to Ron. I could have sworn that he was dead but there he was. He hasn’t said anything about it since we left. It was like a dream but I know it was real,” says Josh. “That sounds very intense. So you don’t know what happen to Q?” “No, I don’t but I know that she killed dad, Tess. I was hoping that he was hiding somewhere but he is gone.” Tess hugs Josh tightly. “She will pay for this Josh. We will make her pay.” Josh laughs. “You make it sound like all we have to do is think it.” “Josh, we will find a way.” “I’m sorry about uncle Luis. I know Q is not a liar. Which mean she didn’t kill him.” “Don’t worry about that. We can leave that for another day. I’m glad you are ok.” Josh kisses Tess on the forehead. “Hey do you know if Q is still after us?” “We don’t, Carl found us and told us that Nick is coming for all of us.” “So that’s the bad news?” “Yea but more so…” “What Josh?” “Why wasn’t Carl in the room with us. How did he just so happen to run into Nick again and live?” Josh looks over to Carl. Carl smiles back at Josh and waves. “Tess, whatever you do, don’t be alone with him until we figure this out. I have a bad feeling.” “Ok, but I have something else to tell you.” “What is it?” “Well, I can show you actually.” Tess takes out an earring of upside down cross. Josh stares at it and takes it from Tess. “Where did you get this?” “Back in Chicago. I was following you and there was this moment of creepiness and it was on the ground. Do you think Q was following me back then?” “No, Q would have taken you and this feels like something different. Something is not right. Did you tell anyone else?” “No.” “Good we need to figure this out before we tell anyone and definitely around Carl.” Peter walks in the room while putting on a shirt. “Let’s get this over with.” says Peter. Jack walks in the house with Jen. Tess runs up to Jack jumping on him. “Jack, are you ok?” “Yea I’m fine. How about you?” “I’m as good as I will ever get.” “I got you.” “Why is she still here?” says Peter as he points at Jen. “She said that she is not leaving Tess with creeps like yourself and if I tried to force her she will kill me in my sleep. I believe her,” says Jack. Jen folds her arms and stares at Peter intensely. “For some reason I believe her, too.” says Peter. “Well prepare to have your mind blown.” Jen rolls her eyes and walks in the living room with everyone else. Tess follows and sits next to her and holds her hand. “Good everyone's here.” says Josh. Peter sits on the couch next to Tess and Tess moves away from him. “So what’s good,” says Peter. “Q is ending the war,” says Carl. “What! The hell did y’all do?” “Nothing that is worth talking about.” says Josh as he stares at Carl. “Mhmm, excuse me Josh. I know that Ron and Carl over there have no idea of what Q is capable of but me and you do. So let’s stop playing games here,” says Peter. “Actually we do,” says Ron. “Oh some you just up ran over to Q’s house and had dinner with her. My bad.” “She came and kicked our asses,” says Ron. Peter stands up. “You fought- you fought her,” says Peter aggressively. “Yes we did,” says Josh. “You stupid son of a… Damn it Josh. Why are you creating problems?” “She killed my dad. She said it right to my face as she was about to kill me.” Peter holds his head and paces in a circle. “So she actually did it. S**t man. We are dead. Your dad man- your dad was good to all of us. Why would she kill him?” “She said that he saw something and that was trying to use that to take her down.” “This doesn’t make any sense. How the hell did y’all make it out of there alive?” “Hold on, what the hell are y’all talking about?” asks Jen. “Please, not the time ugly duckling.” says Peter. “Screw you, Josh are you saying that your dad was murdered?” Josh nods his head as Tess squeezes Jen hand tightly. “Holy s**t, is she the one that killed your uncle?” asks Jen. Josh shakes his head. “Y’all still don’t know who killed your uncle. This is madness but why are we talking about this amongst ourselves and not to the police?” asks Jen. “Miss duckling are you finished? I believe I had the floor,” says Peter as he rolls his eyes toward Josh. “So Josh how did you get away?” “We didn’t. Someone came and saved us.” says Josh. “Oh your fairy godmother came?” asks Peter sarcastically. “No, I believe it was a witch.” “Oh something ever more absurd.” “It’s possible,” says Ron. “No it’s not Ron. You wanna know why it’s not possible? Because in the last thousand years there has only been five witches, most of them living two- hundred to three-hundred years apart. If you have forgotten I can remind you that Q is the witch that’s been living here for the last two-hundred years.” says Peter. “What the hell are you guys talking about?” asks Jen. “No duckling, save your questions for the end because apparently I have to explain to Josh why the idea of a new witch is dangerous.” “Come on Peter, you know with a new witch we can start our own fraction.” “I just knew you were going to say that. You wanna die do you? That has to be the case.” “Look this is the only way we can be free of Q.” “No it’s not. Not even close. If you want to be free of Q you could take your family and live the rest of your day under a rock. That’s what you would have done but no, you want to fight her. You want revenge and you want us to help you with it. You are a bad leader Josh.” The room is silent as everyone stares at Josh. “I never asked to be a leader and yes I want revenge.” Josh stares at Ron. “It wasn’t until I saw the fraction go down that I realized how bad of a leader I have been. You are right, I am a terrible leader. So let me make it right.” Peter sits down. “How?” “With this witch.” “God-” “Hear me out Peter. She not only saved us, she saved Jack as well.” Peter looks over to Jack. “I was in hell and she came and pulled me out. I had given up on everything and she gave me hope. I don’t know anything about what you guys are talking about but I do know that the woman in the purple cloak is a friend. And I think we should give her a chance,” says Jack. Josh places his hand on Peter’s shoulders. “Peter, I’m sorry that I put you in this position but can I count on you?” Peter bites his lips and throws his hands in the air. “If I’m going to die, might as well go out with a bang.” Peter hugs Josh. “I’m sorry about your dad man. Let’s kill the SOB.” Josh smiles as he pats Peter back. “Why are y’all so buddy buddy? Were you not about to rip each other's heads off.” “Me and Josh are best friends. We been in this for a long time now.” Tess stares at Josh with her mouth open. “Josh the hell is he talking about?” “Nothing. I have a plan for Q.” “Can I talk now,” yells Jen. “I can't help but notice that we talking about murdering somebody and witches. What are y’all a fan club?” Ron holds up his hand and turn on his blue flames. “Ahh!” Jen jump up from the couch and runs to the door but Jack catches her. “Ron… Really?” says Peter nonchalantly. “I figure it would be quicker to show her than to explain our situation.” “Sure you did.” Peter walks over to Jen. “Duckling calm down.” “What the hell are you people?” “Tess I leave that task up to you. Please by all means take her outside.” Tess gets up and grabs Jen by the hand. “Come Jen, let’s talk.” Tess and Jen walks out of the house. Jack walks over to Josh and whispers. “Hey, why didn’t you tell them the other thing?” ask Jack. “What other thing?” asks Josh. “The woman didn’t just save us because she loved us. She wanted something in return.” “I was going to tell them that later.” “Hmm, Josh you should know that I can spot a lie a mile away.” “They don’t need to know.” “She made it very clear. In order to save the world, Tess must die.” Josh looks around and moves closer to Jack. “Keep that to yourself. I plan on finding out what she means by that.” “Yea, Just keep leading people to their graves.” Jack walks out of the house. “What are you two whispering about over there?” says Peter. “Nothing.” “Alright so let's hear about this plan of yours.” “Well first I have to go find the witch. Before we left she told where to find her. At the birth place.” “Alright and.” “Well that’s it.” “Hold on, your only plan is to find the witch and do what, marry her?” “We can form a pact like Tezza did with Terra.” “Oh, god for the love of Jesus. Do you even know how to form a pact?” “No but I can try.” “Ok, just let me hook up with a few chicks before we go.” “I’m going alone.” “The hell are you talking about?” “I need your spear here, to protect Tess. Remember Q sent her a letter. So she might be looking for Tess.” “What would Q want with Tess?” “Well probably because she will be a witch,” says Ron. “The hell are you talking about Ron?” says Peter. “Well you never paid attention to her. You were to busy picking a fight with her.” says Ron. “She started it.” says Peter. “Sure she did but that's not my point. You can smell it on her. The potential that is running through her is massive. She very well might become the next witch.” says Ron. “That would actually make sense.” says Josh. “That would suck,” says Peter. “Yea for you,” says Carl. Josh stares at Carl. “Look, I’m going to pack and leave right away. Y’all stay here and protect Tess if Q come before I get back.” “Will do.” says Ron.” “Wait.” says Peter. “What?” “Before you go I want you to know that Tess found a body in the lake.” “What the hell. Someone died?” “That’s not the worst part. It had no soul.” Josh stares at Peter intensely. “Show me.”
Tess and Jen are walking on the main road in town. Jen throws her hands in the air with her mouth open. “So you are telling me that your dad and uncle were apart of some secret society that protect the world from ghosts?” says Jen. “Yea, it sounds crazy but that’s what Josh told me.” “So everything in your dad’s journal is real?” “Yea I guess so.” “Well what does it say about these ghosts?” “I don’t know.” “Tess you telling me that you discovered, The Protectors of Earth, and your dad leaves you with a handbook on them, which is totally like this anime I just watched.” “Jen.” “My point is that your non-existing curiosity is freaking me out.” “I’m curious. I asked them a lot of questions.” “Questions. That’s not curiosity. After seeing that cute guy by the way, starting fire with his hands, my first thoughts were to run, yes. After that, how the hell did you do that and what are you. Third question is how the hell can I do that?” “I have no interest in whatever they are. Just look at the crazy they are in.” “I have no interest in power. Shut up Tess.” Jen mimics Tess. Tess stops walking and stares at Jen from the corner of her eye. “Your family has been blessed with some supernatural power, which is a way out of your so called miserable life and you stand there pissing it away. That pissess me off.” “My life is miserable. Have you forgotten what this town has done to me?” “Well Tess, apparently this town does that to your family as a whole. Which probably has something to do with this secret society. It’s probably in your blood to become one of them.” “I don’t want to be one of them.” “Shut up, Tess. If I was born with your family’s powers I would killed my so called foster whatever years ago.” “What are your talking about Jen.” “That day you were in the hospital for being stupid. I was also there earlier because my foster guy played ping pong with my face.” “Your dad beats you?” “Don’t call him that,” yells Jen as she moves closer to Tess’s face. “He is nothing to me.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” “Because your life is miserable and it has no room for anyone else's misery but I get it Tess. I get it.” “Jen that's not fair. I just found out about this and sorry I didn’t rush to become one of them but I’m still thinking about my father who was murdered and my uncle. This group screams trouble.” “Well I don’t care. Sign me up. I want in.” “Jen.” “Give me your dad’s journal so I can find out how to become one,” Jen reaches her hand out. “Jen.” “If you not to tell me then let me find out on my own.” “You have to die,” says Jack as he puts his arms around Jen and Tess. “Jack, what are you doing here?” says Tess. “I miss you guys.” says Jack. “Well looks like the gang is back to together.” says Tess. “You should know, you’re the one that broke it up.” says Jack. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to leave you like that.” “Yea, you did.” “Well I’m sorry whether you believe me or not.” “Sure, take a walk with me this way.” Everyone walks into town. “Jack, what did you say earlier?” asks Jen. “Well I couldn’t help but to overhear you guys and to my understanding you want to be like them.” “Yes I do.” “Then you have to die.” “What do you mean?” “Well when Josh was explaining to me what the phantoms are, the same question came to mind. He said that phantoms are really spirits or souls without a body. When a soul is powerful enough it can out live it’s body.” “Come on Jack, if that was true then everyone would become one.” “Well is not that simple. Souls alone don’t have the power needed to out live it’s body. So something or rather someone has to lend you the energy you need to live on.” “The queen,” says Tess. “What?” says Jen. “Carl said that they all met the queen. She is probably the one that gave them their power but how is she doing it?” “What do you mean Tess,” asks Jack. “Well you said soul can’t outlive their bodies without a boost. I’m guessing a massive amount of energy if you can start fires and stop time. My question is how can someone give multiple people that amount energy and live.” “Maybe she has a massive soul.” “No, she would have to be a endless energy source to give everyone their powers which mean she couldn’t possibly be a soul.’” “Maybe she is a god,” says Jen. “Jen, don’t start with me.” “Whatever it is, you have to die and be worthy of meeting this person,” says Jack. “Wait, if you have to die, does that mean that Josh died and I didn’t know about it?” “It would seem so.” Tess falls on her knees. “My mom is the only living person in my family. Is this some sick joke?” “The way I look at it, Josh is alive and well. So get up. We still have a job to do.” “What would that be?” says Tess as she stands up. “We still don’t know who killed your uncle and my money is still on the commander. So, anything new happen since I was gone.” “Yea, we totally found a dead body,” says Jen. “Really, what does the commander has to say about it?” “He covered it up.” “Figures.” “We did get our hands on this.” Jen takes out the black folder from her beg. “The hell is this?” “It was in a secret draw that I discovered in the commander's office.” Jack pats Jen on her back. “Good work, see Tess, she makes a great partner.” Jen folds her arms and smile at Tess. “Whatever.” says Tess. “Come on we are almost there.” “Where are we going?” “We are going to solve this case remember.” “Yea you just pass the police station.” “Do you honestly think they are going to tell me anything?” “Well, they are covering it up.” “See they ain’t going to tell us anything. We have to go to the source.” “Where is that?” “The place where lawyers go.” Jack walks up to Joe’s bar and points to the sign. “Lawyers take the bar not go to one.” “You just a little bucket of kill joy ain’t ya?” “Why are we here.” “Did you know that in most stories the people that go missing are usually drunk?” “What are you, a nerd?” “No, you can call me a detective.” Everyone walks inside and sees that there is one person there sleeping at the bar. “Maybe that guy knows something.” says Tess. “Rookie. Hello, can I get a beer.” yells Jack as he knock on the bar counter. “We do not serve beers this early,” says Joe as he walks in the room. Joe looks at Tess and Jen as they wave at him. “And I don’t allow kids in my bar.” “Oh looks like you no longer thinking about money. Good for you but don’t worry about them or the beer. I’m here for some information.” “What are you, a cop?” “That be funny Joe, that almost hurt.” “What do you want Jack?” “Does your friend over there usually sleep in?” Joe looks down the counter where the man is sitting. “Him, he’s hungover from the party that they threw last night.” “There was a party here.” Jack looks at Tess and she rolls her eyes. Jen rubs her chin and nods her head. “So was there anyone that had a little too much to drink?” “Well if you ask me they all did but I had to kick Billy out.” “Billy, who is Billy?” “He’s a friend a mine. He left town last night.” “Oh really. He drove out of town drunk last night?” “No I have his keys right here,” says Joe as he hands Jack Billy’s keys. “How do you know that he left town.” “The commander came down and told me.” “Really that’s interesting. Well thank you for you time.” “Anytime. Oh yea can you check out the side street behind the bar, some people came in here complaining about their car gone missing. I tried to tell the commander but he seemed busy.” “Sure, will do.” “Where are we going now?” says Tess. “Well I’m going to check out this street.” “Why, what does that have to do with the case?” “Well you never know, You coming with.” “Like I have a choice.” Everyone walks to the side street and stops at the entrance and slowly walks in. “What the hell happened here?” The side street is completely destroyed. The plants are dead, the buildings are nothing but dust and there are shadows of where the cars use to be. The sky itself is dark and frightening. Jack takes out his gun. “Holy s**t. This is freaky.” says Jen. Jack squats down and touches the shadow of where the cars used to be with his gun. The tip of his gun starts to slowly rust. Jack stares at it intensely. “What the-” “There is no need for that” Everyone turns around to see Nick standing behind them. “That gun will do you no good here.” “You did this,” says Tess. “Well, what if I did? What would you do?” “Shut up you,” says Jack as he points the gun at Nick. “What do you want?” asks Tess. “Who is this guys?” says Jen. “He is the one that Josh and everyone was fighting.” “Oh… so why are we not running?” “Jen, Tess, get behind me.” “Don’t be silly,” says Nick. Tess and Jen run behind Jack. “You not going anywhere near her.” “Look, I know what you may think of me but I am here to warn you. Leave.” “Leave?” “Leave this town because it is going to be destroyed when Q returns.” “She’s not dead.” says Jack. “No, only temporarily sealed. She will be back and will kill everyone in this state.” “The hell are you talking about?” “Q is different. She is surrounded by a darkness in which I never seen before.” “Dark forces?” “Yes, Jack there are dark forces in the universe. To think that it would happen in this time.” “I’m going back home. I don’t like it here anymore. Wait, that’s right, I don’t have a home anymore.” “Wait Nick, if you know what she was planning to do then tell me.” “I would if I could.” Tears fall from Nick’s eyes. “Don’t let it get in your head.” Jack put down his guns. “Nick you expect us to believe whatever you are saying?” asks Tess. Nick smiles at Tess. “ You think this is funny. You tried to kill my brother.” “I love to fight that’s all. I don’t like to kill. I never knew that was her intentions.” Nick takes out a cigarette and lights it. He takes a long puff and blows towards the sky. “Nick,” says Jack. Nick looks at Jack from the corner of his eyes. “Don’t let it get in your head.” Jack blinks and Nick is no longer in front of him. Jack looks to the left and then to the right and throws down his gun. “Ok that was a little scary,” says Jen. Jack stares at the ground. “Don’t let it get in your head. Who the hell does he think he is?” says Tess. “Tess,” says Josh. “Josh, what are you doing here?” “Peter told me what happen with the bodies” “You know what did this?” “Yea we looked it up in dad’s journal.” “I have dad’s journal.” “You have one of them.” “So, what is it?” “It’s something that we phantoms have not seen in the last hundred years. The reason why we were created. I believe that the ghosts has returned.” “What?” “Ghost! Ghost.” “Ghost?” “Yes, if it is the ghost then we are going to need help. We don’t know how to fight them. I going to the kingdom. To find the woman in the purple cloak. “Where?” “I can’t explain this right now but dad talked about a birthplace of the phantoms and it just so happens to be the place where the woman told me she will be. So if that’s true maybe we can get some help, not only for the ghost, but for Q as well.” “You think that will work?” asks Jack. Josh and Jack share a look. “I’m going to be back, stay safe.” Josh runs up and hugs Tess. “And whatever you do, don’t fight the ghost.” “Josh! You just got here.” “Hey let him do this. If Josh is putting his faith in this woman then things are going to get bad. Things are going to get really bad,” says Jack. Josh pats Jack on his shoulders and nods his head. Jack looks away. Josh takes a deep breath and kisses Tess on the forehead. He turns around and Jen embraces him tightly. He kisses Jen on the forehead as well. Josh runs off towards the mountains. “Tess we have to move on. We still to solve this case.” says Jack. “Jack, do you really think this is the time.” says Tess. “Something big is about to go down but all we can do is solve the case.” says Jack. Jack looks at Tess timidly. “Tess, if you were to die today what would think would happen?” “Frankly I don’t care. I don’t want to think about any of this.” “Tess what are you doing back here,” asks Thomas. “Thomas, I haven’t seen you in a while.” “Yea, what going on back here.” Thomas stares at Jack as he step towards him. “None of your business,” says Jack. “Jack it’s cool. That’s mystery guy,” says Jen. “Mystery guy, I don’t like the sound of that. Tess we need to get going.” “No, I’m going home. I need to take a break from all of this.” “Tess.” “I don’t think she wants to go with you man.” says Thomas. Jack steps towards him. “Jack stop. I’m going home. Thomas can you take me?” “Yea,” says Thomas as he slowly smirks at Jack. Thomas wraps his arms around Tess as they walk off. “Jack what was that?” “I don’t like that guy.” “Why, he looks like a good guy.” “I don’t know I feel it something is off.” “Hmm ok.” “Well it’s look like it just going to be you and me.” Jen grabs Jack’s arm. “Yes, we can start with the people in the folder.” “Hey, how your brother and sister doing?” “They are doing fine thanks to you. I have been staying with Ms. Wright and they sleep in Josh’s room. He’s never there.” “That sounds good.” “Yea I think Ms. Wright is sober or something.” “Really?” “Yea, she like totally buys them toys and clothes and what not. I guess she is trying to make up for Tess.” “I guess so.” “But enough of that. You need to look at these people.” Jack opens the file and flips through the pages. “Failed subjects. The hell is this?” “I have no idea but look at this.” Jen shows Jack the photo of Luis Wright and Mr. Smith standing in front of the haunted house with a baby. “Is that Tess?” “I think so but Tess doesn’t believe it is her.” “I see. Is that the house y’all were having that party in?” “Yea it is.” “Well maybe we should give it a visit.” “Sure why not but can we drive? I’m tired of walking.” Jack laughs. “Yeah, me too.”
Tess and Thomas are walking on Cursor Street as Tess stares at the ground with her arms folded. “Tess.” Tess looks up at Thomas. “Huh.” “You haven’t said a word. What’s on your mind?” “It’s nothing.” “Well, obviously it's not.” Thomas grabs Tess’s arm and turns her around. “Talk to me.” Tess looks into his eyes and looks away. “It’s a family issue.” “Oh, family drama. We have it.” Tess smirks. “Not like mine.” “Well, we all think that.” Tess tilts her head as she looks into Thomas’s eyes. “Well, let me start.” Thomas wrap his arms around Tess and they continue to walk. “Start what?” “Listen, Listen. I have issues with my mom.” “Really.” “Yea. She kind of does things that I disagree with.” Tess nods her head as she moves closer to Thomas. “She also want me to do things I disagree with. To be something I’m not. So we fight and bad things happen. Sometimes I just wish my mom would be, you know, a mom.” “It’s crazy you say that. I definitely feel that same way with my mom. She never acted like one. I often wonder what it is like to have a real mom or any other mom than her.” Thomas smiles. “You know, maybe we should run away.” “And go where?” “Anywhere but here.” “As much as I would like that, I don't think I can leave now. There is a lot going on, not just with my mom but my brother as well.” “Oh ok.” “But after this, I think I would like that.” “You would?” “Yea, I would.” Tess wraps her arms around Thomas and closes her eyes as their lips fall into one another. Thomas lends his forehead against Tess’s forehead as they stares into each other eyes. Thomas takes a deep breath. “This wasn’t a part of the plan.” “What do you mean?” Thomas kisses Tess on the forehead and paces back and forth. “I wasn’t expecting you to be beautiful. You are breathtaking.” “What are you talking about?” “Tess if you were to die, do you think you would live on or go to heaven?” Tess takes a step back. “Wow, that seems pretty random and scary for that matter,” Thomas stops pacing. “I’m sorry. A lot has been on my mind as well. Forget what I just said.” “Ok, well, there’s my house. I guess I will see you later.” “Wait Tess. I want you to know how I feel.” Tess kisses Thomas on his cheek. “I know how you feel silly. I don’t go around kissing random guys.” Thomas smiles as he pulls Tess towards him. “I will be here tomorrow.” “Alright I guess I can let you go.” Tess waves as she walks into her yard. Thomas looks at the ground and punches a tree. He walks away kicking the ground.
Jack and Jen are in the car driving to the haunted house. Jack stares out of the window as Jen looks through the files. “What do you make of the files?” asks Jack. “Shh! I’m reading.” “Well are you going to share?” “I’m reading a report. A pretty crazy one at that.” “So what does it say?” “Well, for starter, the report says that it took over four hundred people to complete the task. That at last, they have found the solution to the problems of the world. Didn’t you say that there were over five hundred missing people tied to this case?” “Yea I did.” Jack reaches to the back seat of his car grabbing the black box. “Check this out.” Jen grabs the box from Jack. “Missing people, where did you find this?” “It was in one of the boxes that in storage, not to mention that there is another room that was sealed off in that room. That’s where I found the picture.” “Why haven’t you open this?” “Well as you can see, this box needs a key.” “Please, I can open this. Just wait until we stop but, by the looks of it this town is the center place for whatever is going on. How could they have kept all these people out of the news?” “You would need the entire police force to clean it up and remain silence.” Jack and Jen shares a look. “Even if that was so, the family of these people would be looking for them.” “What do you think cleaning it up means?” Jen starts to shake. “I have never notice anyone disappearing.” Jen slaps her head. “The Fundraiser.” “What about it?” “The winner gets to take a tour of Mr. Smith factory but now that I pay attention, I never seen any of those people again.” Jen flips through the pages of the files. “What is Jen?” Jen stops on one of the picture of a bald man. “Oh my god. I remember him. This is Mr. Brown. He was the winner at the last Fundraiser, seven years ago. What the hell is going on?” “Rudy, I think I get it now.” “The hell are you talking about?” “Rudy one of the officer back at the station. She said you learn not to ask questions.” “Well that’s it. We need to call the FBI or the president.” “Claim yourself Jen. You have seen what or at least heard what these people can do. Do really think that this is a problem for people that are living? We need to know why they were taking these people. What else does the report say?” Jen flips back to the reports and stares at it intensely. “What?” “What is it?” “This- this is Mr. Luis’s signature.” “Who?” “Mr. Luis- Luis Wright, Tess’s uncle. The reason we all doing this and this is his signature at the end of this report.” yells Jen. She starts to breathe heavily and rock back and forth. “Jen.” “No, this is crazy.” “Jen,” yells Jack. “Focus, what does he has to do with all this?” Jen stares at the dashboard and puts her hand on her chest. She looks over to Jack as he continues to drive. She takes a deep breath and continues to read the report. “Well, the report says that it over four hundred people.” “Jen, we know this already.” “Right, let me just read it out loud.”
Finally after years of research, I have found the answer to the world. It took over four hundred people to get here but we are here, that’s all the matters. The soul is something that none of us have been able to create or rather enhance. There is no difference between phantoms and the ghost rather that god didn’t have a hand in the ghost. Man created them. I have created them or use to. Q has forbidden me from creating anymore. Now she is the only one that can create them and is creating them at a rate at which I never done. It took me ten years to make one. At this rate she should have an army that would be large enough to take over earth, but I don’t think that’s her goal. One ghost would be enough to kill a large amount of humans. The were meant to be protector but now they kill the air around them. I have do something. I feel sorry for those that lose their lives, those that were tricked into this experiment. I wish to never see another person in the house of invitation. Offering people a better life. A life with no disease. A life where you can live forever. I hate myself. I should have listen to Alexander when he told me not to trust that woman but it is too late for that. I know this sound like a journal entry and that is because this is my last report. I will burn this town down if I have to, to make this stop. So that being said my task is complete and I used it to create this beautiful little girl. She is the key to my research. I put all the lives of those people into her. She is no longer human but legion. And it is my hope that she will destroy this fraction. She will destroy the ghost.
“What does this mean?” ask Jen. Jack pulls up to the haunted house and park in front of it. “Well, It mean that Luis created the ghost and Q take his research and turned them into something else.” “What about this baby?” Jen flips through the pages and pulls out a photo. “Here this is the baby.” Jack looks at the photo of Mr. Smith and Luis holding a baby. “Who do you think this baby is?” “Well obviously this is Tess.” “I’m not too sure.” “Why?” “Well, this picture was taken in may of ninety three. When was Tess born?” “She was born… december of ninety three.” “You see, she wasn’t even born yet. Wow this place looks like it’s been through hell.” says Jack. “Well a group of teenagers did throw a party here.” “Yea you’re right. It should look worse.” “I never thought that I would be back here. That stupid prank that Peter did was intense. That was the first time that you saved me.” “Don’t mention it. I was doing my job.” Jack opens the car door. “You coming?” Jen stares at the dashboard. “Hey, we can think about some of this later.” “What if he was a bad man?” Jack takes a deep breath. “How I’m going to tell Tess?’ “That does not matter. He was still murdered and with this report being in the commander's office in a secret draw, I think we found our own number one suspect but I can’t go down there and do anything stupid without proof. So you can save your judgement for later because if I’m right, then we have a killer running the town. So are you coming?” “Yea, I’m coming.” says Jen as she wipes her face. Jack and Jen walk into the house as Jack takes out his flashlight and turns it on. “It pretty dark in here. And what is that god awful smell?” Jack covers his nose. “That is the smell of…” Jen coughs as she covers her nose. “I don’t know what the hell that is.” Jack walks further into the livingroom and points the flashlight at the basement door that is open. “The smell is getting stronger over here.” Jen walks behind Jack as they take a step downstairs. Jack moves the light towards the ceiling to see spiders crawling around. They take another step and point the light towards the stairs. Jack stares at a broken step and slowly steps over it. He reaches his hand out to Jen and helps her down. Jen nods at Jack as they continue to walk downstairs. Jack points the light at the light switch on the wall and turns them on. Jack drops the flashlight as he takes out his phone. Jen runs to the closest and throws up in a bucket. There are four rotting bodies lying on the ground. Jack takes pictures as he walks over to the closest door. “You ok?” “No.” Jen vomits again. “Just stay there.” “Ok.” Jack walks over to the bodies as he takes out a pen. He lifts up the lips of one of the bodies. They all have wrinkly skin with green blackened eyes. All of their mouth are open and they all have on the same blue uniform. “What the hell are you doing here Copemen or should I call you Slayer?” says the commander. “I should have known that this is your doing. How are you killing these people, come on tell me.” “Jack, you don’t understand s**t.” The commander sheds a tear. “I ain't no murderer. I just the clean up guy.” “Clean up for who?” “The woman in the black cloak.” Jack scratches his head. “You mean purple cloak?” “No I mean what I said. The woman in the black cloak. She has a upside down cross on her hand.” “What?” “Jack, you have to go. Just leave town and never look back. Forget that you ever came here.” Jen covers her mouth as she looks through the crack of the closet door. “Now why would I do that, Frank? You need to turn yourself in.” “I don’t plan on doing that.” The commander takes out his gun. Jack reaches for his gun but his hoster is empty. “S**t, I dropped my gun. So what you going to do, kill me here and now?” “This is not for you. It is for me. I came down here to kill myself.” Jack holds his hand out. “Hey, you don’t have to do that. You might spend life in jail but that better than killing yourself.” “Jack, you don’t understand. I can’t get it out of my head.” “The hell are you talking about?” “It’s in my head. Get it out of my head,” yells the commander as Jack grabs the gun from him. “Frank, what’s in your head?” “The voice. The voice wants me to do things. Please I have to make it stop.” “Nick was saying the same thing. Is it the darkness?” The commander stares at the ground and screams at the top of his lungs while holding his head. Jack points the gun at him as he stops screaming. “She is here. Jack run.” “I’m not going anywhere.” “You were a good cop, Jack. I’m sorry for what happened to your family.” Commander drops to his knees as Jack catches him. “What happened to my family is not your fault.” “But it is, the darkness fault.” “What?” “The darkness is responsible for everything. Your family was never meant to die. ” “Shut your mouth,” says a woman. Jack turns around and intensely stares at a woman wearing a black cloak. She has a dragon tattoo on her left leg and a upside down cross on her right hand. A black smoke oozes from under her cloak. Jack points the gun at the woman. “Who the hell are you?” “Jack, it not like you to ask questions. I have never seen you so… weak.” “I don’t know you.” “No, and you never will.” “Yea, and how is that?” “I’m going to eat you, of course.” “Q?” “No, just think of me as her boss.” The woman waves her hands and the gun disappears from Jack hands. “Come Jack I need you to be scared.” “I’m not afraid of you.” Suddenly Jack is stabbed in the chest with a blade. Jen screams in her hands. Jack slowly turns his head around to see the commander holding the knife. Jack coughs up blood as he grabs the knife by it’s blade. “Jack, this is the only way I can save you,” says the commander. The commander rips the blade out of Jack as he falls to the ground. “No!” screams the woman as she grabs the commander. She throws her hands inside of his chest as it glows a bright blue and rips out his heart. The commander falls to his knees. “No please, give it back.” The woman sucks on the heart as the light from his body flows like a stream of water to the woman’s eyes. As she sucks the commander’s skin becomes wrinkled and his eyes change colors. He fall to the ground as she throws his heart down on the ground. “Damn fool, thinking he can stop me. But still, I needed Jack not to die.” Jen watches as the woman picks up the commander’s body and carries it away. Jen takes out her phone and starts to text Tess as she whimpers. She tries to hit a letter as she shakes uncontrollably and breathes heavily. She slowly types out “Help me” when she looks up and the woman in the black cloak is staring at her through the cracks of the door. Jen screams, dropping her phone on the ground. The woman opens the door grabbing Jen by her feet out of the closet. Jen reaches for the door as the woman throws her on top of the bodies. © 2017 Terry Jones |
Added on July 2, 2017 Last Updated on July 2, 2017 Author![]() Terry JonesYonkers , NYAboutI consider myself to be a mellow person. So that being said I would to get to know people and their writing, I would also like the same in return. more..Writing