![]() What We Find In TruthA Chapter by Terry JonesChapter 3: What We Find In Truth
Dear uncle Luis have you ever had a bad feeling about something. Either you are walking past a person or walking by a building and you feel this unease about something. I feel this way all the time and today I feel it the most. Who would have thought that so much pain can come from a small town in North Dakota. Ever since I lost you my life has gone to hell.
Tess is walking from her home into the neighborhood. People are staring and walking away from her but she can’t see anyone. They are all dark figure to her. The world is spinning and standing still at the same time. As she walks down the street she bumps into a guy making him spill his coffee but she keeps walking. The man yells at her pointing his finger at her as spit flies out of his mouth. She stops and turn around staring at the man as he is yelling. The man’s face is red and has multiple vein popping out of his head but she continues to stares. The man stops yelling and looks to his left as he starts to wave his hands towards Tess. The is breathing heavily and shaking. Tess looks in the same direction as the man and sees a bright light that appears before her. The light moves closer and closer before she start to float in the air numb to the world. Tess falls on the ground hitting her head as the man runs over to her. She slowly starts to hear a loud horn. The man drops to his knees as he puts his head towards her chest. Tess face turns red as she sees an old man jumping out of a truck. Tears flood her eyes as starts to hear more. “Holy s**t, She came out the middle of nowhere,” says the old man. Tess starts screaming while rocking back and forth hitting herself in the head. The man grabs her arms as the old man takes out his cell. Tess takes a deep breath before passing out. “Oh s**t,” says the man. He starts pumping on her chest and blowing in her mouth. “Get someone down here now.”
Tess slowly open her eyes as she start to feel pain all over her body. The light in the room shines too bright for her to see anything. She hears voices in the background. The pain starts growing more and more with each second. She screams in her head because she can’t move her mouth. Her vision starts to get better only for her to see two figures talking. One figure walks away and the other walks toward her. Her heart starts beating rapidly until the figure touches her. All of a sudden the pain goes away, her vision fully returns, and her fears is no more. “Do you know who I am or where you are?” asks Jen. Her eyes are red and she is shaking. She look around the room and see that she is in a white room with one wall made out of glass. She looks at the one of the window and see the wind blowing the curtain. She tries to sit up in the bed but sees that her hands is in some handcuffs. “Tess are you there?” “What happened?” Tess mumbles. “Oh thanks god Tess.” Jen jumps on Tess and hugs her. She gets up and frowns. “What is the matter with you? You could have been killed.” “What are you talking about?” “Tess you got hit by a car. A big one at that.” Tess looks at herself and then look at Jen. She starts to feel the weight of the world again. “Tess, come on, you have to say something. People think you tried to off yourself Tess. Tell me that it’s not true.” Tess lays back down and stare out of the window. “Tess,” says Jen as tears fall from her face. “Tess, why am I not enough?”
Jack is sitting at Joe’s drinking a glass of scotch. He stares at a football game that’s on the tv that is hanging on the wall above the bar. Jack waves to Joe. “This is your second day on the job and you are already becoming one of my regulars,” says Joe as he pours Jack another drink. “This is just for today.” “That’s what they all say.” Jack taps the glass. “I don’t know what the hell I just walked into.” “Seems like you had it rough.” “Yeah something like that.” Joe leaves the whole bottle of scotch next to Jack. Jack looks around the bar. There is a couple of men playing cards by the music box and a group of college kids playing pool. Jack turns back around and pours him another glass and looks to the right. There is a woman wearing a ripped dress with her head in her arms. Her shoes are broken and her hair has food in it. She is wearing a dirty gray hoodie over her dress and is snoring. Jack rolls his eyes and walks over to the woman. “Hey, wake up.” “Mhmm.” Jack pokes the woman and she raises her head. “What are you doing here?” “I’m a grown woman I can be anywhere I damn well please,” says Dee. “I thought we had this talk already.” Dee looks up at Jack. “I tried, I really did.” “Are you sure? It’s only been one day, Ms. Wright.” “She hates me.” “I would too if I was in her position but that doesn't mean that she doesn’t need you.” “But she doesn’t. She is stronger than me.” Dee goes to pick up her drink but Jack snacthes it out of her hand. “Tess needs you, she needs someone to be on her side.” “You came all this way to tell me that.” “No.” “Oh, I see. You get to drink away your problems but I don’t get to drink away mine. Men, always setting different rules for themselves.” Dee rolls her eyes as Jack sits down next to her. “I’m just killing time seeing that I’m suspended and all.” “That commander is as cruel as ever, isn’t he? Let me guess, he told you to do something that you disagreed with.” “This happens all the time with him?” “Why you look so surprised?” “I would like to believe that an officer of his ranking is not some criminal.” “The commander is a horrible man, just like the rest of them.” “Like the rest of who?” “You know the Commander, Mr. Smith, Ms Quarry.” Jack moves closer to Dee. “What the hell is you talking about?” Dee lays her head on the bar. Jack shakes her. “I’m trying to sleep.” “What do mean about the commander?” “They are all drinking buddies. Mr. Smith… they are not nice people.” “Hey wake up.” Dee falls on the ground. Jack picks her up and carries her to a table. “Hey Joe, why don’t you kick her out of your bar?” “She buys drinks.” “She has money for that?” “Of course she do she used to work for Mr. Smith. Lord knows how much money she has.” Jack walk up to the bar. “Who is Mr. Smith?” “He owns the town, literally. Bought most of the land that surrounds this place.” “Really?” “Yea but no one has seen him in a very long time. Poor thing over there lost her job because of that.” “So, you are telling me that some rich guy bought up most of the land in this town and leaves.” “Well, that’s what happen. Now that you mention it, it is a little odd.” “When did he leave?” “It was about seven years ago. The same time the old mayor left. Probably had some secret love thing going if you know what I mean.” “I think I do Joe. Thanks.” “No problem.” Jack leaves the bar and jumps in his car and sits there staring straight ahead. He starts the car as he looks in the rearview mirror and see the file that Tess left for him. Jack turns off the car as he stares at the file. He takes a deep breath and grabs the file opening it. Jack eyes are widen as he flips through the pages of the file. He take off a photo of her uncle and pulls it to the side. He turns the page until he see a another photo. He stares at it with his mouth open and touches it gently. He takes out his wallet and grabs a photo out of it and holds it up next to the photo in the file. Jack throws down the file and drives with his nose flared.
~ ~ ~
It is the middle of summer and crime couldn’t get any worst in downtown Chicago. On top of the high crime rate there is a serial killer in town. “Hey Jack, the captain wants to see you.” “Hold on John I think I found something that’s going to make a break in the case.” “Jack, he really wants to see you now.” Jack looks up at John. John is looking at the ground while kicking his foot. “Ok John, let's go.” Jack closes the files and gets up from his desk. He walks up to John who is standing in the doorway and smiles at him. “Ms. White can you please close my door for me,” Jack says as he walks down the hall. “Yes Detective,” says Ms. White. As Jack is walking through the office people are staring at him whispering amongst themselves. Jack looks straight ahead intensely. Jack and John arrive at the captain's office. Jack takes a deep breath while John knocks on the door. “Come in,” says the captain. John opens the door and Jack goes in first. The captain is on the phone. He motions them to sit down. They sit down in the two chairs in front of the captain's desk. “Why yes thank you. Be safe.” The captain hangs up the phone and stares at Jack. “Jack how’s everything going?” “Well everything is going fine sir.” “Fine, that's great you are doing fine.” The captain looks over at John and John looks away. “How’s the family doing? Your son just had a birthday, right?” “Yea he is five now captain.” “Man that little guy is getting older it’s crazy how fast children grow up in this world. John when you going to get some kids?” “Hopefully never.” The captain and John start laughing. “May I ask why I’m here captain?” The room goes quiet. “Jack, I’m going to get straight to the point. I’m giving you and your partner a new case.” The captain reaches for the folder on his desk and hands it to Jack. “Why would you give us another case when we are in the middle of something big?” “Jack take the case or you're fired.” Jack looks at John who is staring at the ground. “Captain-” “I don’t want to hear it Jack. It’s been a year since you been on that case and you came up with nothing. I need you to do your job where it matters. Take the case.” Jack looks through the files and puts them back on the captain's desk. “Don’t do this Jack,” says John. Jack stares at John while taking off his gun and badge. “Don’t be stupid Jack.” Jack walks towards the door. “What about your family, Jack?” “Don’t worry about them.”
~ ~ ~
Jack enters the station cautiously. He looks around and takes a deep breath. An officer walks in the room and Jack quickly steps towards her. “Hey.” says Jack. “New guy how’s it going?” “It’s going alright.” Jack looks at her badge. “Look officer Conway.” “No need for that, a guy that looks like you can call me Rudy.” Rudy puts her hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Ok, Rudy I need a favor.” “Really, like what?” She moves closer to Jack as he steps back. “Do ya’ll keep files on past crimes?” “You talking about the Wright family?” “Well, yes.” “Sorry can’t help you with that.” “You people really don’t like her.” “Me personally no.” “Then why won't you help me?” “Baby I would help you do anything. It’s just that I can’t help because that file is gone.” “What do you mean?” “The Police station caught fire about five years ago and everything that was in storage is gone including the little favor you’re asking for.” “A fire, what caused it?” “How am I supposed to know? I wasn’t working that night.” “Fire just doesn't start itself, Rudy.” “Look, you learn not to ask questions in this town.” Jack walks in a circle. “Damn it.” “Why do you want to look into that file anyway?” “I need answers on what going on in this town.” Jack looks at the ceiling with his hands on his hips. “Do you know a Mr. Smith by any chance?” Rudy looks at Jack intensely. “Now listen to me Jack you don’t want to go down that path.” “Why not?” “Please, anything just tell me anything.” Rudy takes a deep breath as she stares at the ground. “Ok follow me but after this you have to take me on a date.” “Name the place,” says Jack as he smiles. Jack and Rudy walks to storage room. “This is the new place for all the files that we keep.” It’s a small room that has boxes stacked on top of one another with two bookshelves in the middle. “This is where ya’ll keep the files?” “Yea, like I said earlier, all the files that were in this room that night burned in the fire. So if you think you can find something, let me know.” Another officer walks in. “Hey Rudy commander wants to see you.” “Gotta go Jack let know ok.” “Well do.” Rudy and the other officer leaves the room. Jack looks around the room from the ceiling to the floor. He picks up a box looking through it flipping through pages of the files. Jack throws it back into the box and goes to the back of the room. He grabs a box from the bottom of the shelf and look through it’s files. He rolls his eyes as he throws those file back in the box. Jack throws his hands in the air and pick up one of the boxes and throws it at the left wall. The box rips apart as a small black box falls out of it. He glares at the black box and pick it up. It reads, “missing people.” He tries to pull the box apart and spins it around to see that it has a keyhole on it. He sighs as he hold the box in the air. “What you got there?” ask an officer. Jack quickly turns around bumping into the left shelf. It falls and knocks a hole in the wall. He has the box behind his back. “Rookie, you put a hole in the wall. I’m not cleaning that up.” “You don’t have to I will.” “Yea you better.” The officers looks around the room and sees the boxes all over the floor. “What are you looking for?” “Nothing, just trying to caught up on all the town’s history.” The officer laughs. “You ain't going to find it down here. How about you show me what you found.” “I didn’t find anything.” “Oh really, then you would mind showing me your hands?” The officer puts his hands on his gun as he starts to walk towards Jack. Jack takes a step back his heart starts to race. The officer leaps towards Jack and taps him on his stomach. The officer laughs as he pats Jack on the shoulder. “Rookie lighten up. I’m just messing with you. You are more than welcome to this room. Just put anything back.” The officer looks at Jack intensely. “And clean this s**t up.” The officer turns around and leaves the room. Jack breathes heavily as he covers his nose. He looks over to the wall and sees the hole that the shelf has made. He puts his hand through the wall and pulls it back quickly. He turns on his flashlight to see rocks behind the wall. He puts the flashlight in his mouth and begins taking apart the dry wall creating a bigger hole. He walks through the wall covering his face with his jacket as he looks around with the flash light kicking the rocks around. As he looks around he sees brick walls covered in burn marks from smoke. He looks up to see water dripping from the ceiling of pipes. He points the flashlight at a beaten up banner as he moves closer to the banner stepping on broken glass. He picks the banner up which reads Annual Fundraiser. Jack drops the banner and turns around tripping over a piece of wood revealing a photo. Jack picks up the photo staring at it intensely as he leaves the hole in the wall coughing. He removes his jacket from his face and holds up the photo as his eyes widen. He runs out of the room toward the front the of the station as he grabs a small box. “Hey did you find anything,” says Rudy. Jack jumps back. “Oh, I didn’t scare you did I?” Jack is holding his chest breathing heavily. “No, I just… Do you know this man?” Jack show Rudy the photo pointing at one of the man in the photo. There are three men and one woman standing in front of a big building smiling with their thumbs up. One of the men has on a suit as well as the woman. The man with the suit has white hair and has a ring on every finger. The woman has blue hair and long earrings. The other two men are wearing hazmat suits. They all are wearing a necklace that has a five pointed star in a circle on it. “Yea, I do. That’s Alexander Wright.” “Wright as in Tess Wright?” “Yea, that’s her dad and the gentlemen right next to him is Luis Wright.” Jack stares at Rudy intensely. “Where did you get this from?” “Nevermind that do you know where these guys are?” “Well if I have to guess that would be the old Clearbrook Factory that used to be in the woods, that is Mr. Smith standing next to the Wright brothers.” “So that’s him, huh. Does he own that factory?” “Is that even a question?” “So who runs it while Smith is away?” “No one. It was destroyed around the same time the station caught fire. Here is a report on it right here.” Rudy hands Jack the report. “You just have a report on the factory laying around?” “No, the commander asked for a copy not too long ago.” Jack throws the report in a box with the photo and the small black box and walks to the front counter. “One thing.” “Yes.” “Who is the woman in the photo?” “That was the old mayor, Ms. Quarry.” Jack looks at the photo. “A mayor with blue hair that’s odd but I can see why Mr. Smith would run off with her. She’s pretty.” “What do you mean?” “You know, them leaving at the same time is not a coincidence. Love affair.” “Oh, Ms. Quarry didn’t leave because of that. She left because her son died. Rudy covers her mouth. “I thought that the last crime in this town was Luis Wright. Now you telling me that the old mayor son died the same year.” “I didn’t just say that.” “Yea you did. What are you not telling me Rudy?” “Jack, stop it. I’m not saying anything else.” The commander walks out of his office with a old man. “Well I’m just saying that little lady needs help,” says Bob. “She doesn’t need any help she just need some correction” “Now you listen to me Frank you leave that little girl alone. She lost a lot already y'all can at least give the girl a break.” “But bob-” “I don’t to hear it. Drop them charges I mean it. I take full responsible for the accident. I even pay her bed fare.” “Jack.” says the commander. Rudy takes her things and runs outside. “Yes sir.” “What are you doing Copeman?” “I’m getting my thing, sir.” “I didn’t fire you Copeman only suspended. You can leave your things here.” “I’m new so I don’t really trust people just yet.” “I see, I agree with you. Trust is earned,” says the commander as he stares at Jack intensely. Jack breaks out in a cold sweat. “What the matter Jack?” “Maybe he thinks you should leave the girl alone too. I can’t believe what this town is now,” says Bob. “I’m sorry what girl?” asks Jack. “You know, the little girl from the Wright family that lives on cursor street.” “What happen to her?” “I hit her with my truck and this guy is talking about pressing changes, can you believe him.” Jack takes his box and runs out of the door. “Where is he going,” says the commander. “Hey talk with him later I’m talking with you now. Drop them.” The commander rolls his eyes. Bob walks towards the door and turns back around. “You know there was a time when you were a nice man. A brother to the community. Now you are just some bully. What happen to you Frank?” “I grew up and realize if I wanted to protect my baby- my town I need to give some things up. And look at everything now. We are safe.” “From what Frank. Safe from what because I’m still staring at something that can do more harm than good.” “You are safe from the evil of this world. My boy is safe. That’s all that matters.” Well I appreciate you protect us from evil. Now all you have to do is protect us from yourself. Drop them and leave that little girl alone.” Bob walks out of the station as the commander's face turns red. He slaps himself in the face as breathes lightly.
In the hospital, Jen stares at the vending machine as Josh walks up to her. “Hey,” says Josh. “Hey where have you been?” “She doesn’t want to talk to me.” says Jen as Josh sits next to her. “Why do you think that?” “Because she’s not talking to me. All she is doing is staring out of the window. “Well maybe she is still processing the information. We lost another member of the family, it seems like the world is out to get us.” “I’m sorry what are you talking about?” “Our dad died.” “Oh no… I see now.” “Yea so she just need time to health your know.” “How are you doing so well with all of this?” “I’m not.” “Josh if you need anyone to talk to I’m here for you.” Josh put his arms around Jen. “Thank you.” Thomas walks up to Jen with flowers in his hands. “Hey do you know where Tess room is?” “Mystery man?” Josh stares at Thomas intensely. “Wow you are taking a kiss a little bit too serious in a short period of time.” “I was with Tess when she got the bad news.” “Oh so you not Mystery man anymore. I’m Jen,” says Jen as she stands up reaching her hand out. “What’s your name?” “His name is Thomas,”says Josh as he stands up. “And he was just leaving.” Thomas smiles and hand Jen the flowers and walks away. “What the hell was that?” “Nothing, look I have something that I got to do can you take care of Tess until I get back?” “Sure I will” Josh takes out a bag. “Here, this is some of her favorites.” Jen hugs Josh. She waves at Josh as he leaves the hospital and turns around to see a police officer walking into Tess’s room. She quickly follows. “The commander told us to let you go. Now we trust that you will not try and do anything crazy,” says the officer as she continues to stare out of the window. “Whatever, you. Stay out of the streets.” The officer rolls his eyes and walks out of the room while Jen is returning with a bag in her hand. “Hey I got you something to eat.” Jen reaches in the bag and takes out a bag of chips and some sour candy. “I thought since you were not eating your food you might want some candy.” Tess continues to stare out of the window. “Come on Tess don’t do this to me.” Jen opens up a bag of candy and tries to feed her. “Well here you go. Open up.” Tess slaps the candy out of Jen’s hand. “Get away from me.” Jen walks away. “Hey that’s no way to talk to your friend.” Jack is standing in the doorway. Tess roll her eyes and begin to stare out of the window again. “Hey Jen can you wait outside for a second I have something that I want to ask her.” “Ok.” While Jen walks out of the room Jack walks toward Tess. Jack picks up her chart that is sitting on her bed. “Hmmm, well it looks like you are ok. So I guess you are coming with me.” She continues to stare out of the window when he grabs her arm and picks her up. “Get up.” “Get off of me! Get off!” “Tell me,” he yells as he pulls me closer to him. “Tell me how you about the phantoms.” Jen runs back in the room. “What the hell are you talking about.” Tess am struggles to get away from him. Jack face and eyes are red as he shakes her squeezing her arms tightly. He throws her on the bed and walks toward his bag that he dropped on the ground when he first arrived. He reaches in his bag as her heart races. Then Jack turns around with the files she have given him. “This file you gave me. How did you come across this.” Jack opens up the file and lays it across the bed. It has pictures of her uncle, letters from her dad and pictures of symbols. Jack is pointing at one of the symbols, that is in her dad’s letters. “I don’t-” Jack cut her off. “Explain this to me.” Tess looks at the letter Jack is pointing at and sees the symbol he is talking about. “This is a letter I found. It’s from my dad.” Her eyes start to tear up. “Your dad. Let me talk to him.” “He’s dead. He died yesterday.” Jack gets up and walks towards the window. He stares out of holding his head. “I’m so sorry Tess. I wouldn’t came at you that way.” “But you did Jack,” She says as she rub her eyes. “The town has gotten to you. You hate me now.” “I don’t hate you.” “I can’t tell Jack. You come in here grabbing me, yelling at me, throwing me. It’s look like you hate me more than the town Jack.” “You right...I should have came at you different. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I’m freaking out here.” “Ohh. Thank you that make me feel better,” She says while rolling her eyes. “Tess.” “No can you please leave me alone?” “Tess I believe you.” “Just Please … what.” “I said I believe you. I spent most of my life looking for this group of people. They were involved in so many of my cases. And because I could not let them go I lost everything including my old job.” Jack sits down in the chair rubbing his hands together. “What was your old job?” “I was a detective, a good one at that.” “If you were a detective then why are you some cop in this invisible part of the world?” Jack jumps up out of his chair. “That doesn’t matter! I need you to focus for me ok.” “Ok” “Now what day did your uncle die?” “It was the halloween of two-thousand and five. I remember waking up to the lights flickering. Scared the hell out of me.” “Ok do you know anyone that would want to hurt your uncle?” “No not really.” Jen laughs. “What so funny Jen?” “Not really? The commander hated your uncle. You don’t remember all the time they fought at the Annual Fundraiser?” Jack walks slowly towards Jen. “Annual Fundraiser, I saw the banner for it locked up.” “Really? The last I heard it burned up.” “When?” “At the last Annual Fundraiser.” Jack scratches his head. “Well this is before Tess and I were friends. I had just been assigned to the town with the Lopezs. Ms. Lopez just so happened to be the commander’s assistant officer. So the Commander would come over sometimes and Ms. Lopez would make me go to my room. One day they were yelling at each other so I snuck out of my room to listen. The Commander was talking about Mr. Luis.” “Jen how come never told me this?” says Tess. “What does this have to do with the Fundraiser?” says Jack. “Well at the fundraiser they give a prize to the winners of the raffle and they get a chance to tour Mr. Smith’s factory. The commander says that Mr. Luis was trying to stop it so he burned all the banners and stages for the fundraiser. That’s what they were fighting over at the fundraiser. He tried to arrest him but the mayor stopped him.” “How come I don’t remember any of this,” says Tess. “Probably because you spent the last seven years trying to make a break in this case.” “So you are saying the commander hates Luis Wright,” says Jack. “Yes.” “That doesn’t prove anything, it only explains why he won't look in the case. I seen the photos of this man and this is unnatural. It has to be something more.” Jack takes out the photo of Tess’s dad, uncle, Mr. Smith, and Quarry standing in front of the factory. “You see that necklace that all of them are wearing.” Tess stares at photo and reaches in her bag pulling out her necklace. “It’s the same as this. Why do they all have the same necklace.” Jack holds the necklace in his hand staring at it. “This is it. This is the symbol of the phantoms.” “Who are the phantoms?” “It doesn’t matter. I want you to come with me to Chicago. That’s where we are going to find your uncle’s killer.” Jack stops talking as Tess body moves like it has a mind of it’s on. I goes to the restroom. “You are becoming more and more like a mystery man Jack.” says Jen as Jack walk towards her. “You know something don’t you?” “I know that there are some people that left around the time of the murder and… I seen Alexander Wright before.” “Where?” “That’s impossible.” Jack takes out a picture from his wallet. “Do you see this man?” “Holy s**t that is Mr. Wright.” “Yea and it gets weirder than that.” “How?” “I found the picture in a old case file in Chicago.” “So he has been in Chicago all this time. Why?” “He is wearing some weird clothes but how do you know that this was not misplaced? “Because this was in an old dusty box. I ask the captain and he was glad to see that I found the the remain of the founding days of the station. He said is from the first years of the station and on top of that forensics checked it out has while. That photo is definitely from 1940.” “Jack, keep this to yourself.” “I didn’t know who he was back then but he is definitely a huge part in the investigation. And on top of that top this Mr. Smith is starting to come up a lot more.” “You think Carla’s dad is a part of it too?” “Who the hell is Carla?” “She is our other friend. Oh god, did I just say that?” “What does she has to do with Mr. Smith.” “Well she is his daugther of course.” “Really, I didn’t know he had kids.” “I said daughter meaning one child and how could you know this is your second day on the job.” “You think you can get your friend to set up a meeting?” “No.” “Why not?” “Ok so our only lead is Mr. Wright.” “He is dead, remember.” “I know but I’m trying to learn about him through Tess.” “Is that some weird detective crap?” “Something like that.” “Well that sounds creepy so I’m going.” “No you stay here.” “Why would I do that?” “Because unlike Tess you have siblings to look after.” Jen sits down on the bed. Tess walks out of the restroom. “Ok let’s go.” Tess walks up to Jen and moves her head around. “What happened to your face?” Jen and Jack look at each other. “It’s nothing Tess.” “Doesn’t look like nothing.” “Tess go. Don’t miss out on finding the guys that did this.” Tess hug Jen. “We are going to talk about this when I get back. I don’t keep secrets from you. So you will tell me everything” Jen nods her head. “Ok let's go.” Tess walks out as Jack picks up his things. As he walks to the door he stop and put his hand on Jen shoulder. She looks at him as she puts her finger over her mouth. Jack nods and leaves.
Uncle Luis I don’t really have that many memories of dad. All I really remember is that I loved him and he was a great man. A family man. He was a dad that everyone could wish for. But I don’t really have that many memories of him. So why am I so sad. I spent most of my life without him. I spent most of my life without anyone. Is a child supposed to miss a parent that was never there. Is it wrong for them not to care.
Officer Copeman and Tess are arriving in chicago. He stares out of the window like a robot. He hasn’t said a word since they left Clearbrook. “Maybe we should stop and get something to eat,” says Jack. “Why are you freaked out by this symbol?” “Did you hear me?” “I’m not hungry, did you hear me?”Jack chuckles. “Hmm.. You a real piece of work. Put that down.” Jack reaches for the files that she is reading with a flashlight. “Hands off. Now answer my question.” “It’s not something that I talk about that often. How well do you know your father.” “As well as anyone would know their father I guess. Why you ask?” “Nothing.” “You think he has something to do with this case, don’t you?” “No-” “Don’t lie to me. I can take anything you have to throw.” “Look Tess-” “When you came in that room throwing me, it was my father you were asking about and again looking at the symbol that you still haven’t told me about you were asking about my father.” “Yea I believe he is involved.” “Ok good, thanks for being honest. And no, he’s not involved.” “How would you know?” “You know forget it.” Jack pulls into a hotel parking lot. They sit in the car as they look around the hotel. There are junky walking around in a circle highing fiving each other. The sign of the hotel is swinging back and forward as the lights flicker. There is also a gang of raccoon robbing the hotel’s dog for it’s food. The smell of the hotel is like a sewage and every wall has a crack in it. They are the only ones parked at the hotel. “What the hell you think you are doing?” ask Tess. “Well I’m hungry and sleepy for that matter, so I’m going to retire for the night. You coming?” “No.” “Well that was one of those questions where you not supposed to answer and just do what the person says.” “I’m not going in there with you.” “Get your butt out of the car or I will drag you out.” Jack face turns red as Tess opens the door. “You see, that wasn’t so hard. Come on let’s go.” “Whatever.” Tess walk closely behind him as they enter the building, walking up to the counter. “May I help you, sir?” asks the man at the counter. “Yes I would like a room for the night and make sure there are two beds.” “You look very familiar, sir.” Jack looks at the ground then at the clock. “Sorry I’ve never been here.” “Jack, you dog.” Tess says while playing with her hair. The man looks at her then looks at Jack. “Oh yes, here’s your key,” says the man as he gives Jack a dirty look. Jack takes the keys and my hand and runs upstairs. “So you think you’re funny?” “No, I just didn’t know that about you.” “Shut up.” Jack opens the door and goes directly to a phone. Tess cracks the door open with the latch. As she walks in the room see stops and covers her nose. The room is small with two twin size beds on the left wall and to the right is the tv. There is one window that is straight ahead. The room is tan, smells like piss, and has blue towels sitting on the chest in between the beds. “I’m going to take a shower.” Jack just waves his hand as he starts dialing for the restaurant downstairs. Tess grabs one of the towels and goes to the bathroom. She throws her blue towel over the shower rod as she undresses. As the stream starts to fill the room She jumps in the shower closing her eyes as the water runs down her back. She massages her fingers in her hair as she meditate.
I can’t help but think about the commander. All the times that he laughed in my face when I brought him the case, I just thought that everyone hated me. It turns out that they also hate you too uncle Luis. But was it enough to murder you? It has to be more to it than that. No one would murder someone because they sabotage your event. It just seems childish.
Tess is sitting on the floor of the bathroom in her blue towel writing in her diary. Her stomach growls as she puts her hand on her stomach. She closes her diary and walks out of the bathroom. “Hey.” says Tess as Jack closes the files. “What did you order?” “Oh, now you are interested,” says Jack as he jumps up covering his eyes. “Why are you naked?” “I’m wearing a towel you perv.” Tess sits down on the bed and start to put lotion on. “What did you get?” “I got a steak and you a cheeseburger,” says Jack as he sits down. “Really! Why didn’t you just order Chinese?” “Are you complaining?” “Yes I am. Do I look like a kid?” Jacks stares at the ground. Tess stops rubbing her legs. “What, no come back?” “You-” “What are saying Jack?” “You remind me of my son,” says Jack. “You don’t have any kids remember?” “When I first saw that symbol it was carved in the chest of a dead man. That man was my son.” The lotion falls out of Tess’s hands. “It was unlike anything I had ever seen. I lost my firstborn to some unknown entity, and hell, you act just like him. So I stopped everything that I was doing to find his killer but it became much more than that. At first, I was thinking that maybe it was some fraternity that carve their symbols into their members rather than branding them. But, I found another body and then another. This was no fraternity. This was the mark of a serial killer. Based on my investigation that symbol has been involved in over five hundred missing people cases in Chicago alone and over forty homicides. Hell make it forty one with your uncle. The facts are starting to point towards one person.” As Tess moves closer to Jack, the man from the counter comes flying into the room making as much noise as possible. “Here’s your food, sir.” The man looks at Tess and then rolls his eyes towards Jack. He stares at him with the same dirty look. “Thank you,” says Jack as he checks the food. The man rolls his eyes again and stares at Tess. She cover herself with her arms. Jack opens up the tray that the man brought on the table. Jack looks up to see the man staring at Tess. “Is there anything else?” The man just smiles and slowly walks out of the room. “What a weirdo.” “Yea. So, what were you saying about the mark?” “Let’s not talk about it now. I’m tired and need a shower, so eat and go to sleep.” Jack turns on the tv and begins to eat his steak. Tess starts to eat her cheeseburger as she stares at Jack. After a couple of bites her stomach starts to hurt so she got under the covers. Jack continues to watch the tv as she close her eyes. Jack looks over to Tess as he chews on his steak.
“Help! Help us!” “What… what’s happening,” says Jack. “Help!” It’s a boy burning in fire. “Nooooooo,” yells Jack! The boy is crying and screaming in pain as the flame turn blue. Then the flames grow and move toward Jack. “I’m not ready to die!” yells Jack.
The tv turns on as Jack jumps out of bed. He is breathing heavily as he sits up in the bed. He wipes the sweat from his face as he grabs the remote, turning off the tv. He exhales as he turn on the lamp that is next to his bed. As he turns on the light he looks over to Tess’s bed and sees that she is nowhere to be found. He jumps up and runs to the bathroom. She is not there. He walks out the bathroom to see his computer on the chair. Jack walks over to it to see that the screen was on a news article on a serial killer. The Chicago Ghost. “That dumb-,” says Jack as he is interrupted by a man kicking in the door. “Get your hands in the air-.... Well I be damned,” says John. John slowly walks over to Jack. “Now I thought I told you the next time I see you that I was going to kill you?” “Now look-,” says Jack as John hits him in the face. John stands over him and smiles.
Tess steps to a old glass building on the westside of Chicago. It is a long forgotten skyscraper. Its has a metal fence surrounding it with bob wires. Tess takes out the flashlight that she got from Jack and shines it on the property. She sees nothing but dirt that is surrounding the building. She reaches in her bag and takes out some bolt cutters. She puts the flashlight in her mouth as he cuts the wires on the fence one by one. After she cuts several of wires on the fence she pulls it open and crawls through the opening. She jumps up and runs towards the building. She goes to the door of the building and shines her light through it. She sees nothing but the foundation. Tess sighs. Boom!. The sound of glass breaking makes Tess drop the flashlight. She picks it up and sees that it is broken. “Damn it.” says Tess as she throws it back on the ground. She rubs her hands to together and blows in them until she sees a shadow moving from the corner of her eye. Her heart is racing but she can only hear one heartbeat at a time. She slowly walks towards the corner of the building. As she is walking a raccoon jumps from the ceil making Tess yelp. The raccoon walks away as she holds her chest. Tess continues to walks and accidentally walks into a spiderweb. She jumps up and down as she pats her herself without breathing. She exhales as her hand shakes. She bend over to caught her breath. When he stands straight again there is a dark figure behind her in a black cloak. Tess continues to walk to the corner as the figure walks behind her, matching every step that she makes. The wind stops blowing as Tess peak her head around the corner and sees Josh. Tess covers her mouth as she stops herself from making any noise. All she hears is heavy breathing. Tess eyes open widen as she stands still. The dark figure in the cloaks is breathing on her neck. She stares straight ahead as she trembles. She slowly turns her head as the figure slowly wraps its hands around her neck. Instantly she turns her head around. There is nothing there but the cry of the wind. She holds her chest as she likes around. She turns around stepping on an earring. It’s a earring of an underside down cross. She stares at it and puts it in her bag. She takes a deep breath and walk around the corner. The darkness returns standing behind her and watches as she turns the corner. “What the hell is he doing here?” Tess thinks to her herself. Josh is smoking a cigarette and pacing back and forth. “Since when did he start smoking?” Josh stops and take one last puff and starts walking towards a cross section of the streets. “Where is he going?” Tess follows Josh down the alley way and sees a man in an all black long suit standing in the middle of the square. The man had his back turned to Josh. Josh is now walking faster toward the man. He reaches in his jacket and pulls out a gun. “I got you now,” says Josh. Tess heart drops. The man turns around and his eyes are wide and red. “Now you are going to tell me everything you know.” The man holds his hands up and then similes. Josh is face turns red and moves toward him with the gun. “You little-,” says Josh. “No,” yells Tess. “Don’t do it!”
© 2017 Terry Jones |
Added on July 2, 2017 Last Updated on July 2, 2017 Author![]() Terry JonesYonkers , NYAboutI consider myself to be a mellow person. So that being said I would to get to know people and their writing, I would also like the same in return. more..Writing