![]() Dear TessA Chapter by Terry JonesIntro
Someone once told me that love is forever. That even through death, that person will love you… That’s childish. There is no afterlife. Once someone is dead, they are dead. For example, take my uncle Luis. I loved him, but he never came back.
Chapter 1: Dear Tess
The smell of barbeque fills the air as one of the policemen lay a rib on a grill. Some kids are running with each other falling into the bright green grass of the park. Couples passionately kissing under the big oak tree. A scholarly woman shaking the hands of families while taking a picture in front of a large banner that read, “Annual Fundraiser of Clearbrook, North Dakota.” Tess jumps on her uncle’s back as he runs away from her. The wind blows her long black hair as she smiles until her uncle stops running when a big shadow covers the park. No one notices it and carries on with the fundraiser but Tess stares at the sky, as it turns black. The smell of barbeque is gone as the smoke from the grill is no more and there is no more laughter, they are all gone. Tess plunge into the blackish sobbing, running where there is no ground, yelling with no sound. Her breath deepens as she slowly stop running with each breath becoming heavier than the last. Suddenly she fall infinitely as the wind rips away at her skin. She curls up in a ball when a green light appears. It is a green fire. Her eyes widen as she move closer to the center of the flames. She cover her ears because the screams of the flames sounds like people burning. She couldn’t breath because of the smell so she covers her nose. At the center of the flame is a figure. A man is burning and he calls out her name. “No, Uncle Luis.” Tess says whimpering. “Am I boring you, Ms. Wright?” Tess instantly open her eyes breathing heavily and this huge boy that is wearing a freddy krueger mask is about two inches in front of her face shaking his head. She rolls her eyes to the left and there is a pale blonde cheerleader that's completely covered in blood smacking on some gum and twirling her hair, staring at her. Also there is a goblin, a witch, and even wizards turned around giving her the evil eye. Tess places her backpack on her desk, ducking her head behind it. Mr. Jones, who is also wearing his favorite all black suit, is looking at her through his thick glasses wrapping his hair in a pony tail. A vein is popping out of his head as he throws his hands in the air. “Am I boring you, Ms. Wright?” He repeats. “No, you’re not.” “Well go put some water on your face, I want my students fully awake.” “I don’t need to do anything. I was daydreaming, that’s all,” Tess says under her breath. The class continues to stare. Mr. Jones throws down the chalk and puts his hands on his hips. “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t giving you any choices.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that to you in that way.” he cuts Tess off. “I need you to see me after school Ms. Wright.” Tess throws her hands in the air as her jaw drops. “I said I was sorry.” “Anybody else have anything to say?” He looks at every student but Tess. “Well good, let's continue. Today we are going to talk about the states of matter. Ms. Wright, go on now.” He points to the door staring at Tess. She rolls her eyes and grabs her things as someone throws a paper ball at her. Some people fall out of their seats laughing while others are stomping their feet and clapping their hands. Tess timidly picks up the paper ball and unscramble it. The paper reads in gigantic red letters, Freak. Tess rips the paper into as many pieces as she could manage. Mr. Jones slams his hand on the table and the whole class goes silent but he is still pointing at the door. Tess bites her lips and leave the class slamming the door behind her. “Stop slamming my door.” says Mr. Jackson the hall monitor. Tess rushes straight past him towards the girls restroom. “Hold on little girl, is everything ok?” Tess tosses her bag on the floor hitting the blue dented lockers on the wall. She wipes her eyes pacing back and forth until she accidently step on her bag. Her breath deepens and she viciously kick the locker, one kick becoming more aggressive than the other. “Oh Tess that’s you. Well never mind, carry on.” He walks backward cautiously with his hands in the air as she picks her bag up storming into the restroom. She throws her bag at the window and sits next to it staring out into the courtyard. She takes off her slippers and rub her feet into the cold blue floor closing her eyes. Ms. Hobbs climbs out one of the restroom stall with her cleaning supplies rubbing her back. “You’re early Ms. Wright” “No, I’m right on time.” Tess says as she gives Ms. Hobbs a hug. “Are you eating, you look pretty thin.” “I’m fine, just not that hungry.” “You know, someday you are going to have to face these demon in your life that you keep running from.” “I’m not running.” “You don’t have to explain anything to me. Look at me, other than my wrinkled skin and grey hair I see a beautiful woman. What do you see when you look at yourself?” Ms. Hobbs pulls Tess over to the mirror. “I see myself.” “No think bigger than that.” Tess breath deepens as she starts to shake. “I see a seventeen old girl with long beautiful black curly hair.” “And.” “I see my light brown skin and brown eyes.” “Think bigger.” Tess stop shaking. “I see someone that genuinely cares.” “That’s a lot better.” Ms. hobbs winks at Tess as she goes back to the window. “Why do you care.” “Oh, because I see your mama down at Joe’s every night. Such a shame.” Ms. Hobbs collects the rest of her things and leaves as three cheerleaders walks in. They stop at the entrance looking Tess up and down like she is a homeless man. One of them walks outs while the other two walks towards the mirror. They were wearing that same blue uniform that all the cheerleader wear with blue and white ribbons in their hair. One of them takes out a piece of paper and tapes it to the mirror. The other one steps towards Tess glaring at her with a cynical smile, so Tess reaches for her pepper spray in her bag holding it tight. The cheerleader at the mirror puts on some green lipstick and kisses the list that is on the mirror leaving her lip print. “Later freak,” says the cheerleaders as they left the restroom. The bell rang making Tess drop her pepper spray on the ground. She can’t stop shaking. She grabs her things and step to the mirror to look at the paper. It reads, List of All the Losers. Tess quickly march towards the lunch room which is outside for the senior class, running into Halloween decorations. The hallway is covered in green and orange paper with spider webs falling from the ceiling but the courtyard is untouched. No one would dare destroy Carla’s courtyard. She has it looking like a country club. There are small trees and sculptures all around. “Boo,” yells a boy in the launch room, “Did I scare you?” “No, can you just get out of my way?” Tess pushes him out of the way. “Jerk.” As she is walking through the courtyard people look at her with wide eyes and point at her. Some of them even cover their seats with their things. Tess looks at the back of the courtyard where she usually sit and Jen is waving at her. She began to walk faster towards her when Jen stops waving and points at the table of cheerleaders. Tess looks over to see Carla sitting at the table with the same girls that were in the restroom laughing uncontrollably. When Carla looks in Tess’s direction she spits out her drink, jumps up discombobulated, and runs to the table with Jen. She fixes her hair and makeup with her mirror. She is very beautiful and tanned. She has blonde hair and never wears anything under a five hundred dollars. Her father is very wealthy man that always buys people lands and kicking them out of their home. He is the reason this school looks so nice. He made the school look like one those hospitals with glass windows everywhere with stone walls as a fence around the school. They even named the courtyard after her. Some of the cheerleader timidly march towards Carla in confusion. Carla squints her eyes towards them and the cheerleaders panicky move back to their table. Carla brushes off the seat next to her as Tess put her things down. “Look who it is, miss daydreaming queen.” says Carla. “Oh. You heard about that.” “Yea like the whole school knows cause that man can’t shut up about you.” “What does he say about me?” “Well, since I’m class president I get to sit in on teacher meetings and boy does he talk about you. Tess is never focused, Tess is always late for class, Tess is the love of my life, I need Tess,” Carla says sarcastically. “I’m pretty sure he didn't say that.” “Tess, I’m telling you that man has his eye on you.” “Whatever, Carla, you need something to be there.” “No, you need someone to be there. Trust me you do.” “Whatever.” “Well, Jena don’t be a bore say something.” Jen slams the book she is reading on the table. “For the last time call me Jen. And this conversation doesn’t interest me.” “Freak.” says Carla with a dirty look on her face. “Leave her alone” Tess takes out the two lunches from her bag. Jen has no family and basically lives on her on. Her parents died when she was younger and she has been moving from foster home to foster home. Every time Tess tries and talk to her about it she ends up leaving, so Tess just leaves it alone. Since her mom and brother are never home Jen mostly stays at her house. “What do you want to talk about Jen?” Tess hands her one of the lunches she packed. “Well do you’ll want to go to the haunted house? I hear it is going to be cool and we are upperclassmen now, we need to start doing cool things.” Carla and Tess looks Jen up and down. “I don’t know.” says Tess. “What, are you afraid of ghosts, Tess?” says Jen. “No I’m not, but that has nothing to do with it.” “Then, what is it?” “Are you kidding me, Peter is throwing that party.” “Are you sure?” “Yea, I’m certain.” “Hey, you don’t have to worry about stupid people and their stupid jokes.” “I know, it just, I will think about it.” “Well, I’m coming over anyway to help you out with an outfit because god knows that you don’t have one” says Carla. “Don’t force this on her, Carla.” says Jen. “You’re the one that brought it up four eyes.” “My name is Jen.” Jen jumps out of her seat cracking her knuckles. “Well that is an ugly sight.” says Peter as he sits down at the table. Tess’s face begins to turn red as she watch Peter intensely. “Screw you a*****e.” “Why are you talking to me- what’s your name again.” “It’s Jen.” “Really-you answered me?” Peter rolls his eyes.“So Carla, you coming through to the party tonight or what?” Carla places her hands in her lap playing with her fingers while Tess impatiently taps her foot. “Don’t be shy. You know my dad is celebrating another year of being a crime free town. So he won’t notice that I’m gone. We can have some fun tonight.” “Well, actually, we were just talking about it.” “We, I hope you are not bringing these two freaks.” Tess picks up her cup of water and aggressively throws it in Peter face. People drop their lunches and begin to crowd the table. A vein pops out of Tess’s head. “Leave this table now!” yells Tess. Peter cautiously backs away from the table while smirking at her. “See you there.” Peter turns around and walks away with a group of friends. “What was that Tess?” asks Carla. “Do you hang around him?” asks Tess. “What do you mean?” “Carla don’t lie to me. Do you hang around Peter?” “No.” “Then why is he coming over here talking to you.” “I don’t know. Everybody in the school wants to talk to me.” Jen falls on the floor laughing. “What’s so funny Jena?” “You.” says Jen. Carla folds her arm and pouts. “Carla you know how I feel about him.” says Tess. “Yea, I do. I would never do anything to hurt you Tess. I promise.” “Ok” “Are you serious Tess?” asks Jen. “Jen I believe her. She is popular which mean she can even attract dogs.” Carla picks at her salad while looking at Tess with wide eyes. Peter staring at his watch walks towards the center of the courtyard. A group of guys wearing lettermen jackets follow behind him pumping their fist in the air. They begin counting down as other students form a circle around them. Peter stands up on one of the tables. “Five, four, three, two, one.” Everyone jumps in the air yelling giving each other high fives. “School is done for the day my brothers and ladies. First, I would like to thank our principal for finally giving us a break by letting us spend the rest of the day prepare for to tonight.” Everyone claps. “But in return no senior trip for us.” Everyone boos Peter. “I know, I know, He’s being a jerk but… I guess that means we need to make tonight a night to remember.” Everyone starts to cheer. Peter jumps off of the table and grabs one of the guy with the lettermen jacket. “Hey, make sure to get plenty of alcohol.” Peter pats him on the shoulder and looks at Tess. She gives him the evil eye as he laugh. Peter gives her the finger and turns around walking with his friends. Tess jumps up from the table grabbing her things and walks into the school to once again run into the decoration. She fights the string of web off of her throwing it down to the ground. She walks to the front of the school, to the tree that’s to the left of the school and sits under it. She takes a deep breath as she takes out her diary and begins to write in it.
Dear uncle Luis, I am sick of this town. I want to leave and never come back, but I can’t. I want to let you know that I haven’t given up on you. I’m still searching for the answers. I know you probably want me to carry on with my life and tell me that you are in heaven or what not but I need this. I’m going to find someone that will look into your case, then I will leave. Dad stopped writing months ago. To be honest, I forgot that he is in Iraq fighting the war. It’s been five years since he left. Just another Wright blind sided by the world. But it’s ok-
Carla walks by with the same cheerleaders as before. Tess slams her diary close as she stuff it in her bag. She looks up as Carla walks pass the stone wall and turns right. Tess start to run after her with her backpack still open. She run past the wall and turn right only to be knock down. Her diary and books are on the ground. She looks up at two cops wearing orange vest are standing over her. One of them is wiping his hands on his orange vest while the other is reading a book. “Hey little lady, watch where you are going.” “Sorry.” Tess begins to pick up her things off of the ground. “Who?” “You know, from the Wright family?” The officer squints his eyes. “Oh yeah it is. Hey you, you know what today is?” “The day when you get to play cops, oh my bad you do that everyday.” The cops slap their legs, bend over laughing. “Today is the day that the town would have been crime free for one hundred and seven years, but no, we are celebrating only seven because of you.” The cop steps closer to her. “Sorry I cause you so much pain,” Tess says sarcastically. “Well, that's a start. You know the town was counting on the money from the government. Having a peaceful town has it’s rewards you know and lord knows we are trying to build that bridge again.” The cop put his hands on her shoulder. “Can I go now?” “I’m not going to stop you from skipping school.” “I’m not skipping. School let us out early for Halloween.” “They do that now. Man, times has changed. I remember when I was younger we use to go trick or treating at night, like a man. Now they do it in the middle of the day. Cowards take all the fun out of everything.” “You know who would have never let this happen?” “Who?” “Well, Ms Quarry of course.” “You talking about the old mayor?” “Yeah, that’s the one I’m talking about. Man, she was a piece of work.” “You bet she was, what ever happened to her?” “I don’t know. All I remember is that she left about seven years ago.” Tess looks at both officers as they talk back and forth. She slowly steps back from them turning around to see Mr. Jones going to his car. Her eyes open wide as she start to run back to the school. Mr. Jones is putting his suitcase in the back seat of his car while untying his tie. “Mr. Jones, wait up,” Tess says while out of breath. “I don’t want to hear it.” “I was just down the street.” “What’s going on with you, Ms. Wright? You never seem to be in the right place at the right time and I mean physically and mentally.” “Well, I have a lot on my mind.” “Look…. I know it’s been hard on you for a while, I mean I would never leave my kids to be by themselves, but I need you to get your act together. No matter what happened in the past, you control your life.” Tess kicks a rock. “Can I go now?” “Are you even listening to me?” “I am, but I just can’t listen to people that don’t know what they’re talking about.” “What do you mean?” “I mean, don’t sit here and pretend like you know what I’m going though. Like you have lost love ones like I did. NO ONE'S LOOKING INTO HIS CASE!”
~ ~ ~
Tess wakes up to the crackle of thunder, sweating, shaking and breathing heavily under her covers squeezing her teddy bear as tight as she can. The moonlight is shining over her to the floor with the shadows of the rain drops falling in it. She stares at it until she stop shaking. She looks up towards her clock and exhale seeing that it is two o’clock in the morning. She rolls her eyes to the window, staring out of it until her eyes begin to feel heavy again drifting away. Boom! Her eyes immediately opens to the sound of glass shattering. She stares at the ceiling in silences until she hears the glass shattering for the second time. She explode out of bed turning on the light in the hallway. The thunder roars once more shaking the house. She sprints downstairs to her parents’ room, kicking in their door. Just like I left them. Tess runs to their bed rocking her mom back and forth. Her mom puts her hands on her head as she turns the lamp on, that’s on the nightstand. “What are you doing baby?” Tess jumps on her mom, embracing her tightly. “There is a noise coming from down here.” A flash of lightning lights the room from the window and jumps back a little. “Baby it’s just a strom. Who know what damage is being done.” She kisses Tess on the forehead. “Go on back to bed now.” She turns the lamp off as Tess walks to the door. She wipes her forehead and smile as her stomach roars like a lion. She closes the door and began walking down the hallway. Suddenly all the light starts to blink on and off. Her heart begins to race as she takes one step after the other. The sound of running water and the smell of burnt food is coming from the end of the hallway. She approaches the corner of the end of the hallway slowly looking beyond it to see the sink overflowing with water. She quickly grab some paper towels throwing them on the ground and turns off the sink. She began to cough from the smoke in the air. She turns the oven off and open the oven door fanning the smoke. She step to the sink and pours herself a glass of water. The wind blows in her hair as she drinks the cup of water. She turns around and the back door is open and a leg sticking out of it. She screams. Soon after her family came flooding down the stairs. “Dad, what’s wrong with him?” “Oh MY GOD.” “He doesn’t look so well,” says my brother Josh. Tess looks at the body. All his teeth are missing and his skin looks as if he is mummified. His eyes are a green haunting glow. He is not breathing and is wearing uncle Louis’ favorite jacket. His eyes are locked on Tess, forcing her to stare back into them. Her father closes his eyes and mom calls the police. While the police are taking her parents reports she is still looking at the body of her uncle. She jumps on top of him crying, beating on his chest. Her dad rips her away. Then some men came and took his body away. Tess watches as they load him into the back of their truck and waves good- bye.
~ ~ ~
“You have no case. Your family left you, that's all, and the sooner you realize that the better you will be.” Tess reaches in her backpack and grabs a photo. “Look at this, tell me that this is natural.” “Tess.” “Look at it!” Tess holds the photo in Mr. Jones's face. He hold his hands in the air moving his head upward. “You coward.” Tess grabs her things and run away sobbing.
Uncle Luis why do they do that? Whenever I show them proof of something wrong they look away. How can you see that something is wrong and carry on with your day? People are always laughing and partying as if someone was not murdered in their backyards. I don’t understand! It’s like I’m walking in a room filled with people with blank faces and I am their shadow that creeps in the corner looking for a way out.
Tess walks into the police station and the police are pinning the tail on a donkey and playing poker. Tess walks up to the front desk and sits. From there she can see everyone and what they are doing. It’s just one big room with desks and a big office at the back of it. The office is grey and absent of life. One of the officer steps towards Tess pointing and laughing yelling seven years to her. The officer from school steps to Tess with a plate. “Saved you some cake and here is a pop. There is no more pizza.” “Haha.” Tess gives him an evil eye. “No need to thank me.” He hands her a fork. “You know we are going to be celebrating all day. How about you go home?” “You know why I’m here.” “Yeah we do, and there ain't nothing we can do about that.” “So I’ve been told.” He laughs. “Good luck.” The officer walks back over to the poker table as she take a bite out of the cake. The commander walks out of his office with an unfamiliar face. “Can I have everyone's attention?” Everyone stops and looks at the new guy. “This is Officer Copeman. He is a transfer from out of town, please show him a good time.” The officer begins clapping and yelling welcome to the family. “Well, as much as I would like to have a good time, I want to make sure that this town’s safety is first on my list. Please, call me Jack.” The office fills with laughter. “He will come around,” says one of the officers. The commander leaves with the biggest smile on his face. “Did I say something wrong?” “No, you're just funny, Jack. There is no crime here, so you don’t have to worry about anything.” “Oh. So what do you guys do around here?” “Nothing.. great gig, right?” “Well, can you just show me to my desk?” “What are you, a detective?” says the officer as he starts to laugh. Jack starts to laugh as well. “We’re going to put you at the front counter so you won’t get in our way.” “Ok.” “Have a seat, son. Enjoy your new job.” The officer pats his shoulders. Jack holds his head down. “Hello,” Tess says to the new officer as he jumps up from his sit. He has short black hair with a dark bread. His eyes are a light grey. His arms and chest are just about to ripe out of his shirt. He smells of spring and fresh coffee. “What the- how long have you been there?” “Since school got out.” “Since school got out- Ain’t it one o’clock?” “School got out early.” “You don’t have anything better to do?” “No, I don’t,” She says as she stare at his face, taking another bite out of the cake. “I never seen you here before.” She takes a sip of pop. “Well, I just moved here.” She spist out her pop. “What’s so funny?” “Well, I know you didn’t move here because you wanted to, someone had to of forced you.” He moved away from the desk. “Oh really, what makes you say that?” “Come on, you have been in this town for more than five minutes, you should know the answer to that question.” He looks back at an officer dancing on a desk. “Ok, fair enough.” He sits back down. “Where’s your folks.” “No.” “No what?” “I don’t feel like talking about them. Where do you live?” “Ok then.” He taps on the desk. “So you get to ask me personal questions but you can’t answer a simple one?” “Why do you want to know?” “Because you are a child sitting at a police station by herself.” Tess stops eating the cake. “I’m seventeen.” “You act like that makes a difference.” She looks down at the cake picking at it with the fork. “I don’t know.” “What?” “I don’t know where my mom is.” Jack looks Tess deep into her eyes. “I mean I heard she’s been down at Joe’s, but I can’t go to a bar. I don’t want to.” “You’re a weird little girl.” “Oh, you think I’m a freak?” “No, what’s wrong with you, calling yourself a freak? You should know better. And what I meant by that is that you are telling a complete stranger personal things about yourself.” “Oh.” “It’s fine, at least I know that you are honest.” She smiles as some police officers walk by. “Hey, did you hear about the party some kids are throwing tonight,” says the officer walking by. “No, what party you talking about?” “Well, my son been asking me all week about going to some party. I figure I gone let him because you got to let your kids live, right?” “Right.” “So I told him he can go, but just this morning I heard some kids talking about that same party. They were saying that it is going to be in the forbidden forest.” “You talking about that abandoned house over on Smith's old property?” “That would be the one. I told my son that I would beat him before I let him go there.” “That’s right, the commander forbid that property for a reason. So you going to tell him?” “No I’m not going to be the one to tell him. Are you?” The cop shakes his head. “Alright then let’s go.” The officers continue to walk out of the station laughing. Jack slams his fist towards the desk but stops it mid-air as he shakes it and looks away. Tess looks at the clock that is behind Jack. “Well it’s nice to meet you officer-,” She looks at his badge, “Copeman.” “Please, call me Jack.” “Nice to meet you, officer Copeman. You are the first police officer that has been nice to me in over five years. Well, see you tomorrow.” “Wait, what do you mean see me tomorrow?” “Oh, they didn’t tell you? I come here everyday.” “They knew you were sitting out here?” “Of course they did. You are the first person to sit at the front counter in a while. Goodbye.” Jack put on his jacket and grabbed his keys.
Tess is walking on the main road in town. The town has one large road with stores on both sides of it. On the left is a grocery store with a doctor's office and a library. On the right side of town there is clothing store, a restaurant and drug store. At the entrance of town on the right side sits Joe’s bar and at the end of town on the left side sits the school. The police station is in the middle of the left side. Behind each side of town is a side street that leads into the neighborhoods. The most well off people live on the left side of town and the less fortunate live on the right side of town. The neighborhoods goes on for miles. The forbidden forest sits at the back of the neighborhood on the right side. While Tess is on the main road she sees everyone's halloween displays. The people of this town love this holiday and go all out on the decorations. But as she gets further down the road she sees the one thing that reminds her why she don’t like this holiday. It’s the zombie with green eyes. The town makes them because of the stories she told about her uncle. On the list of reasons why she hates this town, this makes it at number two. Carla pops out of one of the stores that she is walking past. When she see Tess she jumps up and down excitingly with two large bags in her hand. She runs up and hugs her. “What are you doing here, Carla?” “I told you that I was going to buy you a costume.” “Oh. I still don’t know if I’m going.” “I didn’t just hear that.” “Carla.” “Get in the car, Tess.” She opens the door of her black BMW throwing the bags in the back seat. “Carla.” “Tess, I will fight you.” Tess rolls her eyes laughing and jumps in the car. Carla takes off like she is a speed racer. “Wow, Carla.” “So, I got you like three outfits that would be perfect for you.” Carla digs through her bag. “Carla, the road.” Carla pulls out her phone. “Huh,” says Carla as Tess puts on her seatbelt. “Oh, don’t be silly.” “I’m going to tell Jen to meet up with us.” “Wait, just tell her to meet us at the party.” “What, are you being serious right now?” “Well… no go ahead.” “I’m texting her now.” “Ok, it will be fun,” Carla says sarcastically. “You know, what is that?” “What is what?” “What going on between you and Jen?” Carla stares at the road with her mouth open. “I- there is nothing going on there.” “Really, that’s the story you are going with?” “I said she can come.” “What does that mean? How is that even a question on whether she should be able to come over? We are all friends.” “Yes, Tess it’s just an old habit that’s hard to break.” “Sure it is.” “Tess.” “No Carla, if we are going to be friends then you are going to change the way you treat Jen.” “I am pretty fair to her.” “I don’t want to ever hear you call her freak again and for god sake call her the name that she wants you to call her.” “Her name is Jena.” “Carla!” “Ok, I got you.” “Alright.” Tess’s stomach roars. “Oh, that’s right you didn’t eat very much for lunch.” “It’s ok, just stop somewhere to get a burger.” “Ugh, fast food. Are you serious?” “What wrong with that?” “No, you are not eating that garbage and plus we are here anyway.” Tess and Carla pulls up to her house and this massive black gate, which is covered by large green trees, opens slowly. Carla puts on her shades and drives down the long stone road that has sculptures of angels on the left covering their face with their hand and on the right are sculptures of demons praying. The house sits in the middle of a field that’s a mile long. There are five stone towers surrounding the house on the edges of the field. When they reach the end of the road Tess finally see Carla’s house. It is made out of stone, like that of a castle with big wooden doors. There are also large windows all around the house. Carla park next to the water fountain that’s in front of the house. The water fountain has a sculpture of a woman with a sword and shield. Some men in suits come and opens the door for Carla taking her bags. One of the men takes a small brush and start to brush Tess. Tess pushes the man and nods her head. Carla chuckles as the men open the door to the house. He holds his hand towards the door as they walk in. “Lady Smith has arrived and has a guest with her.” says William the head butler. More men in suits come and take Tess’s things from her while holding a silver platter to her face with finger sandwiches and mini salads on it. Tess waves her hand pushing them away. “You not hungry anymore?” “This is food?” Tess says as she pokes one of the sandwiches. “Just leave it in my room,” says Carla to one of the men. Carla takes Tess’s hand. “Come on, we have no time to waste.” Tess and Carla walks in the living room that is about the size of a house. The room is also one color, cream with a little bit of brown because of the wooden panels. All the furniture is wrapped in plastic. There isn’t a mark in site. William clears his throat. “Lady Smith, a word.” “Yes William.” “You have more gifts from your father. He sends his apologies for not being able to spend this halloween with you.” “This Halloween, how about none of the Halloween for the last seven years or any holiday day for that matter, so yea tell him he can keep them.” “Lady Smith, you must understand what your father has been through-” William clears his throat. “I mean the work your father has to do.” “William I really don’t care what he does. Just… give the gifts away. I don’t want them.” says Carla as she turns around. William sighs. “Yes, my lady.” Tess and Carla climbs the glass stairs to a massive hallway. The walls are white with pictures of Carla. Tess stares at each photo that she passes. The first photo that she sees is a black and white picture of Carla as a baby running through the grass. The next is a black and white picture of Carla at a skating round with her dad but his head is cut off in the photo. Another photo is of Carla in her cheerleading uniform with Tess. She is putting up bunny ears behind Tess head in the photo. Tess and Carla walks into her room and her carpet is white and the walls are blue. All of their things are sitting on her bed. “Ok let’s get started. Open them.” says Carla. Tess goes over to the bed and open the first bag. She takes out the costume and it is a Harley Quinn outfit, which is shorts and a t-shirt. “Did you forget that it is October?” asks Tess. “Tess, don’t be silly.” The intercom comes on. “Lady Smith, you have another guest at the door that says you invited her.” says William. “Yes William, let her in and show her the way up here.” says Carla. “Yes, my lady.” “Yes, my lady.” Tess says sarcastically. “Jealous much.” Carla says smiling. “So open the second bag.” Tess unzips the bag and looks at Carla with a exasperation. Jen walks in the room dressed as an elf looking around like it is a museum. “Hi Jena- I mean Jen.” Carla says with a big smile. “Ok, what the hell is wrong with her?” “Why would you say something like that? Tess why would she say something like that?” Carla is still smiling. “Don’t worry about it. You doing good.” says Tess. “Oh my god you have a fireplace in your room.” Jen says as she pokes the fire place with a poker. “Oh please don’t do that.” “What the hell are all the these trophies for, being rich?” “Can you get away from them?” “Oh sounds like a back story to me.” “Jen give her a break.” says Tess. “Hey, how come you only have pictures of your dad up?” asks Jen as she picks up one of the picture sitting on the fireplace. Carla stops smiling. “Well, my mom died while giving birth to me.” Jen sits the picture down. “I didn’t know that. Tess, did you know that?” asks Jen. “Yes, I did.” says Tess. “Ok, well that still doesn’t explain why there are no pictures of her.” says Jen. “My dad lost all the photos of her.” Carla sits on the bed. “What! The hell are you talking about. Lost-” “Jen!” Tess says cutting Jen off. “Ok,” Jen says sarcastically. “Oh my god I can hear my echo in the bathroom.” “Now back to you Tess, I think you’d look great in this costume.” says Carla. “It’s a nurse costume. A pretty short one at that.” says Tess. “Don’t you think that’s a little much?” says Jen. “Shut up, Jena. It looks way better than your stupid elf costume. With it’s stupid pointing ears and ridiculously ugly dress,” says Carla. “Well, you know what, this ancient magical elf might put a spell on someone tonight.” Carla rolls her eyes while Jen pretends to cast a spell. “Why are you laughing, Tess? Do you even care?” asks Carla. “I don’t want to go guys.” says Tess. “NO NO NO you are going miss lady!” says Carla. “Come on Car-.” says Jen. “No,” Carla says cutting her off. “We have waited a long time for this. To go to a party with cool kids. It’s our dream.” “No, it’s your dream.” says Jen. “Shut it Jena.” “Everyone hates me Carla, and they love you. How can I fit in with these people?” asks Tess. “Look Tess, I don’t like these people either, but I want to go,” says Jen. “Yea, why is that?” Jen just smiles and walks away. “I really don’t want to go to a haunted house.” says Tess. “So you are afraid of ghosts?” asks Jen. “No, I’m not, it’s just…” “There’s going to be cute guys, and girls, if that’s what you’re into.” says Carla as everyone laughs. “It’s time to have some fun,” says Jen. “So, do you think this nurse costume will make me look too available?” asks Tess. “Of course it does. That’s why you are wearing it.” says Carla. Everyone continues to laugh as Tess smiles fades away as she feels a chill comes over her.
Tess and her friends are pulling up to the party in Carla's BMW. A guy in a green neon vest blows a whistle as she pulls into the forest and all the cars in front of her clears the way. Carla drives in front of the house and parks it. Everyone gets out of the car and a guy walks up and takes Carla’s keys. Tess looks around to see people are drinking and dancing. They are drinking so much that even the football players are throwing up. Most of the people are dressed as some s****y monster while others are running naked through the woods. The house itself has rotten wood all over. People are literally falling through the front porch. The house is also covered with vines and creeks every time anyone makes a move. Some of the people put ropes on a tree and tied some students to it. The rope is tied to their underwear. Tess and her friends haven’t even made it inside yet and there are pictures of the green eyed zombie everywhere. People stop dancing just to look at them, giving them the evil eye. “Don’t worry, let's have some fun,” says Carla as her other friends walk up to her jumping up and down. Carla jumps up and down as well as they all go running into the house. “Really, Carla.” says Tess. “I’m going to be right here with you, Tess.” Tess and Jen looks at each other and steps toward the entrance and this huge guy thats dress like a vampire stands in their way. Tess is wondering whether to prepare for a fight or run. A guy walks up to this vampire and taps him on the shoulder. They both walk away towards the back of the house. As Tess and Jen walks in Tess stares at the light show that the DJ is throwing. He is stationed upstairs looking down on the crowd of people in this massive living room. The green and purple lights are dancing to each other as the DJ hold the music. He tells the crowd to put their hands in the air and everyone does, including Jen. Then the DJ jumps in the air slamming his hand on the table as the beat drops. The crowd goes wild. People are jumping up and down and push each other out of the way. Tess steps back but Jen takes her hand and smiles at her. She runs into the crowd of people dancing. Jen starts dancing with Tess as she laughs. She lightly jumps up and down. As they are dancing Tess looks around the room and no one is looking at them. She smiles as she dances more freely. The song changes to a much slower song. Jen takes her hands and throws them over her shoulders. She also puts her hands around Tess’s hips. They rock back and forth to the music. In the middle of Jen and Tess dancing a guy walks up to them. He looks at Jen and gives her a dirty look. Then he looks at Tess and smiles. He starts from her legs to her head as he start licking his lips. “Hey beautiful.” “Hey.” Jen and Tess are still dancing. “I have to say that you look really good in that outfit.” “Oh, thank you I guess.” “Hey, how about me and you hit this dance floor?” “I’m dancing with a friend. So maybe later.” “Man, she can come to.” Jen gives him a dirty look and they stop dancing. “You didn’t even ask for my name.” “I’m sorry. What’s your name?” “My name is Tess.” “Hey, ain't you that weird girl? I don’t remember you being this hot. ” “Hey, how about you go creep on some other girl?” says Jen. “Ok, I get it. Try and enjoy the party,” the guy says as he walks away with a smile. “Creep.” “It seems like I can’t have fun here after all.” “Don’t say that, Tess.” “Maybe Carla is having a better time than we are.” “She is probably sucking face with Peter and -” “Stop, I don’t need that image.” Tess walks over to the table with all the drinks. A guy turns around and smiles at her handing her a drink. She pushes his hand out of the way and grab a bottle of water. The guy gives her the finger and walks off. Jen walks over and fixes herself a drink. When Jen is about to drink it Tess smacks the cup out of her hand. Jen yells oh my god as she tries to dry herself off. She gives Tess the evil eye as Tess hands her a bottle of water. Jen takes it and drinks it. “You must not like drinking?” says a guy. Tess looks over at another vampire standing close to her. He is looking at Tess with his black eyes as he flips his long black dred with red tips. He takes off his black trench coat and pats down his all black suit as he smiles at her. “No, not in the least.” says Tess. “I can understand, I don’t like drinking myself. I have seen what it can do to people.” “Yea, me too.” Jen watches the guy from the corner of her eye as he grabs a bottle of water. The guy stares at Tess as he drinks. “So-” says the guy as Tess cuts him off. “Why are you talking to me?” “Well, I was trying to ask you to dance. This song is halfway over.” “I’m not going to sleep with you if that’s what you want.” “I wouldn’t be talking to you if I thought you would.” Tess looks at Jen and she quickly looks the other way. “Look, I know you know who I am so I’m sorry if I made you lose your bet with someone.” “The only thing I know about you is that you are the most beautiful person in this room.” Jen spits out some of her water. Tess puts her hand in his face. “You think something like that is going to win me over?” He takes Tess’s hand and kisses it. Jen and Tess stares at him with their mouths open. He pulls Tess towards him as he walks back on the dance floor. He wraps his arms around her as her heart races. “You know this would be confirmable if you relax a little.” “I don’t know you.” “That’s why this is so fun. Clearly you think this a prank but I don’t know these people.” “I’m sorry, who are you?” “Don’t take the fun away. Just dance with me.” They rock back and forth to the music as their foreheads touches. Tess places her hands on his chest. He stares into her eyes forcing her to stare back into his. He smiles as he spins her around and catches her. Tess cracks a smile. “You see, this is fun right?” “No” Tess says sarcastically. “So you have jokes, interesting.” “Really, who are you?” “I’m going to leave that up to you.” “Seriously” He lifts her head and stares at her until his lips falls into her. Tess closes her eyes and grab his head moving closer to him. She opens her eyes and pushes him off of her. She turns and walk towards Jen with her mouth open. Jen slowly claps with a dirty smirk. “Stop it Jen.” “Wow you really getting into your character tonight.” “You saw that” “Yea, mystery man laying one on you. I also saw you laying it back.” “Jen.” “I’m just saying maybe you should keep the outfit.” “That’s not fair, he caught me off guard. I’m going to tell him that it’s not ok to go around kissing strangers.” “Cool, when are you going to do it?” “I’m going to do it right now.” “Sound great but I should tell you that mystery man is gone.” Tess turns around and he is nowhere to be found. “What the hell.” “So that being your first kiss and all, how was it?” “Can we not talk about this right now?” Tess looks around the room to see people crowding the staircase. A guy with a cape walks upstairs. “You want to go upstairs?” “Why would you want to go there?” “Well, you know, the cool kids might be up there. We can see if Carla is having any fun.” Jen just smiles and takes Tess’s hand. As They go upstairs there are people making out all over the walls. This one guy is trying to give his tongue away. They move them out of the way to move another out of the way. Half way upstairs this couple falls on top of them forcing them to push them off but the couple is still making out. Two more couple at the top of the stairs also fall on them. Tess squeeze through them as Jen crawl under them. They take a deep breath as they make it to the second floor and sees three room. Tess turns around and look at Jen as she points to the door in front of them. Tess walks over to it and pause. Tess takes a deep breath and turns around to Jen. Jen pushes Tess out of the way and opens the door. When she open the door, two people are lying top of one another naked. It is the same cheerleader that kissed the mirror in the restroom earlier. Jen laughs uncontrollably. “Close that damn door,” the cheerleader yells as she covers herself with her blanket. “Hanna, I’m going to tell that mirror where your lips has been.” says Jen as she kisses at her. “Looks like they wanna join.” says the guy. Hanna slaps him and looks at him with disgust. Jen takes a picture and the cheerleader throws a pillow at them. They quickly close the door and start laughing as Jen gives Tess a high five. “This is definitely going on facebook.” says Jen as she goes through her phone. Tess looks around and all the people that were making out are gone. Tess pats Jen on her shoulder and Jen looks up. Jen shrugs her shoulder as a dark figure in a cloak runs in the background. Jen screams for a second while jumping back making Tess scream as well. “What the hell was that Jen?” “Someone is creeping around.” “Well let's go then. I don’t have time for that.” “No, let’s kick their asses.” Jen walks towards the end of the hall. The floor is making this noise that pierces through the music. Jen stops by the second door and takes a deep breath. She kicks in the door but all there is a bed with an arm sticking out of it. Tess runs over to it pulling it out from under the bed and this guy rolls saying hi to her. She chokes a little on her own puke because of the smell that is coming from him. Jen takes another picture and laughs as Tess throws the guy off of her until the music stop playing. Tess and Jen looks at one another and leave the room. They look down stairs to see that the room is empty, even the DJ is missing. “Hello!” Jen yells with her hands making a cone. They look at each other as their hearts starts to race. The sound of glass shattering come from the last room down the hall. They approach the last door and it's opened slightly. Jen turns around as Tess grabs her grunting, stomping her feet, and pointing at the door. Jen looks at her buck eyed and gives her the finger. Tess rolls her eyes and walk towards the door. She looks through the cracks of the door to only have a guy in a zombie mask jump out the room yelling. She screams and falls to the ground. Jen starts running towards her but the guy from the second room grabs her from behind and covers her face with a bag. Tess is on the ground with the green eyed zombie standing over her. He roars and cover her face with a bag as well. Tess kicks him with all her might as he throws her legs out of the way like they are paper. He pick her up and throw her over his shoulders while she is punching his back. The two guys carry Jen and Tess down stairs. Jen yells when one of the guys drop her on the ground. Tess screams as well. It smells like rotten eggs. The two guys tie Jen and Tess up together. “Tess, are you ok?” “Yea, I’m fine.” “How about you?” “I hit my head that’s all.” Someone takes the bags off of their faces and they see all the people from the party laughing at them. Carla comes running down the stairs. “I’m calling the police, Peter.” “Go ahead, they don’t care about her.” Carla runs back upstairs. “Look here… Tess, how you doing?” asks Peter. On her list of reasons why she hates this town, Peter would make it at number one. “You know the people of the this town don’t like you, you know that, right?” The crowd goes crazy. “There ain’t nothing right about the Wright family. You don’t deserve that name.” Peter gets about two inches from her face smiling looking her up and down. “What the hell is wrong with you?” says Jen. “The Wright family is what's wrong with me. It’s about time you left this town like your uncle and your father and your mother.” The crowd is screaming get out. “Screw you, Peter,” says Jen. Someone in the crowd throws a candy at Jen. “I’m not talking to you yet, you freak. Wait your turn.” Tess starts to cry. “Oh, there it is, that's what I want to see. Is everybody ready?” The crowd goes wild. Peter picks up a rock to throw at her. “Hey man that’s enough. I mean we scared her and she’s crying.” “No one asked you Jackson.” “Whatever man.” Peter raises his arm. “What are you doing, Peter,” says Josh as he catches his arm. The whole room goes quiet. “I see, I’ve been gone for too long if you think you can do this and not answer for it.” “Get your hands off me,” says Peter as he pulls away from Josh. “Come on tough guy, you want us gone, right,? Then fight me.” The crowd starts to leave. “What’s going on down here?” asks Jack. “Is there a problem, officer?” says Peter “That’s what I’m asking you.” Jack looks around and sees Jen and Tess tied up. “I think you’ll need to leave this house now.” “What are you going to do, arrest me?” Jack quickly rushes over to Peter, knocks him on the ground and puts him in handcuffs. “Does anyone else want to test me.” The crowd runs away. “Well, well, an officer making an arrest. Things have changed around here,” says Josh as he starts to run away. “Josh,” Tess yells. “Are you two ok,” asks Jack. “Yes, thank you. Most officers wouldn’t care for little parties like this.” “Yeah, why is that? The hell is wrong with this town?” Jack looks at Jen bleeding. “I need to take you to a doctor, come on.” Jack takes Peter and Jen away. “Are you going to be ok.” “I’m fine.” “Well, let me take you home anyway.”
Jack takes everyone away in his car. While they are in the car it is silent. Tess is looking at Jack and he is staring out of the window. And in that moment she feels a connection between her and Jack. There is something about Jack that makes her feel safe. It wasn’t just that he looks good with his grey eyes. It is that fact that he feels like a good person. Someone she could trust. “Thank you, Jack.” “You already said that,” Peter muttered under his breath. “Hey shut up! And don’t worry, I’m just doing my job.” “Hey, how did you get to us so fast?” “Oh, I was in the area.” “Creep,” says Peter. Jack looks back in the rearview mirror. “Hey what's your name?” “Me? Oh Jen.” “Jen, can you hit him for me.” Jen smiles and hits Peter between his legs. Peter yelps in pain. “Not there- Jesus, you ok kid?” Peter lays down in the back of the car. “Well at least he won’t be saying anything for a while.” Tess laughs. “So what was you doing in the area?” Tess ask. “Nothing, just checking up on some kids. I couldn’t get it off of my mind ever since some guys at the station were talking about it.” “Do you have any kids?” “There you go with those personal questions again.” He paused for a while before answering. “No I don’t have any kids. Why you ask?” “Well, you seem pretty protective for a man without kids.” “Ain't that what cops do?” “Have you seen the cops of this town?” “That’s a good point.” Jack continues to stare out of the window. “Where did you say you were from again?” “I never said I was from anywhere.” Tess smiles. “Old man.” “What was that?” “Oh nothing. If you don’t have any kids that means you're not marry right?” “Right, right. I’m not.” The car returns to silence. He pulls up to her house and she see the most random thing she could have seen. It is her mother’s car. “Oh my god Tess are you going to be ok?” asks Jen. “Yeah, I’m good.” “No, I'm going in with you.” “Hey, you need to see a doctor.” says Jack. “I’m fine just take that jerk away.” says Jen. Tess slams the door on Jack with his hands in the air. She open the rear door to let out Jen and she embraces her. Tess heart is running a thousand miles on her way to the door. “What took you so long?” says Josh as she walks in the house. “How did you get here so fast?” “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.” “I do want an answer. That’s why I asked it. ” “Stop stalling, mom’s in the kitchen.” Josh walks up the stairs to his room. “Jen, you go upstairs too. I’m just going to talk with her.” Jen hugs her and walks up the stairs. Tess walks into the kitchen with her heart still beating and there’s her mother in the refrigerator fixing up a drink. Tess rocks back and forth as she clenches her fists. She mumbles under her breath. “Mom.”
© 2017 Terry Jones |
Added on July 2, 2017 Last Updated on July 2, 2017 Author![]() Terry JonesYonkers , NYAboutI consider myself to be a mellow person. So that being said I would to get to know people and their writing, I would also like the same in return. more..Writing