New Found Hope

New Found Hope

A Chapter by Terry Jones

Chapter 2: New Found Hope  


Tess watches her mom fix herself a drink. Her face turns red and her heart races while she tries to keep her hands from shaking. She slowly backs out of the kitchen, turning around and facing the living room. She steps towards the fireplace and looks at the photos of her family. She picks up the picture of her brother and dad holding a baby fish, smiling like they were world champions. There is writing on the bottom of the photo that reads, Happy 5th Birthday. Tess picks up another photo of her uncle and dad sitting by the lake. She sits the two photos down, wiping her eyes until she sees the photo of her entire family. Her mom is squeezing her dad tight while her uncle is trying to stop her and Josh from fighting. It’s is a picture from  the Annual Fundraiser.    


              ~ ~ ~


It is the spring of 1998 and it is one of those days that every person in the world wishes for. A sunny but cool day. Tess’s family is no different and they decided to go on a family picnic at the park to support the fundraiser.

“All right everybody, let’s get going. Today is a great day to go camping,” says her father as he puts on his glasses.  

“No, we are going to the park to have lunch Alex,” says her mom as she walks out of the door. The sun smiles at her mom making her skin glow brighter than any woman in town.

“We can go camping in the park.” her mom turns to her dad and laughs.

“You are too much sometimes. Always looking for an adventure.”

“That’s why you love me, remember.” Her mom passionately kisses her dad.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too,” says her father as he rubs his hands across her face moving her dark brown hair out of the way staring into her hazel eyes.

“Dad,” says Josh as he runs out of the house.

“Josh, my man, you ready?” says her dad as he picks up Josh.

“Yes I am.”  

“Where’s your sister.”

“She said she is not coming.”

“Ok you get in the car.” Josh runs off to the car.

“Honey, can you go get Tess?”

“Why do you want me to do it?”

“Because you don’t spend a lot of time with her.”

“Alexander Wright, yes I do, I’m just busy a lot these days. Working with Mr. Smith is not easy.”

“Why do you work will that man then? If he is keeping you from your family then you need to maybe let that go.”

“Really, I work with him to be closer to you because you are always working with the mayor. You and Luis.” Alexander puts his heads on his hips.

“I told to never talk about that.”

“What is there to hide?”

“It’s nothing… One day I will tell you but not now. It’s too risky.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about but I’m not going to quit work so can you go get Tess?”  

“Ok, I will go get her.” Alexander hands the keys to her mom and walks in the house upstairs to Tess’s room.

“Hey, sweetie we are about to go.”

“I’m not going,” Tess says with a pillow over her face.

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t want to go to the park with you.”

“You don’t want to go to the park with me. Why is that?”

“I’m not apart of this family.”

“Now why would you say something like that?”

“Because you are always with Josh. You never once spend time with me and mom doesn’t even look at me anymore.”

“Sweetie I spend a lot of time with Josh because I have to teach him how to be a man. I have to make sure he follows the family tradition.”

“Why can’t I follow the family tradition?,” Tess says as she removes the pillow from her face.

“It’s something that the men of the Wright family do,” Tess rolls over in the bed.

“You know how about I teach you a few things with Josh?” She jumps up and hugs him.

“Thank you, daddy”

“Alright, let’s go.”

“Wait, what about momma?”

“She will come around, she’s, just busy” Tess pouts and lays back down. “Look Tess, no matter how hard things get remember that this family is important and we must protect it.”


~ ~ ~  


Tess smile at the photo remembering her father words. Suddenly the tears went away as she turns around marching back in the kitchen. Her heart is still beating fast. She could feel her blood rushing to her head. Her mom is drinking her favorite drink, a glass of gin.

“Mom,” Her mom screams dropping her drink and shatters the glass. She stares at Tess as Tess stares back.  “Where have you been?”

“God Tess, you scared me. You can’t sneak up on a woman like that.” Her wipe her hands on her old beat up black dress. Her skin is wrinkle and her hair is messy. She also smells of alcohol and cigarettes. She gets a broom and dust pan. Tess gives her the evil as she tap her foot.

“Well look at you, I see you can take care of yourself.”

“I shouldn’t have to.” Her mom looks away and starts to sweep the up the broken glass.

“I didn’t take you for the party girl, Tess.”  

“I shouldn’t have to…”

“You know, if you want to go to a party I can always take you to a real party.” She throws away the broken grass and starts pouring her another drink.

“I DON’T WANT TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, MOM!” Her mom drops her glass again. “Every single day I waited for you. The bills are starting to build up. My friends help me with food. It’s too much mom. I need a mother not some party girl.”

“Damn it, I’m always breaking things.” Her mom slowly walks to the kitchen table holding her head in her arms. Tess steps to the chair that’s next to her and rub her back.

“You know people call me Dee. It’s what my friends call me.”

“I don’t need you to be my friend.” Dee wipes her face.  

“Well maybe I want you to be mine, Tess. Tess I never meant to hurt you. I was lost and hurt about your father leaving. I never took him as a man that fight wars. I really loved that man and him leaving almost killed me. I had to take my mind off of it. I need you to understand that, Tess. I need you to be strong.”

“You are not the only one mom. I am hurt too, not only by dad or uncle Luis it’s you too mom. You don’t need other people to take your mind off of your problems. You have me mom.” She smiles at me. “What’s so funny.”

“You just reminded me of him, your dad.”

“Oh really?”

“Yea. I love you Tess, me leaving doesn’t reflect that but I do.”

“I know.”

“So, what the hell are you doing at a party anyway,”

“I didn’t want to go, it’s lame.”

“Ok so you are just trying out new things?”

“Something like that.”

“Well, tell me about them.”

“We went to this party just to seem cool. I now realize that was a mistake.”

“Did you take Peter as well?”

“God no, mom why would you bring him up?”

“Well he use to come around here a lot.”

“No, No, mom that bridge is burned to the ground.”

“Ok, so just Jen and Carla?”
“Yea, pretty much.” Tess twirls her hair with her finger as she looks around the kitchen.

“So how is everyone else treating you?”

“Come on mom you should know that, I mean I’m pretty sure Ms. Hobbs told you something.” My mom takes out a pack of cigarettes and light one. “The kids at school are mean as ever. Oh and don’t forget my teacher. He is worst than most of the students. You should hear him. Tess Tess Tess”

“It’s that bad, huh?”

“The way people treat you, it’s that bad?”

“So you knew what was happening?”

“I did and I didn’t”

“What the hell does that even mean? You know what forget it.”


“No, what do you know about me and the things this town put me through. I don’t get to drown my pain in some bottle.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I don’t care anymore.” Tess stands up and walk away from the table and stop at the living room. “How did you even get home? I see your car but you would have never made it here the way you are.” My mom continues to sob in her arms. “Whatever.”


Tess storms upstairs to her room and when she opens the door Josh and Jen are talking. They jump up as she walks in.

“Hey, Josh what are you doing in my room?”

“I’m here to greet you, of course.”

“No, why are you lying?”

“Well, I see I’m not wanted so I’m going to leave.”

“Wait, I have to talk to you.”

“Don’t you got school in the morning?” Jen starts laughing. “Well I’m gone.”

“Wait.” Josh runs and kisses her. She shuts the door on his way out.

“What was that?”

“What was what?”says Jen.

“Forget it, I have to go to bed I’m tired.”

“I got you. Well I’m going to bed to.”

“Where are you going?”

“To bed.”

“Ok then, get into bed.”

“Well I was going to go home.” Tess stares at Jen until she climbs into bed with her.

“I got you now.”

“Whatever so how did your talk go with your mom?”

“I don’t know. It seems like she cares but her actions say something completely different.”

“Well at least you seen her.”

“Yea, but that not enough.”

“What do you want from her?”

“I’m seventeen Jen, there is nothing that she can give me now. After this last year of high school I’m going to move far away as I can. Maybe to a different country.”

“What about that thing with your uncle?”

“I will never let that go. I’m going to solve that case before graduation.”

“How, the police will never take you serious.”

“I think I found my inside guy.”


“Really, we are going to start tomorrow.”

“Well, good luck with that.”

“Thanks Jen.” Jen rolls over as Tess stares at the ceiling. “How about you Jen?”

“What do you mean?”

“How are things at home?”

“So, Josh home huh.”


“Tess I promise you I will leave and not come back. Just please,” says Jen whimpering.  


Tess wakes the next morning with the sun in her face. She gets out of bed and goes to Josh’s room but it is empty. Tess turns to go back to her room when she hears a sound. She goes downstairs following the noise. When she gets to the source of the noise it is coming from her mother’s room. She is passed out on the bed shoring. Tess chuckles and goes back upstairs to take a shower. After the shower Jen runs in the bathroom with a towel and jumps in the shower. When Tess is getting dress, Jen still wet, comes in and jumps on her to get her clothes wet. Tess changes her clothes into something else. Tess takes Jen’s deodorant and throws it out the window. She is running for her life while Tess is well on her way to the bus but she stops.
        “What’s wrong Tess.”

“I don’t want to go to school.”

“Come on Tess.”

“No, what’s the point in going to a place that doesn’t want me there.” The bus drives off.

“We missed the bus.”

“Believe me this is a good thing.” An old beaten up ford speeds up towards them and stops in front of the house. A dirty man wearing overalls with grey hair walks out of it staring at Jen. Jen’s face turns red.

“Come on now Jena. It’s that time of the month.”

“I have to go to school.”

“I don’t give a damn about your school. Get you a*s in this car,” says the old man. Jen hangs her head low as she walks to the car.

“Good morning Mr. Woods.” Tess says sarcastically. He just stares at her and drives off with Jen. Tess watches as they drive away. She turns around and run towards the police station.   

When she gets there she almost trips on the steps on her way in. The station is empty and officer Copeman is nowhere to be found. While calling out officer Copeman’s name and slamming the old case on the desk officer Copeman, Peter, and the commander walks out of his office. The commander face is red and Jack is sweating while looking at the ground.

“Is this why I pay you officer Copeman. To harass the kids of this town. Look at me Copeman.” Jack looks at the Commander and then looks at Peter.  

“I didn’t harass anybody sir I stopped a bully from bullying.”

“Well I don’t see it that way. Don’t mess with the kids Copeman, I’m warning you. Now get out of here and do your job.”

“Dad that’s it.” says Peter

“Sit down boy and stay out of adult business.” Peter sits down with a disappointed look on his face. “Now I know you are new to town so this is a warning. We do things differently here.” Jack stares at the commander.

“Yes sir.” Jack walks towards Tess and gives her one of those fake smiles.

“Hey, why you not in school.”

“Never mind that Officer Copeman, I got something for you.” Jack smile goes away as he gets his things. “I have to tell you that this is great. I’ve been saving this for a very long time.”Jack walks around the counter and puts on his jacket. “ I want you-.” Jack grabs Tess pulling her out of the station.

“Come on, Let's go.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m taking you to school. What else would I be doing.”

“I have to tell you something.”

“Sure you can tell me on the way.” Jack throws Tess in the back of his police car and slams the door driving off.

“You don’t have to be so mean.”

“I’m sorry you can’t miss school, it’s too damn important.”

“Jack I want you to look at my uncle case.”


“My uncle died when I was little. He meant a lot to me… I love my dad, my mom, and my brother but I just can’t let go of my uncle.”


~ ~ ~  


It is the day of Tess’s sixth birthday and she spends most of it crying.  

“Alright kids let's say we get this started,” says Luis.

“We are not waiting for mom and dad,” says Josh.

“No let's have fun all by ourselves.”

“I don’t care, ya’ll can have fun,” Tess says while folding her arms.  

“What’s wrong Tess? Your parents should be here later on”

“It’s not that….I just feel-.”

“It’s going to be okay, Tess. It’s going to be okay.”

“Why is she crying? I hate when she cries,” says Josh.

“Don’t worry Josh she is going to be ok.” Luis takes off his necklace. It is a five pointed star within a circle. “Here wear this you will start to feel better.” Luis puts the necklace on Tess. She wipes her face and stares at the necklace as it shines in her eyes.

“This belong to the first members of this family dating back thousands of years ago. It’s a real treasure that's suppose to be past down to a very special member of the family. That member is you Tess. You are very special.”

“What about me,” says Josh.

“How can I forget about you Josh you are my strong little warrior. You have a lot of potential to be a great fighter.”

“You not suppose to tell him things like that.” says Tess.

“I know, so let's keep this a secret.”

Uncle hugged them very tight.  From that day on Tess never takes that necklace off.


~ ~ ~


“I can’t,” Tess says as she is wiping her face. “I just want to know what happened.” Jack is looking at her through the rearview mirror.

“Why are you cutting class right now?”

“I don’t care about school right now! I can’t deal with these people anymore. I hate school.”

“Well, here we are. Look I have to be at the station. All the people there make fun of me all day. Do you think I want to be there? You have to be at school so you can pass and leave this place. So that means having to cope with your problems and face your ghost or they will chase you for the rest of your life.” Jack gets out of the car and lets Tess out.

“I just wanted you to look at my case. I guess you are just like everyone else. I can’t believe that you turned out to be a mean person.”

“Well life just might surprise you if you live long enough.”

“What does that even mean?”

“You will see.”


“Hey, where is you friend?”

“My friend?”

“Yea that one that stayed over your place last night. Is she skipping school as well?”

“No, her foster dad grabbed her this morning.” Tess turns around as Jack gets back in the car. As she walk towards the school her world starts to spin. The weather is getting dark and gloomy. The wind blows with pure rage, singing a melody to her soul. She start to slow down as if chains are on her feet. The thunder roars a violent song as if an enemy are marching. Her soul is now in death's grip. She closes her eyes and see nothing but faces. They are all laughing pointing at her. They start getting closer to her, crowding her, and staring at her. She tries to scream but can’t, while the faces get closer. Then all she can feel is fear but not just her, the faces as well. They run for their lives. She looks and all she sees is something glowing green walking towards her. She can no longer breathe.

“Hey! What are you doing?” says Josh as he touches her. She is sweating.

“Are you ok, Tess?”

“I can’t do this Josh. I can’t go to school.”

“Are you worried about the people at school? Come on, I got something to show you.”

“No, I just wanna go home.” Josh takes her hand and opens the school door. Her heart starts to race as she looks inside. There is no one to be found.

“What, were is everyone?”

“They are all in study hall. Someone told the school about the party last night so they got everyone doing write offs.”

“What, why would the school do something like that for me?”

“It’s not for you, gosh how selfish can you be. Just know what happened won’t happen again. Well, I have to go.”

“Wait! Where have you been all this time?”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to Tess.”

“Don’t give me that crap. I been all alone. Where were you?” Josh starts to laugh.

“I joined a group a while back. I been doing work, so they require me to travel a lot.”

“What do you do?”

“You know…  save the world.”

“Oh! Really what is the name of this group?”

“You don’t need to know all of that.”

“What do you mean? You join a cult, abandon your family and you don’t even want to tell me.”

“My family abandoned me!” Tess steps back.

“I mean, they abandoned us, Tess and it’s not a cult.”

“Who are these people and why they mean so much to you?”

“They are the reason I’m alive. So don’t talk about them that way.”


“I’m about to go since you can’t understand much.”

“Wait! I want you here Josh. I finally got mom to stay. Can you stay as well? We can begin to rebuild.” Josh hugs Tess tight.

“I’m not going to leave you alone again. You know I hate to see you cry. I have to go.”

“Where are you going?”

“You know… to save the world.”

“Josh, I’m serious.”

“Come on, we just talked about this.” Josh stares at Tess. “What happen to your necklace?” Tess looks down at her necklace.

“Oh my, how did this happen?” Her necklace has a crack in it. When she looks up Josh is gone. “Wait! Josh… Why is he always doing that?”

“Why am I not surprised.” says Mr. Jones. “Why are you not in study hall right now?”

“I was going to the restroom.”

“No you were not Ms. Wright. You skipped my class today and now you are trying to skip study hall. Well this behavior of your ends today. You are to stay after school with me to make up for this.”  Mr. Jones points to his classroom. Tess walks with Mr. Jones to his class and sits at a desk. She stares at the clock the entire time that Mr. Jones is talking. She starts to fall asleep.

“So if you look at the string theory you can look at the world differently.” Mr. Jones turns around and sees Tess wiping drool off of her face. “There you go daydreaming again Ms. Wright. I guess you will never change.”         

“I have no interest in this Mr. Jones. This is killing me can I please go?”

“I’m not just talking about your inability to focus but your attitude towards life.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You are always sad, upset, or otherwise depressed when I see you. You need to smile more, be happy that you are alive.”

“There is nothing to be happy about in my life Mr. Jones why can’t you cope with that, I have.”

“You young people think that the world revolves around your problems and your problems only. What about the problems of the world?” Mr. Jones steps towards Tess. “Who are the people that stop future wars? Who are the people that cure future and present illness? If the young people of today can’t get over there problems than the world will be the destroyed because no one cares about it’s problems. Us old people, as you would put it, is going to die soon and it will be too late for you young people to think about the world problems. So all I can do is try and prepare you for it. For the end.”

“Why do you care so much?”

“So you didn’t hear a word I just said.”

“No I did, I’m asking why do you care so much for me. You want to help young people become something more than themselves so why am I the only one in here.” Mr. Jones grabs his things.

“Ok we are done here. See you in class.” Tess grabs her things and leaves. She sits under the tree in front of the school and takes out her diary. She takes a deep breath while playing with her necklace and takes out her phone as well. She calls Jen and the call ended under three rings.




Jen is sitting on a dirty couch next to her brother and sister staring at the ground. Her brother is six and her sister is five. She looks around the house and takes a deep breath. The house has grey walls with grease stains all over them. The floor creaks and there are rats living in the basement. Everyone is sitting in the living room next to the entrance. Jen is sitting on a brown couch with her brother and sister. Mr. Woods and a woman is sitting across from them. The woman with a suit writes on her clipboard as Mr. Wood talks to her.

“Well, they eat three times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner,” says Mr. Wood.

“Ok, how are their grades in school?” says the social worker.

“Oh, they are great. You see Jena over there is going to be the next best thing.”

“Good to hear. Well it seems to me that everything is ok here. Just remind me why they are not in school right now.”

“Oh, yes they have the flu. I wanted them to wait until they feel better.”

“Good, I think that is enough for today.” The woman gets up and walks over to Jen. “Hey, you have been quiet this entire time. Is everything ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine I just don’t want to be here.” Mr. Woods stares at Jen intensely.

“You don’t want to be here, why is that?” Jen looks up at Mr. Woods while picking at her nails. He slowly shakes his head. “I have better things to be doing.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Don’t mind her, she is at that age where she does her own thing,” says Mr. Woods.

“Well, can I talk to Jen alone.” Mr. Wood sallows before nodding his head. “Ok, Jen can you show me to your room?” Jen looks at Mr. Woods as he give her the evil eye.

“Sure.” says Jen as she gets up from the couch. She walks pass the social worker to the hall on the right. She goes to the bedroom at the end of the hall and open the door. She stares at the room. The only thing that is in the room is a bed and chest. The wall are also grey.

“Are you going to go in?” says the social worker. Jen jumps and turns around.

“Yea, I am.”

“Are you ok? I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s ok, come in.” Jen and the woman walk in the room and sit on the bed.

“Is this your room?”

“Yea it is.”

“Do you seriously sleep in this room?”

“Why are you asking me the same question over and over again? This is my room.”

“This is a very depressing room. This tells me that you are not happy. I mean look at it, it’s empty, cold, and uninviting.”

“Are you saying I’m depressed?”

“I’m saying that you can tell a lot from a person by looking at their room.” Jen sighs.

“I don’t really sleep here. I always sleep over my friend house. So I didn’t have the time to decorate.”

“Jen, you have been here for two years. That’s a long time not to add a piece of yourself to this home.” The woman watch Jen play with her fingers. “Is there something you are not telling me?”

“No, everything is fine here. Can I go?”

“I have a few more question.”


“Why do you sleep over your friend house so much?”

“Is that any of your business.”

“Can you please answer the question?”

“What, you wanna know if we are in a relationship?”

“Are you?”

“Screw you.”

“I’m trying to help you. It seem as if you hate this place.”

“I do. I really do.”

“Then tell me something.”

“No, I’m seventeen. This is my last year of highschool and I’m going to spend it with my friend. So no thank you.”

“What about your brother and sister. They don’t have one more year.”

“I got them, I can protect them.”

“From what?” Jen gets up from the bed.

“Next question.” The social worker writes on her clipboard and sighs.

“Do you still have nightmares?” Jen stares at the social worker and walks over to her window.

“Why would you bring that up?”

“Because your doctor told me that you stop taking your medicine against his wishes. Jen, schizophrenia is something that can be managed.”

“I never had schizophrenia. It was a imaginary friend. Sorry that people can’t tell the difference.”

“Kids have imaginary friends. Teenagers however. Jen take your medicine, it might help you sleep.

“I don’t have problems sleeping anymore because I forgot all about that, but you brought it back up. Why?” asks Jen sobbing.

“I want to make sure you are okay.”

“Get out”

“Jen, I have one more question.” Jen continues to stare out of the window. “Do she still talk to you, Isabel.”

“Get out!”


“Get out! Get Out!” The woman pack her things and walk out of the room. Jen fall to her knees. The woman walks into the living room towards the door. Mr. Wood jump up out of his seat.

“Hey, is everything ok?” The woman turns around.

“No, Mr. Woods. It’s not. She needs help and I’m going to give it to her.”

“What did she say?”

“Nothing but I know she haven’t been taking her medicine. Isabel could return. I have a lot to think about Mr. Woods. Good day.” The woman walks outside and stands on the porch. She fixes her suit and smirks as she walks away. Mr. Woods is pacing back and forth as he scratches his head. He snatches his tie off as he throws it on the ground. He goes to the window and peeks through it watching as the woman gets in her car and leaves. Jen walks back into the living room wiping her face.  

“You think you are smart, don’t you?” says Mr. Woods.

“I guess you are talking to me.” Jen says sarcastically.

“Shut your mouth you stupid inbred. She asking you question because you trying to make me look like a fool.” Jen anxiously taps her foot.

“I was not trying to make you look like anything.”

“Oh yea, why didn’t you pretend to be sick?”

“I don’t know what that looks like.” Mr. Woods takes out a cigarette and lights it.

“I’m not going to tell you again about your damn mouth.” He takes a long puff of his cigarette and exhales. “Get out my face. Take your brother and sister as well. Feed them and send them to school.”

“What am I going to feed them? Air?”


“There is no food in the house. How the hell am I going to feed them?”   

“You know I had enough of your back talk.” Mr. Wood grabs Jen by her hair as Jen yells. Jen’s brother and sister grab onto Mr. Woods legs crying. Mr. Woods throws Jen against the wall as he kick her sister off of his leg. Mr. Woods takes off his belt and start hitting Jen in her face with the metal end like a whip.

“Let see if you talk back to me again.” Mr. Woods continues to hit Jen as she scream. He stops as someone beats on the door.

“Yall keep your mouths shut.” Mr. Woods put his belt back on and opens the door.

“Hi, I’m officer Copeman, is Jen home?” Mr. Wood wipes his nose as he looks Jack up and down.

“I never seen you here before.”

“Well that's because I just got here a couple of days ago. So is she here?”

“Yea, she has to take care of somethings.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure she can do those things after school, otherwise she needs to be there. May I come in?”

“No, you may not.”

“Look, I’m not trying to cause any trouble for the people of this town.”

“Then don’t.” Mr. Woods try to close the door but Jack put his foot in the doorway.

“Did you hurt her?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Anyone can hear the screams from a mile away.”

“You need to move your foot.” Jack stares at Mr. Woods intensely. “Well what’s it’s going to be?” Jack aggressively pushes the door in, hitting Mr. Woods in the face and knocking him to the ground. Mr. Woods rolls around on the ground yelling.  Jack storms into the house and sees the kids shaking by the table and Jen covering her face. Jack walks over to Jen moving her hand to see her mascara running and her lip bleeding.

“You SOB. You broke my nose.” says Mr. Woods. Jack takes out a napkin and wipes Jen face. His face turns red as he hug Jen and picks her up. He steps over Mr. Woods and carries her to the door.

“Come kids, follow me.” The kids run up to Jack grabbing a hold of his legs. Jack carries Jen to his car.

“Now you’ll stay here I’m going to be right back. Stay with your sister.” Jack closes the door as runs back to the house. Mr. Woods gets up from the ground.

“Come here you piece of s**t.” Jack punches Mr. Woods in the face knocking him back on the ground. Jack jumps on top of him punching him over and again until his punches start to spray Mr. Woods’ blood. He pulls him up to his face.

“You like hurting little kids, huh, huh? Answer me!” Jack breaths heavily as he drops Mr. Woods. He leaves the house and gets into the car and sits in the car staring straight ahead out of the window. He looks in the rearview mirror and Jen is staring at him breathing heavily..

“How long has this been happening?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know is not an answer.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Tears flood Jen’s eyes as she holds on to her brother and sister. “Thank you. This would be the second time you helped me.” Jack nods as he drive away.




Tess stares at her phone and puts in back into her bag. She look up to see a boy staring at her. He waves and blows a kiss. She looks around before getting up from under the tree and walking towards him.

“Hey, how long have you been sitting there?” asks Tess.

“Everyday. I sit here everyday.”

“Mystery man, is that you?”

“Is that’s what your friends are calling me?”

“Were you apart of the party last night?”

“No, I heard this morning about what happened. I’m sorry that you went through that.”

“It’s ok.”

“No, it’s not these kids deserve punishment and much worse for what they did.”

“I couldn’t have agree more.”

“Don’t worry some might see to it.” Tess kicks the ground while playing with her nails.

“So are you going to tell me who you are?”

“You must not like having fun.”

“No, you pulling that disappearing act landed me in that trap to begin with so pony up.”

“Ok, fair enough but give me your name first.”

“You know my name.”

“Do I?”

“My name is Tess.”

“Oh, what a beautiful name. My name is Thomas.”

“Thomas, huh, that's a normal name,” Tess says sarcastically.

“So you do have jokes.”

“Yea, a little.” They both laugh. “But a name doesn’t tell me anything about you.”

“Well, I grew up here.”

“Really, I think everyone know each other in this town.”

“I wouldn’t expect anyone to remember me. I left town with my folks about seven years ago. We were going through a tough time.”

“I was too.” Tess sits down next to him. “So why did you come back?”

“We have some unfinished business here and plus after this year it’s not going to matter anymore with me moving out and all.”

“Where are you thinking about going?”

“To a different planet.”

“Now look who has jokes, but if I could go to a different planet I would too. I would go anywhere that is not here.”

“This town seems to have that effect on people. How has your family been? If I remember correctly your mom works for Mr. Smith.”

“Yea she did… It’s nothing that I want to talk about.”

“I got you, seems like life has been rough on you.”

“You have no idea. I don’t want to be here.”

“Then let’s leave.”

“Hold on, I still don’t know about you mystery man.”

“Well at least let me take you home.”

“Encouraging me to skip school, not something that a good person will tell me to do.”

“I never said I was a good person.”

“Whatever.” Tess picks up her bag and walks with Thomas.




At the hospital Jack is sitting with Jen’s brother and sister. He taps his foot anxiously while smiling at the kids. A doctor walks up to Jack and shakes his hand.

“Jen is going to be ok.” says the doctor.

“That’s good to here doc.”

“Where is her parents or parents. I forgot who she is with now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Jena is in foster care of course but she changes parents every year.”


“Yes it’s hard raising a child with schizophrenia.”


“Oh my, I said too much.”

“It’s ok, I will take home to her folks.”

“Thank you officer.”  Jen walks from one of the rooms with her arms folded. Jack runs up to Jen and hugs her.

“Hey, are you ok.” asks Jack.  

“Yea, I’m fine.”

“What is going on in this town? First the kids at school, now this thing with your dad.”

“He is not my father, just some man.”

“I see. Well, it ends today.” Jen smiles.

“You know you are different from the other cops I met. You should help Tess.”

“Is she in some type of trouble?”

“It’s her uncle, he died in this crazy way and the commander is covering it up.”

“What, she didn’t say any of that this morning. She wanted me to reopen her uncle’s case.”

“Don’t do that, try and solve it in your free time and get back to us on what you find.” Jen eyes are wide as she grabs her brother and sister and walks out of the hospital.

“Copeman, a word.” says the commander. Jack turns around.

“Yes, sir.”

“I see you have been busy this morning.”

“Just doing my job, sir.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”

“Well, Ronny got a call from his pal Daniel, you know Mr. Woods.”

“Oh, really”

“Yeah, apparently he got the piss beat out of him by one of our own.”

“You have something you want to say to me?”

“Yes I do Copeman. How dare you come into my house and s**t at my table? I thought I made it very clear this morning that I don’t want you interfering with the people of this town.”

“Duty was calling.”

“Bullshit, why the hell were you there in the first place?”

“Jen was skipping school.”

“School? Look here Copeman you stop whatever it is that you think you are doing.” The commander turns around.

“Is that what you tell that little girl?” The commander slowly turns around. “I hear that you are covering up a murder.”

“You are suspended for two weeks.” Jack wipes his mouth and walks in a circle. “I want your gun Copeman.” Jack takes off his gun and gives it to the commander.”

“You know sooner or later a light is going to be shined on whatever it is you are doing in this town. Hell you can smell the lies.”

“Oh of course you would think so Jack. I made a few phones call before you came here. The boys down in Chicago had a lot to say about you.” Jack takes a step back. “Two weeks Jack, two weeks.” The commander leaves the hospital as Jack pace back and forward and  aggressively throws a lap.




Tess and Thomas are slowly walking to her house.

“Hey Tess you wanna know something?”

“Like what?”

“Well it’s a habit of mine to collect facts.”

“Nerd.” Thomas gently pushes Tess. “Ok tell me something.”

“Well did you know that positive and negative energy can’t existence without one another.”

“Why would I care to know that?”

“Well if you think about it good can’t existence without bad. If god said that all was good then what happened to the bad.”

“Don’t tell me you one of those Jesus freaks?” Thomas laughs.

“No, I’m not just pointing something out.”

“Ok, tell me something that doesn’t have anything to deal with something as crazy as god.”

“Ok since you obviously hate religion what about spirits?”

“What about them?”

“Oh, you have to know that you have a soul?”

“Well, I don’t know.”


“I’m sorry, tell me what you were going to tell me anyway.”

“Well I was going to tell you about the cavemen and how they use to eat each others souls.”

“Wow, ok you can leave that fact where ever you got that. Where the hell you hear that from?”

“Your mom.”

“What, my mom told you this?”
“Yea, when I was younger.”

“So you remember my mom, that’s kind of freaky.”

“Well I remember her coming over my house all the time when I was younger.”

“Coming over to your house.” Thomas stops walking and stares straight ahead. Tess looks in the direction that Thomas is looking in and her house is surrounded with unfamiliar cars. Josh is sitting on the steps in front of the house.

“What going here Josh where is mom.”

“Mom is gone Tess. She left.”

“Why would she leave Josh.”

“Tess!” Josh looks at her. “Dad’s died.”

© 2017 Terry Jones

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Added on July 2, 2017
Last Updated on July 2, 2017


Terry Jones
Terry Jones

Yonkers , NY

I consider myself to be a mellow person. So that being said I would to get to know people and their writing, I would also like the same in return. more..

Dear Tess Dear Tess

A Chapter by Terry Jones